12 research outputs found

    Therapeutic family meal in the hospital for anorexic teenagers : clinical and qualitative approaches

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    Le repas familial est un objet d’étude mĂ©connu faisant l’objet de dĂ©veloppement dans diffĂ©rents champs scientifiques comme la santĂ© publique, la sociologie ou l’anthropologie. Concernant les troubles du comportement alimentaire, la frĂ©quence du nombre de repas partagĂ© en famille est inversement proportionnelle Ă  l’émergence de tels troubles ainsi que d’autres troubles psychiatriques Ă  l’adolescence comme les troubles violents du comportement, la dĂ©pression et les idĂ©es suicidaires. Au-delĂ  de sa frĂ©quence, le repas est un temps essentiel dans le dĂ©veloppement d’un individu y compris sur un plan psychique. Familialement, c’est un temps de partage et de rencontre rassemblant l’enfant et ceux qui sont ses proches au quotidien. Le repas est un moment d’échange privilĂ©giĂ© riche de comportements et d’interactions et vient certes traduire le rapport d’une famille Ă  l’alimentation mais surtout rendre compte des liens entre les individus composant cette famille. La scĂšne de table propose constamment un rĂ©cit animant les protagonistes partageant le repas. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs auteurs ont introduit un repas familial dans le cadre des soins pĂ©dopsychiatriques. Notre travail de thĂšse s’articulera en trois grandes parties. Une premiĂšre partie thĂ©orique reprendra sur un plan thĂ©orique la question de l’anorexie mentale, de sa prise en charge notamment dans le cadre d’une hospitalisation ; nous aborderons sur un plan thĂ©orique la place de la famille, de son accompagnement et de sa participation dans le traitement d’un Ă©pisode d’anorexie mentale Ă  l’adolescence. Une seconde partie dĂ©crira le programme dit du « repas familial thĂ©rapeutique » tel qu’il est mis en place dans notre service. Nous dĂ©crirons l’utilisation par notre Ă©quipe mĂ©dicale spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans la prise en charge des adolescentes prĂ©sentant un Ă©pisode d’anorexie mentale, d’un repas familial thĂ©rapeutique et dĂ©gagerons notre problĂ©matique de thĂšse. Une troisiĂšme partie dĂ©veloppera une recherche menĂ©e auprĂšs des soignants participant Ă  ce programme. Concernant les soignants participant Ă  ce programme, leur vĂ©cu, au singulier comme au pluriel, a Ă©tĂ© l’objet de notre travail de recherche. Selon une mĂ©thodologie qualitative issue de la thĂ©orisation ancrĂ©e et Ă  partir d’entretiens rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs d’un Ă©chantillon raisonnĂ© de participants Ă  ce programme, nous dĂ©velopperons, comme rĂ©sultats, les diffĂ©rents thĂšmes qui viennent illustrer cette expĂ©rience. Notre analyse articulera ces thĂšmes Ă  travers plusieurs concepts issus de l’interactionnisme symbolique que nous aurons dĂ©fini au prĂ©alable tandis que nous poserons, en dernier lieu, les limites culturelles et mĂ©thodologiques de notre approche. A l’issue de cette derniĂšre partie, nous discuterons le concept de proximitĂ© paradoxale qui se dĂ©gage de la pratique soignante dans ce contexte particuliers. Nous Ă©voquerons Ă©galement la transition en fin de cette hospitalisation et la mise en place d’un repas familial thĂ©rapeutique associant familles et soignants. Cette transmission vient s’inscrire dans un rite de passage que l’hospitalisation va incarner pour l’adolescente malade et sa famille. Cet abord rituel, une rĂ©flexion socio-anthropologique, la question du statut de l’adolescent malade, en hospitalisation et dans sa famille, la transition entre l’hĂŽpital et la maison, la nature de la relation soignants-soignĂ©s, sont autant de thĂšmes permettant de comprendre l’intĂ©rĂȘt singulier du repas familial thĂ©rapeutique. Prenant appui sur deux cas cliniques, et sur nos entretiens menĂ©s auprĂšs des soignants, nous discuterons les apports d’ordre psychopathologique de cette pratique et les nouvelles postures soignantes qu’elle implique.The family meal is a relatively unknown object of study being developed in different scientific fields such as public health, sociology, or anthropology. Regarding eating disorders, the frequency of the number of meals shared with the family is inversely proportional to the emergence of such disorders as well as other psychiatric disorders in adolescence such as violent behavioral disorders, depression and suicidal thoughts. Notwithstanding its frequency, the meal is an essential moment for the development of an individual – also psychologically. Within the family life, it is a daily time of sharing and meeting which brings together the children and those who are close to them. The meal is a moment of privileged exchange, rich in behaviors and interactions: it certainly mirrors the relationship between a family and food, but it accounts even more for the bonds between the family members. The table scene constantly proposes a narrative animating and featuring those who partake of the meal. In this context, several authors have introduced a family meal as part of children’s psychiatric care. Our thesis work will be divided into three main parts. A first theoretical part will report on the role of family meals in the context of psychiatric care for adolescents. A second part will describe the program called "therapeutic family meal" as it is set up in our ward: we will explain how the therapeutic family meal is used by our medical team specialized in the care of teenagers suffering from anorexia nervosa. A third part will develop on a research conducted among caregivers participating in this program. Concerning the involved caregivers, their experience –both individual and collective– has been the subject of our research work. According to a qualitative methodology resulting from the grounded theory and from interviews made with a reasoned sample of participants in this program, we will develop, as results, the different themes characterizing this experience. Our analysis will articulate these themes through several concepts resulting from the symbolic interactions that we will have defined beforehand. Finally, we will address the cultural and methodological limits of our approach. At the end of this last part, we will discuss the concept of paradoxical proximity that emerges from the caring practice in this particular context. We will also discuss the transition at the end of this hospitalization and the setting of a family therapeutic meal involving families and caregivers. This transmission is part of the passage rite embodied by hospitalization for the sick teenager and her family. The issues concerned by the therapeutic family meal, necessary to better frame it, are the ritual approach, a socio-anthropological reflection, the question about the status of the sick teenager (at the hospital and at home), the transition between the hospital and home, and the nature of the caregiver-receiver relationship. Based on two clinical cases, and on our interviews with caregivers, we will discuss the psychopathological contributions of this practice and the new care standpoints that it implies

