164 research outputs found

    The GRAAL Project

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    26th International Cosmic Ray Conference Salt Lake City, Utah August 17-25,1999The GRAAL Project (Gamma Ray Astronomy at ALmeria) makes use of the CESA-1 heliostat field at the “Plataforma Solar de Almeria” (Spain) as a gamma-ray telescope with an energy threshold of about 100 GeV. Cherenkov light generated by EAS is reflected by the heliostats and collected into photomultipliers (PMTs) with nonimaging secondary optics. Each PMT collects the light reflected by 13 - 18 heliostats of 40 m2 using a Winston cone. After successful tests with two collecting cones, a more advanced setup on a dedicated platform, using four collectors and 63 heliostats (total reflecting area of about 2500 m2 ) is being installed. A description of this setup together with Monte Carlo results about its excellent capabilities in the precise determination of pulse arrival times are presented

    Más allá del individualismo: el tercer sector en el Perú

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    Analiza el surgimiento y creciente visibilidad de las organizaciones privadas sin fines de lucro (OPSFL) en el Perú durante las dos últimas décadas. Las OPSFL poseen una lógica de operación diferente a la del Estado, que busca proporcionar bienestar público; y al de la empresa, que está orientada hacia la búsqueda del lucro y el beneficio privado. Por el contrario, éstas son entidades que, a pesar de su carácter privado, se dirigen a satisfacer necesidades colectivas o de interés público. La emergencia de este tipo de organizaciones no sólo se da en nuestro país o a nivel de América Latina, por el contrario, se da a escala mundial impactando y redefiniendo significativamente las formas de relacionarse entre el Estado y la sociedad civil. Se asocian a labores de ayuda humanitaria, esparcimiento, capacitación y desarrollo ciudadano, realizadas por hospitales, centros deportivos y culturales, asilos, organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG), centros educativos y universidades, comedores populares, clubes de madres, entre muchas otras organizaciones.Analiza el surgimiento y creciente visibilidad de las organizaciones privadas sin fines de lucro (OPSFL) en el Perú durante las dos últimas décadas. Las OPSFL poseen una lógica de operación diferente a la del Estado, que busca proporcionar bienestar público; y al de la empresa, que está orientada hacia la búsqueda del lucro y el beneficio privado. Por el contrario, éstas son entidades que, a pesar de su carácter privado, se dirigen a satisfacer necesidades colectivas o de interés público. La emergencia de este tipo de organizaciones no sólo se da en nuestro país o a nivel de América Latina, por el contrario, se da a escala mundial impactando y redefiniendo significativamente las formas de relacionarse entre el Estado y la sociedad civil. Se asocian a labores de ayuda humanitaria, esparcimiento, capacitación y desarrollo ciudadano, realizadas por hospitales, centros deportivos y culturales, asilos, organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG), centros educativos y universidades, comedores populares, clubes de madres, entre muchas otras organizaciones

    Capital social y democracia: explorando normas, valores y redes sociales en el Perú

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    Propone estudiar el funcionamiento de la sociedad civil peruana desde la perspectiva del capital social, concepto cuyo uso se ha conocido durante la última década tanto en el campo académico como en el de los organismos multilaterales. Contiene cuatro capítulos. En el primero, se examina críticamente la compleja trayectoria que ha seguido el concepto de capital social desde que comenzó a ser empleado en las Ciencias Sociales. El segundo capítulo, analiza las características y limitaciones más importantes de un tipo de organizaciones voluntarias que encuentran en los valores religiosos de la caridad cristiana su principal fuente de inspiración. El tercero estudia las estrategias colectivas y el tipo de liderazgo que desarrollan las organizaciones vecinales en su búsqueda por conseguir una vivienda digna. El cuarto capítulo intenta identificar los principales obstáculos que enfrentan las Comunidades Locales de Administración de Salud para conseguir que la población participe y esté adecuadamente representada en la gestión de este tipo de establecimientos. Finalmente, se formulan algunas reflexiones a la luz de los capítulos anteriores

