6,522 research outputs found

    Characterization of specificity of bacterial community structure within the burrow environment of the marine polychaete Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor

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    Bioturbation is known to stimulate microbial communities, especially in macrofaunal burrows where the abundance and activities of bacteria are increased. Until now, these microbial communities have been poorly characterized and an important ecological question remains: do burrow walls harbor similar or specific communities compared with anoxic and surface sediments? The bacterial community structure of coastal sediments inhabited by the polychaete worm Hediste diversicolor was investigated. Surface, burrow wall and anoxic sediments were collected at the Carteau beach (Gulf of Fos, Mediterranean Sea). Bacterial diversity was determined by analyzing small subunit ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) sequences from three clone libraries (168, 179 and 129 sequences for the surface, burrow wall and anoxic sediments, respectively). Libraries revealed 306 different operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belonging to at least 15 bacterial phyla. Bioinformatic analyses and comparisons between the three clone libraries showed that the burrow walls harbored a specific bacterial community structure which differed from the surface and anoxic environments. More similarities were nevertheless found with the surface assemblage. Inside the burrow walls, the bacterial community was characterized by high biodiversity, which probably results from the biogeochemical heterogeneity of the burrow system

    L'oeuvre scientifique des premiers professeurs de la Faculté de Pharmacie de Lyon

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    International audienceA double faculty of medicine and pharmacy is founded in Lyon, in 1874. Its first professors in charge of learning the pharmaceutical sciences are very active scientists. Besides the physical sciences, their works concern no less the field of the natural history - botany, zoology -, than the field of biomédical or agronomical sciences - médical material, biochemistry, toxicology, phytopharmacy, hygiène. The results obtained are of gréât importance for the society : the végétal anatomy permits to detect adultération of médicinal plants ; fighting méthodes against Phylloxera are perfected ; the forensic haematology is greatly improved, giving to the justice new means for court-ordered appraisal ; toxicological studies - upon carbon monoxide or food dyes - permit to improve hygiene and protect the public health.The fundamental biochemistry makes progress, especially in the field of proteins, and the results obtained in endocrinology announce the discovery of insulin. A contrario, works are rare in the field of pure pharmacology. All these works take on pedagogical conséquences, as handbooks publication, planting a botanical garden for students or spreading the knowledge towards the général public.Une faculté mixte de médecine et pharmacie est créée à Lyon en 1874. Ses premiers professeurs chargés d'enseigner les sciences pharmaceutiques sont très actifs au plan de la recherche. Outre les sciences physiques, leurs travaux concernent aussi bien le domaine de l'histoire naturelle -botanique, zoologie -que dans celui des sciences biomédicales ou agronomiques -matière médicale, biochimie, toxicologie, phytopharmacie, hygiène. Les résultats obtenus sont d'une grande importance pour la société : l'anatomie végétale permet de détecter des falsifications de plantes médicinales ; des méthodes de lutte contre le Phylloxéra sont mises au point ; l'hématologie médico-légale se développe, offrant de nouveaux moyens d'expertises judiciaires ; des études toxicologiques -concernant le monoxyde de carbone ou des colorants alimentaires -permettent d'améliorer l'hygiène et de protéger la santé publique : sont étudiés. La biochimie fondamentale se développe, notamment dans le domaine des protéines, et les résultats obtenus en endocrinologie annoncent la découverte de l'insuline. A contrario, les travaux de pharmacologie pure sont rares. Toutes ces recherches ont des conséquences pédagogiques, comme l'édition de manuels, l'installation d'un jardin botanique ouvert aux étudiants ou la diffusion des connaissances vers le grand public. ABSTRACT -A double faculty of medicine and pharmacy is founded in Lyon, in 1874. Its first professors in charge of learning the pharmaceutical sciences are very active scientists. Besides the physical sciences, their works concern no less the field of the natural history -botany, zoology -, than the field of biomédical or agronomical sciences -médical material, biochemistry, toxicology, phytopharmacy, hygiène. The results obtained are of gréât importance for the society : the végétal anatomy permits to detect adultération of médicinal plants ; fighting méthodes against Phylloxera are perfected ; the forensic haematology is greatly improved, giving to the justice new means for court-ordered appraisal ; toxicological studies -upon carbon monoxide or food dyes -permit to improve hygiene and protect the public health.The fundamental biochemistry makes progress, especially in the field of proteins, and the results obtained in endocrinology announce the discovery of insulin. A contrario, works are rare in the field of pure pharmacology. All these works take on pedagogical conséquences, as handbooks publication, planting a botanical garden for students or spreading the knowledge towards the général public

