129 research outputs found

    Assessing potential debris flow runout: a comparison of two simulation models

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    Abstract. In the present paper some of the problems related to the application of the continuum mechanics modelling to debris flow runout simulation are discussed. Particularly, a procedure is proposed to face the uncertainties in the choice of a numerical code and in the setting of rheological parameter values that arise when the prediction of a debris flow propagation is required. In this frame, the two codes RASH3D and FLO2D are used to numerically analyse the propagation of potential debris flows affecting two study sites in Southern Italy. For these two study sites, a lack in information prevents that the rheological parameters can be obtained from the back analysis of similar well documented debris flow events in the area. As a prediction of the possible runout area is however required by decision makers, an alternative approach based on the analysis of the alluvial fans existing at the toe of the two studied basins is proposed to calibrate rheological parameters on the safe side. From the comparison of the results obtained with RASH3D (where a Voellmy and a Quadratic rheologies are implemented) and FLO2D (where a Quadratic rheology is implemented) it emerges that, for the two examined cases, numerical analyses carried out with RASH3D assuming a Voellmy rheology can be considered on the safe side respect to those carried out with a Quadratic rheology

    A comparative assessment of rheological laws for mud flows

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    Climate change has increased the frequency of prolonged and intense rainfall events. As a result, increasingly frequent slurry flows, channelised landslides that occur on mountain slopes, have manifested all over the world causing extensive damage. On 15-16 December 1999 the municipality of Cervinara was hit by several slurry flows and some authors simulated the events considering the mixture as an equivalent continuous fluid. These models have adopted depth-averaged approaches, in which both internal and basal flow resistance are described by the bottom shear stress. By investigating the various rheological models applied, the comparisons highlighted the differences in terms of shear stress values with the same flow depth and unit discharge width. Despite these differences, the models applied satisfactorily to simulating the same event. A further rheological law is introduced, derived from the characterization in the laboratory of a mud reconstituted from a soil sample taken at the Cervinara site, which models the slurry as a shear-thinning fluid. Whatever the flow depth and flow conditions, the low shear-thinning index values imply an almost constant shear stress. Future simulations of the full event could reveal the performance of this bottom-up approach in predicting the consequences of a field-scale landslide

    Impact load estimation on retention structures with the discrete element method

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    The design of countermeasures such as barriers and filter dams needs an accurate estimation of the impact load. However, debris flows typically contain poorly sorted grains, whose size can span several orders of magnitude. Large grains can induce impulsive loads on a barrier, and potentially clog the openings designed to induce self-cleaning after an event. The current modeling techniques, mostly based on continuum-based depth-integrated approximations, cannot accurately describe these mechanisms, and analytical approaches often fail to tackle this complexity. In an effort to reproduce a realistic impact load, a sample flow composed of grains is reproduced with a three-dimensional model based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The mass impinges upon a barrier with a prescribed velocity. The barrier design is inspired by a monitored dam built on a catchment located in the Italian Alps, which features multiple outlets. The grains can clog the outlets, forming frictional arches. The load pattern on the barrier is analyzed in terms of single-grain impact and of collective behaviors. The impulse transferred by the granular mass to the structure is then used as input for a structural analysis of the barrier through a Finite Element analysis. The results highlight how frictional chains can induce loads that are substantially different from those determined by standard analytical approaches

    The failure of the Stava Valley tailings dams (Northern Italy): numerical analysis of the flow dynamics and rheological properties

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    Tailings dams are made up of mining residue deposits, and they represent a high risk, in terms of mechanical instability. In the event of collapse, the tailings in such dams may be released and flow over long distances, with the potential risk of extensive damage to property and life. The traditional geotechnical assessment of tailings facilities has mainly concentrated on the stability of tailings dams, while relatively few studies have investigated the flow of tailings released after dam failure. In this context, it is possible to state that, if the complex rheological behaviour of the tailings material is captured correctly during the flow, numerical modelling can be used to contribute to a better comprehension of the flow characteristics and for the assessment of the possible extension of the impact area. Considering the wide range of possible rheological behaviour that tailings flows can assume (from laminar to turbulent), this paper presents the new version of a computer model, which was designed to simulate the motion of rapid flow movements across 3D terrain. This new version integrates the existing rheological kernel (Frictional, Voellmy) with two new rheological laws (Bingham and Turbulent), and adds the possibility of changing the rheological properties of the flowing mass during the propagation process. The code has been applied to the disastrous flow that was caused by the failure of a pair of tailings impoundments in the Stava Creek Valley (Italy) in 1985. Since different interpretations on this flow behaviour already exist in literature, and since a large number of changes in the rheological values along the run-out path have been proposed to recreate its dynamics, new simulations, carried out with different rheological combinations, are presented and discussed here in order to obtain a better understanding of the flow dynamics and to identify the rheology that reproduces the phenomenon that occurred with the fewest possible changes in the rheological values along the runout path. The latter aspect is particularly important when numerical analyses are used for prediction purposes. The great rheological flexibility of the new code has allowed the Voellmy rheology and a combination of its parameters to be identified as the most suitable to describe the Stava flow, even where the run-out path presented critical characteristics

