823 research outputs found

    New morphology data and geographic distribution expansion of Leposternon mineiro Ribeiro, Silveira & Santos-Jr, 2018 (Squamata, Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaenidae)

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    We provide new morphological and geographic distribution data for Leposternon mineiro. Fifteen specimens of L. mineiro were analyzed (six specimens of the type series and nine additional specimens), in addition to 404 specimens of other species of the genus, used for identification and comparison. Meristic characters, morphometrics, head scale patterns and dentition matched the previously published diagnosis of the species, but we also found some variations compared to the type series. We expanded the ranges of the following diagnostic characters of L. mineiro: snout-vent length 221–380 mm, tail length 11.5–23.4 mm, 252–300 dorsal postpectoral halfannuli, 252–280 ventral postpectoral half-annuli, 14–16 caudal annuli, 26–37 dorsal segments and 24–39 ventral segments in a midbody annuli, and 2–4 precloacal pores. The new record from the municipality of Cristalina, State of Goiás, extends the geographic distribution of the species by 148 km west of nearest record.Nós fornecemos novos dados morfológicos e de distribuição geográfica para Leposternon mineiro. Foram analisados quinze espécimes de L. mineiro (seis espécimes da série-tipo e nove exemplares adicionais), além de 404 exemplares de outras espécies do gênero, utilizados para identificação e comparação. Caracteres merísticos, morfométricos, padrões de escamas da cabeça e dentição corresponderam com a diagnose da espécie publicada anteriormente, mas encontramos algumas variações em comparação à série-tipo. Nós ampliamos as variações dos seguintes caracteres diagnósticos de L. mineiro: comprimento rostro-cloacal de 221–380 mm, comprimento da cauda de 11,5–23,4 mm, 252–300 meios anéis pós-peitorais dorsais, 252–280 meios anéis pós-peitorais ventrais, 14–16 anéis caudais, 26–37 segmentos dorsais e 24–39 segmentos ventrais em um anel do meio do corpo e 2–4 poros pré-cloacais. O novo registro do município de Cristalina, Estado de Goiás, amplia a distribuição geográfica da espécie em 148 km a oeste do registro mais próximo."Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Bickerstaff's Encephalitis, Guillain-barré Syndrome And Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Are They Related Conditions?

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    [No abstract available]663 B744746Hughes, R.A., Cornblath, D.R., Guillain-Barré syndrome. (2005) Lancet, 366, pp. 1653-1666Overell, J.R., Willison, H.J., Recent developments in Miller Fisher syndrome and related disorders (2005) Curr Opin Neurol, 18, pp. 562-566Odaka, M., Yuki, N., Yamada, M., Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis: Clinical features of 62 cases and a subgroup associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome (2003) Brain, 126, pp. 2279-2290Ball, A.K., Clarke, C.E., Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (2006) Lancet Neurol, 5, pp. 433-442Walker, R.W., Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: Any light on the mechanism of the raised pressure? (2001) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 71, pp. 1-5Weiss, G.B., Bajwa, Z.H., Mehler, M.F., Co-occurrence of pseudotumor cerebri and Guillain-Barré syndrome in an adult (1991) Neurology, 41, pp. 603-604Ropper, A.H., Marmarou, A., Mechanism of pseudotumor in Guillain-Barré syndrome (1984) Arch Neurol, 41, pp. 259-261Pulitanò, S., Viola, L., Genovese, O., Miller-Fisher syndrome mimicking intracranial hypertension following head trauma (2005) Childs Nerv Syst, 21, pp. 473-476Fisher, M., An unusual variant of acute idiopathic polyneuritis (syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia) (1956) N Engl J Med, 255, pp. 57-65Bickerstaff, E.R., Brain-stem encephalitisfurther observations on a grave syndrome with benign prognosis (1957) Br Med J, 1, pp. 1384-1387Al-Din, A.N., The nosological position of the ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia syndrome: "the spectrum hypothesis (1987) Acta Neurol Scand, 75, pp. 287-294Chiba, A., Kusunoki, S., Obata, H., Serum anti-GQ1b IgG antibody is associated with ophthalmoplegia in Miller Fisher syndrome and Guillain-Barré syndrome: Clinical and immunohistochemical studies (1993) Neurology, 43, pp. 1911-1917Nagaoka, U., Kato, T., Kurita, K., Cranial nerve enhancement on three-dimensional MRI in Miller Fisher syndrome (1996) Neurology, 47, pp. 1601-1602Kornberg, A.J., Pestronk, A., Blume, G.M., Selective staining of the cerebellar molecular layer by serum IgG in Miller Fisher and related syndromes (1996) Neurology, 47, pp. 1317-1320Lo, Y.L., Chan, L.L., Pan, A., Ratnagopal, P., Acute ophthalmoparesis in the anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome: Electrophysiological evidence of neuromuscular transmission defect in the orbicularis oculi (2004) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 75, pp. 436-440Yuki, N., Koga, M., Bacterial infections in Guillain-Barré and Fisher syndromes (2006) Curr Opin Neurol, 19, pp. 451-457Kwon, H.M., Hong, Y.H., Sung, J.J., A case of Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitisthe evidence of cerebellum involvement by SPM analysis using PET (2006) Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 108, pp. 418-420Urushitani, M., Udaka, F., Kameyama, M., Miller Fisher-Guillain-Barré overlap syndrome with enhancing lesions in the spinocerebellar tracts (1995) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 58, pp. 241-243Ogawara, K., Kuwabara, S., Yuki, N., Fisher syndrome or Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis? Anti-GQ1b IgG antibody syndrome involving both the peripheral and central nervous systems (2002) Muscle Nerve, 26, pp. 845-849Overell, J.R., Hsieh, S.T., Odaka, M., Treatment for Fisher syndrome, Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis and related disorders (2007) Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 1. , CD00476

