315 research outputs found

    Intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal chronic total occlusions using the Crosser system

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    Purpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of a device for vibrational angioplasty in the percutaneous intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal chronic total occlusions (CTO). Technique: The Crosser CTO Recanalization System is a mechanical recanalization device that uses high-frequency vibrational energy to disrupt and channel through fibrocalcific plaque without harming the vessel wall, thus assisting in the recanalization of an occluded artery. In 12 diabetic patients (7 men; median age 71 years, range 58–80) with critical limb ischemia owing to long (median length 26 cm, range 21–32) infrainguinal CTOs resistant to conventional guidewire techniques, the Crosser CTO Recanalization System was successful in intraluminally crossing the occlusion in 9 (75%) patients in ,5 minutes (mean 4:03 minutes). The safety endpoint (distal lumen guidewire position with no vessel perforation or dissection) was achieved in all successful cases. Conclusion: In our preliminary experience, the Crosser CTO Recanalization Catheter decreased crossing time, was safe, and achieved a high rate of intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal CTOs. J Endovasc Ther. 2009;16:23–27 Key words: critical limb ischemia, chronic total occlusion, percutaneous interventions, infrainguinal occlusion, intraluminal recanalization, vibrational energ

    Robots as intelligent assistants to face COVID-19 pandemic

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    Motivation: The epidemic at the beginning of this year, due to a new virus in the coronavirus family, is causing many deaths and is bringing the world economy to its knees. Moreover, situations of this kind are historically cyclical. The symptoms and treatment of infected patients are, for better or worse even for new viruses, always the same: More or less severe flu symptoms, isolation and full hygiene. By now man has learned how to manage epidemic situations, but deaths and negative effects continue to occur. What about technology? What effect has the actual technological progress we have achieved? In this review, we wonder about the role of robotics in the fight against COVID. It presents the analysis of scientific articles, industrial initiatives and project calls for applications from March to now highlighting how much robotics was ready to face this situation, what is expected from robots and what remains to do. Results: The analysis was made by focusing on what research groups offer as a means of support for therapies and prevention actions. We then reported some remarks on what we think is the state of maturity of robotics in dealing with situations like COVID-19


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    This work illustrates the use of geomatics techniques for the documentation of Teatro Massimo in Palermo (Italy), one of the most important and big in Italy and in Europe. The theatre is characterized by a very complex structure and is realized also using innovative solution, studied at the time of the project specifically for this building; for example, an original system was realized for a natural air-conditioning system of the auditorium. Due to his complexity, the documentation of the Teatro Massimo requires studying specific survey solutions for the different parts of the building. In this paper, some studies on two of the most representative parts of the building were described. In particular, a 3D survey of the auditorium was carried out to obtain a first 3D model of the most important internal part; a very accurate monitoring of structure inside the dome of the theatre was also carried out. The survey of the auditorium was realized by a Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), that has allowed the creation of a digital archive of point clouds, showing, however, the some level of criticality due to the complex shapes of building and of architectural details. The work has highlighted that specific strategy to optimize the number of acquisitions needed for the complete documentation of the auditorium. The monitoring of the structure inside the dome was carried out by topographic and photogrammetric techniques. The monitoring was aimed at measuring the displacements of the support devices connecting the iron structure of the dome. The monitoring has allowed to understand and to test the proper functionality of this complex system. Some tests were carried out also by a thermal camera to correlate the displacements of the support devices with the dilatations produced by steel thermal gradients

    A semi-automatic system for labelling seafood products and obtaining fishery management data: A case study of the bottom trawl fishery in the central Mediterranean Sea

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    This study is on the implementation of a semi-automatic labelling system (LS) of the Mediterranean Sea seafood harvest to address the increased need for seafood authentication and inherent difficulties of commonly used indirect techniques for estimating fisheries yield and fishing effort. Sensitive datarequired for anti-counterfeit policies, such as date and catch area, can be acquired and recorded on the label by user-friendly automated software that excludes any possible manipulation by the crew. Based on results obtained from the installation of the LS on bottom commercial trawlers, the system certified the origin of the seafood products and simultaneously provided, indirectly, geospatial fisheries yield and fishing effort data of the main exploited species

    Robot’s Inner Speech Effects on Human Trust and Anthropomorphism

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    Inner Speech is an essential but also elusive human psychological process that refers to an everyday covert internal conversation with oneself. We argued that programming a robot with an overt self-talk system that simulates human inner speech could enhance both human trust and users’ perception of robot’s anthropomorphism, animacy, likeability, intelligence and safety. For this reason, we planned a pre-test/post-test control group design. Participants were divided in two different groups, one experimental group and one control group. Participants in the experimental group interacted with the robot Pepper equipped with an over inner speech system whereas participants in the control group interacted with the robot that produces only outer speech. Before and after the interaction, both groups of participants were requested to complete some questionnaires about inner speech and trust. Results showed differences between participants’ pretest and post-test assessment responses, suggesting that the robot’s inner speech influences in participants of experimental group the perceptions of animacy and intelligence in robot. Implications for these results are discussed

    Chronic Contained Rupture of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: From Diagnosis to Endovascular Resolution