    Apports de la génétique quantitative à la compréhension des troubles psychiatriques (exemple de l'anorexie mentale)

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    L'approche génétique des troubles psychiatriques offre de nouvelles perspectives pour leur compréhension mais également dans la réflexion des stratégies thérapeutiques envisagées. Des clés pour mieux comprendre certaines pathologies psychiatriques telles que la schizophrénie, le trouble bipolaire ou encore l'autisme ont émergé de ces recherches. Avant les techniques de biologie moléculaire qui ont permis le développement de la génétique moléculaire, les travaux issus des études dites familiales, de jumeaux et d'adoption ont permis le développement de la génétique quantitative. La reconnaissance des différentes influences participant à la variance pour un trouble donné permet de mettre en évidence des facteurs de risque ou de protection pour ce trouble. Dans une premiÚre partie nous présenterons une vue d'ensemble des rÚgles de bases concernant la génétique quantitative notamment en précisant les différentes influences, dues aux gÚnes et à l'environnement, qui participent à la variance phénotypique pour un trouble donné, à un moment donné, dans une population donnée. Dans une seconde partie nous reprendrons les données récentes de la littérature concernant les interactions entre ces deux types d'influence. La troisiÚme partie de notre travail sera consacrée à une revue de la littérature concernant l'héritabilité et les facteurs environnementaux d'un trouble psychiatrique multifactoriel touchant majoritairement des adolescentes et dont la mortalité est élevée, l'anorexie mentale. Nous discuterons ensuite des apports de la génétique quantitative à la précision de la nosographie psychiatrique et envisagerons le nouveau cadre de travail qu'elle préfigure.ROUEN-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Adolescents Engaged in Radicalisation and Terrorism: A Dimensional and Categorical Assessment

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    International audienceSince 2010 and the founding of the Islamic State, the radicalisation phenomenon in Europe has involved more adolescents and converts to Islam than in previous Islamist terrorist group movements (e.g., Al-Qaeda). In most cases, these adolescents are “homegrown terrorists,” a challenging difference, as they are in confrontation with their home and societal environment. As a new and emerging phenomenon, radicalisation leads to many questions. Are empathic capacities altered? Are they presenting psychiatric pathologies or suicidal tendencies that explain why they put themselves in serious dangers? Are they just young delinquents who simply met a radical ideology? In January 2018, by special Justice Department authorisation, we contacted all minors ( N = 31) convicted in France for “criminal association to commit terrorism.” We assessed several sociodemographic, clinical and psychological variables, including empathy and suicidality, in half of them ( N = 15) and compared them with 101 teenagers convicted for non-terrorist delinquency who were placed in Closed Educational Centres (CEC). The results show that adolescents engaged in radicalisation and terrorism do not have a significant prevalence of psychiatric disorders, suicidal tendencies or lack of empathy. It also appears that they have different psychological profiles than delinquent adolescents. “Radicalised” adolescents show better intellectual skills, insight capacities and coping strategies. In addition, the manifestation of their difficulties is less externalised than adolescents from the CEC, having committed very few delinquent acts

