10,197 research outputs found

    Holographic non-relativistic fermionic fixed point by the charged dilatonic black hole

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    Driven by the landscape of garden-variety condensed matter systems, we have investigated how the dual spectral function behaves at the non-relativistic as well as relativistic fermionic fixed point by considering the probe Dirac fermion in an extremal charged dilatonic black hole with zero entropy. Although the pattern for both of the appearance of flat band and emergence of Fermi surface is qualitatively similar to that given by the probe fermion in the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom AdS black hole, we find a distinctly different low energy behavior around the Fermi surface, which can be traced back to the different near horizon geometry. In particular, with the peculiar near horizon geometry of our extremal charged dilatonic black hole, the low energy behavior exhibits the universal linear dispersion relation and scaling property, where the former indicates that the dual liquid is a Fermi one while the latter implies that the dual liquid is not exactly of Landau Fermi type

    Double In Situ Approach for the Preparation of Polymer Nanocomposite with Multi-functionality

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    A novel one-step synthetic route, the double in situ approach, is used to produce both TiO2nanoparticles and polymer (PET), and simultaneously forming a nanocomposite with multi-functionality. The method uses the release of water during esterification to hydrolyze titanium (IV) butoxide (Ti(OBu)4) forming nano-TiO2in the polymerization vessel. This new approach is of general significance in the preparation of polymer nanocomposites, and will lead to a new route in the synthesis of multi-functional polymer nanocomposites

    Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-Tracking

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    Estimating eye-gaze from images alone is a challenging task, in large parts due to un-observable person-specific factors. Achieving high accuracy typically requires labeled data from test users which may not be attainable in real applications. We observe that there exists a strong relationship between what users are looking at and the appearance of the user's eyes. In response to this understanding, we propose a novel dataset and accompanying method which aims to explicitly learn these semantic and temporal relationships. Our video dataset consists of time-synchronized screen recordings, user-facing camera views, and eye gaze data, which allows for new benchmarks in temporal gaze tracking as well as label-free refinement of gaze. Importantly, we demonstrate that the fusion of information from visual stimuli as well as eye images can lead towards achieving performance similar to literature-reported figures acquired through supervised personalization. Our final method yields significant performance improvements on our proposed EVE dataset, with up to a 28 percent improvement in Point-of-Gaze estimates (resulting in 2.49 degrees in angular error), paving the path towards high-accuracy screen-based eye tracking purely from webcam sensors. The dataset and reference source code are available at https://ait.ethz.ch/projects/2020/EVEComment: Accepted at ECCV 202

    Spectroscopic investigation of quantum confinement effects in ion implanted silicon-on-sapphire films

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    Crystalline Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) films were implanted with boron (B+^+) and phosphorous (P+^+) ions. Different samples, prepared by varying the ion dose in the range 101410^{14} to 5 x 101510^{15} and ion energy in the range 150-350 keV, were investigated by the Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and glancing angle x-ray diffraction (GAXRD). The Raman results from dose dependent B+^+ implanted samples show red-shifted and asymmetrically broadened Raman line-shape for B+^+ dose greater than 101410^{14} ions cm2^{-2}. The asymmetry and red shift in the Raman line-shape is explained in terms of quantum confinement of phonons in silicon nanostructures formed as a result of ion implantation. PL spectra shows size dependent visible luminescence at \sim 1.9 eV at room temperature, which confirms the presence of silicon nanostructures. Raman studies on P+^+ implanted samples were also done as a function of ion energy. The Raman results show an amorphous top SOS surface for sample implanted with 150 keV P+^+ ions of dose 5 x 101510^{15} ions cm2^{-2}. The nanostructures are formed when the P+^+ energy is increased to 350 keV by keeping the ion dose fixed. The GAXRD results show consistency with the Raman results.Comment: 9 Pages, 6 Figures and 1 Table, \LaTex format To appear in SILICON(SPRINGER

    SU(7) Unification of SU(3)_C*SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L}