    Autonomic Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Autonomic computing (AC) is a promising approach to meet basic requirements in the design of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and its principles can be applied to efficiently manage nodes operation and optimize network resources. Middleware for WSNs supports the implementation and basic operation of such networks. In this systematic literature review (SLR) we aim to provide an overview of existing WSN middleware systems that address autonomic properties. The main goal is to identify which development approaches of AC are used for designing WSN middleware system, which allow the self-management of WSN. Another goal is finding out which interactions and behavior can be automated in WSN components. We drew the following main conclusions from the SLR results: (i) the selected studies address WSN concerns according to the self-* properties of AC, namely, self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection; (ii) the selected studies use different approaches for managing the dynamic behavior of middleware systems for WSN, such as policy-based reasoning, context-based reasoning, feedback control loops, mobile agents, model transformations, and code generation. Finally, we identified a lack of comprehensive system architecture designs that support the autonomy of sensor networking

    Parámetros Electrocardiográficos en Terneros Holstein Criados en la Altura y a Nivel del Mar

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    The aim of the study was to compare the electrocardiographic parameters of clinically healthy Holstein calves raised in the high altitude (3827 m) and at sea level (175 m). Parameters under evaluation were rate, rhythm, size and morphology of the waves, segments and intervals and cardiac axis. The tests were performed in an upright position at an amplitude of 1 mV/cm and speed of 25 mm/sec, using the bipolar (I, II, III) and unipolar (AVL, AVR, and aVF) leads. The results showed that heart rate was 87.33 ± 9.77 and 127.40 ± 7.52 at high altitude and at sea level respectively. The heart rate at both locations were considered as regular normal sinus rhythm. The cardiac axis at high altitude was -120.1 ± 7.30° and at sea level was 63.7 ± 3.02°. It is concluded that there were statistical differences (p<0.05) in heart rate, size and morphology of the waves, intervals, segments and cardiac axis due to the physiological adaptation to the high altitudeEl propósito del estudio fue comparar los parámetros electrocardiográficos de terneros Holstein, clínicamente sanos, criados en la altura (3827 msnm) y a nivel del mar (175 msnm). Se evaluó la frecuencia, ritmo, tamaño y morfología de las ondas, segmentos e intervalos y el eje cardíaco. Los exámenes se realizaron en posición erguida, a una amplitud de 1 mV/cm y a velocidad de 25 mm/seg, utilizándose las derivaciones bipolares (I, II, III) y unipolares (avL, avR y avF). Los resultados reflejaron que la frecuencia cardíaca en la altura y a nivel del mar fue de 87.33 ± 9.77 y de 127.40 ± 7.52 latidos por minuto, respectivamente. El ritmo cardíaco en la altura y a nivel del mar tuvo como característica un ritmo regular sinusal normal. El eje cardíaco en la altura fue de -120.1 ± 7.30° y a nivel del mar de 63.7 ± 3.02°. Se concluye que existen diferencias estadísticas en frecuencia cardíaca, tamaño y morfología de las ondas, intervalos, segmentos y el eje cardíaco en los terneros de la altura y a nivel del mar (p<0.05), producto de la adaptación fisiológica a niveles altitudinales mayores

    Design of financial incentive interventions to improve lifestyle behaviors and health outcomes: A systematic review [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Background: Financial incentives may improve the initiation and engagement of behaviour change that reduce the negative outcomes associated with non-communicable diseases. There is still a paucity in guidelines or recommendations that help define key aspects of incentive-oriented interventions, including the type of incentive (e.g. cash rewards, vouchers), the frequency and magnitude of the incentive, and its mode of delivery. We aimed to systematically review the literature on financial incentives that promote healthy lifestyle behaviours or improve health profiles, and focused on the methodological approach to define the incentive intervention and its delivery. The protocol was registered at PROSPERO on 26 July 2018 (CRD42018102556). Methods: We sought studies in which a financial incentive was delivered to improve a health-related lifestyle behaviour (e.g., physical activity) or a health profile (e.g., HbA1c in people with diabetes). The search (which took place on March 3rd 2018) was conducted using OVID (MEDLINE and Embase), CINAHL and Scopus. Results: The search yielded 7,575 results and 37 were included for synthesis. Of the total, 83.8% (31/37) of the studies were conducted in the US, and 40.5% (15/37) were randomised controlled trials. Only one study reported the background and rationale followed to develop the incentive and conducted a focus group to understand what sort of incentives would be acceptable for their study population. There was a degree of consistency across the studies in terms of the direction, form, certainty, and recipient of the financial incentives used, but the magnitude and immediacy of the incentives were heterogeneous. Conclusions: The available literature on financial incentives to improve health-related lifestyles rarely reports on the rationale or background that defines the incentive approach, the magnitude of the incentive and other relevant details of the intervention, and the reporting of this information is essential to foster its use as potential effective interventions