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    A male patient, 69 years old, presented with fever, leucocytosis, and persistent low back pain; he also had an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), as previously diagnosed by Doppler UltraSound (US), and was admitted to our hospital. On multislice computed tomography (msCT), a large abdominal mass having no definite border and involving the aorta and both of the psoas muscles was seen. This mass involved the forth-lumbar vertebra with lysis, thus simulating AAA rupture into a paraspinal collection; it was initially considered a paraspinal abscess. After magnetic resonance imaging examination and culture of the fluid aspirated from the mass, no infective organisms were found; therefore, a diagnosisof chronically contained AAA rupture was made, and an aortic endoprosthesis was subsequently implanted. The patient was discharged with decreased lumbar pain. At 12-month follow-up, no evidence of leakage was observed. To our knowledge, this is the first case of endoprosthesis implantation in a patient, who was a poor candidate for surgical intervention due to renal failure, leucocytosis and high fever, having a chronically contained AAA ruptured simulatingspodilodiscitis abscess. Appropriate diagnosis and therapy resolved potentially crippling pathology and avoided surgical graftrelated complications. Keywords Abdominal aortic aneurysm Endoprosthesis implantation Vertebral erosio

    The "Safari" technique to perform difficult subintimal infragenicular vessels

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the efficacy of planned combined subintimal arterial flossing with antegrade– retrograde intervention (SAFARI) to obtain the precise recanalization of the patent portion of a distal runoff vessel in critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients presenting long occlusions involving the popliteal trifurcation. Four patients at risk of limb loss due to long occlusions involving the leg vessel tree and not suitable for a surgical bypass were treated by the subintimal antegrade and retrograde (posterior tibial or anterior tibial artery) approach. The patent portion of the runoff vessel was previously assessed by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and directly punctured under Doppler ultrasound (US) guidance. A subintimal channel rendezvous was performed to allow snaring of the guidewires. Subsequently, a balloon dilatation was performed without stent deployment. All patients were successfully recanalized and had complete healing of the limb lesions. At the 12-month follow-up all patients showed clinical improvement with no major complications related to the procedure. This combined antegrade and retrograde subintimal approach is currently an excellent endovascular option in patients with long occlusions extending onto the leg vessels trifurcation and at risk of limb loss. Key words: Critical limb ischemia—Subintimal technique— Popliteal branches—Retrograde acces

    Interface Diffusion and Compatibility of (Ba,La)FeO3−δ Perovskite Electrodes in Contact with Barium Zirconate and Ceria

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    Ba1-x La (x) FeO3-delta perovskites (BLF) capable of conducting electrons, protons, and oxygen ions are promising oxygen electrodes for efficient solid oxide cells (fuel cells or electrolyzers), an integral part of prospected large-scale power-to-gas energy storage systems. We investigated the compatibility of BLF with lanthanum content between 5 and 50%, in contact with oxide-ion-conducting Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-delta and proton-conducting Ba-Zr0.825Y0.175O3-delta electrolytes, annealing the electrode-electrolyte bilayers at high temperature to simulate thermal stresses of fabrication and prolonged operation. By employing both bulk X-ray diffraction and synchrotron X-ray microspectroscopy, we present a space-resolved picture of the interaction between electrode and electrolyte as what concerns cation interdiffusion, exsolution, and phase stability. We found that the phase stability of BLF in contact with other phases is correlated with the Goldschmidt tolerance factor, in turn determined by the La/Ba ratio, and appropriate doping strategies with oversized cations (Zn2+, Y3+) could improve structural stability. While extensive reactivity and/or interdiffusion was often observed, we put forward that most products of interfacial reactions, including proton-conducting Ba-(Ce,Gd)-O3-delta and mixed-conducting (Ba,La)-(Fe,Zr,Y)-O3-delta, may not be very detrimental for practical cell operation

    Vasculitis of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic periaortitis

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    The term "chronic periaortitis" (CP), proposed by Mitchinson in 1984, comprises 3 main entities: idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis (IRF), inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms (IAAAs), and perianeurysmal retroperitoneal fibrosis (PRF).The presence of constitutional symptoms, high acute-phase reactants, positive autoantibodies, and associated autoimmune diseases suggests a systemic inflammatory process. Histopathologic findings show vasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis involving the aortic vasa vasorum as well as the small and medium retroperitoneal vessels.We reviewed the medical records of 608 patients with a diagnosis of vasculitis involving the gastrointestinal (GI) tract at the Mayo Clinic between January 1996 and December 2007. Only patients with biopsy-proven or typical angiographic findings of vasculitis localized to the GI tract were included.Five patients were identified with evidence of CP (1 patient with PRF, 1 with IRF, and 3 with IAAAs). Three patients were men, and the median age at diagnosis was 49 years. The diagnosis of GI vasculitis and CP was made simultaneously in 4 patients. At the time of onset, all patients had abdominal pain and constitutional manifestations; the median erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 62.5 mm/1 h (range, 20-86 mm/1 h). All patients had evidence of mesenteric vasculitis at angiography. Three patients also had associated renal artery stenoses. Abdominal computed tomography showed spleen infarcts in 2 patients, bowel wall thickening in 1, and liver infarction in 1. Two patients underwent surgical intervention for acute abdomen; there was histologic evidence of small bowel infarcts and infarction of the spleen and liver in 1. Oral prednisone was administered to all 5 patients (median starting dose, 60 mg/d; range, 25-80 mg/d). Three patients also received immunosuppressive agents, 1 tamoxifen, and 1 anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy. All patients had at least 1 relapse or recurrence of vasculitis, but at last visit, GI vasculitis and CP were in remission in all 5 patients.This study provides evidence that GI manifestations due to mesenteric vasculitis may be associated with CP. Vasculitic involvement of the renal arteries is also frequently present in these patients. Aggressive immunosuppressive treatment should be promptly initiated to forestall abdominal complications. These findings reinforce the hypothesis that a vasculitic process plays an important role in the pathogenesis of CP
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