469 research outputs found

    Spinning superfluid He-4 nanodroplets

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    We have studied spinning superfluid He-4 nanodroplets at zero temperature using density functional theory. Due to the irrotational character of the superfluid flow, the shapes of the spinning nanodroplets are very different from those of a viscous normal fluid drop in steady rotation. We show that when vortices are nucleated inside the superfluid droplets, their morphology, which evolves from axisymmetric oblate to triaxial prolate to two-lobed shapes, is in good agreement with experiments. The presence of vortex arrays confers to the superfluid droplets the rigid-body behavior of a normal fluid in steady rotation, and this is the ultimate reason for the surprising good agreement between recent experiments and the classical models used for their description

    Rotating 3He droplets

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we study normal-phase rotating 3He droplets within density functional theory in a semi-classical approach. The sequence of rotating droplet shapes as a function of angular momentum is found to agree with that of rotating classical droplets, evolving from axisymmetric oblate to triaxial prolate to two-lobed shapes as the angular momentum of the droplet increases. Our results, which are obtained for droplets of nanoscopic size, are rescaled to the mesoscopic size characterizing ongoing experimental measurements, allowing for a direct comparison of shapes. The stability curve in the angular velocity-angular momentum plane shows small deviations from the classical rotating drop model predictions, whose magnitude increases with angular momentum. We attribute these deviations to effects not included in the simplified classical model description of a rotating fluid held together by surface tension, i.e., to surface diffuseness, curvature, and finite compressibility, and to quantum effects associated with deformation of the 3He Fermi surface. The influence of all these effects is expected to diminish as the droplet size increases, making the classical rotating droplet model a quite accurate representation of 3He rotation

    Multipole modes and spin features in the Raman spectrum of nanoscopic quantum rings

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    We present a systematic study of ground state and spectroscopic properties of many-electron nanoscopic quantum rings. Addition energies at zero magnetic field (B) and electrochemical potentials as a function of B are given for a ring hosting up to 24 electrons. We find discontinuities in the excitation energies of multipole spin and charge density modes, and a coupling between the charge and spin density responses that allow to identify the formation of ferromagnetic ground states in narrow magnetic field regions. These effects can be observed in Raman experiments, and are related to the fractional Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the energy and of the persistent current in the rin

    Vortex properties in the extended supersolid phase of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates.

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    We study the properties of singly quantized linear vortices in the supersolid phase of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate at zero-temperature modeling 164Dy atoms. The system is extended in the x−y plane and confined by a harmonic trap in the polarization direction z. Our study is based on a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We characterize the ground state of the system in terms of spatial order and superfluid fraction and compare the properties of a single vortex and of a vortex dipole in the superfluid phase (SFP) and in the supersolid phase (SSP). At variance with a vortex in the SFP, which is free to move in the superfluid, a vortex in the SSP is localized at the interstitial sites and does not move freely. We have computed the energy barrier for motion from an equilibrium site to another. The fact that the vortex is submitted to a periodic potential has a dramatic effect on the dynamics of a vortex dipole made of two counter-rotating parallel vortices; instead of rigidly translating as in the SFP, the vortex and antivortex approach each other by a series of jumps from one site to another until they annihilate in a very short time and their energy is transferred to bulk excitations

    Self-bound ultradilute Bose mixtures within local density approximation

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    We have investigated self-bound ultradilute bosonic binary mixtures at zero temperature within density functional theory using a local density approximation. We provide the explicit expression of the Lee-Huang-Yang correction in the general case of heteronuclear mixtures, and investigate the general thermodynamic conditions which lead to the formation of self-bound systems. We have determined the conditions for stability against the evaporation of one component, as well as the mechanical and diffusive spinodal lines. We have also calculated the surface tension of the self-bound state as a function of the interspecies interaction strength. We find that relatively modest variations of the latter result in order-of-magnitude changes in the calculated surface tension. We suggest experimental realizations which might display the metastability and phase separation of the mixture when entering regions of the phase diagram characterized by negative pressures. Finally, we show that these droplets may sustain stable vortex and vortex pairs

    Vorticity and quantum turbulence in the merging of superfluid helium nanodroplets

