1,610 research outputs found

    Attachment, Physiological and Familial Vulnerability in Childhood Obesity: an Interactive Multisystem Approach

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    The aims of the present study were to test the association between insecure attachment and basal cortisol and catecholamines levels in a sample of obese children. The role of familial vulnerability and gender was also investigated. Methods: Cortisol and catecholamines levels of 8- to 13-year olds obese children were measured. Self-report questionnaires were used to assess attachment pattern and current anxiety and depression, and parent-report questionnaires were used to assess attachment, current anxiety and depression and familial vulnerability. Linear regression analyses were performed for individuals that scored low versus high on parental internalizing problems, and for boys and girls, separately. Results: In the group with high parental internalizing problems, insecure attachment was significantly associated with reduced basal levels of cortisol, in boys (p=0.007, b= -0.861, R2= 73.0%). In the group with low parental internalizing problems, the association between insecure attachment and cortisol was not significant in either boys or girls, and it was negative in boys (p=0.075, b= -0.606, R2= 36.7%) and positive in girls (p=0.677, b= 0.176, R2= 3.1%) . Conclusions: Apparently, physiological risk factors for psicopathology in obesity are more evident in individuals with a high familial vulnerability. In addition, patterns of physiological risk for psicopathology in obesity are different in boys and girls. Therefore, it is important to take into account familial vulnerability and gender when investigating physiological risk factors for psycopathology in obesity. Insecure attachment in childhood may be a risk factor for obesity. Interventions to increase children's attachment security should examine the effects on children's weight

    Manejo da fertirrigação em fruteiras e hortaliças.

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    Necessidade de nutrientes; Frequência de aplicação e distribuição de nutrientes; Preparo e aplicação da solução nutritiva; Monitoramento da fertirrigação

    Neuropathology of central nervous system involvement in TTR amyloidosis

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    Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv) is a systemic disease caused by the accumulation of misfolded transthyretin (TTR). It usually presents with an adult-onset progressive axonal peripheral neuropathy and cardiomyopathy. In the central nervous system (CNS), variant TTR is produced by the choroid plexus and accumulates in the leptomeninges. CNS symptoms have been increasingly recognized in this population, including transient focal neurological episodes and stroke, particularly in patients with the V30M mutation and longstanding disease. The prevalence, pathophysiology, and progression of CNS involvement remain to be clarified. The present work explores if there is a recognizable sequence of CNS TTR deposition in ATTRv. We studied the topographical and severity distribution of TTR deposition in 16 patients with ATTRv, aged 27–69 years and with a mean disease duration of 10.9 years (range: 3–29). Our results suggest that CNS pathological involvement in V30M ATTRv occurs early in the disease course, probably starting in pre-symptomatic phases, and follows a distinct sequence. Leptomeninges and subarachnoid meningeal vessels are affected earlier, then followed by perforating cortical vessels and subpial deposition, and finally by deposition in the subependymal and basal ganglia vessels near the ependymal lining. Brainstem and spinal cord show early and severe involvement, with amyloid subpial deposition already seen in initial stages. Despite massive superficial amyloid deposition, no parenchymal deposition outside subpial or subependymal regions was found. Additionally, vascular lesions or superficial cortical siderosis were not frequent. Future studies with more patients from different populations and TTR mutations will be important to confirm these findings. Defining stages of TTR pathology in the CNS may be useful to better understand pathogenic mechanisms leading to symptoms and to interpret neuroimaging biomarkers.Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine (UMIB) is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Portugal (Grant Numbers UIDB/00215/2020, and UIDP/00215/2020). We acknowledge Portuguese Brain Bank for tissue samples supply. The authors thank José Ferreira for the help in editing the manuscript figures

    Soil class map of the Rio Jardim watershed in Central Brazil at 30 meter spatial resolution based on proximal and remote sensed data and MESMA method

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    Geospatial soil information is critical for agricultural policy formulation and decision making, land-use suitability analysis, sustainable soil management, environmental assessment, and other research topics that are of vital importance to agriculture and economy. Proximal and Remote sensing technologies enables us to collect, process, and analyze spectral data and to retrieve, synthesize, visualize valuable geospatial information for multidisciplinary uses. We obtained the soil class map provided in this article by processing and analyzing proximal and remote sensed data from soil samples collected in toposequences based on pedomorphogeological relashionships. The soils were classified up to the second categorical level (suborder) of the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS), as well as in the World Reference Base (WRB) and United States Soil Taxonomy (ST) systems. The raster map has 30 m resolution and its accuracy is 73% (Kappa coefficient of 0.73). The soil legend represents a soil class followed by its topsoil color

