35 research outputs found

    Características físicas e de desempenho de backs e forwards da seleção gaúcha de rugby

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar características de desempenho de atletas regionais brasileiros de Rugby divididos entre posições. Foram investigados a massa corporal total, estatura, índice de massa corporal (IMC), desempenho no yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (yo-yo test), altura dos saltos verticais e os valores de uma repetição máxima (1RM) de supino de 15 forwards e 16 backs que formaram a seleção gaúcha adulta de Rugby em 2010. A comparação dos resultados foi feita pelo teste T de Student para amostras independentes adotando α<0,05. Forwards eram mais pesados, mais fortes e apresentaram maior IMC do que atletas backs (p<0,05). Estes últimos, por outro lado, apresentaram melhor desempenho no yo-yo test (p<0,05). Estes resultados suportam a especificidade das diferentes posições estudadas em função de suas demandas de jogo, demonstrando que tais diferenças podem ser observadas em amadores competitivos. Os valores apresentados podem servir como referência preliminar para treinadores e atletas regionais

    Behaviour of some Amazonian clones of rubber tree in Tracuateua

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    Foi estudado o desempenho dos clones de seringueira (Hevea sp): IAN 717, IAN 873, IAN 3087, IAN 2880, IAN 2388, IAN 4082, Fx 3899, Fx 3864, Fx 3846 e Fx 3810, nas condições ecológicas de Tracuateua, PA. Decorridos oito anos da instalação do experimento, os clones que apresentam melhor desenvolvimento vegetativo são: Fx 3810, IAN 717 e IAN 3087. Destes destaca-se o clone Fx 3810 com 73% das plantas em condições de sangria.The performance of the rubber tree clones (Hevea sp.) IAN 717, IAN 873, IAN 2880, IAN 2388, IAN 4082, Fx 3899, Fx 3864, Fx 3846 and Fx 3810 was studied in ecological conditions of Tracuateua, PA. Eight years after the beginning of the experiments, the best clones in vegetative development were Fx 3810, IAN 717 and IAN 3087, emphasizing Fx 3810, with 73% of the plants in conditions for tapping

    Behavior of hevea sp amazonic clones under the ecological conditions of Belém, PA, Brazil

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    Foi estudado o desempenho de quatorze clones amazônicos de seringueira (Hevea sp.): IAN 8000, IAN 500, IAN 710, IAN 713, IAN 717, IAN 833, IAN 873, IAN 936, Fx 1042, Fx 2261, Fx 3810, Fx 3925, Fx 4098 e Fx 25, nas condições ecológicas de Belém, PA. Onze anos após a instalação do experimento, os clones Fx 25, IAN 717, Fx 3925, Fx 4098, Fx 3810 e Fx 2261, apresentaram as maiores produções de borracha seca/corte, respectivamente, de 36,6; 33,2; 29,8; 22,9; 19,5; 19,2. Destes, os mais resistentes ao mal-das-folhas foram os clones IAN 717, Fx 3810, Fx 3925 e Fx 4098.The performance of 14 amazonian clones of Hevea sp. (IAN 8000, IAN 500, IAN 710, IAN 713, IAN 717, IAN 833, IAN 873, IAN 936, Fx 1042, Fx 2261, Fx 3810, Fx 3925, Fx 4098 and Fx 25) has been studied under the ecological conditions of Belém, PA, Brazil. Eleven years after the installation of the experiment, the clones Fx 25, IAN 717, Fx 3925, Fx 4098, Fx 3810 and Fx 2261 have showed the highest production of dry rubber per tapping, respectively, in grams: 36,6; 33,2; 29,8; 22,9; 19,5; 19,2. Among the most resistant clones to South American Leaf Blight are IAN 717, Fx 3810, Fx 3925 and Fx 4098

    The use of selection index in rubber trees

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    Foi estabelecido um índice para seleção de seringueiras (Hevea spp) jovens, utilizando-se os caracteres de altura de planta (x), diâmetro do caule (y), número de lançamentos (z) e produção de borracha seca (w). A população empregada constituiu-se de famílias de meio-irmãos dos clones IAN 713, IAM 717, IAN 873, Fx 3899 e híbrido de H. pauciflora x H. brasiliensis. Foi empregado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dez plantas na área útil da parcela. Os dados foram colhidos quando as plantas atingiram doze meses de idade. O índice de seleção calculado (I = -0,001171x + 0,000367y + 0,000503z + 1,048130w) evidenciou a vantagem de seleção de plantas mais baixas, como fator de redução da época para a sangria. Foram selecionadas dez plantas na intensidade de seleção de 5%, com o ganho genético de seleção esperado (Gs) de 0,00178, que representou 24,9% em relação ao índice médio da população original. Foi alta a correlação fenotípica existente entre altura de plantas, diâmetro do caule e produção e baixa interrelação desses caracteres com o número de lançamentos. Os resultados mostraram ainda, a conveniência de utilização de porta- enxertos dos clones IAN 713 e IAN 717, além da necessidade de aprimoramento do miniteste de produção.An index selection of young rubber trees (Hevea spp) was established, utilizing several characteristics such as plant height (x), stem diameter (y) flushes of leaves (z) and dry rubber yield (w). The population was concerned about halt-sib clones of IAN 713, IAN 171, IAN 873, Fx 3899, and a hybrid clone of Hevea pauciflora vs. Hevea brasiliensis. The experiment was carried out in a completely random desing, with four replications, and ten plants within a plot. The data were collected when the plants were twelve month old. The index selection value (I = -0.001 171x + 0.000367y + 0.000503z + 1.048130w) indicated the advantage of selection in the shortes plants as a factor of reducing the tapping age. Ten plants in the intensity of 5% selection were selected with a 0.001780 value of genetic gain (Gs). This value represented 24.9% of the index average of the original population. It was observed a high phenotypic correlation value between plant height stem, diameter and yield, and a low interrelationship of these characters with number of flushes of leaves. The results showed the advantage of utilizing rootstocks from the clones IAN 713 and IAN 717, beside the necessity of improvement of MTP (mini test of production)

