4,039 research outputs found

    Scaling behavior of thin films on chemically heterogeneous walls

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    We study the adsorption of a fluid in the grand canonical ensemble occurring at a planar heterogeneous wall which is decorated with a chemical stripe of width L . We suppose that the material of the stripe strongly preferentially adsorbs the liquid in contrast to the outer material which is only partially wet. This competition leads to the nucleation of a droplet of liquid on the stripe, the height h m and shape of which (at bulk two-phase coexistence) has been predicted previously using mesoscopic interfacial Hamiltonian theory. We test these predictions using a microscopic Fundamental Measure Density Functional Theory which incorporates short-ranged fluid-fluid and fully long-ranged wall-fluid interactions. Our model functional accurately describes packing effects not captured by the interfacial Hamiltonian but still we show that there is excellent agreement with the predictions h m ≈ L 1 / 2 and for the scaled circular shape of the drop even for L as small as 50 molecular diameters. For smaller stripes the droplet height is considerably lower than that predicted by the mesoscopic interfacial theory. Phase transitions for droplet configurations occurring on substrates with multiple stripes are also discussed

    Critical effects and scaling at meniscus osculation transitions

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    We propose a simple scaling theory describing critical effects at rounded meniscus osculation transitions which occur when the Laplace radius of a condensed macroscopic drop of liquid coincides with the local radius of curvature R w in a confining parabolic geometry. We argue that the exponent β osc characterizing the scale of the interfacial height ℓ 0 ∝ R β osc w at osculation, for large R w , falls into two regimes representing fluctuation-dominated and mean-field-like behavior, respectively. These two regimes are separated by an upper critical dimension, which is determined here explicitly and depends on the range of the intermolecular forces. In the fluctuation-dominated regime, representing the universality class of systems with short-range forces, the exponent is related to the value of the interfacial wandering exponent ζ by β osc = 3 ζ / ( 4 − ζ ) . In contrast, in the mean-field regime, which was not previously identified and which occurs for systems with longer-range forces (and higher dimensions), the exponent β osc takes the same value as the exponent β co s for complete wetting, which is determined directly by the intermolecular forces. The prediction β osc = 3 / 7 in d = 2 for systems with short-range forces (corresponding to ζ = 1 / 2 ) is confirmed using an interfacial Hamiltonian model which determines the exact scaling form for the decay of the interfacial height probability distribution function. A numerical study in d = 3 , based on a microscopic model density-functional theory, determines that β osc ≈ β co s ≈ 0.326 close to the predicted value of 1 / 3 appropriate to the mean-field regime for dispersion forces

    Meniscus osculation and adsorption on geometrically structured walls

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    We study the adsorption of simple fluids at smoothly structured, completely wet walls and show that a meniscus osculation transition occurs when the Laplace and geometrical radii of curvature of locally parabolic regions coincide. Macroscopically, the osculation transition is of fractional, 7 2 , order and separates regimes in which the adsorption is microscopic, containing only a thin wetting layer, and mesoscopic, in which a meniscus exists. We develop a scaling theory for the rounding of the transition due to thin wetting layers and derive critical exponent relations that determine how the interfacial height scales with the geometrical radius of curvature. Connection with the general geometric construction proposed by Rascón and Parry is made. Our predictions are supported by a microscopic model density functional theory for drying at a sinusoidally shaped hard wall where we confirm the order of the transition and also an exact sum rule for the generalized contact theorem due to Upton. We show that as bulk coexistence is approached the adsorption isotherm separates into three regimes: A preosculation regime where it is microscopic, containing only a thin wetting layer; a mesoscopic regime, in which a meniscus sits within the troughs; and finally another microscopic regime where the liquid-gas interface unbinds from the crests of the substrate

    Enhancement of Radiotherapy Planning Quality for Patients with Implantable Electronic Devices

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    Nowadays radiological physicists increasingly face with the problem of artifactcorrupted planning computed tomography images. Such artifacts caused by a metal case of cardiac devices. The purpose of the research was to apply the artifacts reduction method in order to provide qualitative irradiation planning as well as accurately calculate the dose in the devices. The results obtained in this work are essential for radiological physicists to avoid cardiac devices being damaged during radiotherapy. Keywords: Artifacts reduction, radiation therapy, implantable devic

    Penetrating particle ANalyzer (PAN)

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    PAN is a scientific instrument suitable for deep space and interplanetary missions. It can precisely measure and monitor the flux, composition, and direction of highly penetrating particles (>> \sim100 MeV/nucleon) in deep space, over at least one full solar cycle (~11 years). The science program of PAN is multi- and cross-disciplinary, covering cosmic ray physics, solar physics, space weather and space travel. PAN will fill an observation gap of galactic cosmic rays in the GeV region, and provide precise information of the spectrum, composition and emission time of energetic particle originated from the Sun. The precise measurement and monitoring of the energetic particles is also a unique contribution to space weather studies. PAN will map the flux and composition of penetrating particles, which cannot be shielded effectively, precisely and continuously, providing valuable input for the assessment of the related health risk, and for the development of an adequate mitigation strategy. PAN has the potential to become a standard on-board instrument for deep space human travel. PAN is based on the proven detection principle of a magnetic spectrometer, but with novel layout and detection concept. It will adopt advanced particle detection technologies and industrial processes optimized for deep space application. The device will require limited mass (~20 kg) and power (~20 W) budget. Dipole magnet sectors built from high field permanent magnet Halbach arrays, instrumented in a modular fashion with high resolution silicon strip detectors, allow to reach an energy resolution better than 10\% for nuclei from H to Fe at 1 GeV/n