12 research outputs found

    Climate change impact on the future performance of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings : a case study base analysis

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    Considering buildings large share of Europe's final energy consumption and CO2 emissions, the concept of nearly zero-energy building (NZEB) has received considerable attention. However, the changes in the performance of an NZEB due to climate change has not been studied sufficiently. This paper investigates the effects of climate change on the energy performance of NZEBs in different climatic zones in Italy, for the mid-term (2050s) and the long-term (2080s) periods. The results indicate that climate change affects the energy balance of the NZEBs, while the extent varies among different climatic regions and time periods

    IEA EBC Annex 80 - Dynamic simulation guideline for the performance testing of resilient cooling strategies: Version 2

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    The objective of Annex 80 is to develop, assess and communicate solutions for resilient cooling. The systematic assessment of resilient cooling strategies is one of the main activities of Annex 80. The previous approach for assessing the resilience of cooling strategies is mainly based on qualitative comparison and based on results from individual research, which lacks common boundary conditions and universal indicators for resilience evaluation. This study aims to provide a consistent approach for assessing the resilience of different cooling strategies by dynamic simulation. Various cooling strategies will be tested on the reference buildings under present and future weather conditions in different climate zones, and proposed key performance indicators will be applied to evaluate summertime overheating risk and climate resistance of cooling strategies.02IEA Annex 80 – Resilient Cooling of Building

    IEA EBC Annex 80 - Dynamic simulation guideline for the performance testing of resilient cooling strategies

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    The objective of Annex 80 is to develop, assess and communicate solutions for resilient cooling. The systematic assessment of resilient cooling strategies is one of the main activities of Annex 80. As stated in Annex Text: Activity B.1 includes a systematic assessment of potential benefits, limitations and performance indicators of resilient cooling systems under a wide range of application scenarios and other boundary conditions. We generate Resilient Cooling ‘Technology Profiles’ to clearly summarize and promote the operational characteristics and benefits of each technology/system. Recommendations for good implementation, commissioning and operation are being developed. Barriers to application and further research opportunities are being identified, which will inform research activities of Subtask B. The previous approach for assessing the resilience of cooling strategies is mainly based on qualitative comparison and based on results from individual research, which lacks common boundary conditions and universal indicators for resilience evaluation. This study aims to provide a consistent approach for assessing the resilience of different cooling strategies by dynamic simulation. Various cooling strategies will be tested on the reference buildings under present and future weather conditions in different climate zones, and proposed key performance indicators will be applied to evaluate summertime overheating risk and climate resistance of cooling strategies.IEA Annex 80 – Resilient Cooling of Building

    Assessing the Climate Resilience of Passive Cooling Solutions for Italian Residential Buildings

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    One of the most significant repercussions of greenhouse gas concentration increase has been the global rise in temperature, resulting in drastic changes in the climate. According to this background, buildings are not only contributing to climate change, but they are also being affected by it, as climate change will raise the risk of overheating and cooling demand in buildings. Therefore, assessing and communicating resilient cooling and overheating protection solutions is inexorable. This paper aims to analyse the energy efficiency and climate resiliency of three passive cooling solutions for Italian residential buildings in future climates. Simulations have been performed using EnergyPlus for the pre-retrofitted condition (without insulation and conventional heating and cooling systems) and the retrofitted building (with insulation and a reversible heat pump for heating and cooling). Results show that buildings will be subject to an increase in cooling loads, electrical energy consumption for cooling, and overheating risk due to climate change. The ultra-selective double-glazed window is found to be more climate-resilient in comparison with roller blind and cool roof tiles. Besides, combining these three cooling technologies can guarantee the best future energy performance for each period. However, the overheating risk during the power outage still exists, especially for the post-retrofitted building. These findings have significant implications for understanding how analyzing multiple factors is essential to guarantee the climate resilience of cooling systems in a holistic way

    L’effetto del raffrescamento con ventilazione meccanica sulla prestazione degli edifici residenziali italiani nel contesto del cambiamento climatico

