911 research outputs found

    The Dynamics of Nestedness Predicts the Evolution of Industrial Ecosystems

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    In economic systems, the mix of products that countries make or export has been shown to be a strong leading indicator of economic growth. Hence, methods to characterize and predict the structure of the network connecting countries to the products that they export are relevant for understanding the dynamics of economic development. Here we study the presence and absence of industries at the global and national levels and show that these networks are significantly nested. This means that the less filled rows and columns of these networks' adjacency matrices tend to be subsets of the fuller rows and columns. Moreover, we show that nestedness remains relatively stable as the matrices become more filled over time and that this occurs because of a bias for industries that deviate from the networks' nestedness to disappear, and a bias for the missing industries that reduce nestedness to appear. This makes the appearance and disappearance of individual industries in each location predictable. We interpret the high level of nestedness observed in these networks in the context of the neutral model of development introduced by Hidalgo and Hausmann (2009). We show that, for the observed fills, the model can reproduce the high level of nestedness observed in these networks only when we assume a high level of heterogeneity in the distribution of capabilities available in countries and required by products. In the context of the neutral model, this implies that the high level of nestedness observed in these economic networks emerges as a combination of both, the complementarity of inputs and heterogeneity in the number of capabilities available in countries and required by products. The stability of nestedness in industrial ecosystems, and the predictability implied by it, demonstrates the importance of the study of network properties in the evolution of economic networks.Comment: 26 page

    Will early detection of non-axillary sentinel nodes affect treatment decisions?

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    Axillary lymph node involvement is the best prognostic factor for breast cancer survival. Staging breast cancers by axillary dissection remains standard management and is part of the UK national guidelines for breast cancer treatment. In the presence of involved axillary lymph nodes best treatment has been shown to be axillary clearance (Fentiman and Mansell, 1991), but clearly for women whose nodes are uninvolved avoidance of morbidity is optimal and this will be achieved by minimal dissection of the axilla. Thus, for node-negative women the introduction of the sentinel node biopsy technique may revolutionise the approach to the axilla. These will be women with mammographic screen detected small well and moderately differentiated tumours (Hadjiloucas and Bundred, 2000). The impact of sentinel node biopsy in women who have symptomatic large tumours is unproven, and around half of these women will require a second procedure to clear their axilla or radiotherapy as treatment. Even for those women found to have involved sentinel lymph nodes the ability to use early systemic chemotherapy followed by axillary clearance or radiotherapy may provide long-term survival gains. Sentinel node biopsy should not, however, become routine practice until randomised controlled trials have proven its benefit and safety in reducing morbidity. Several randomised controlled trials (including ALMANAC) are currently underway

    Shigella sonnei genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis indicate recent global dissemination from Europe

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    Shigella are human-adapted Escherichia coli that have gained the ability to invade the human gut mucosa and cause dysentery1,2, spreading efficiently via low-dose fecal-oral transmission3,4. Historically, S. sonnei has been predominantly responsible for dysentery in developed countries, but is now emerging as a problem in the developing world, apparently replacing the more diverse S. flexneri in areas undergoing economic development and improvements in water quality4-6. Classical approaches have shown S. sonnei is genetically conserved and clonal7. We report here whole-genome sequencing of 132 globally-distributed isolates. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that the current S. sonnei population descends from a common ancestor that existed less than 500 years ago and has diversified into several distinct lineages with unique characteristics. Our analysis suggests the majority of this diversification occurred in Europe, followed by more recent establishment of local pathogen populations in other continents predominantly due to the pandemic spread of a single, rapidly-evolving, multidrug resistant lineage

    Coxiella burnetii in Humans and Ticks in Rural Senegal

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    Q fever is a zoonotic disease known since 1937. The disease may be severe, causing pneumonia, hepatitis and endocarditis. Q fever agent has been described as a possible biological weapon. Animals—especially domestic cows, goats and sheep—are considered reservoirs for this infection. They are capable of sustaining the infection for long periods and excreting viable bacteria, infecting other animals and, occasionally, humans. Here we studied the distribution of Q fever in a poorly studied region, Senegal. We studied the agent of Q fever both in ticks parasitizing domestic animals and in humans (antibodies in serum, bacteria in feces, saliva and milk). We found from the studied regions the bacterium is highly prevalent in rural Senegal. Up to 37.6% of five different and most prevalent tick species may carry the bacterium. Humans living in such areas, as other mammals, may occasionally excrete Q fever agent through feces and milk

    In utero exposure to cigarette chemicals induces sex-specific disruption of one-carbon metabolism and DNA methylation in the human fetal liver

