1,686 research outputs found

    Directional emission of light from a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna

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    The plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles can enhance and direct light from optical emitters in much the same way that radio frequency (RF) antennas enhance and direct the emission from electrical circuits. In the RF regime, a typical antenna design for high directivity is the Yagi-Uda antenna, which basically consists of a one-dimensional array of antenna elements driven by a single feed element. Here, we present the experimental demonstration of directional light emission from a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna composed of an array of appropriately tuned gold nanorods. Our results indicate that nano-optical antenna arrays are a simple but efficient tool for the spatial control of light emission.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figure

    Reactive intercalation and oxidation at the buried graphene-germanium interface

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    We explore a number of different electrochemical, wet chemical, and gas phase approaches to study intercalation and oxidation at the buried graphene-Ge interface. While the previous literature focused on the passivation of the Ge surface by chemical vapor deposited graphene, we show that particularly via electrochemical intercalation in a 0.25 N solution of anhydrous sodium acetate in glacial acetic acid, this passivation can be overcome to grow GeO2 under graphene. Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, He ion microscopy, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry show that the monolayer graphene remains undamaged and its intrinsic strain is released by the interface oxidation. Graphene acts as a protection layer for the as-grown Ge oxide, and we discuss how these insights can be utilized for new processing approaches.We acknowledge financial support from the EPSRC (EP/K016636/1, EP/P51021X/1) and the Future Photonics Hub - Innovation Partnership Fund (EPSRC EP/L00044X/1). P.B.W. acknowledges EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC EP/G037221/1. R.S.W. acknowledges funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through a EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (Global) under grant ARTIST (no. 656870). R.W. acknowledges EPSRC Doctoral Training Award (EP/M506485/1)

    Giant hydronephrosis mimicking progressive malignancy

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    BACKGROUND: Cases of giant hydronephroses are rare and usually contain no more than 1–2 litres of fluid in the collecting system. We report a remarkable case of giant hydronephrosis mimicking a progressive malignant abdominal tumour. CASE PRESENTATION: A 78-year-old cachectic woman presented with an enormous abdominal tumour, which, according to the patient, had slowly increased in diameter. Medical history was unremarkable except for a hysterectomy >30 years before. A CT scan revealed a giant cystic tumour filling almost the entire abdominal cavity. It was analysed by two independent radiologists who suspected a tumour originating from the right kidney and additionally a cystic ovarian neoplasm. Subsequently, a diagnostic and therapeutic laparotomy was performed: the tumour presented as a cystic, 35 × 30 × 25 cm expansive structure adhesive to adjacent organs without definite signs of invasive growth. The right renal hilar vessels could finally be identified at its basis. After extirpation another tumourous structure emerged in the pelvis originating from the genital organs and was also resected. The histopathological examination revealed a >15 kg hydronephrotic right kidney, lacking hardly any residual renal cortex parenchyma. The second specimen was identified as an ovary with regressive changes and a large partially calcified cyst. There was no evidence of malignant growth. CONCLUSION: Although both clinical symptoms and the enormous size of the tumour indicated malignant growth, it turned out to be a giant hydronephrosis. Presumably, a chronic obstruction of the distal ureter had caused this extraordinary hydronephrosis. As demonstrated in our case, an accurate diagnosis of giant hydronephrosis remains challenging due to the atrophy of the renal parenchyma associated with chronic obstruction. Therefore, any abdominal cystic mass even in the absence of other evident pathologies should include the differential diagnosis of a possible hydronephrosis. Diagnostic accuracy might be increased by a combination of endourological techniques such as retrograde pyelography and modern imaging modalities

    Does neurocognitive training have the potential to improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes? Study protocol of a double blind randomised controlled trial

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    Dietary self-care is a key element of self-management in type 2 diabetes. It is also the most difficult aspect of diabetes self-management. Adhering to long-term dietary goals and resisting immediate food desires requires top-down inhibitory control over subcortical impulsive and emotional responses to food. Practising simple neurocognitive tasks can improve inhibitory control and health behaviours that depend on inhibitory control, such as resisting alcohol consumption. It is yet to be investigated, however, whether neurocognitive training can improve dietary self-care in people with type 2 diabetes. The aim of this randomised controlled trial is to investigate whether web-based neurocognitive training can improve the ability of people with type 2 diabetes to resist tempting foods and better adhere to a healthy dietary regime

    Human alpha 3 beta 4 Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors Show Different Stoichiometry if They Are Expressed in Xenopus Oocytes or Mammalian HEK293 Cells

