12,396 research outputs found

    The role of translational invariance in non linear gauge theories of gravity

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    The internal structure of the tetrads in a Poincar\'e non linear gauge theory of gravity is considered. Minkowskian coordinates becomes dynamical degrees of freedom playing the role of Goldstone bosons of the translations. A critical length allowing a covariant expansion similar to the weak field approach is deduced, the zeroth order metric being maximally symmetric (Minkowskian in some cases).Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Imaginary Phases in Two-Level Model with Spontaneous Decay

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    We study a two-level model coupled to the electromagnetic vacuum and to an external classic electric field with fixed frequency. The amplitude of the external electric field is supposed to vary very slow in time. Garrison and Wright [{\it Phys. Lett.} {\bf A128} (1988) 177] used the non-hermitian Hamiltonian approach to study the adiabatic limit of this model and obtained that the probability of this two-level system to be in its upper level has an imaginary geometric phase. Using the master equation for describing the time evolution of the two-level system we obtain that the imaginary phase due to dissipative effects is time dependent, in opposition to Garrison and Wright result. The present results show that the non-hermitian hamiltonian method should not be used to discuss the nature of the imaginary phases in open systems.Comment: 11 pages, new version, to appear in J. Phys.

    Atualização e revitalização do mapeamento pedológico das várzeas do Município de Parintins - AM.

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    Este estudo foi realizado com trabalhos de campo e interpretação dos solos do município, e existem poucas cópias disponíveis sendo de difícil acesso e consulta. Atualmente com a popularização de ferramentas de sistemas de informações geográficas é possível a digitalização e retificação desses mapas que constituem um importante legado da pedologia no passado

    QED vacuum between an unusual pair of plates

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    We consider the photon field between an unusual configuration of infinite parallel plates: a perfectly conducting plate (ϵ)(\epsilon\to\infty) and an infinitely permeable one μ)\mu\to\infty). After quantizing the vector potential in the Coulomb gauge, we obtain explicit expressions for the vacuum expectation values of field operators of the form 0_0 and <B^iB^j>0<{\hat B}_i{\hat B}_j>_0. These field correlators allow us to reobtain the Casimir effect for this set up and to discuss the light velocity shift caused by the presence of plates (Scharnhorst effect \cite{Scharnhorst,Barton,BarScharn}) for both scalar and spinor QED.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, no figure

    Concept for a Time-of-Flight Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at the European Spallation Source

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    A new Small Angle Neutron Scattering instrument is proposed for the European Spallation Source. The pulsed source requires a time-of-flight analysis of the gathered neutrons at the detector. The optimal instrument length is found to be rather large, which allows for a polarizer and a versatile collimation. The polarizer allows for studying magnetic samples and incoherent background subtraction. The wide collimation will host VSANS and SESANS options that increase the resolution of the instrument towards um and tens of um, respectively. Two 1m2 area detectors will cover a large solid angle simultaneously. The expected gains for this new instrument will lie in the range between 20 and 36, depending on the assessment criteria, when compared to up-to-date reactor based instruments. This will open new perspectives for fast kinetics, weakly scattering samples, and multi-dimensional contrast variation studies.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    The Effect of Star Formation History on the Inferred Initial Stellar Mass Function

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    Peaks and lulls in the star formation rate (SFR) over the history of the Galaxy produce plateaux and declines in the present day mass function (PDMF) where the main-sequence lifetime overlaps the age and duration of the SFR variation. These PDMF features can be misinterpreted as the form of the intrinsic stellar initial mass function (IMF) if the star formation rate is assumed to be constant or slowly varying with time. This effect applies to all regions that have formed stars for longer than the age of the most massive stars, including OB associations, star complexes, and especially galactic field stars. Related problems may apply to embedded clusters. Evidence is summarized for temporal SFR variations from parsec scales to entire galaxies, all of which should contribute to inferred IMF distortions. We give examples of various star formation histories to demonstrate the types of false IMF structures that might be seen. These include short-duration bursts, stochastic histories with log-normal amplitude distributions, and oscillating histories with various periods and phases. The inferred IMF should appear steeper than the intrinsic IMF over mass ranges where the stellar lifetimes correspond to times of decreasing SFRs; shallow portions of the inferred IMF correspond to times of increasing SFRs. If field regions are populated by dispersed clusters and defined by their low current SFRs, then they should have steeper inferred IMFs than the clusters. The SFRs required to give the steep field IMFs in the LMC and SMC are determined. Structure observed in several determinations of the Milky Way field star IMF can be accounted for by a stochastic and bursty star formation history.Comment: accepted by ApJ for 1 Jan 2006, Vol 636, 12 pages + 6 figure

