7 research outputs found

    Of “Zipper Rings” and “Tatum Ts”, Chile – USA: Intrauterine Devices, Men of Science, and Women in Need

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    Der Beitrag untersucht die zur VerhĂŒtung eingesetzten „Intrauterine Devices“ (IUDs. Zu deutsch: Intrauterinpessare) als „reisende Objekte“, die weltweit auf Konferenzen und in Arztpraxen Gegenstand von Verhandlungen waren. Ebenso wirft er ein Schlaglicht auf die politischen und vergeschlechtlichten Machtstrukturen, die zwischen den “men of science” und “women in need” bezĂŒglich der EinfĂŒhrung und Anwendung der IUDs bestanden. WĂ€hrend die Intrauterinpessare in Nord- und SĂŒdamerika im Kontext des Kalten Krieges vorrangig von mĂ€nnlichen Experten mit dem Ziel der Bevölkerungskontrolle entwickelt wurden, oenbart die Nachfrage nach dieser Form der SchwangerschaftsverhĂŒtung den dringlichen Wunsch von Frauen, ĂŒber ihreneigenen Körper bestimmen zu können. Der Beitrag verdeutlicht damit auch die “embodiedness”von Dingen und ihre enge Beziehung zum Körper.The contribution frames the “intrauterine devices“ (IUDs) as “travelling objects,” which were debated and negotiated at conferences and in doctor’s oces on a global scale. It also sheds light on the political and gendered power structures between the “men of science” and “women in need,” especially concerning the introduction and usage of the IUDs. Whereas the IUDs were developed by male experts in North and Latin America in the context of the Cold War with the main aim of population control, the women’s demands for this new form of contraception pointed to their ardent desire to control their own body. The chapter therefore also illustrates the “embodiedness” and close relation of things to the body

    Gender, Health, and Medicine in Latin America - Introduction

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    Dieses Dossier umfasst sechs Artikeln zum Thema "Gender, Health, and Medicine in Latin America". Die BeitrĂ€ge bieten neue Einblicke in die KomplexitĂ€t der genderspezifischen Gesundheitspraktiken, der Medizin und der öffentlichen Gesundheit.This dossier contains six articles on "Gender, Health, and Medicine in Latin America." Contributions thus provide new insights on the complexities of gendered health practices, medicine, and public health.Este dossier contiene seis artĂ­culos sobre "GĂ©nero, salud y medicina en AmĂ©rica Latina". Las contribuciones aportan asĂ­ nuevas perspectivas sobre las complejidades de las prĂĄcticas sanitarias, la medicina y la salud pĂșblica relacionadas con el gĂ©nero

    A History of Family Planning in Twentieth-Century Peru

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    Book ReviewsFlorence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing and Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes: Commemorative Edition With Historical CommentaryFlorence Nightingale at First HandNotes on Nightingale: The Influence and Legacy of a Nursing IconGender and the Making of Modern Medicine in Colonial EgyptPrescribed Norms: Women and Health in Canada and the United States Since 1800Nursing and Women’s Labour in the Nineteenth Century: The Quest for IndependenceHealth and Medicine on Display: International Expositions in the United States, 1876–1904Go, and Do Thou Likewise: A History of the Cornell University–New York Hospital School of Nursing, 1877–1979War’s Waste: Rehabilitation in World War I AmericaAmerican Catholic Hospitals: A Century of Changing Markets and MissionsAmerican Nursing: A History of Knowledge, Authority, and the Meaning of WorkA Voice for Nurses: A History of the Royal College of Nursing, 1916–1990Nurses’ Voices: Memories of Nursing at St. George’s Hospital, London, 1930–1990The Politics of Motherhood: Maternity and Women’s Rights in Twentieth-Century ChileGet Me Out: A History of Childbirth From the Garden of Eden to the Sperm BankPermeable Walls: Historical Perspectives on Hospital and Asylum VisitingThe Lives They Left Behind: Suitcases From a State Hospital AtticA Contemporary History of the U.S. Army Nurse CorpsNurse: Past, Present and Future: The Making of Modern NursingFreed to Care, Proud to Nurse: 100 Years of the New Zealand Nurses OrganisationNursing the Finest Art: An Illustrated History (Third Edition)Celebrating Nurses: A Visual History

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    Conceptual Readings into the Cold War: Towards Transnational Approaches from the Perspective of Latin American Studies in Eastern and Western Europe

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    This bibliographical and conceptual essay summarizes recent research in Cold War Studies in Europe and the Americas, especially on smaller states in historiographical studies. Against the background of an increasing connectedness and globalization of research about the Cold War, the authors highlight the importance of the full-scale integration of countries and regions of the 'Global South' into Cold War Studies. Critical readings of the newly available resources reveal the existence of important decentralizing perspectives resulting from Cold War entanglements of the 'Global South' with the 'Global North.' As a result, the idea that these state actors from the former 'periphery' of the Cold War should be considered as passive recipients of superpower politics seems rather troubled. The evidence shows (at least partially) autonomous and active multiple actors