303 research outputs found

    An integrated physical map of 2072 SSRs Loci (gSSR and EST-SSRs) in bread wheat

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    An integrated physical map of 2072 SSRs Loci (gSSR and EST-SSRs) in bread wheat

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (Educação e Formação de Adultos e Intervenção Comunitária) apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraO presente estudo teve como objectivo principal estudar o bem-estar dos alunos das Universidades Seniores para melhor compreender a problemática do envelhecimento activo e bem-sucedido. Especificamente procurámos investigar as relações existentes entre o bem-estar dos seniores com algumas variáveis como: o sentido da vida, a atenção mindfulness, a auto-eficácia, a auto-estima e a perspectiva temporal, bem como variáveis sociodemográficas. Para a realização deste estudo foi utilizado um plano não experimental correlacional, sendo os dados recolhidos por questionário com recurso aos seguintes instrumentos: MAAS, MLQ, Escalas PALADIN (saúde, educação, finanças, actividade e cidadania), ROS, SWLS, PANAS, ZTPI, PTFT. A amostra foi constituída por 214 alunos de 7 Universidades Seniores, com idades compreendidas entre os 51 e os 84 anos. Nos principais resultados obtidos verificámos que o bem-estar encontra-se associado à auto-eficácia para a auto-direcção nos domínios da saúde, educação, finanças, actividade e cidadania, bem como à presença e procura de sentido na vida, à atenção mindfulness, às orientações temporais relativas ao passado negativo, ao presente fatalista e ao futuro transcendental. A nível da perspectiva temporal, identificaram-se ainda alguns sujeitos desta amostra com uma Perspectiva Temporal Equilibrada; os resultados obtidos permitem-nos reforçar a ideia de que os seniores com este padrão de perfil são pessoas com qualidades raras na amostra global (n=214) uma vez que só foi possível encontrar 8 seniores nessas condições. No que respeita às variáveis sociodemográficas, verificámos que a idade não é relevante para o bem-estar, ao contrário do rendimento mensal e que o estado civil indica que as pessoas divorciadas têm uma afectividade positiva significativamente superior à dos solteiros, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre os outros grupos.The present study aims to analyze the well-being of students of Senior Universities to better understand the problematic of the active and successful aging. Specifically, we investigated the existing relationships between the well-being of seniors with variables such as the meaning-in-life, the mindfulness attention, the self-efficacy, the self-esteem, the time perspective, and socio-demographic factors. In order to perform this study we carried out a non-experimental correlational design, in which the following instruments were used: MAAS, MLQ, PALADIN scales (health, education, finances, activity and citizenship), ROS, SWLS, PANAS, ZTPI, PTFT. The sample consisted of 214 students of 7 Senior Universities, whose ages were comprised between 51 to 84 years-old. Our main results indicate that well-being is associated to the self-efficacy in self-direction in areas such as health, education, finances, activity and citizenship, as well as to the presence and search for meaning-in-life, mindfulness attention, time orientation in relation to the past negative, present fatalistic and transcendental future. At the level of time perspective, we identified some subjects of this sample to have a Balanced Time Perspective (BTP). Our results allow us to reinforce the idea that seniors with a BTP are people with rare qualities in the global sample (n=214) as we could only find 8 seniors in these conditions. In relation to socio-demographic variables, we verified that age is not relevant to the well-being. On the other hand, the monthly income showed to be significantly correlated with well-being and civil status point to divorced people having the positive affect significantly higher than single people. We did not find significant differences among the other groups

    Geometric frustration in the myosin superlattice of vertebrate muscle

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    Geometric frustration results from an incompatibility between minimum energy arrangements and the geometry of a system, and gives rise to interesting and novel phenomena. Here, we report geometric frustration in a native biological macromolecular system---vertebrate muscle. We analyse the disorder in the myosin filament rotations in the myofibrils of vertebrate striated (skeletal and cardiac) muscle, as seen in thin-section electron micrographs, and show that the distribution of rotations corresponds to an archetypical geometrically frustrated system---the triangular Ising antiferromagnet. Spatial correlations are evident out to at least six lattice spacings. The results demonstrate that geometric frustration can drive the development of structure in complex biological systems, and may have implications for the nature of the actin--myosin interactions involved in muscle contraction. Identification of the distribution of myosin filament rotations with an Ising model allows the extensive results on the latter to be applied to this system. It shows how local interactions (between adjacent myosin filaments) can determine long-range order and, conversely, how observations of long-range order (such as patterns seen in electron micrographs) can be used to estimate the energetics of these local interactions. Furthermore, since diffraction by a disordered system is a function of the second-order statistics, the derived correlations allow more accurate diffraction calculations, which can aid in interpretation of X-ray diffraction data from muscle specimens for structural analysis

    Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Reflective Belief Design-Based Big Data Analytics with Convolution Neural Network-Metaheuristic Optimization Procedure (CNN-MOP)

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    In recent times, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a new loomed technology, which has been deliberated as a promising technology designed for various and broadly connected networks. In an intelligent healthcare system, the framework of IoMT observes the health circumstances of the patients dynamically and responds to backings their needs, which helps detect the symptoms of critical rare body conditions based on the data collected. Metaheuristic algorithms have proven effective, robust, and efficient in deciphering real-world optimization, clustering, forecasting, classification, and other engineering problems. The emergence of extraordinary, very large-scale data being generated from various sources such as the web, sensors, and social media has led the world to the era of big data. Big data poses a new contest to metaheuristic algorithms. So, this research work presents the metaheuristic optimization algorithm for big data analysis in the IoMT using gravitational search optimization algorithm (GSOA) and reflective belief network with convolutional neural networks (DBN-CNNs). Here the data optimization has been carried out using GSOA for the collected input data. The input data were collected for the diabetes prediction with cardiac risk prediction based on the damage in blood vessels and cardiac nerves. Collected data have been classified to predict abnormal and normal diabetes range, and based on this range, the risk for a cardiac attack has been predicted using SVM. The performance analysis is made to reveal that GSOA-DBN_CNN performs well in predicting diseases. The simulation results illustrate that the GSOA-DBN_CNN model used for prediction improves accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and PSNR