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    Background: The neuronal nicotinic receptors that mediate excitatory transmission in autonomic ganglia are thought to be formed mainly by the alpha 3 and beta 4 subunits. Expressing this composition in oocytes fails to reproduce the properties of ganglionic receptors, which may also incorporate the alpha 5 and/or beta 2 subunits. We compared the properties of human alpha 3 beta 4 neuronal nicotinic receptors expressed in Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) and in Xenopus oocytes, to examine the effect of the expression system and alpha:beta subunit ratio.Methodology/Principal Findings: Two distinct channel forms were observed: these are likely to correspond to different stoichiometries of the receptor, with two or three copies of the alpha subunit, as reported for alpha 4 beta 2 channels. This interpretation is supported by the pattern of change in acetylcholine (ACh) sensitivity observed when a hydrophilic Leu to Thr mutation was inserted in position 9' of the second transmembrane domain, as the effect of mutating the more abundant subunit is greater. Unlike alpha 4 beta 2 channels, for alpha 3 beta 4 receptors the putative two-alpha form is the predominant one in oocytes (at 1:1 alpha:beta cRNA ratio). This two-alpha form has a slightly higher ACh sensitivity (about 3-fold in oocytes), and displays potentiation by zinc. The putative three-alpha form is the predominant one in HEK cells transfected with a 1:1 alpha:beta DNA ratio or in oocytes at 9:1 alpha:beta RNA ratio, and is more sensitive to dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP) than to ACh. In outside-out single-channel recordings, the putative two-alpha form opened to distinctive long bursts (100 ms or more) with low conductance (26 pS), whereas the three-alpha form gave rise to short bursts (14 ms) of high conductance (39 pS).Conclusions/Significance: Like other neuronal nicotinic receptors, the alpha 3 beta 4 receptor can exist in two different stoichiometries, depending on whether it is expressed in oocytes or in mammalian cell lines and on the ratio of subunits transfected

    Facial expressions depicting compassionate and critical emotions: the development and validation of a new emotional face stimulus set

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    Attachment with altruistic others requires the ability to appropriately process affiliative and kind facial cues. Yet there is no stimulus set available to investigate such processes. Here, we developed a stimulus set depicting compassionate and critical facial expressions, and validated its effectiveness using well-established visual-probe methodology. In Study 1, 62 participants rated photographs of actors displaying compassionate/kind and critical faces on strength of emotion type. This produced a new stimulus set based on N = 31 actors, whose facial expressions were reliably distinguished as compassionate, critical and neutral. In Study 2, 70 participants completed a visual-probe task measuring attentional orientation to critical and compassionate/kind faces. This revealed that participants lower in self-criticism demonstrated enhanced attention to compassionate/kind faces whereas those higher in self-criticism showed no bias. To sum, the new stimulus set produced interpretable findings using visual-probe methodology and is the first to include higher order, complex positive affect displays

    SALL4 Expression in Gonocytes and Spermatogonial Clones of Postnatal Mouse Testes

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    The spermatogenic lineage is established after birth when gonocytes migrate to the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules and give rise to spermatogonial stem cells (SSC). In adults, SSCs reside within the population of undifferentiated spermatogonia (Aundiff) that expands clonally from single cells (Asingle) to form pairs (Apaired) and chains of 4, 8 and 16 Aaligned spermatogonia. Although stem cell activity is thought to reside in the population of Asingle spermatogonia, new research suggests that clone size alone does not define the stem cell pool. The mechanisms that regulate self-renewal and differentiation fate decisions are poorly understood due to limited availability of experimental tools that distinguish the products of those fate decisions. The pluripotency factor SALL4 (sal-like protein 4) is implicated in stem cell maintenance and patterning in many organs during embryonic development, but expression becomes restricted to the gonads after birth. We analyzed the expression of SALL4 in the mouse testis during the first weeks after birth and in adult seminiferous tubules. In newborn mice, the isoform SALL4B is expressed in quiescent gonocytes at postnatal day 0 (PND0) and SALL4A is upregulated at PND7 when gonocytes have colonized the basement membrane and given rise to spermatogonia. During steady-state spermatogenesis in adult testes, SALL4 expression overlapped substantially with PLZF and LIN28 in Asingle, Apaired and Aaligned spermatogonia and therefore appears to be a marker of undifferentiated spermatogonia in mice. In contrast, co-expression of SALL4 with GFRα1 and cKIT identified distinct subpopulations of Aundiff in all clone sizes that might provide clues about SSC regulation. Collectively, these results indicate that 1) SALL4 isoforms are differentially expressed at the initiation of spermatogenesis, 2) SALL4 is expressed in undifferentiated spermatogonia in adult testes and 3) SALL4 co-staining with GFRα1 and cKIT reveals distinct subpopulations of Aundiff spermatogonia that merit further investigation. © 2013 Gassei, Orwig
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