79 research outputs found

    A new species of the genus Monokalliapseudes (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae) from French Guiana

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    International audienceA new species, Monokalliapseudes guianae, is described from French Guianese estuaries. It is distinguishable from its only congener most notably by lacking an exopodite on pereopod 1 and by the nature of the basal article of the uropod. The inner distal corner of the basal article is only slightly produced and lacks a rounded lobe. The bases of pereopods 2 and 3 lack numerous long setae. Sexual dimorphism is observed in the antennule, cheliped, and pereopod 1. Depending on size, males can exhibit two forms of chelae. A new diagnosis is presented for the genus Monokalliapseudes

    Expansion into an herbivorous niche by a customary carnivore:Black-tailed godwits feeding on rhizomes of Zostera at a newly established wintering site

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    In expanding populations, individuals may increasingly be forced to use sites of relatively low quality. This process, named the “buffer effect,” was previously described for the Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa islandica) in its use of nonbreeding sites in Great Britain and of breeding areas in Iceland. On the basis of diet analyses from droppings and stable isotopes, we describe a new case for the expanding French wintering population of the Black-tailed Godwit, an expansion accompanied by a drastic change in feeding strategy. In the 1990s, Black-tailed Godwits started using intertidal mudflats at Ile de Ré, where they eat the rhizomes of seagrass (Zostera noltii) rather than the customary shellfish (Macoma balthica) eaten at both the preferred (initial) site (Aiguillon Bay) and the area occupied last (Yves to Marennes-Oléron bays). Individually color-marked godwits appeared faithful to both diet type and site, suggesting a cost of a change of strategy. This represents a first case of rhizome-feeding in shorebirds, and it exemplifies a case of carnivorous birds occupying a new site shifting to herbivory.

    Migrating curlews on schedule: departure and arrival patterns of a long-distance migrant depend on time and breeding location rather than on wind conditions

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    Background However, few studies have tried to validate the significance of these three concepts simultaneously, and long-term, high-resolution tagging datasets recording individual movements across consecutive years are scarce. We used such a dataset to explore intraspecific and intra-individual variabilities in departure and arrival decisions from/to wintering grounds in relation to these three different concepts in bird migration.We equipped 23 curlews (Numenius arquata) wintering in the Wadden Sea with Global Positioning System data loggers to record their spatio-temporal patterns of departure from and arrival at their wintering site, and the first part of their spring migration. We obtained data for 42 migrations over 6 years, with 12 individuals performing repeat migrations in consecutive years. Day of year of departure and arrival was related to 38 meteorological and bird-related predictors using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) to identify drivers of departure and arrival decisions.Curlews migrated almost exclusively to Arctic and sub-Arctic Russia for breeding. Curlews breeding further away in areas with late snowmelt departed later. Departures dates varied by only < 4 days in individual curlews tagged over consecutive years.These results suggest that the trigger for migration in this long-distance migrant is largely independent of weather conditions but is subject to resource availability in breeding areas. The high intra-individual repeatability of departure days among subsequent years and the lack of relationship to weather parameters suggest the importance of genetic triggers in prompting the start of migration. Further insights into the timing of migration in immatures and closely related birds might help to further unravel the genetic mechanisms triggering migration patterns

    Meiofauna versus macrofauna as a food resource in a tropical intertidal mudflat

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    International audienceEvaluations of the functioning of benthic marine food webs could be improved by quantifying organic matter fluxes from the meiofauna to higher trophic levels. In this study, we measured the simultaneous ingestion of meiofauna and macrofauna by common dwellers of a tropical intertidal mudflat on the coast of Amazonia. The meiofauna and macrofauna (tanaid) communities of a tropical intertidal mudflat of French Guiana were separately enriched with 15N and 13C, respectively. The enriched preys were then used as tracers during feeding experiments with common predators of different sizes and feeding mechanisms: a Portunidae crab (Callinectes bocourti), a Penaeidae shrimp (Farfantepenaeus subtilis), and a Gobiidae fish (Gobionellus oceanicus). In feeding experiments with all predators except crabs, feeding rates increased with the availability of meiofauna and macrofauna food sources. The ability of consumers to ingest their food selectively was evaluated by calculating the differences in the ratio of macrofauna to meiofauna between the (1) ingested material and (2) that available in the environment. Larger predators showed a higher degree of preferential macrofauna ingestion than smaller predators, consistent with the optimal foraging theory. For large predators, the meiofauna would be important only during early life or in the absence of large food items