    Design of financial incentive interventions to improve lifestyle behaviors and health outcomes: A systematic review [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Financial incentives may improve the initiation and engagement of behaviour change that reduce the negative outcomes associated with non-communicable diseases. There is still a paucity in guidelines or recommendations that help define key aspects of incentive-oriented interventions, including the type of incentive (e.g. cash rewards, vouchers), the frequency and magnitude of the incentive, and its mode of delivery. We aimed to systematically review the literature on financial incentives that promote healthy lifestyle behaviours or improve health profiles, and focused on the methodological approach to define the incentive intervention and its delivery. The protocol was registered at PROSPERO on 26 July 2018 (CRD42018102556). Methods: We sought studies in which a financial incentive was delivered to improve a health-related lifestyle behaviour (e.g., physical activity) or a health profile (e.g., HbA1c in people with diabetes). The search (which took place on March 3rd 2018) was conducted using OVID (MEDLINE and Embase), CINAHL and Scopus. Results: The search yielded 7,575 results and 37 were included for synthesis. Of the total, 83.8% (31/37) of the studies were conducted in the US, and 40.5% (15/37) were randomised controlled trials. Only one study reported the background and rationale followed to develop the incentive and conducted a focus group to understand what sort of incentives would be acceptable for their study population. There was a degree of consistency across the studies in terms of the direction, form, certainty, and recipient of the financial incentives used, but the magnitude and immediacy of the incentives were heterogeneous. Conclusions: The available literature on financial incentives to improve health-related lifestyles rarely reports on the rationale or background that defines the incentive approach, the magnitude of the incentive and other relevant details of the intervention, and the reporting of this information is essential to foster its use as potential effective interventions

    Monitoramento hidrológico em voçoroca submetida a práticas mecânicas e vegetativas: Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro Galeão/Antônio Carlos Jobim.

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    O desenvolvimento desta dissertação está vinculado ao projeto de RAD (recuperação de áreas degradadas) do Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro, sendo seu objeto o processo de recuperação da voçoroca do Morro do Radar. Através da realização de uma investigação do comportamento hidrológico desta voçoroca após a implantação do projeto, buscou-se fornecer informações que possam constituir um subsídio à avaliação dos efeitos das práticas adotadas A metodologia utilizada compreendeu seis etapas: avaliação das variações da topografia local; monitoramento da precipitação; monitoramento da intercepção das chuvas promovida pelas copas arbóreas e pela serrapilheira; avaliação das propriedades fisico-hídricas dos solos em diferentes profundidades; avaliação dos potenciais matriciais e das cargas totais nos solos nas mesmas profundidades, através de gráficos e construção de mapas de equipotenciais; avaliação da relação entre os condicionantes locais e o desempenho das práticas de RAD. Os valores de intercepção pelas copas arbóreas e pela serrapilheira revelaram uma proteção eficaz do solo contra o impacto direto das águas pluviais. Os resultados de condutividade hidráulica mostraram uma boa relação com o comportamento das cargas de pressão e totais. Com relação à expansão e contração da zona de saturação, observou-se que a umidade antecedente está condicionando de forma decisiva o processo de expansão. Foi encontrada também ao longo de todas as discussões grande influência da topografia sobre os processos de recuperação, o que indica a importância do planejamento adequado da reconformação do talude. As áreas com menores declives apresentaram uma recuperação proporcionalmente mais rápida, o que se relacionou tanto ao estabelecimento da cobertura vegetal e à incorporação de serrapilheira, quanto à própria dinâmica hidro-erosiva inerente.bitstream/item/88639/1/bpd42-2004aeroporto-tom-jobim.pd

    Aspectos hidrológicos e mecânicos da vegetação na estabilidade de taludes e encostas naturais.

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