    Construction d'une carte coopérative dans les réseaux véhiculaires

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    International audienceDans les réseaux véhiculaires, l’identification des voisins est le point de départ de nombreuses applications. De même, ladécouverte des voisins à plusieurs sauts est nécessaire pour de nombreuses applications ITS coopératives. Cependant,en raison de la dynamique de ces réseaux, cette tâche n’est pas simple. Généralement, les informations relatives auxnœuds deviennent rapidement obsolètes. En plus, elles peuvent avoir été transmises par des nœuds non fiables. Dans cecontexte, un nœud doit évaluer la confiance qu’il a dans l’information reçue. Nous proposons un algorithme distribuépour la construction coopérative d’une carte fournissant les coordonnées des nœuds et les services disponibles dans levoisinage jusqu’à n sauts. La carte comprend également une estimation de la confiance dans les informations collectéesainsi que la fiabilité des chemins vers les services découverts. Les expériences par émulation de réseau démontrentl’intérêt de notre approche. Elle devrait permettre de sélectionner des vehicules pertinents dans le cadre d’applicationsITS coopératives

    Morphophysiological Plasticity Of Plagiotropic Branches In Response To Change In The Coffee Plant Spacing Within Rows

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    Changes in spacing within rows may alter the morphology of the coffee plant by affecting the physiological constituents of its productivity. Even though some common plant responses to crop spacing variation are known, there is yet no scientific evidence that elucidates the effects of decreased spacing on the sourcesink relation in plagiotropic branches and, its association with both productivity and eco-physiological aspects of coffee leaves, mainly for new coffee cultivars in the Brazilian savannah. The aim of this work was to characterize the morphophysiological responses of Coffea arabica L. cultivars subjected to different spacing between plants within rows. Four Arabica coffee cultivars (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 32, and Tupi RN IAC 1669-13) were transplanted in January 2010. A row spacing of 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, and 0.80 m was adopted between plants, maintaining a 3.80-m constant between rows. A randomized block design with four replicates was applied. During the experimental period, several morphophysiological characteristics of plagiotropic fruiting branches were evaluated in the months of April and December in 2013 and, in April 2014. The evaluation was conducted based on two canopy positions; canopy toward the rows, representing low exposure to light or toward the inter-row spacing, representing high light exposure. Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and photosynthetic pigments levels were minimally or not at all affected by changing either the coffee cultivars or plant spacing. During the first evaluation, the leaf-to-fruitratio linearly increased, regardless of the cultivar. Light-exposed branches showed higher content of carotenoids and chlorophyll a in leaves and lower leaf-to-fruit-ratio as compared to those within the plant canopy. A major reduction in the number of fruits per branch was observed which was closely related to a parallel decrease in the number of fruits per node but not in the number of fruiting nodes per branch. Although this response was largely cultivar-dependent, it also changed according to the branch position in the hedgerow. Our results suggest that all tested cultivars exhibit high morphophysiological plasticity and have the potential to grow under different plant spacing within rows.3763819383