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    We propose the SUSY SU(7) unification of the SU(3)_C* SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L} model. Such unification scenario has rich symmetry breaking chains in a five-dimensional orbifold. We study in detail the SUSY SU(7) symmetry breaking into SU(3)_C* SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L} by boundary conditions in a Randall-Sundrum background and its AdS/CFT interpretation. We find that successful gauge coupling unification can be achieved in our scenario. Gauge unification favors low left-right and unification scales with tree-level \sin^2\theta_W=0.15. We use the AdS/CFT dual of the conformal supersymmetry breaking scenario to break the remaining N=1 supersymmetry. We employ AdS/CFT to reproduce the NSVZ formula and obtain the structure of the Seiberg duality in the strong coupling region for 3/2N_c<N_F<3N_C. We show that supersymmetry is indeed broken in the conformal supersymmetry breaking scenario with a vanishing singlet vacuum expectation value.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure

    Higgsing M2 to D2 with gravity: N=6 chiral supergravity from topologically gauged ABJM theory

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    We present the higgsing of three-dimensional N=6 superconformal ABJM type theories coupled to conformal supergravity, so called topologically gauged ABJM theory, thus providing a gravitational extension of previous work on the relation between N M2 and N D2-branes. The resulting N=6 supergravity theory appears at a chiral point similar to that of three-dimensional chiral gravity introduced recently by Li, Song and Strominger, but with the opposite sign for the Ricci scalar term in the lagrangian. We identify the supersymmetry in the broken phase as a particular linear combination of the supersymmetry and special conformal supersymmetry in the original topologically gauged ABJM theory. We also discuss the higgsing procedure in detail paying special attention to the role played by the U(1) factors in the original ABJM model and the U(1) introduced in the topological gauging.Comment: 53 pages, Late

    Mixed RG Flows and Hydrodynamics at Finite Holographic Screen

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    We consider quark-gluon plasma with chemical potential and study renormalization group flows of transport coefficients in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. We first study them using the flow equations and compare the results with hydrodynamic results by calculating the Green functions on the arbitrary slice. Two results match exactly. Transport coefficients at arbitrary scale is ontained by calculating hydrodynamics Green functions. When either momentum or charge vanishes, transport coefficients decouple from each other.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    IR hot carrier based photodetection in titanium nitride oxide thin film-Si junctions

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    Hot carrier based methods constitute a valuable approach for efficient and silicon compatible sub-bandgap photodetection. Although, hot electron excitation and transfer have been studied extensively on traditional materials such as Au and Ti, reports on alternative materials such as titanium nitride (TiN) are rare. Here, we perform hot hole photodetection measurements on a p-Si/metal thin film junction using Ti, Au and TiN. This material is of interest as it constitutes a refractory alternative to Au which is an important property for plasmonic applications where high field intensities can occur. In contrast to Au, a TiN/Si junction does not suffer from metal diffusion into the Si, which eases the integration with current Si-fabrication techniques. This work shows that a backside illuminated p-Si/TiN system can be used for efficient hot hole extraction in the IR, allowing for a responsivity of 1 mA/W at an excitation wavelength of 1250 nm and at zero bias. Via a comparison between TiN and other commonly used materials such as Au, the origin of this comparably high photoresponse can be traced back to be directly linked to a thin TiO2-x interfacial layer allowing for a distinct hot-hole transfer mechanism. Moreover, the fabrication of TiN nanodisk arrays is demonstrated which bears great promise to further boost the device efficiency

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations

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    Twelve March 2015 will mark the 10th anniversary of World Kidney Day (WKD), an initiative of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations. Since its inception in 2006, WKD has become the most successful effort ever mounted to raise awareness among decision-makers and the general public about the importance of kidney disease. Each year WKD reminds us that kidney disease is common, harmful and treatable. The focus of WKD 2015 is on chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations. This article reviews the key links between poverty and CKD and the consequent implications for the prevention of kidney disease and the care of kidney patients in these populations

    Separation of Oligosaccharides from Lotus Seeds via Medium-pressure Liquid Chromatography Coupled with ELSD and DAD

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    peer-reviewedLotus seeds were identified by the Ministry of Public Health of China as both food and medicine. One general function of lotus seeds is to improve intestinal health. However, to date, studies evaluating the relationship between bioactive compounds in lotus seeds and the physiological activity of the intestine are limited. In the present study, by using medium pressure liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light-scattering detector and diode-array detector, five oligosaccharides were isolated and their structures were further characterized by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In vitro testing determined that LOS3-1 and LOS4 elicited relatively good proliferative effects on Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. These results indicated a structure-function relationship between the physiological activity of oligosaccharides in lotus seeds and the number of probiotics applied, thus providing room for improvement of this particular feature. Intestinal probiotics may potentially become a new effective drug target for the regulation of immunity