    Le repas familial thérapeutique

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    L’anorexie mentale de l’adolescente anorexique engage la patiente et sa famille dans une dynamique oĂč se cĂŽtoient amaigrissement, cristallisation des interactions et des comportements familiaux et nĂ©cessitĂ©, chez certains cas sĂ©vĂšres, d’une hospitalisation. L’unitĂ© de mĂ©decine et de psychopathologie de l’adolescent du CHU de Rouen accueille des adolescent(e)s anorexiques en hospitalisation et propose comme cadre thĂ©rapeutique un contrat de soin articulant progression pondĂ©rale et objectifs motivationnels aprĂšs un temps introductif de sĂ©paration entre les parents et leur adolescent malade. Un des constats de cette modalitĂ© thĂ©rapeutique est l’angoisse, redondante et partagĂ©e par les parents et leurs enfants, des temps de repas au sortir d’une hospitalisation souvent longue. En rĂ©ponse Ă  cette prĂ©occupation, nous avons Ă©laborĂ© un programme thĂ©rapeutique de « repas familiaux » associant la patiente, sa famille, un binĂŽme de soignants et une supervision par un thĂ©rapeute familial dont un des supports de travail est la lecture des enregistrements vidĂ©o de ces repas. Nous proposons, aprĂšs un rappel des approches familiales de l’adolescente anorexique, de prĂ©senter ce programme thĂ©rapeutique dont a pu bĂ©nĂ©ficier, depuis deux ans, prĂšs d’une quinzaine de famille et de transmettre les premiers retours de cet outil de soin innovant

    Metasynthesis of the Views about Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in Adolescents: Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, and Professionals

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Anorexia nervosa in adolescents can be a difficult-to-treat disease. Because qualitative research is a well-established method for deepening our understanding of subjective experiences, such as eating disorders and their treatment, we sought to perform a systematic review of qualitative studies to synthesize the views of adolescents with this disease, their parents, and their healthcare providers about its treatment.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We performed a thematic synthesis to develop the central themes that summarize all of the topics raised in the articles included in our review. The quality of the articles was assessed by the Critical Appraisal Skills Program.</p><p>Results</p><p>We included 32 articles from seven different countries. Two central themes were inductively developed from the analysis: (1) the treatment targets (i.e., symptoms and patients in context), and (2) a therapeutic tool—a relationship, specifically the core concept of the therapeutic relationship.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Our results underline the difficulty in establishing a therapeutic alliance, the barriers to it, especially the risk that professionals, adolescents, and parents will not converse about treatment; although such a dialogue appears to be an essential component in the construction of a therapeutic alliance.</p></div

    Flow of information through the different phases of the studies selection.

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    <p><i>From</i>: Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group (2009). <i>P</i>referred <i>R</i>eporting <i>I</i>tems for <i>S</i>ystematic Reviews and <i>M</i>eta-<i>A</i>nalyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med 6(6): e1000097. doi: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed1000097" target="_blank">10.1371/journal.pmed1000097</a>.</p

    Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry

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    Background: Therapeutic alliance is one of the most important aspects of treatment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Little is known about the facilitators and obstacles of its process in this situation. We aimed to explore the experience of therapeutic alliance in inpatient treatment among adolescents with anorexia nervosa, their parents and their psychiatrists. Methods: This qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews, took place in France. Data collection by purposive sampling continued until we reached theoretical sufficiency. Data analysis was thematic. Results: Forty-one participants were included, 15 teenaged girls, 18 parents and 8 psychiatrists. Analysis showed two themes: (1) what facilitates an alliance in treatment – with four facilitators: (a) human qualities, (b) an active role in the treatment, (c) taking time and (d) taking care of the entire family and (2) what impedes an alliance in treatment with four obstacles: (a) being too close or too distant, (b) focusing on weight, (c) control and constraints and (d) psychiatrization. Conclusion: Collaborative work between paediatricians and psychiatrists could facilitate therapeutic alliance with parents. Definition of therapeutic alliance in this situation should be enlarged to include the adolescent–parent relationship. It is necessary to construct specific items to integrate these specific aspects to existing scales