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    We have studied the merging of two identical 4He droplets at zero temperature, caused by their van der Waals mutual attraction. During the early stages of the merging, density structures appear which closely match the experimental observations by Vicente et al. [J. Low Temp. Phys. 121, 627 (2000)]. When the droplets are merging, quantized vortex-antivortex ring pairs nucleate at the surface and annihilate inside the merged droplet producing a roton burst. We also observe the nucleation of quantized vortex-antivortex rings that wrap the droplet surface and remain localized on the surface until they eventually decay into short-wavelength surface waves. Analysis of the kinetic energy spectrum discloses the existence of a regime where turbulence caused by vortex interaction and annihilation is characterized by a Kolmogorov power law. This is followed by another regime where roton radiation produced by vortex-antivortex annihilation dominates, whose hallmark is a weak, turbulent surface dynamics. We suggest that similar processes might appear in superfluid helium droplets after they capture impurities or if they are produced by hydrodynamic instability of a liquid jet. Experiments on collisions between recently discovered self-bound Bose-Einstein condensates should display a similar phenomenology

    Density modes in spherical 4He shells

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    We compute the density-fluctuation spectrum of spherical 4HeN shells adsorbed on the outer surface of Cn fullerenes. The excitation spectrum is obtained within the random-phase approximation, with particle-hole elementary excitations and effective interaction extracted from a density-functional description of the shell structure. The presence of one or two solid helium layers adjacent to the adsorbing fullerene is phenomenologically accounted for. We illustrate our results for a selection of numbers of adsorbed atoms on C20, C60, and C120. The hydrodynamical model that has proven successful to describe helium excitations in the bulk and in restricted geometries permits to perform a rather exhaustive analysis of various fluid spherical systems, namely, spheres, cavities, free bubbles, and bound shells of variable size

    Coexistence of vortex arrays and surface capillary waves in spinning prolate superfluid 4He nanodroplets

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    Within density functional theory, we have studied the interplay between vortex arrays and capillary waves in spinning prolate 4He droplets made of several thousand helium atoms. Surface capillary waves are ubiquitous in prolate superfluid 4He droplets, and depending on the size and angular momentum of the droplet, they may coexist with vortex arrays. We have found that the equilibrium configuration of small prolate droplets is vortex free, evolving towards vortex hosting as the droplet size increases. This result is in agreement with a recent experiment [O'Connell et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 215301 (2020)] that disclosed that vortex arrays and capillary waves coexist in the equilibrium configuration of very large drops. In contrast to viscous droplets executing rigid-body rotation, the stability phase diagram of spinning 4He droplets cannot be universally described in terms of dimensionless angular momentum and angular velocity variables: Instead, the rotational properties of superfluid helium droplets display a clear dependence on the droplet size and the number of vortices they host

    Self-sustained deformable rotating liquid He cylinders: the pure normal fluid 3He and superfluid 4He cases

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    Within density functional theory, we have studied self-sustained, deformable, rotating liquid He cylinders subject to planar deformations. In the normal fluid 3He case, the kinetic energy has been incorporated in a semi-classical Thomas-Fermi approximation. In the 4He case, our approach takes into account its superfluid character. For this study, we have chosen to limit our investigation to vortex-free configurations where angular momentum is exclusively stored in capillary waves on a deformed cross-section cylinder. Only planar deformations leading to noncircular cross sections have been considered, as they aim to represent the cross section of the very large deformed He drops discussed in the experiments. Axisymmetric Rayleigh instabilities, always present in fluid columns, have been set aside. The calculations allow us to carry out a comparison between the rotational behavior of a normal, rotational fluid (3He) and a superfluid, irrotational fluid (4He)


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    Introducción. La gimnasia rítmica de competición, por su naturaleza y reglamento, implica una exigencia física que acerca a sus practicantes a un riesgo de lesión en la espalda si no se incluye en sus rutinas de entrenamiento ejercicios compensatorios. Objetivo. Conocer si un programa de gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva, reduce el dolor de espalda de un grupo de jóvenes gimnastas, y conocer otros beneficios que favorezcan la salud y rendimiento de estas. Método. La muestra de 30 gimnastas de entre 11 y 18 años, que compiten a nivel nacional, se sometió a un programa de gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva de 5 semanas de duración. Se midió el perímetro de cintura, el grosor del transverso abdominal, la diástasis o distancia interrectos, la fuerza-resistencia isométrica de tronco y se valoró el dolor de espalda antes y después de la intervención. Resultados. Las gimnastas con menor volumen de entrenamiento, mostraban un mayor dolor de espalda. Se obtuvieron mejoras en las variables sobre el dolor de espalda, el perímetro de cintura, el grosor del transverso abdominal y en el test de fuerza-resistencia de tronco. El dolor de espalda se redujo considerablemente. Conclusión. La gimnasia rítmica requiere trabajo compensatorio-preventivo, que aleje a las gimnastas de posibles lesiones. La gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva reduce el dolor de espalda que sufren las gimnastas sirviendo como método preventivo y compensatorio