    Risk factors for infection, predictors of severe disease, and antibody response to COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases in Portugal: a multicenter, nationwide study

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    Copyright © 2022 Cruz-Machado, Barreira, Bandeira, Veldhoen, Gomes, Serrano, Duarte, Rato, Miguel Fernandes, Garcia, Pinheiro, Bernardes, Madeira, Miguel, Torres, Bento Silva, Pestana, Almeida, Mazeda, Cunha Santos, Pinto, Sousa, Parente, Sequeira, Santos, Fonseca and Romão. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Objective: To identify risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection and for severe/critical COVID-19, and to assess the humoral response after COVID-19 in these patients. Methods: Nationwide study of adult patients with inflammatory RMDs prospectively followed in the Rheumatic Diseases Portuguese Register-Reuma.pt-during the first 6 months of the pandemic. We compared patients with COVID-19 with those who did not develop the disease and patients with mild/moderate disease with those exhibiting severe/critical COVID-19. IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 were measured ≥3 months after infection and results were compared with matched controls. Results: 162 cases of COVID-19 were registered in a total of 6,363 appointments. Patients treated with TNF inhibitors (TNFi; OR = 0.160, 95% CI 0.099-0.260, P < 0.001) and tocilizumab (OR 0.147, 95% CI 0.053-0.408, P < 0.001) had reduced odds of infection. Further, TNFi tended to be protective of severe and critical disease. Older age, major comorbidities, and rituximab were associated with an increased risk of infection and worse prognosis. Most patients with inflammatory RMDs (86.2%) developed a robust antibody response. Seroconversion was associated with symptomatic disease (OR 13.46, 95% CI 2.21-81.85, P = 0.005) and tended to be blunted by TNFi (OR 0.17, 95% CI 0.03-1.05; P = 0.057). Conclusions: TNFi and tocilizumab reduced the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2. Treatment with TNFi also tended to reduce rates of severe disease and seroconversion. Older age, general comorbidities and rituximab were associated with increased risk for infection and worse prognosis, in line with previous reports. Most patients with RMDs developed a proper antibody response after COVID-19, particularly if they had symptomatic disease.We acknowledge the generous sharing of the expression constructs by Dr. Florian Krammer, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA [Development of SARS-CoV-2 reagents was partially supported by the NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS) contract HHSN272201400008C] and the protein production by Drs. Paula Alves and Rute Castro at Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (iBET) Oeiras, Portugal as part of the Serology COVID consortium.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predictors of cardiac involvement in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

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    Copyright © 2023 Bandeira, Dourado, Melo, Martins, Fraga, Ferraro, Saraiva, Sousa, Parente, Soares, Correia, Almeida, Dinis, Pinto, Oliveira Pinheiro, Rato, Beirão, Samões, Santos, Mazeda, Chícharo, Faria, Neto, Lourenço, Brites, Rodrigues, Silva-Dinis, Dias, Araújo, Martins, Couto, Valido, Santos, Barreira, Fonseca and Campanilho-Marques. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Objectives: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of rare disorders that can affect the heart. This work aimed to find predictors of cardiac involvement in IIM. Methods: Multicenter, open cohort study, including patients registered in the IIM module of the Rheumatic Diseases Portuguese Register (Reuma.pt/Myositis) until January 2022. Patients without cardiac involvement information were excluded. Myo(peri)carditis, dilated cardiomyopathy, conduction abnormalities, and/or premature coronary artery disease were considered. Results: 230 patients were included, 163 (70.9%) of whom were females. Thirteen patients (5.7%) had cardiac involvement. Compared with IIM patients without cardiac involvement, these patients had a lower bilateral manual muscle testing score (MMT) at the peak of muscle weakness [108.0 ± 55.0 vs 147.5 ± 22.0, p=0.008] and more frequently had oesophageal [6/12 (50.0%) vs 33/207 (15.9%), p=0.009] and lung [10/13 (76.9%) vs 68/216 (31.5%), p=0.001] involvements. Anti-SRP antibodies were more commonly identified in patients with cardiac involvement [3/11 (27.3%) vs 9/174 (5.2%), p=0.026]. In the multivariate analysis, positivity for anti-SRP antibodies (OR 104.3, 95% CI: 2.5-4277.8, p=0.014) was a predictor of cardiac involvement, regardless of sex, ethnicity, age at diagnosis, and lung involvement. Sensitivity analysis confirmed these results. Conclusion: Anti-SRP antibodies were predictors of cardiac involvement in our cohort of IIM patients, irrespective of demographical characteristics and lung involvement. We suggest considering frequent screening for heart involvement in anti-SRP-positive IIM patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio