744 research outputs found

    A linear systems analysis of the yaw dynamics of a dynamically scaled insect model

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    Recent studies suggest that fruit flies use subtle changes to their wing motion to actively generate forces during aerial maneuvers. In addition, it has been estimated that the passive rotational damping caused by the flapping wings of an insect is around two orders of magnitude greater than that for the body alone. At present, however, the relationships between the active regulation of wing kinematics, passive damping produced by the flapping wings and the overall trajectory of the animal are still poorly understood. In this study, we use a dynamically scaled robotic model equipped with a torque feedback mechanism to study the dynamics of yaw turns in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Four plausible mechanisms for the active generation of yaw torque are examined. The mechanisms deform the wing kinematics of hovering in order to introduce asymmetry that results in the active production of yaw torque by the flapping wings. The results demonstrate that the stroke-averaged yaw torque is well approximated by a model that is linear with respect to both the yaw velocity and the magnitude of the kinematic deformations. Dynamic measurements, in which the yaw torque produced by the flapping wings was used in real-time to determine the rotation of the robot, suggest that a first-order linear model with stroke-average coefficients accurately captures the yaw dynamics of the system. Finally, an analysis of the stroke-average dynamics suggests that both damping and inertia will be important factors during rapid body saccades of a fruit fly

    Moser's estimates for degenerate Kolmogorov equations with non-negative divergence lower order coefficients

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    We prove Lloc 1e estimates for positive solutions to the following degenerate second order partial differential equation of Kolmogorov type with measurable coefficients of the form 11i,j=1m0 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@14c7905daij(x,t) 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@41a3b5feu(x,t)+ 11i,j=1Nbijxj 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@21dceba6u(x,t) 12 02tu(x,t)++ 11i=1m0bi(x,t) 02iu(x,t) 12 11i=1m0 02xjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@638b72d3ai(x,t)u(x,t)+c(x,t)u(x,t)=0 where (x,t)=(x1,\u2026,xN,t)=z is a point of RN+1, and 1 64m0 64N. (aij) is a uniformly positive symmetric matrix with bounded measurable coefficients, (bij) is a constant matrix. We apply the Moser's iteration method to prove the local boundedness of the solution u under minimal integrability assumption on the coefficients

    Aplicação foliar de fertilizante organo mineral e soluções de ácido húmico em soja sob plantio direto.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de produto à base de ácido húmico e da fração isolada sobre a produtividade de soja (Glycine max) em sistema de plantio direto no Cerrado.bitstream/CNPS-2010/14934/1/circtec35-2006-fertilizante.pd

    User-generated insight of Rio’s Rocinha favela tour: Authentic attraction or vulnerable living environment?

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    Urban transformations help shape new opportunities and create/re-create awareness in everyday living environments. It is not transformation in the infrastructural sense, but transformation in the form of a service industry producing socio-economic change that can result in inclusion and exclusion of people in the community—thus affecting the everyday living environment. Within this, we need to consider the tourist gaze and how users who visit/tour vulnerable living environments report perceptions of their experiences on forums such as TripAdvisor, which helps researchers frame understandings of commodification, opportunities/awareness and even authenticity (each addressed in this paper). This paper evaluates TripAdvisor posts of ‘Rio’s Rocinha Favela Tour’. In many respects, the notion of commodification, and even authenticity, runs through each theme, but the analysis and data posted to TripAdvisor challenges us to consider how a favela becomes a consumer product, or a tourist attraction. The Rocinha Favela tour is widely publicised to prospective visitors as a chance to experience a living and working favela. Given Rocinha has become a popular attraction in Rio, this leads to the second theme: opportunity or awareness. Opportunities do exist for people in the community to get involved in tourism, and turning the favela into a product helps shape and maintain awareness. The third theme builds on and relates to the previous two, but focuses more on the semblances of authenticity that emerges. To link the points highlighted in this paper, a discussion of soft power concerns relationships bonded through economic and cultural influence. Because favelas have become distinct attractions, it is cultural appeal and a different (residential) side of the city that persuades travellers to visit. Online and social media platforms for more than a decade now have played an important role today in projecting images and promoting authentic experiences based on user-perceptions, and this paper looks at how the users communicate their experiences

