3,973 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behaviour to Inform Land Management Policy: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model Application

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    Environmental policies in the realm of land management are increasingly focussing on inducing behavioural change to improve environmental management outcomes. This is based, implicitly or explicitly, on theories that suggest that pro-environmental behaviour can be understood, predicted and altered based on certain factors (referred to as determinants of pro-environmental behaviour). However, studies examining the determinants of pro-environmental behaviour have found mixed evidence. It is therefore important that we revisit these theories to assess if the evidence supports their postulations so that a more robust knowledge base can be established to inform land management policies. In this study, we do this using meta-analytic structural equation modelling (MASEM) to explore whether the evidence on determinants of pro-environmental behaviour supports the postulations of some predominantly applied theories of behaviour and/or behaviour change. The study analyses research in four environmental policy areas to identify implications for land management. Evidence from these related environmental areas is expected to provide insights relevant to the land management literature and to allow us to identify the extent to which lessons on pro-environmental behaviour from these other areas can be transferred to the land management context. Our findings suggest a strong evidence base for the Theories of Planned Behaviour and Reasoned Action, Attitude-Behaviour-Context Model, and the Persuasion Theory, but a weak evidence base for the Value-Belief-Norm Theory and the Norm Activation Model. We also found that type of environmental policy area moderates the relationship between different variables. This has key policy implications since, while lessons can be learnt from other environmental policy areas, land management policies aimed at influencing behaviours will need to be tailored to the specific context rather than simply ‘imported’ from other fields. Such context-specific policies may encourage pro-environmental behaviours, and potentially contribute towards improving environmental management outcomes

    Spatial variability in the diversity and structure of faunal assemblages associated with kelp holdfasts (<i>Laminaria hyperborea</i>) in the northeast Atlantic

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    <p>Map indicating the locations of the four study regions in the UK, northeast Atlantic: (A) northern Scotland, (B) western Scotland, (C) southwest Wales and (D) southwest England. Smaller panels show the positions of the 3 study sites within each region.</p

    The influence of slope and peatland vegetation type on riverine dissolved organic carbon and water colour at different scales

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    Peatlands are important sources of fluvial carbon. Previous research has shown that riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations are largely controlled by soil type. However, there has been little work to establish the controls of riverine DOC within blanket peatlands that have not undergone major disturbance from drainage or burning. A total of 119 peatland catchments were sampled for riverine DOC and water colour across three drainage basins during six repeated sampling campaigns. The topographic characteristics of each catchment were determined from digital elevation models. The dominant vegetation cover was mapped using 0.5 m resolution colour infrared aerial images, with ground-truthed validation revealing 82 % accuracy. Forward and backward stepwise regression modelling showed that mean slope was a strong (and negative) determinant of DOC and water colour in blanket peatland river waters. There was a weak role for plant functional type in determining DOC and water colour. At the basin scale, there were major differences between the models depending on the basin. The dominance of topographic predictors of DOC found in our study, combined with a weaker role of vegetation type, paves the way for developing improved planning tools for water companies operating in peatland catchments. Using topographic data and aerial imagery it will be possible to predict which tributaries will typically yield lower DOC concentrations and which are therefore more suitable and cost-effective as raw water intakes

    Negative effects of climate change on upland grassland productivity and carbon fluxes are not attenuated by nitrogen status

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    Effects of climate change on managed grassland carbon (C) fluxes and biomass production are not well understood. In this study, we investigated the individual and interactive effects of experimental warming (+3 °C above ambient summer daily range of 9–12 °C), supplemental precipitation (333 mm +15%) and drought (333 mm −23%) on plant biomass, microbial biomass C (MBC), net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and dissolved organic C (DOC) flux in soil cores from two upland grasslands of different soil nitrogen (N) status (0.54% and 0.37%) in the UK. After one month of acclimation to ambient summer temperature and precipitation, five replicate cores of each treatment were subjected to three months of experimental warming, drought and supplemental precipitation, based on the projected regional summer climate by the end of the 21st Century, in a fully factorial design. NEE and DOC flux were measured throughout the experimental duration, alongside other environmental variables including soil temperature and moisture. Plant biomass and MBC were determined at the end of the experiment. Results showed that warming plus drought resulted in a significant decline in belowground plant biomass (−29 to −37%), aboveground plant biomass (−35 to −77%) and NEE (−13 to −29%), regardless of the N status of the soil. Supplemental precipitation could not reverse the negative effects of warming on the net ecosystem C uptake and plant biomass production. This was attributed to physiological stress imposed by warming which suggests that future summer climate will reduce the C sink capacity of the grasslands. Due to the low moisture retention observed in this study, and to verify our findings, it is recommended that future experiments aimed at measuring soil C dynamics under climate change should be carried out under field conditions. Longer term experiments are recommended to account for seasonal and annual variability, and adaptive changes in biota

