1,047 research outputs found

    Pour la datation des toponymes galloromans: une étude de cas (Ronzières, Puy-de-Dôme)

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    This contribution, building on a previous article (ER 22, 2000, 59-82), seeks to establish the chronology of the Auvergne place-name Ronzières (Puy-de-Dôme, France) < *RUMICA¯RIA. Using various purely linguistic criteria, the time span from the fourth to the early seventh century is established. The methodological interest of this paper lies in that the validity of this linguistic da- ting can be tested by contrasting it with the results of the highly advanced research led by historian- archaeologists (G. Fournier, J.-L. Boudartchouk), who indeed date the first permanent occupation of the site of Ronzières to around 400, as a late-antiquity fortress serving the purposes of an early Christian parish. Moreover, the parallel with the name of another late-antiquity fortress (Cabrières, Hérault) shows how ordinary local names for stretches of land (*RUMICA¯RIA, Capraria) are promoted to become the names of settlements through the development of the network of rural fortifications that characterised the last two centuries of the Empire in the West

    Lat. rég. *solat(i)cu: un partenaire de lunaticus conservé dans la toponymie de la Gaule méridionale

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    Le type Soulage est présent à une soixantaine d’exemplaires, tous dépourvus de l’article et tous situés dans le domaine linguistique occitan ou sur ses abords (première attestation en 938). Nous proposons de faire remonter cette série toponymique à un adjectif substantivé *sol?t(i)cu “(lieu) exposé au soleil”, formé en latin régional parallèlement à l?n?ticus. Mots clés: toponymie; occitan; latin régional; Soulage; *sol?t(i)cu.The type Soulage is present in sixty copies, all of them without the article and located within the linguistic domain of Occitan or its surroundings (first attested in 938). We attempt to trace back this toponymic series in an adjective with a nominal function *solat(i)cu “(place) in the sun”, formed in regional Latin in parallel with l?n?ticus. Keywords: toponymy; Occitan language; regional Latin; Soulage; *solat(i)cu

    Tensorial rheological model for concentrated non-colloidal suspensions: normal-stress differences

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    Most existing rheological models for non-colloidal suspensions fail to simultaneously capture the two main non-Newtonian trends of these systems, namely finite normal stress differences and transient effects. We address this issue by extending a previously-proposed minimal model accounting for microstructure anisotropy through a conformation tensor, and which was shown to correctly predict transient effects (Ozenda et al. 2018). The new model is compared to a large experimental dataset involving varying volume fractions, from dilute to concentrated cases. Both transient evolution of apparent viscosity during shear reversal, and normal stress differences in steady state, are quantitatively reproduced in the whole range of volume fraction. Furthermore, the model is validated against particle pressure measurements that were not used for parameter identification. Even if the proposed constitutive equation for the Cauchy stress tensor is more difficult to interpret than in the minimal model, this study opens way for the use of conformation tensor rheological models in applications where the effect of the second normal stress difference is prominent, like elongational flows or migration phenomenon
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