    CO2-assisted hydrolytic hydrogenation of cellulose and cellulose-based waste into sorbitol over commercial Ru/C

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    A single-step protocol was developed for the hydrolytic hydrogenation of microcrystalline cellulose into sorbitol over commercial carbon-supported Ru, in the presence of gaseous CO2 as an acid source and molecular hydrogen as a reductant. Under these conditions, cellulose was first hydrolysed to glucose by reversibly formed carbonic acid in water and then instantaneously hydrogenated on Ru/C. By tuning the reaction parameters, such as temperature, time and the relative pressure of CO2 and hydrogen gas, cellulose was fully converted at 220 & DEG;C in 18 h under 30 and 40 bar of H-2 and CO2, respectively, with a sorbitol yield of 81%. Blank experiments revealed that without a catalyst and hydrogen, the reaction exhibited <5% conversion and glucose was the only detected product when the reaction was performed under CO2 pressure. XRD measurements on CO2-treated cellulose surprisingly revealed no noticeable changes in the crystallinity index (<10% with respect to microcrystalline cellulose), suggesting that hydrolytic hydrogenation took place on crystalline, not amorphous, cellulose. Furthermore, not only several cellulosic feedstocks, including filter paper, cotton wool, and cotton fiber, but also typical cellulose-based wastes such as a cardboard pizza box were also tested and under the optimized conditions sorbitol was obtained with yields ranging from 56% up to 72% in all cases. No less significant was the Ru/C catalyst stability, which could be recycled at least six times without any noticeable activity loss

    Untargeted lipidomic features associated with colorectal cancer in a prospective cohort.

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    BackgroundEpidemiologists are beginning to employ metabolomics and lipidomics with archived blood from incident cases and controls to discover causes of cancer. Although several such studies have focused on colorectal cancer (CRC), they all followed targeted or semi-targeted designs that limited their ability to find discriminating molecules and pathways related to the causes of CRC.MethodsUsing an untargeted design, we measured lipophilic metabolites in prediagnostic serum from 66 CRC patients and 66 matched controls from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (Turin, Italy). Samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-MS), resulting in 8690 features for statistical analysis.ResultsRather than the usual multiple-hypothesis-testing approach, we based variable selection on an ensemble of regression methods, which found nine features to be associated with case-control status. We then regressed each selected feature on time-to-diagnosis to determine whether the feature was likely to be either a potentially causal biomarker or a reactive product of disease progression (reverse causality).ConclusionsOf the nine selected LC-MS features, four appear to be involved in CRC etiology and merit further investigation in prospective studies of CRC. Four other features appear to be related to progression of the disease (reverse causality), and may represent biomarkers of value for early detection of CRC

    Produção de fertilizante organomineral granulado a partir de dejetos de suínos e aves no Brasil.

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    Resumo: As atividades de suinocultura e de avicultura estão crescendo muito rapidamente no Brasil. Estes sistemas de produção geram grandes quantidades de resíduos orgânicos. Atualmente, no Brasil são produzidos cerca de 7,8 milhões de toneladas de cama-de-aviário e 105 milhões de m3 de dejetos líquidos de suínos. A utilização destes resíduos como fonte de nutrientes para o cultivo de grãos e de pastagens é uma prática comum em várias regiões brasileiras. No entanto, o uso de resíduos animais in natura resulta em baixa eficiência de utilização dos nutrientes, perdas por lixiviação e volatilização, e aumenta o risco de contaminação ambiental. Após a transformação biológica dos resíduos animais e sua associação com minerais fontes é possível produzir fertilizantes organominerais granulados com alto teor de fósforo solúvel, para uso em sistemas de produção extensiva de grãos. As características físicas e químicas do fertilizante organomineral granulado esta de acordo com a lei brasileira de fertilizantes. Resultados de campo indicam que a eficiência do uso do fósforo proveniente dos fertilizantes organominerais é semelhante à eficiência dos fertilizantes solúveis. Dependendo da região analisada, devido a alguns aspectos relacionados com a logística e distribuição, os fertilizantes organominerais granulados podem significar uma alternativa de baixo custo comparada com os fertilizantes minerais tradicionais