68 research outputs found

    Information as Public domain. A Philosophical Argument against Intellectual Private Property

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    The idea of code as a commons is usually asserted in relation with two specific, technical fields: software and genetic code. The question of intellectual property may appear very specialized, indeed. However, as it concerns the wider subject of freedom of information, it may be useful to see it from the perspective of Western philosophy tradition. In it, communism of knowledge is a marginal opinion, or is it intertwined in the mainstream? It is possible to outline arguments for the idea of knowledge as a commons both in Kant's and in Plato's thought. An analysis di those arguments shows the continuity of a tradition that is much more respectable and ancient than the claims of intellectual private property

    A liberal infrastructure in a neoliberal world: the Italian case of GARR

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    This paper aims to outline some issues concerning the interaction, in European Union law, between data policy, university regulation, open science, intellectual property and infrastructure policy. On the one hand, such issues primarily regard intellectual property: exclusive rights deriving from copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. On the other hand, they also concern forms of exclusive control on data that are not strictly related to intellectual property but enhanced by the control on technology and infrastructure. This exclusive control can accompany or be independent from the protection of intellectual property conferred by law.To make science open and to limit the market power of intellectual monopolies and oligopolies, restricting and reshaping intellectual property rights on data is not enough. It is also necessary to create or to revive public infrastructures and to implement open standards for texts, data, and code. An example of a public infrastructure for a university is the Italian consortium GARR, which during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to anchor the local debate about academic and teaching freedom to an actual and viable alternative, protecting independent and public knowledge not just de jure but de facto as well

    Il Protagora di Platone

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    E' parte di un progetto di interpretazione ipertestuale dei dialoghi platonici, in corso. La ratio del progetto è esposta qui: http://btfp.sp.unipi.it/dida/eutifrone/ar01s12.html#link e qui: http://btfp.sp.unipi.it/~pievatolo/lm/amici.htm

    Il pessimismo cosmopolitico di Danilo Zolo

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    Si tratta di un contributo alla discussione del libro di Danilo Zolo, "Tramonto globale, La fame, il patibolo, la guerra", a cui hanno partecipato anche Salvatore Cingari e Gustavo Gozzi

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    L'Eutifrone di Platone

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    Ipertesto dedicato all'Eutifrone di Platon

    In memoriam - Giuliano Marini

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