16 research outputs found


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    Conflict, regarded from the perspective of labor, is a topic amply debated lately by a variety of national and international authors. The added value of this article lies in the fact that conflict situations have been approached by means of their impact on employment, but also on health. Beside a theoretical presentation, the article highlights the evolution - recorded during a sufficiently long period of time - of the claims triggering conflicts and strikes, making a presentation of the nature, direction and intensity of the connection between the number of conflicts and employment, using simple linear regression, but also a presentation of the results of the opinion polls carried out by Eurofound concerning the attitude of the Europeans in relation to conflict. The general hypothesis of our paper starts from the premise according to which conflict situations amplify the misbalance on the labor market, but also trigger effects regarding the physical and psychological health of the people. The conclusions of the research underline the fact that anticipation of conflict situations has beneficial effects on employment, on a micro and macroeconomic level


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    The world is a dangerous place, offering people less safe conditions to live, to develop, to work and to perform. The organizations are also under a lot of pressure and stressor factors. Yet, the employees must work, communicate, interrelate and obtain performance and organizations competitive advantage. The article analyze the main stressor factors which are influencing the individual and the organization activity, the different causes of stress appearance and its negative influence over the normal activity of employees. It also analyze the best practices which may be implemented by the organization in order to reduce the impact of stress and obtain performance This article suggests some ways of minimizing the stress appearance, by implementing efficient measures at strategic level, such as implementing efficient regulation and procedures, developing efficient programs of communication, creating a strong organizational culture and implicating the management function in solving the problems and finding pertinent solutions


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    Abstract The quality of the Romanian vegetable production is currently of a great importance as far as alimentation, horticultural economy and commerce with such perishable products because that determines competition on both internal and external market and, implicitly, the maintaining of the market for Romanian products in the contex

    La durabilité telle qu’elle apparaît dans la relation entre le systeme socio-économique et le capital naturel

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    Durability of the relation between the socio-economic system and the natural capitalAll the systems that are part of the natural capital preserve the resources’ and the services’ productive function. This function relies on the fundamental ecological processes. This explains why the energy flow coming from the radiant solar energy, which is free, just as the recycling of the food components that ensure the fundamental mechanism for the maintenance of the bio-geo-chemical circuits are essential elements in the structure of the natural capital. At the same time, we consider that the maintenance of the spatial and temporal organization of the productive function and the control of the dynamics of these ecological systems are achieved only if the human populations’ direct and considerable intervention is ensured in a permanent and harmless way. Given the strict dependence on the direct and complex intervention of the human populations, associated with an auxiliary flow of energy produced in the energy conversion systems, we can state that these ecological systems present structural and functional features characteristic of the human systems and, consequently, we consider them as part and parcel of the socio-economic systems as well. In fact, a third of the agro-systems are intensive and super-intensive productive structures that demand a very high energetic input of up to 10 kcal/m2 per year; this is why such ecological systems can be considered components of the capital controlled by the human populations. Finally, we consider that these ecological systems represent components of the natural capital, dominated and controlled by the human populations and, consequently, we can affirm that they are subordinated from a structural and functional viewpoint to the development strategies of the socioeconomic system, which demonstrates that they are practically integrated in the socio-economic system.Durability of the relation between the socio-economic system and the natural capitalAll the systems that are part of the natural capital preserve the resources’ and the services’ productive function. This function relies on the fundamental ecological processes. This explains why the energy flow coming from the radiant solar energy, which is free, just as the recycling of the food components that ensure the fundamental mechanism for the maintenance of the bio-geo-chemical circuits are essential elements in the structure of the natural capital. At the same time, we consider that the maintenance of the spatial and temporal organization of the productive function and the control of the dynamics of these ecological systems are achieved only if the human populations’ direct and considerable intervention is ensured in a permanent and harmless way. Given the strict dependence on the direct and complex intervention of the human populations, associated with an auxiliary flow of energy produced in the energy conversion systems, we can state that these ecological systems present structural and functional features characteristic of the human systems and, consequently, we consider them as part and parcel of the socio-economic systems as well. In fact, a third of the agro-systems are intensive and super-intensive productive structures that demand a very high energetic input of up to 10 kcal/m2 per year; this is why such ecological systems can be considered components of the capital controlled by the human populations. Finally, we consider that these ecological systems represent components of the natural capital, dominated and controlled by the human populations and, consequently, we can affirm that they are subordinated from a structural and functional viewpoint to the development strategies of the socioeconomic system, which demonstrates that they are practically integrated in the socio-economic system


