32 research outputs found

    Lock-in Amplifier

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou koherentní demodulace pomocí Lock-in zesilovačů. První část je zaměřena na teoretický rozbor této problematiky. V druhé - praktické části je popsán návrh, konstrukce a měření vlastností jednokanálového a dvoukanálového analogového Lock-in zesilovače. Dále je popsáno měření průtoku pomocí Coriolisova průtokoměru s využitím dvoukanálového Lock-in zesilovače. Dále je popsán návrh digitálního Lock-in zesilovače pomocí měřící karty. V závěru jsou shrnuté výsledky měření vlastností Lock-in zesilovače.This thesis deals with coherent demodulation by using Lock-in amplifier. The first part of this thesis focuses on theoretical analysis of this issue. The second – practical part describes design, construction and measurement of single–channel and dual–channels analog Lock-in amplifier. Further is described measurement of flow through the Coriolis flow meter by using dual-channels Lock-in amplifier. As further is described design digital Lock-in amplifier by using measuring card. The conclusion summarizes the results of measurement of Lock-in amplifier.

    User-defined Measurement Modules for cRIO

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací měřicích a komunikačních modulů pro platformu Compact RIO. V první části jsou popsané platformy od firmy National Instruments, použitelné pro měřicí a regulační techniku. Podrobněji je rozvedena platforma CompactRIO. Ve druhé kapitole se práce věnuje popisu hardwarových požadavků potřebných pro zkonstruování modulu, komunikace s moduly a pracovní režimy. Ve třetí teoretické části jsou uvedeny informace o podpůrných programech. V závěru třetí části je popsaná realizace jednoduché vstupní digitální karty. V dalších částech jsou popsány praktické návrhy karet (analogová vstupně výstupní karta, GPS modul) a dosažené výsledky.This thesis describes design and manufacture of measuring and communication modules for CompactRIO platform. In the first section is described platform from National Instrument suitable for measurement and control technology. There is written more fact about CompactRIO. The second part is focused on description of the hardware requirements needed to construct the module, communication and working modes. The third part describes information about support programs. At the end of third part is describes practical application of input digital card. Next section consists of practical proposal modules (input / output analog module, GPS modulu) and achievements.

    The use of knowledge management systems and Event-B modelling in a lean enterprise

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    This paper provides a case study describing an approach to improving the efficiency of an information system (IS) by supporting processes outside the IS, using the ontology-driven knowledge management systems (KMS) as a mini-application in the area of so-called lean enterprise. Lean enterprise is focused on creating a maximal value for final customers while eliminating all kinds of waste and unnecessary costs, which significantly helps to increase the level of its competitiveness. It is about managerial decision-making, which can be in some cases contradictory (solving a local problem can cause a problem in another place). In this paper, we describe the KMS ATOM, which supports the innovation process in a lean enterprise. We show how the risk of wrong decisions due to contradictory effects can be eliminated by implementing a safety-critical system into the traditional IS. Our model is supported by Event-B modelling, a refinement-based formal modelling method, which is successfully used in important areas such as infrastructure, medicine, nuclear engineering and transportation (fire alarm systems, robotic surgery machines, braking systems in transportation, etc.). Nowadays, Event-B modelling is starting to be used for various management decision-making activities, and it is becoming a powerful competitiveness tool. This paper introduces a simple example of how Event-B modelling and its proof obligations can help improve and automate the decision-making process by eliminating potential threats of inefficient decisions.RVO project "Modelling of effective production and administration processes parameters in industrial companies based on the concept Industry 4.0

    The balanced scorecard and its practical applications in oracle balanced scorecard