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    Background: Maternal smoking is one of the most important modifiable risk factors for low birthweight, which is strongly associated with increased cardiometabolic disease risk in adulthood. Maternal smoking reduces the levels of the methyl donor vitamin B12 and is associated with altered DNA methylation at birth. Altered DNA methylation may be an important mechanism underlying increased disease susceptibility; however, the extent to which this can be induced in the developing fetus is unknown. Methods: In this retrospective study, we measured concentrations of cobalt, vitamin B12, and mRNA transcripts encoding key enzymes in the 1-carbon cycle in 55 fetal human livers obtained from 11 to 21 weeks of gestation elective terminations and matched for gestation and maternal smoking. DNA methylation was measured at critical regions known to be susceptible to the in utero environment. Homocysteine concentrations were analyzed in plasma from 60 fetuses. Results: In addition to identifying baseline sex differences, we found that maternal smoking was associated with sex-specific alterations of fetal liver vitamin B12, plasma homocysteine and expression of enzymes in the 1-carbon cycle in fetal liver. In the majority of the measured parameters which showed a sex difference, maternal smoking reduced the magnitude of that difference. Maternal smoking also altered DNA methylation at the imprinted gene IGF2 and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR/NR3C1). Conclusions: Our unique data strengthen studies linking in utero exposures to altered DNA methylation by showing, for the first time, that such changes are present in fetal life and in a key metabolic target tissue, human fetal liver. Furthermore, these data propose a novel mechanism by which such changes are induced, namely through alterations in methyl donor availability and changes in 1-carbon metabolism

    Carbamazepine reduces memory induced activation of mesial temporal lobe structures: a pharmacological fMRI-study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: It is not known whether carbamazepine (CBZ; a drug widely used in neurology and psychiatry) influences the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast changes induced by neuronal activation and measured by functional MRI (fMRI). We aimed to investigate the influence of CBZ on memory induced activation of the mesial temporal lobes in patients with symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one individual patients with refractory symptomatic TLE with different CBZ serum levels and 20 healthy controls were studied using BOLD fMRI. Mesial temporal lobe (MTL) activation was induced by a task that is based on the retrieval of individually familiar visuo-spatial knowledge. The extent of significant MTL fMRI activation was measured and correlated with the CBZ serum level. RESULTS: In TLE patients, the extent of significant fMRI activation over both MTL was negatively correlated to the CBZ serum level (Spearman r = -0.654, P < 0.001). Activation over the supposedly normal MTL, i.e. contralateral to the seizure onset of TLE patients, was smaller than the averaged MTL activation in healthy controls (P < 0.005). Age, duration of epilepsy, side of seizure onset, and intelligence were not correlated to the extent of the significant BOLD-response over both MTL in patients with TLE. CONCLUSIONS: In TLE patients, carbamazepine reduces the fMRI-detectable changes within the mesial temporal lobes as induced by effortful memory retrieval. FMRI appears to be suitable to study the effects of chronic drug treatment in patients with epilepsy

    The Political Economy of Non-Traditional Security: Explaining the Governance of Avian Influenza in Indonesia

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    Given the common association of non-traditional security (NTS) problems with globalisation, surprisingly little attention has been paid to how the political economy context of given NTS issues shape how they are securitised and managed in practice. We argue that security and its governance are always highly contested because different modes of security governance invariably privilege particular interests and normative agendas in state and society, which relate directly to the political economy. Drawing on critical political geography, we argue that, because NTS issues are perceived as at least potentially transnational, their securitisation often involves strategic attempts by actors and coalitions to ‘rescale’ their governance beyond the national political and institutional arenas, into new, expert-dominated modes of governance. Such efforts are often resisted by other coalitions, for which this rescaling is deleterious. As evidenced by a case study of avian influenza in Indonesia, particular governance outcomes depend upon the nature of the coalitions assembled for and against rescaling in specific situations, while these coalitions’ make-up and relative strength is shaped by the political economy of the industries that rescaling would affect, viewed against the broader backdrop of state-society relations

    Association analyses of the interaction between the ADSS and ATM genes with schizophrenia in a Chinese population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The blood-derived RNA levels of the adenylosuccinate synthase (<it>ADSS</it>) and ataxia telangiectasia mutated (<it>ATM</it>) genes were found to be down- and up-regulated, respectively, in schizophrenics compared with controls, and <it>ADSS </it>and <it>ATM </it>were among eight biomarker genes to discriminate schizophrenics from normal controls. ADSS catalyzes the first committed step of AMP synthesis, while ATM kinase serves as a key signal transducer in the DNA double-strand breaks response pathway. It remains unclear whether these changes result from mutations or polymorphisms in the two genes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six SNPs in the <it>ADSS </it>gene and three SNPs in the <it>ATM </it>gene in a Chinese population of 488 schizophrenics and 516 controls were genotyped to examine their association with schizophrenia (SZ). Genotyping was performed using the Sequenom platform.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no significant difference in the genotype, allele, or haplotype distributions of the nine SNPs between cases and controls. Using the Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) method, we found that the interactions among rs3102460 in the <it>ADSS </it>gene and rs227061 and rs664143 in the <it>ATM </it>gene revealed a significant association with SZ. This model held a maximum testing accuracy of 60.4% and a maximum cross-validation consistency of 10 out of 10.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that the combined effects of the polymorphisms in the <it>ADSS </it>and <it>ATM </it>genes may confer susceptibility to the development of SZ in a Chinese population.</p