    Choroidal Binarization Analysis: Clinical Application

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    Introduction: Image processing of optical coherence tomography scans through binarization techniques represent a non-invasive way to separately asses and measure choroidal components, in vivo. In this review, we systematically search the scientific literature regarding binarization studies published so far. Methods: A systematic research was conducted at PubMed database, including English literature articles for all of the following terms in various combinations: binarization, choroid/al, enhanced depth spectral domain/swept source optic coherence tomography, and latest publications up to November 2018 were reviewed. Results: Thirty-seven articles were included and analyzed regarding studied disease, binarization method, studied variables, and outcomes. Most of the studies have focused on the more common retinal pathologies, such as age-related macular degeneration, central serous chorioretinopathy and diabetic retinopathy but binarization techniques have also been applied to the study of choroidal characteristics in ocular inflammatory diseases, corneal dystrophies and in postsurgical follow-up. Advantages and disadvantages of binarization techniques are also discussed. Conclusion: Binarization of choroidal images seems to represent a promising approach to study choroid subcomponents in an increasingly detailed manner.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atividades das enzimas catalase e esterase em sementes de café produzidas sob diferentes tratamentos de fertirrigação.

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    Com a escassez das áreas produtivas e com a limitação de algumas regiões pela deficiência hídrica, a irrigação vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada, seja para aumentar a produtividade a qualidade dos produtos ou para diminuir os custos da aplicação de adubo. Na cultura de café está sendo utilizada, principalmente, a fertirrigação, que além das vantagens destacadas evita a compactação do solo, concorre para um menor gasto de energia e evita os danos mecânicos causadas por máquinas usadas na adubação. Sabe-se que, dentre outros fatores, a adubação pode influenciar na qualidade de sementes, além de interferir nos resultados dos padrões de proteínas e de isoenzimas, como a catalase e a esterase Assim, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da fertirrigação nos padrões isoenzimáticos da catalase e esterase em sementes de café produzidas em lavoura cafeeira irrigada e adubada com diferentes doses de nutrientes nitrogenados. Os frutos foram colhidos em lavoura da Universidade Federal de Lavras, espécie Coffea arábica L., sendo fertirrigado por um sistema de gotejamento e dois parcelamentos, doze e quatro aplicações por ano. Após a colheita dos frutos no estádio cereja, estes foram despolpados , desmucilados , secados e submetidos às análises de eletroforese de isoenzimas. Da análise dos resultados, constatou-se que os tratamentos de fertirrigação com diferentes arcelamentos e doses de adubação não afetam o perfil eletroforético das isoenzimas catalase e esterase

    Release of volatile compounds from polymeric microcapsules mediated by photocatalytic nanoparticles

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    In this study we propose a suitable method for the solar-activated controlled release of volatile compounds from polymeric microcapsules bonded with photocatalytic nanoparticles. These reservoirs can find applications, for example, in the controlled release of insecticides, repellents, or fragrances, amongst other substances. The surfaces of the microcapsules have been functionalized with TiO2 nanoparticles.Upon ultraviolet irradiation, redox mechanisms are initiated on the semiconductor surface resulting in the dissociation of the polymer chains of the capsule wall and, finally, volatilization of the encapsulated compounds. The quantification of the output release has been performed by gas chromatography analysis coupled with mass spectroscopy.Strategic Project PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011 and PTDC/CTMNAN/119979/2010 Projec

    The Impact of Donor Risk Index, Recipients’ and Operative Characteristics on Post Liver Transplant One-Year Graft Failure: A Cohort Analysis

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    Background and Aims: The donor risk index (DRI) quantifies donor-related characteristics potentially associated with increased risk of early graft failure. We aimed to assess the impact of the DRI, recipient and perioperative factors on post liver transplant (LT) outcomes. Methods: This was a singlecenter retrospective cohort study including all adult (≥18 years) patients who underwent LT from 01/2019 to 12/2019 at Curry Cabral Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal. Primary endpoint was 1-year graft failure post LT. Associations were studied with logistic regression. Results: A total of 131 cadaveric donor LT procedures were performed in 116 recipients. Recipients’ median (IQR) age was 57 (47–64) years and 101/131 (77.1%) were males. Cirrhosis was the underlying etiology in 95/131 (81.2%) transplants. Based on 8 predefined donors’ characteristics, median (IQR) DRI was 1.96 (1.67–2.16). Following adjustment for MELDNa score pre LT and SOFA score (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.91 [0.56–1.47]) or lactate (aOR [95% CI] = 2.76 [0.71–10.7]) upon intensive care unit (ICU) admission post LT, DRI was not associated with 1-year graft failure. However, higher SOFA score (aOR [95% CI] = 1.20 [1.05–1.37]) or lactate (aOR [95% CI] = 1.27 [1.10–1.46]) upon ICU admission post LT were independently associated with higher odds of 1-year graft failure. Conclusions: In a recent cohort of patients who underwent LT, DRI, despite being high, was not associated with 1-year graft failure, but SOFA score or lactate upon ICU admission post LT were.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uso do raio X no tratamento de ovos de Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) para impedir a emergência de adultos,

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a melhor dose de raios X, que quando aplicada sobre os ovos de C. capitata, permitisse a eclosão e desenvolvimento do hospedeiro até a fase de pupa, e, por outro lado, impedisse a emergência dos adultos das moscas.SICONBIOL 201