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    In today's rapidly changing world, strategy management is a vital element of management. In connection with this, there exists a necessity to translate strategy into definite goals and steps. This facilitates communication of corporate strategy to staff at a company, and execution is simpler for an employee of the firm. Furthermore, it is imperative to maintain feedback on information about the state of performance objectives. The methodology of the Balanced Scorecard proves most appropriate for this task. Implementing the Balanced Scorecard, however, cannot be successful without the support of a high-quality business information system as, especially within a larger business, this concept will not function if not working with large amounts of data and information. This paper deals with applying Balanced Scorecard methodology in business information systems, focusing on practical applications in Oracle Balanced Scorecard. Beginning with a brief overview of current knowledge about the Balanced Scorecard, it includes a discourse on the essential logic of this methodology and a presentation of its individual components. Attention is also paid to the role of the Balanced Scorecard in strategic management. Following this, focus switches to the support of the Balanced Scorecard in information systems. In this section of the paper, concentration is placed on Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management and their relation to the above-mentioned methodology. In the main body of this study, practical solutions are addressed that support this methodology within the information system of Oracle. This part is divided into two chapters. First, a solution is dealt with from the perspective of Viewers (end users). The major benefits for employees of the company are highlighted, as is the influence on the effectiveness of their work. The other portion is devoted to the duties of designers - people transposing the Balanced Scorecard into an information system. Therefore, it constitutes a way of setting up and customizing the Balanced Scorecard within an information system. Finally, this paper summarizes the main benefits of integrating the Balanced Scorecard and an information system, such as aligning corporate goals with those of employees, improved communication and better feedback

    Management of logistics processes in ERP systems

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    This article is dealing with management of logistics processes in information system, concrete ERP systems. Dilemma of effective management of logistics processes grows in importance at the present times. The first part of this paper is engaged with theoretical framework of logistic processes and their management by helping information technology. At the end of the first part the benefits of ERP systems are summarized. The second part is devoted to practical management of these processes in the Microsoft Dynamics NAY. This part shows how the benefits can be created by using information system

    The balanced scorecard and its practical applications in oracle balanced scorecard

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    In today's rapidly changing world, strategy management is a vital element of management. In connection with this, there exists a necessity to translate strategy into definite goals and steps. This facilitates communication of corporate strategy to staff at a company, and execution is simpler for an employee of the firm. Furthermore, it is imperative to maintain feedback on information about the state of performance objectives. The methodology of the Balanced Scorecard proves most appropriate for this task. Implementing the Balanced Scorecard, however, cannot be successful without the support of a high-quality business information system as, especially within a larger business, this concept will not function if not working with large amounts of data and information. This paper deals with applying Balanced Scorecard methodology in business information systems, focusing on practical applications in Oracle Balanced Scorecard. Beginning with a brief overview of current knowledge about the Balanced Scorecard, it includes a discourse on the essential logic of this methodology and a presentation of its individual components. Attention is also paid to the role of the Balanced Scorecard in strategic management. Following this, focus switches to the support of the Balanced Scorecard in information systems. In this section of the paper, concentration is placed on Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management and their relation to the above-mentioned methodology. In the main body of this study, practical solutions are addressed that support this methodology within the information system of Oracle. This part is divided into two chapters. First, a solution is dealt with from the perspective of Viewers (end users). The major benefits for employees of the company are highlighted, as is the influence on the effectiveness of their work. The other portion is devoted to the duties of designers - people transposing the Balanced Scorecard into an information system. Therefore, it constitutes a way of setting up and customizing the Balanced Scorecard within an information system. Finally, this paper summarizes the main benefits of integrating the Balanced Scorecard and an information system, such as aligning corporate goals with those of employees, improved communication and better feedback

    The influence of the water quality on managed ichthyocenosis in the Berounka River, 1975-2003

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    In 1962-2004 the stepwise increase of the concentration of NO3-, NH4+, Cl-, and SO42- was found up to the end of 1980´s with their subsequent decrease; only for BOD the gradual decrease in all sites and years was observed. These environmental factors (EF) together with the fishery statistics from two fishing wards (B7 and B8) in the Berounka River near Radnice were used in RDA models for the evaluation of the variability in fish assemblage structure in relation to the given EF. The best results in both wards were obtained using model with three EF (BOD, NO3-, SO42-), next models with four (five) factors explained more variability, some EF were, however, not significant. The partial effect of carp as EF on the yield of other species was non significant in B7 and closely above the significance (p=0.036) in B8. The changes in the frequency of fish species in fishery statistics are influenced by EF; the fishery statistics can be used for the evaluation of changes in fish assemblages in the past