    Caby Photometry of the Hyades: Comparisons to the Field Stars

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    Intermediate-band photometry of the Hyades cluster on the Caby system is presented for dwarf stars ranging from spectral type A through late K. A mean hk, b-y relation is constructed using only single stars without anomalous atmospheres and compared to the field stars of the solar neighborhood. For the F dwarfs, the Hyades relation defines an approximate LOWER bound in the two-color diagram, consistent with an [Fe/H] between +0.10 and +0.15. These index-color diagrams follow the common convention of presenting stars with highest abundance at the bottom of the plot although the index values for the metal-rich stars are numerically larger. For field F dwarfs in the range [Fe/H] between +0.4 and -1.0, [Fe/H] = -5.6 delta-hk + 0.125, with no evidence for a color dependence in the slope. For the G and K dwarfs, the Hyades mean relation crosses the field star distribution in the two-color diagram, defining an approximate UPPER bound for the local disk stars. Stars found above the Hyades stars fall in at least one of three categories: [Fe/H] below -0.7, [Fe/H] above that of the Hyades, or chromospherically active. It is concluded that, contrary to the predictions of model atmospheres, the hk index for cool dwarfs at a given color hits a maximum value for stars below solar composition and, with increasing [Fe/H] above some critical value, declines. This trend is consistent, however, with the predictions from synthetic indices based upon much narrower Ca filters where the crossover is caused by the metallicity sensitivity of b-y.Comment: 13 pages, 9 eps figures, 1 tex table, 1 ascii tabl

    Hacia un mejor entendimiento sobre los agricultores custodios y sus roles: percepciones de un estudio de caso en Cachilaya, Bolivia

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    Esta publicacion es el resultado de una investigacion colaborativa entre Bioversity International y la Fundacion para la Promocion e Investigacion de Productos Andinos (PROINPA). Se ocupa de las cuestiones relativas a la conservacion de la agrobiodiversidad en finca, un campo poco abordado por la investigacion, a pesar de su rol fundamental en el mantenimiento de la diversidad agrícola mundial. Actores estrategicos en la conservacion en las fincas son los agricultores que, por diversas razones, se distinguen de los demas por su contribucion a la conservacion de la diversidad de cultivos. Los llamamos ‘agricultores custodios’, a pesar de que la terminología pueda no ser adecuada para todos los contextos sociales. El entender quienes son los agricultores custodios, su presencia en el territorio, los tipos de cultivos que mantienen, el por que y como lo hacen, así como el adquirir conocimientos sobre los factores culturales, sociales y economicos detras de sus esfuerzos es, para los científicos, un paso muy importante en la elaboracion de estrategias efectivas de conservación en finca. Las entrevistas abiertas y la observacion participante son metodologías utiles para guiar futuros enfoques metodologicos y así avanzar en la comprension de como los roles de los agricultores custodios pueden ser mejor reconocidos, aprovechados y apoyados por la sociedad. Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco de un importante proyecto mundial de las Naciones Unidas apoyado por el FIDA y la Comision Europea, que se centra en el desarrollo de enfoques participativos e innovadores para la conservacion en finca de Especies Olvidadas y Subutilizadas (EOS)

    A New Algorithm for Supernova Neutrino Transport and Some Applications

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    We have developed an implicit, multi-group, time-dependent, spherical neutrino transport code based on the Feautrier variables, the tangent-ray method, and accelerated Λ{\bf \Lambda} iteration. The code achieves high angular resolution, is good to O(v/cv/c), is equivalent to a Boltzmann solver (without gravitational redshifts), and solves the transport equation at all optical depths with precision. In this paper, we present our formulation of the relevant numerics and microphysics and explore protoneutron star atmospheres for snapshot post-bounce models. Our major focus is on spectra, neutrino-matter heating rates, Eddington factors, angular distributions, and phase-space occupancies. In addition, we investigate the influence on neutrino spectra and heating of final-state electron blocking, stimulated absorption, velocity terms in the transport equation, neutrino-nucleon scattering asymmetry, and weak magnetism and recoil effects. Furthermore, we compare the emergent spectra and heating rates obtained using full transport with those obtained using representative flux-limited transport formulations to gauge their accuracy and viability. Finally, we derive useful formulae for the neutrino source strength due to nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung and determine bremsstrahlung's influence on the emergent νμ\nu_{\mu} and ντ\nu_{\tau} neutrino spectra.Comment: 58 pages, single-spaced LaTeX, 23 figures, revised title, also available at http://jupiter.as.arizona.edu/~burrows/papers, accepted for publication in the Ap.