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    La concentrazione dei gas serra nell’atmosfera è in continuo aumento dal 2011, secondo il 5° e il 6° report dell’Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change. Una ripercussione significativa è l’aumento della temperatura a livello globale, che determina variazioni climatiche rilevanti. Gli edifici non solo contribuiscono al cambiamento climatico – rappresentando il 32% del consumo energetico complessivo – ma sono anche influenzati da esso, poiché il cambiamento climatico è causa del surriscaldamento e del conseguente aumento della domanda di energia per il raffrescamento. La valutazione e l’implementazione di soluzioni tecnologiche resilienti ai cambiamenti climatici risulta perciò indispensabile. L’articolo analizza l’efficienza energetica e la resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici di un edificio-tipo residenziale italiano, applicando un sistema di raffrescamento con ventilazione meccanica. Le simulazioni numeriche sono state condotte con EnergyPlus, sia sull’edificio esistente non isolato termicamente e con impianti termici tradizionali, sia sull’edificio ristrutturato isolato termicamente e con pompa di calore. I risultati mostrano che sotto l’effetto del cambiamento climatico aumenta considerevolmente il fabbisogno di energia per il raffrescamento. L’effetto della ventilazione meccanica sulla riduzione del fabbisogno varia tra il 13% e il 40% per il caso analizzato. Questa strategia mostra anche una significativa riduzione del rischio di surriscaldamento (fino al 70%) nel 2080

    Analysing the future energy performance of residential buildings in the most populated Italian climatic zone: A study of climate change impacts

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    There is growing concern that global warming will change the building's performance pattern in the future. This paper investigates the effects of climate changes on the heating and cooling energy demand, the overall energy performance and the overheating risk of typical residential buildings (existing and refurbished) in the biggest city of the most populated Italian climatic zone, Milan. The widely used morphing methodology was adapted for creating future weather data for different scenarios. Energy performance analysis was carried out using dynamic simulation for the near term (2021–2040)​ and the long term (2081–2099) periods. The results show decreases in heating energy demand up to 30.9%, intense increases in cooling energy demand, up to 255.1% and significant increases of overheating risk up to 155%. In addition, the effect of refurbishment on each parameter is also analysed and reported. The research demonstrates that climate change causes a paradigm shift in the building energy performance, while the magnitude of climate change impact is not equal for different building types, time periods, insulation levels, and future weather scenarios. Therefore, climate change must be considered for future energy performance assessment of buildings


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    International audienceThis paper proposes a methodology to reconstruct meteorological files to be used as input data for building simulations and focused on extreme future heatwaves. Built from CORDEX data, these files have been developed for twelve cities around the world, distributed according to the ASHRAE zone classification. These weather files will be useful to compare different cooling solutions and analyze the building thermal resilience to overheating in future extreme periods.Cet article présente une méthodologie développée pour reconstituer des fichiers météorologiques comprenant des vagues de chaleur futures extrêmes comme données d'entrée pour les simulations thermiques dynamiques de bâtiments. Des fichiers ont été développés pour douze villes dans le monde, réparties selon la classification des zones de l'ASHRAE à partir de données CORDEX. Ces fichiers météorologiques peuvent être utilisés pour comparer différentes solutions de rafraîchissement et analyser la résilience thermique du bâtiment à la surchauffe dans des périodes extrêmes futures


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    International audienceThis paper proposes a methodology to reconstruct meteorological files to be used as input data for building simulations and focused on extreme future heatwaves. Built from CORDEX data, these files have been developed for twelve cities around the world, distributed according to the ASHRAE zone classification. These weather files will be useful to compare different cooling solutions and analyze the building thermal resilience to overheating in future extreme periods.Cet article présente une méthodologie développée pour reconstituer des fichiers météorologiques comprenant des vagues de chaleur futures extrêmes comme données d'entrée pour les simulations thermiques dynamiques de bâtiments. Des fichiers ont été développés pour douze villes dans le monde, réparties selon la classification des zones de l'ASHRAE à partir de données CORDEX. Ces fichiers météorologiques peuvent être utilisés pour comparer différentes solutions de rafraîchissement et analyser la résilience thermique du bâtiment à la surchauffe dans des périodes extrêmes futures