    International guidelines for monitoring breeding populations and levels of reproduction in the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata

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    The Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata is a species of global conservation concern. It is classified as globally Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List and several important breeding populations continue to decline. In 2015, an international conservation plan for the species was produced under the framework of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA). These guidelines have been produced to help support the implementation of the AEWA plan and seek to encourage, support and expand the monitoring of breeding populations of Eurasian Curlew across the breeding range. It has been written by a group of researchers from several countries, whom between them, have combined experience ‘in the field’ spanning several decades. The introductory chapter covers a range of topics including survey design, monitoring programmes in general, the focal species, its breeding ecology and processing results. The second chapter covers methodologies for surveying population size, including point counts, area searches and territory mapping. The third and final chapter addresses population-level reproduction and describes methodologies based on nests (e.g. clutch size and hatching success) and post-hatching survival. The guidelines also contain descriptions of field techniques and equipment to aid surveys and throughout the guidelines are a range of helpful pictures from active research and conservation projects from across the breeding range. The ultimate goal of the guidelines is to improve the evidence base for assessing the conservation status of the species and the three recognised subspecies. For this, survey data from less well-studied parts of the breeding range, e.g. Eastern Europe including Russia, are in high demand

    Use of stable isotope fingerprints to assign wintering origin and trace shorebird movements along the East Atlantic Flyway

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    Migratory connectivity can be defined as the flux of individuals or populations among areas between stages of an animal's life cycle. Many shorebird species perform long-distance migrations and while moving between breeding and wintering grounds, they depend on a network of intermediate wetlands (stopover sites) where populations of different origins extensively overlap. The difficulty to discriminate such populations represents a serious obstacle to the identification of the links between breeding or wintering areas and stopover sites, and also precludes the estimation of demographic parameters for each population. In this study, we test if linear discriminant models based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in toenails can he used to identify populations of several shorebird species of different wintering origins overlapping at two stopover sites of the East Atlantic Flyway. In addition, we evaluate the ability of this approach to infer migratory phenological patterns of shorebirds. Linear discriminant analyses performed overall well in distinguishing the isotopic signals of birds from wintering areas (in France, Portugal, Morocco, Mauritania and Guinea-Bissau) most species, correctly classifying over 80% (n = 542) of all wintering individuals sampled at these areas. Assignment rates of shorebirds captured during spring migration were also high (96%, n=323) at the Tejo estuary, Portugal, but lower (40%, 0 = 185) at Marennes-Oleron Bay in France, and also differed among species. A large proportion of spring migrants captured in Portugal and France were assigned to Banc d' Arguin in Mauritania, the most important wintering area in the flyway. Phenological patterns derived for dunlins (Calidris alpina), common ringed plovers (Charadrius hiaticula) and grey plovers (Pluvialis squatarola) suggest that the first northward migrants started arriving at the Tejo estuary during the second half of March, with peaking numbers occurring during April or May.</p

    Sélection des sites et des proies par les Barges à queue noire Limosa limosa islandica s’alimentant sur les herbiers de zoostères et les vasières du centre de la côte atlantique française