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    Abstract. Ginkgolide B (GKB), a natural substance belonging to the family of ginkgolides from Ginkgo biloba extracts, is acknowledged as a therapeutic drug having beneficial effects in neurological disorders or as a blood platelets antiaggregant. Because of the increasing interest in the mechanisms of interaction of the substance with various structures of living systems, we have proposed ourselves to follow up its effects on the artificial lipid membranes by studying the modifications induced by increasing concentrations of GKB in the electric properties of lipid membranes formed with diphytanoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) in the absence and in the presence of cholesterol. With this view two electrophysiological techniques have been used, the Black Lipid Membrane (BLM) and the Solid Supported Membrane (SSM) methods. Our results indicate that GKB binds to the lipid bilayers and that the presence of cholesterol does not influence significantly the affinity and the cooperativity of GKB binding, but leads to a decrease in the conductance as compared to the values in its absence


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    The environmental policy is the moving element for the implementation and improvement of a S.M.M. by which the companies can keep and improve the environmental performance. Therefore it is recommended that the environmental policy reflects at the highest degree the management commitment of the economic agent, to comply with legislation in force and seek the continuous improvement of the environmental performance. The environmental policy represents the foundation on which the organization lays in order to establish its general and specific environmental objectives. It is recommended for the environmental policy to be clear enough in order to be understood by the interested parties, both within the company and outside and to be analysed and revised periodically, so it reflects the modification of the conditions and information. Evaluating the compatibility between the activity of S.C. Arpechim and the ecological restrictions requires a global diagnostic based on 6 analysis grills. The purpose of the present work is of formulating that diagnostic

    An analysis of the Romanian labor market under the impact of the contemporary world’s problems using the regression function

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    Having as subject the labor market in the context of the contemporary world’s problems, this paper aims to make a theoretical and practical presentation of these concepts, which are relevant for the national and international literature. The first part, dealing with the state-of-the-art of the domain, aims to present these concepts from the perspective of many specialists in this field. The practical part of this article consists in a research based on the presentation of the labor market under the impact of the contemporary world’s problems. To support our line of reasoning, in our scientific approach we used a research based on the analysis of secondary sources, and as quantitative methods, we used: the simple linear regression and the public opinion poll. Among the contemporary world’s issues analyzed using the quantitative methods were: juvenile delinquency, violence against other peoples and population’s poverty rate. The hypothesis of this paper starts from the premise according to which lack of education generates intensification of the contemporary world’s problems, especially juvenile delinquency and poverty rate, these two having an impact upon the employment rate of the labor market, because potentially active people are convicted when referring to people above 18 years old and in special educational institutions when referring to people under 18. The most relevant conclusions of the research highlight the fact that between the labor market and the contemporary world’s problems there is interdependence, and not giving the appropriate importance to the contemporary world’s issues will generate irremediable difficulties in society

    Modelling discrete choice variables in assessment of teaching staff work satisfaction.

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    Levels of self-reported job satisfaction and motivation were measured by survey in a sample of 286 teachers. Using the discrete choice framework, the paper tries to assess the relevance of the considered indicators (demographic, social, motivational) in overall teaching work satisfaction. The findings provide evidence that job satisfaction is correlated significantly with level of university degree held by the teacher, type of secondary school where the teacher is enrolled, revenues, and salary-tasks adequacy. This is important for the Romanian economy, since the education system is expected to provide future human resources with enhanced skills and abilities

    Estimated Ordered <i>Probit</i> Model.

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    <p>The plot depicts the work satisfaction implied model for teacher with average characteristics (by taking into account the considered variables).</p