139 research outputs found


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    Se evaluó la presencia de hongos endófitos en hojas de dos plantas medicinales, Acanthospermum australe y Pterocaulon alopecuroides, utilizadas entreotras cosas para tratar infecciones cutáneas. El muestreo se realizó en el entorno rural de dos ciudades del nordeste argentino. Los especimenes fueron recogidos por aborígenes de la zona conocedores de su distribución ambiental. Los hongos se aislaron mediante la técnica de Bisseger et al., 1994 y se identificaron empleando caracteristicas morfofisiológicas.Considerando las dos plantas, se encontraron 40 morfoespecies, donde los taxa más frecuentes en Acanthospermum australe fueron: Alternaria alternata,Aureobasidium pullulans, Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Myrothecium roridum, Phoma spp. y Sordaria fimícola, y en Pterocaulon alopecuroides fueron:Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium proliferatum y Myrothecium roridum. Estos taxas considerados como generalistas (o de múltiples hospedadores), presentan según la literatura específica analizada, alta producción de metabolitos secundariosbioactivos con potenciales capacidades terapéuticas antimicrobianas

    I frammenti di mummy cover dell’Egyptian corner dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia

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    The paper presents for the first time to the public some wooden fragments of an ancient Egyptian ‘mummy cover’, kept in the ‘Egyptian Corner’ of the University of Pavia Archaeology Museum (Italy). The fragments, belonging to an original ancient Egyptian artefact which dates back to the end of the New Kingdom, are here published after a restoration performed by Chiara Argentino in 2018. The restoration was aimed at better understanding the artefacts themselves and their role within the Egyptological collection of the University of Pavia. Fungal contamination of the fragments was assessed before the restoration with the support of the laboratory of mycology of Pavia University (DSTA)


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    Se evaluó la presencia de hongos endófitos en hojas de dos plantas medicinales, Acanthospermum australe y Pterocaulon alopecuroides, utilizadas entre otras cosas para tratar infecciones cutáneas. El muestreo se realizó en el entorno rural de dos ciudades del nordeste argentino. Los especimenes fueron recogidos por aborígenes de la zona conocedores de su distribución ambiental. Los hongos se aislaron mediante la técnica de Bisseger et al., 1994 y se identificaron empleando caracteristicas morfofisiológicas. Considerando las dos plantas, se encontraron 40 morfoespecies, donde los taxa más frecuentes en Acanthospermum australe fueron: Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Myrothecium roridum, Phoma spp. y Sordaria fimícola, y en Pterocaulon alopecuroides fueron: Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium proliferatum y Myrothecium roridum. Estos taxas considerados como generalistas (o de múltiples hospedadores), presentan según la literatura específica analizada, alta producción de metabolitos secundarios bioactivos con potenciales capacidades terapéuticas antimicrobianas

    Fungal diversity in two wastewater treatment plants in North Italy

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    In urban wastewater treatment plants, bacteria lead the biological component of the depuration process, but the microbial community is also rich in fungi (mainly molds, yeasts and pseudo‐yeasts), whose taxonomical diversity and relative frequency depend on several factors, e.g., quality of wastewater input, climate, seasonality, and depuration stage. By joining morphological and molecular identification, we investigated the fungal diversity in two different plants for the urban wastewater treatment in the suburbs of the two major cities in Lombardia, the core of industrial and commercial activities in Italy. This study presents a comparison of the fungal diversity across the depuration stages by applying the concepts of α‐, β‐ and ζ‐diversity. Eurotiales (mainly with Aspergillus and Penicillium), Trichosporonales (Trichosporon sensu lato), Saccharomycetales (mainly with Geotrichum) and Hypocreales (mainly with Fusarium and Trichoderma) are the most represented fungal orders and genera in all the stages and both the plants. The two plants show different trends in α‐, β‐ and ζ‐diversity, despite the fact that they all share a crash during the secondary sedimentation and turnover across the depuration stages. This study provides an insight on which taxa potentially contribute to each depuration stage and/or keep viable propagules in sludges after the collection from the external environment

    Large scale genome assemblies of Magnaporthe oryzae rice isolates from Italy

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    We report long-range sequencing of nine rice-infecting Magnaporthe oryzae isolates from different rice-growing regions of Italy using Oxford Nanopore Technology. We aquired chromosome-level genome assemblies, polished with Illumina short reads, and removed mitochondrial sequences to improve the quality of the assemblies.We provide the genome assemblies to the public with open access


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    Se investigó durante el período 1989-90 en la región de Oltrepó Pavese (Italia), la micota de los mostos provenientes de uvas negras y blancas. De un total de 28 especies levadurifonnes aisladas, incluidas en 10 géneros, Saccharomyces, fué el género dominante con las especies S.italicus y S.cerevisiae. También se detectaron frecuentemente levaduras anascosporógenas, tales como Candida valida, Torulopsis (C.)holmii y Kloeckera apiculata.Se efectuaron estudios de sensibilidad in vitro frente a compuestos de CuS04 y ZnS04, ya sea en cepas de S.cerevisiae aisladas de los mostos, como de Alternaria, Botrytis, Cladosporium y Sporobolomyces, aisladas del filoplano de la uva. Las concentraciones de CuS04 a 0,007M y a 0,062M, fueron fungicidas para S. cerevisiae y Sporobolomyces roseus respectivamente

    Airborne fungi as biocontaminants at two Milan underground stations.

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    none2noThe viable or culturable air spora of two Milan underground stations and of the squares above has been investigated during a one-year study. Aerobiological data were collected by semi-quantitative method. Outdoor results show the presence of four dominant genera, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Epicoccum and Alternaria, whose presence varied throughout the year. Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated in Duomo Square. Indoor sampling shows to what extent the mycoflora of an indoor environment can depend both on the fungal spora coming from outside and the capacity of the fungi to colonize the different sublayers found indoors.Tematica Ex SIR: Le aerospore fungine negli ambienti confinati (Classif. Ex SIR:Articoli su riviste ISI )Picco Anna Maria; Rodolfi MarinellaPicco, ANNA MARIA; Rodolfi, Marinell

    Assessments of Indoor Fungi in Selected Wineries of Oltrepo Pavese (Northern Italy) and Sottoceneri (Switzerland).

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the fungal populations of some environments dedicated to the fermentation, storage, and bottling of wine. Air samples of six wineries, three family-run and three industrial, located in Oltrepo Pavese (northern Italy) and Sottoceneri (Switzerland), were collected on a monthly basis for nine months. In addition to total fungal counts, the fungal taxa of air, walls, and barrel samples were determined. The indoor air fungal contamination was, in general, greater than that of outdoor samples, and fungal count fluctuations depended upon type of monitored environment. The highest fungal counts were observed in the bottling areas of industrial producers and the fermentation areas of family-run wineries. A total of 43 taxa, representing 19 genera and 36 species, were isolated from the indoor environments. Some potential wine contaminant species (Aspergillus niger A. ochraceus, A. terreus, Penicillium chrysogenum, P. citreonigrum, P. crustosum, and P. viridicatum) and some potential allergenic species for winery workers (principally Cladosporium cladosporioides, Alternaria alternata, and A. niger) were detected. The information obtained from quantitative and qualitative analyses of fungi can be a useful tool for controlling indoor air quality. The constant presence of some fungal taxa may be hazardous to human health and may potentially contaminate wines