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    Characeae surveys and water physico-chemical studies have been performed during four years (2007-2011) on 41 wetlands of Numidia (NE Algeria). Among the 12 species inventoried in the region, four are rare in North Africa and one, Nitella batrachosperma, is new for Algeria. Comparison between Characeae communities and phosphate contents shows that (1) Characeae have nearly disappeared from habitats that contain high levels of orthophosphates (> 780 μg.l-1), (2) three species of Chara (C. globularis, C. gymnophylla and C. vulgaris) characterize medium-polluted habitats (213-780 μg.l-1), where they are often present as discontinuous populations, and (3) the Nitella (N. opaca and N. translucens) are good indicators of low water pollution (< 70 μg.l-1). In addition to the sole presence of a given species, the physiological appearance of the plants has to be taken into consideration as a sign of a healthy population.Dans une population en expansion, certains individus sont voués à explorer et exploiter de nouveaux habitats de moindre qualité. Sur la façade ouest européenne, la Barge à queue noire Limosa limosa islandica, qui se reproduit exclusivement en Islande, est l’une des rares espèces de limicoles avec une tendance démographique positive. Les côtes françaises accueillent 28 % de la population au milieu de l’hiver, le reste se distribuant sur les îles britanniques et la péninsule ibérique. Contrairement à la Grande Bretagne et l’Irlande, la population française se concentre sur un nombre restreint de sites mais avec de fortes concentrations. Les Pertuis Charentais accueillent plus de 65 % de la population nationale (ca 18 000 individus). Dans cette étude, nous décrivons comment la sélection des proies et les stratégies d’alimentation en milieux intertidaux sont liées à la sélection des sites à l’échelle locale and peuvent expliquer la distribution des oiseaux en période de non reproduction. La sélection des sites et des espèces-proies par les barges a été étudiée par la description du régime alimentaire et de la ressource trophique sur six zones d’alimentation sur les quatre principaux sites hivernages. Dans les Pertuis Charentais, il a été confirmé que ces barges occupent une niche écologique herbivore sur le nouveau site d’hivernage de l’île de Ré, où elles s’alimentent de Zostères naines Zostera noltii. La barge garde un régime carnivore sur les sites continentaux, où elle s’alimente principalement du bivalve Macoma balthica. Sur ces sites, les barges ciblent la proie la plus rentable. À l’exception du dérangement humain, la distribution des individus dans les Pertuis Charentais semble être déterminée par la distribution, l’abondance et l’accessibilité de seulement deux espèces-proies parmi un large éventail d’espèces benthiques

    Bird migration in space and time: chain migration by Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata along the East Atlantic Flyway

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    Migration patterns in birds vary in space and time. Spatial patterns include chain, leapfrog and telescopic migration. Temporal patterns such as migration duration, number, and duration of stopovers may vary according to breeding latitude, sex, and season. This study aimed to verify these patterns in a long-distance migrant, the Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata, and to provide a synopsis of spatio-temporal migration patterns in this species of concern throughout the East Atlantic Flyway. We tagged 85 adults with GPS-data loggers in Germany, Poland, France and Estonia between 2013 and 2019. We computed the distance flown, linear loxodromic distance, duration, stopover number, total stopover duration, mean stopover duration, departure time and arrival time for 177 out of 187 tracks. On average (± standard deviation), spring migration occurred from 4 to 14 April (10.2 ± 8.4 days), curlews flew 3.623 ± 1.366 km, and had 5.8 ± 3.6 stopovers, with a duration of 29.4 ± 38.2 h per stopover, while autumn migration occurred from 18 to 29 June (10.9 ± 9.9 days), curlews flew 3.362 ± 1.351 km, and had 5.4 ± 4.0 stopovers, with 31.8 ± 32.3 h per stopover. Curlews displayed chain migration because wintering curlews maintained the latitudinal sequence to their breeding sites. Southern curlews had a longer nesting period due to their earlier arrivals. While spring arrival at breeding sites did not differ between the sexes, in autumn females departed earlier than males. Migration duration and distance, as well as stopover number and duration, showed a significant increase with breeding site latitude but did not differ between the sexes or between spring and autumn migrations, suggesting that curlews took a comparable amount of time migrating during both seasons. The high site faithfulness in curlews suggests that rapid autumn migration allows them to return to defend their winter foraging areas

    Stochastic atmospheric assistance and the use of emergency staging sites by migrants

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    Numerous animals move vast distances through media with stochastic dynamic properties. Avian migrants must cope with variable wind speeds and directions en route, which potentially jeopardize fine-tuned migration routes and itineraries. We show how unpredictable winds affect flight times and the use of an intermediate staging site by red knots (Calidris canutus canutus) migrating from west Africa to the central north Siberian breeding areas via the German Wadden Sea. A dynamic migration model incorporating wind conditions during flight shows that flight durations between Mauritania and the Wadden Sea vary between 2 and 8 days. The number of birds counted at the only known intermediate staging site on the French Atlantic coast was strongly positively correlated with simulated flight times. In addition, particularly light-weight birds occurred at this location. These independent results support the idea that stochastic wind conditions are the main driver of the use of this intermediate stopover site as an emergency staging area. Because of the ubiquity of stochastically varying media, we expect such emergency habitats to exist in many other migratory systems, both airborne and oceanic. Our model provides a tool to quantify the effect of winds and currents en route