    The Association between Childhood Obesity and Cardiovascular Changes in 10 Years Using Special Data Science Analysis

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    The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity is a worldwide problem, with several well-known consequences that might start to develop early in life during childhood. The present research based on data from children that have been followed since birth in a previously established cohort study (Generation XXI, Porto, Portugal), taking advantage of State-of-the-Art (SoA) data science techniques and methods, including Neural Architecture Search (NAS), explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), and Deep Learning (DL), aimed to explore the hidden value of data, namely on electrocardiogram (ECG) records performed during follow-up visits. The combination of these techniques allowed us to clarify subtle cardiovascular changes already present at 10 years of age, which are evident from ECG analysis and probably induced by the presence of obesity. The proposed novel combination of new methodologies and techniques is discussed, as well as their applicability in other health domains.João Rala Cordeiro received support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PhD Research Scholarship reference 2020.07443.BD)

    Variations in Tetrodotoxin Levels in Populations of Taricha granulosa are Expressed in the Morphology of Their Cutaneous Glands

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    Tetrodotoxin (TTX), one of the most toxic substances in nature, is present in bacteria, invertebrates, fishes, and amphibians. Marine organisms seem to bioaccumulate TTX from their food or acquire it from symbiotic bacteria, but its origin in amphibians is unclear. Taricha granulosa can exhibit high TTX levels, presumably concentrated in skin poison glands, acting as an agent of selection upon predatory garter snakes (Thamnophis). This co-evolutionary arms race induces variation in T. granulosa TTX levels, from very high to undetectable. Using morphology and biochemistry, we investigated differences in toxin localization and quality between two populations at the extremes of toxicity. TTX concentration within poison glands is related to the volume of a single cell type in which TTX occurs exclusively in distinctive secretory granules, suggesting a relationship between granule structure and chemical composition. TTX was detected in mucous glands in both populations, contradicting the general understanding that these glands do not secrete defensive chemicals and expanding currently held interpretations of amphibian skin gland functionality. Skin secretions of the two populations differed in low-mass molecules and proteins. Our results demonstrate that interpopulation variation in TTX levels is related to poison gland morphology

    Morphological Evidence for an Oral Venom System in Caecilian Amphibians

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    Amphibians are known for their skin rich in glands containing toxins employed in passive chemical defense against predators, different from, for example, snakes that have active chemical defense, injecting their venom into the prey. Caecilians (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) are snake-shaped animals with fossorial habits, considered one of the least known vertebrate groups. We show here that amphibian caecilians, including species from the basal groups, besides having cutaneous poisonous glands as other amphibians do, possess specific glands at the base of the teeth that produce enzymes commonly found in venoms. Our analysis of the origin of these glands shows that they originate from the same tissue that gives rise to teeth, similar to the venom glands in reptiles. We speculate that caecilians might have independently developed mechanisms of production and injection of toxins early in their evolutionary history

    Women and working in healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil: bullying of colleagues

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    Background: Based on a feminist approach, we analyzed the experiences of workplace bullying suffered by women front-line healthcare professionals dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. We start from studies that show that women make up 70% of the global health workforce, 85% in the area of nursing, and 90% in the case of social care workers. An unequivocal need thus exists to address gender issues regarding the composition of the labor force in the health area. The pandemic has aggravated recurring problems involving healthcare professionals at the various caregiving levels, such as mental harassment (bullying) and its effects on mental health. Methods: Data were gathered from an online survey of a convenience (non-probability) sample composed of 1,430 volunteer respondents, all women that work in the public health system in Brazil. The analyses and discussions involved the responses to a questionnaire containing 12 closed-ended questions and one open-ended question. Results: The results revealed a context of workplace bullying aggravated by precarious material, institutional and organizational conditions in the area of health services against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. This context has variously led to aggression, isolation, heavy workloads, and invasion of privacy, humiliation, persecution and fear as it was possible to see, mainly, in the answers to the study’s open-ended question. This situation degrades both work relations and the integrity of the healthcare professionals who work on the front line to treat Covid-19 cases. Conclusion: We conclude that bullying is a psychosocial phenomenon that heightens the oppression and subordination still experienced by women in the contemporary context, but with new hues in a scenario of frontline response to Covid-19
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