    A new method for evaluating stony debris flow rainfall thresholds: the Backward Dynamical Approach

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    Debris flow rainfall thresholds aim to provide a level of rainfall duration and average intensity above which the probability of a debris flow occurrence is significant. Estimating reliable thresholds for use in early warning systems has proved to be a challenging task. In fact the methodologies currently available in the literature are not entirely satisfactory since they provide thresholds unlikely low. The goal of the present research is exploring new paths aimed at improving the reliability of rainfall thresholds. A possible weak point of the literature approaches is the way the duration and the average intensity pertaining to a debris flow is determined. Up to now, these values are evaluated using only the characteristics of the hyetograph associated to a debris-flow event. In the present paper, we propose a new methodology based on volumetric relations deriving from a simplified description of the dynamic of a stony debris flow: by using these relations, from a measure of the deposited volume it is possible to estimate backwardly the volume of rain that caused the deposition; then, from this last value and the knowledge of the relevant hyetograph, it is possible to reconstruct the duration and the average intensity. Application of this new technique to a sample study area allowed us to prove the feasibility of the method and, to some extent, its capabilities: with respect to a classical literature method, the new approach produces an higher threshold and a smaller characteristic duration scales. Finally, strengths and weakness of the method have been evaluated thoroughly

    Coupling Depth-Averaged and 3D numerical models to study debris flow: Saint-Vincent event

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    Debris flows are extremely rapid and unpredictable phenomena whose rheology is poorly understood. Moreover, human settlements are often located in areas prone to debris flows. The combination of these features makes debris flows hazardous phenomena. Barriers are usually installed in debris flow paths to mitigate risk. However, their design is still based on empirical methods. In order to base the design of barriers on a more reliable approach, the understanding of debris flows must be improved. Continuum numerical models have proved to be a helpful tool for studying debris flows. In particular, numerical models can predict the speed and the flow depth in debris flows paths, and roughly estimate the forces and the pressure acting on a mitigation structure. Currently, two main groups of continuum numerical models are available to study debris flows (i) depth-averaged (DA) models and (ii) three-dimensional (3D) models. Although DA models can study a real-scale event, they may over-simplify the flow-structure interaction. On the other hand, 3D models can be very reliable for studying flow-structure interaction but studying a whole phenomenon (from triggering to deposition) would require enormous computational resources. This work aims to show how the coupling of a DA and a 3D model allows an effective and performing analysis of a debris flow dynamics. The study is focused on the 2014 Saint-Vincent event (Aosta Valley, Italy)

    Investigation and numerical simulation of debris flow events in Rochefort basin (Aosta Valley—NW Italian Alps) combining detailed geomorphological analyses and modern technologies

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    This paper presents a multidisciplinary approach using modern technologies for the analysis and modelling of the debris flow that occurred at Torrent Rochefort (Aosta Valley—Italy) September 2015. A detailed on-site geological and geomorphological study was performed to highlight the main characteristics of the basin, useful for validating and calibrating dynamic simulations. The total mobilized volume was estimated by comparing a pre-event DTM and a post-event DTM generated from an unmanned aerial vehicle. A digital terrain model comparative analysis provided a quantitative estimation of erodible depths in diferent sectors of the Rochefort basin. Numerical modelling of the event was performed using the continuum mechanics-based code RASH3D that enabled a simulation of the dynamic debris motion on complex topography. The results demonstrate the importance of a detailed geomorphological study for the validation and calibration of numerical results. Finally, some considerations were inferred about the magnitude of unstable debris and the possible consequences on local infrastructures

    Risk Assessment of Transport Linear Infrastructures to Debris Flow

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    For the assessment of debris flow risk, it is essential to consider not only the triggering and propagation stages but also to perform analyses of its effects and consequences. The study aims at developing a procedure based on a quantitative risk assessments able to estimate the different levels of risk with reference to transport linear infrastructures. This includes numerical modelling for debris flows to determine the zones where the elements at risk could suffer an impact. A detailed comparison between the performances of two different approaches to debris flow modelling was carried out. In particular, the results of a mono-phase Bingham model (FLO-2D) and that of a single-phase model (RASH-3D) with reference to the Enna area (Sicily). The results can be applied for the risk calculations. The purpose is to define a priority of intervention for the identification of the infrastructures exposed at risk, leading to the choice of safety measures

    Debris flow: Simulating the mitigation properties of vegetation

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    Natural vegetation impacted by debris flows can act as an energy dissipator. This braking effect is similar to the one exerted by baffle arrays. However, this effect, and its potential for hazard mitigation, has been studied only marginally. In this work, we apply a depth-averaged model to reproduce scaled laboratory experiments of flow-forest interaction
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