    High-resolution radiation hybrid mapping in wheat: an essential tool for the construction of the wheat physical maps

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    ArtigoO poema épico da época moderna nasce na literatura portuguesa como oceânico logo a partir da sua gestação. Este estudo enquadra a sua génese num contexto europeu.Università di Roma, La Sapienz

    Thermal Properties of Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructured Carbon Materials

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    Recent years witnessed a rapid growth of interest of scientific and engineering communities to thermal properties of materials. Carbon allotropes and derivatives occupy a unique place in terms of their ability to conduct heat. The room-temperature thermal conductivity of carbon materials span an extraordinary large range - of over five orders of magnitude - from the lowest in amorphous carbons to the highest in graphene and carbon nanotubes. I review thermal and thermoelectric properties of carbon materials focusing on recent results for graphene, carbon nanotubes and nanostructured carbon materials with different degrees of disorder. A special attention is given to the unusual size dependence of heat conduction in two-dimensional crystals and, specifically, in graphene. I also describe prospects of applications of graphene and carbon materials for thermal management of electronics.Comment: Review Paper; 37 manuscript pages; 4 figures and 2 boxe

    Spectrum of clinical disease in a series of 135 hospitalised HIV-infected patients from north India

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    BACKGROUND: Literature on the spectrum of opportunistic disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients from developing countries is sparse. The objective of this study was to document the spectrum and determine the frequency of various opportunistic infections (OIs) and non-infectious opportunistic diseases, in hospitalised HIV-infected patients from north India. METHODS: One hundred and thirty five consecutive, HIV-infected patients (age 34 ± 10 years, females 17%) admitted to a tertiary care hospital in north India, for the evaluation and management of an OI or HIV-related disorder between January 2000 and July 2003, were studied. RESULTS: Fever (71%) and weight loss (65%) were the commonest presenting symptoms. Heterosexual transmission was the commonest mode of HIV-acquisition. Tuberculosis (TB) was the commonest OI (71%) followed by candidiasis (39.3%), Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) (7.4%), cryptococcal meningitis and cerebral toxoplasmosis (3.7% each). Most of the cases of TB were disseminated (64%). Apart from other well-recognised OIs, two patients had visceral leishmaniasis. Two cases of HIV-associated lymphoma were encountered. CD4+ cell counts were done in 109 patients. Majority of the patients (82.6%) had CD4+ counts <200 cells/μL. Fifty patients (46%) had CD4+ counts <50 cells/μL. Only 50 patients (37%) received antiretroviral therapy. Twenty one patients (16%) died during hospital stay. All but one deaths were due to TB (16 patients; 76%) and PCP (4 patients; 19%). CONCLUSIONS: A wide spectrum of disease, including both OIs and non-infectious opportunistic diseases, is seen in hospitalised HIV-infected patients from north India. Tuberculosis remains the most common OI and is the commonest cause of death in these patients

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis causing tuberculous lymphadenitis in Maputo, Mozambique

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    BACKGROUND: The zoonosis bovine tuberculosis (TB) is known to be responsible for a considerable proportion of extrapulmonary TB. In Mozambique, bovine TB is a recognised problem in cattle, but little has been done to evaluate how Mycobacterium bovis has contributed to human TB. We here explore the public health risk for bovine TB in Maputo, by characterizing the isolates from tuberculous lymphadenitis (TBLN) cases, a common manifestation of bovine TB in humans, in the Pathology Service of Maputo Central Hospital, in Mozambique, during one year. RESULTS: Among 110 patients suspected of having TBLN, 49 had a positive culture result. Of those, 48 (98 %) were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and one for nontuberculous mycobacteria. Of the 45 isolates analysed by spoligotyping and Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit - Variable Number Tandem Repeat (MIRU-VNTR), all were M. tuberculosis. No M. bovis was found. Cervical TBLN, corresponding to 39 (86.7 %) cases, was the main cause of TBLN and 66.7 % of those where from HIV positive patients. We found that TBLN in Maputo was caused by a variety of M. tuberculosis strains. The most prevalent lineage was the EAI (n?=?19; 43.2 %). Particular common spoligotypes were SIT 48 (EAI1_SOM sublineage), SIT 42 (LAM 9), SIT 1 (Beijing) and SIT53 (T1), similar to findings among pulmonary cases. CONCLUSIONS: M. tuberculosis was the main etiological agent of TBLN in Maputo. M. tuberculosis genotypes were similar to the ones causing pulmonary TB, suggesting that in Maputo, cases of TBLN arise from the same source as pulmonary TB, rather than from an external zoonotic source. Further research is needed on other forms of extrapulmonary TB and in rural areas where there is high prevalence of bovine TB in cattle, to evaluate the risk of transmission of M. bovis from cattle to humans.Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency / Department for Research Cooperation (Sida/SAREC) through Eduardo Mondlane University and Karolinska Institutet Research and Training (KIRT) collaboratio
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