    Soil organic carbon stock in grasslands: Effects of inorganic fertilizers, liming and grazing in different climate settings

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    Grasslands store about 34% of the global terrestrial carbon (C) and are vital for the provision of various ecosystem services such as forage and climate regulation. About 89% of this grassland C is stored in the soil and is affected by management activities but the effects of these management activities on C storage under different climate settings are not known. In this study, we synthesized the effects of fertilizer (nitrogen and phosphorus) application, liming and grazing regime on the stock of SOC in global grasslands, under different site specific climatic settings using a meta-analysis of 341 datasets. We found an overall significant reduction (−8.5%) in the stock of SOC in global managed grasslands, mainly attributable to grazing (−15.0%), and only partially attenuated by fertilizer addition (+6.7%) and liming (+5.8%), indicating that management to improve biomass production does not contribute sufficient organic matter to replace that lost by direct removal by animals. Management activities had the greatest effect in the tropics (−22.4%) due primarily to heavy grazing, and the least effect in the temperate zone (−4.5%). The negative management effect reduced significantly with increasing mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation in the temperate zone, suggesting that temperate grassland soils are potential C sinks in the face of climate change. For a sustainable management of grasslands that will provide adequate forage for livestock and mitigate climate change through C sequestration, we recommend that future tropical grassland management policies should focus on reducing the intensity of grazing. Also, to verify our findings for temperate grasslands and to better inform land management policy, future research should focus on the impacts of the projected climate change on net greenhouse gas exchange and potential climate feedbacks

    Upland grasslands in Northern England were atmospheric carbon sinks regardless of management regimes

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    Continuous exchange of carbon (C) in the forms of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) occurs between the atmosphere and the terrestrial ecosystem. These greenhouse gases (GHGs) contribute significantly to global warming when present in the atmosphere. Thus, there is growing interest in understanding better ways of managing terrestrial ecosystems so as to increase or fully utilize their capacity to sequester GHGs, or reduce emissions, and mitigate climate change. In this study, we examined the fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in two upland grassland locations (Nidderdale and Ribblesdale) in northern England with contrasting lithologies and under: 1) traditional hay meadow and 2) conventional pasture management. Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and ecosystem respiration (ER) were measured for 12 months from June 2016 to May 2017, alongside other environmental variables such as soil temperature and moisture, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Results showed that the grasslands were a net atmospheric C sink, with an uptake of 1822–2758 g CO2-eq m−2 year−1. This C uptake is greater than those reported in other European grasslands due to low ER. The Ribblesdale hay meadow had the lowest C uptake (1822 g CO2-eq m−2 year−1) likely due to low available soil nitrogen (N) resulting from the absence of N fertilization. This has implication for agri-environment schemes that discourage the use of inorganic N fertilizers. Warmer condition in Ribblesdale was implicated as the cause of higher C efflux relative to Nidderdale, which has implications for future climate change. The CH4 fluxes were very low (−0.36 to −0.44 g CH4 m−2 year−1) and did not differ significantly between management regimes. It is recommended that future research should prioritise the overall GHG balance of upland grasslands and their inter-annual and decadal variability

    The botanical biofiltration of VOCs with active airflow: is removal efficiency related to chemical properties?

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Botanical biofiltration using active green walls is showing increasing promise as a viable method for the filtration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from ambient air; however there is a high level of heterogeneity reported amongst VOC removal efficiencies, and the reasons for these observations have yet to be explained. Comparisons of removal efficiencies amongst studies is also difficult due to the use of many different VOCs, and systems that have been tested under different conditions. The current work describes a procedure to determine whether some of these differences may be related to the chemical properties of the VOCs themselves. This work used an active green wall system to test the single pass removal efficiency (SPRE) of nine different VOCs (acetone, benzene, cyclohexane, ethanol, ethyl acetate, hexane, isopentane, isopropanol and toluene) and explored which chemical properties were meaningful predictor variables of their biofiltration efficiencies. Ethanol was removed most efficiently (average SPRE of 96.34% ± 1.61), while benzene was least efficiently removed (average SPRE of 19.76% ± 2.93). Multiple stepwise linear regression was used to determine that the dipole moment and molecular mass were significant predictors of VOC SPRE, in combination accounting for 54.6% of the variability in SPREs amongst VOCs. The octanol water partition coefficient, proton affinity, Henry's law constant and vapour pressure were not significant predictors of SPRE. The most influential predictor variable was the dipole moment, alone accounting for 49.8% of the SPRE variability. The model thus allows for an estimation of VOC removal efficiency based on a VOC's chemical properties, and supports the idea that system optimisation could be achieved through methods that promote both VOC partitioning into the biofilter's aqueous phase, and substrate development to enhance adsorption.

    Surface water quality

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