    Sous le populisme, la pluralité: anti-élitisme et rapports au leader chez les militants de l'Union Démocratique du Centre en Suisse

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    La littérature tend à caractériser le populisme par deux dimensions : l'appel au peuple contre les élites et un type particulier de rapport au leader. A partir d'entretiens approfondis avec des militants de l'Union Démocratique du Centre (UDC) menés dans le cadre d'une étude sur la pluralité des logiques d'engagement dans ce parti, ce texte traite du rôle de ces deux dimensions dans l'attachement au parti. Nous constatons d'une part que ces dimensions ne sont pas systématiquement présentes chez les militants rencontrés ; l'attachement au parti peut même s'opèrer en dépit du discours « populiste » du parti. Nous montrons d'autre part que les formes que prennent ces dimensions diffèrent en fonction des propriétés sociales et des parcours de vie des activistes. En définitive, la notion de populisme, lorsqu'elle entend rendre compte de la « demande » d'attachement à ce type de parti venant des militants et/ou des électeurs, provoque plus de confusion que de clarté. Elle ne désigne implicitement qu'un nombre limité de registres dans l'attachement à un parti tel l'UDC: un rapport émotionnel au leader, et un sentiment anti-élites découlant d'un manque de sophistication politique

    Des mers de Chine à la mer du Japon : Un détroit sous influences nippo-coréennes

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    Historiquement, le détroit situé entre la Corée du Sud et le Japon, appelé officiellement «détroit de Corée» et parcouru par le puissant courant marin Ao-shio, est le lieu d’une civilisation originale, à l’extrémité orientale du continent asiatique. Les îles et les rives du détroit sont marquées par des échanges commerciaux anciens et une culture commune, mais aussi par de violents conflits et une piraterie endémique. L’île de Tsushima, au coeur du détroit, en est le témoin privilégié. Les litiges territoriaux pour l’exploitation des ressources maritimes, notamment halieutiques, sont dorénavant réglés dans le détroit, avec la délimitation des zones économiques exclusives. Actuellement, les tendances dominantes vont dans le sens des échanges transfrontaliers et de la construction d’une région économique autour du détroit.Historically, the strait between South Korea and Japan, officially designated the “Korea Strait” in which the powerful Ao-shio ocean current flows, is the place of a unique civilization at the eastern tip of the Asian mainland. The islands and shores of the strait have been marked by ancient commercial trade and shared cultures, but also by violent conflicts and endemic piracy. The island of Tsushima, in the centre of the strait, is the best example of this. Territorial disputes for the rights to maritime resources, fishing in particular, are in these days settled in the strait with exclusive economical zones delimitation. Today, trends are now shifting to cross border trade and development of an economic region within the strait

    The Working Class and Support for the Radical Right : a Critical Perspective

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    Scholarship in political science usually attributes a pivotal, or even exclusive, role to the working class in the progress of the radical right in Europe in recent years. This paper discusses the link between working class and radical right bearing on the case of the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) with a focus on its electorate and activists’ support. Using post-electoral survey data and in-depth interviews with activists, it develops two critical arguments. The first is that support for the radical right is interclassist and based on various types of social and political rationales. The second argument is that a significant proportion of the working class does not support the SVP. Consequently class position is not the key determinant of support for the radical right. The paper argues that it is necessary to take into account a plurality of factors liable to bear on political behaviour. These factors can be endogenous (e.g. the political socialization and social trajectories of the actors) or exogenous (such as mobilizing sociability networks, political offer, and context). Studies on the radical right would gain by incorporating these various determinants of political behaviour. This requires going beyond monocausal explanations of support for the radical right, and allows to put into perspective explanations for support of the SVP in terms of frustration and economic deprivation often present in scholarshi

    The Potential Role of the MCHR1 in Diagnostic Imaging: Facts and Trends

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    The neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) plays a key role in energy maintenance by decreasing energy expenditure and stimulating feeding behavior. Furthermore, it is involved in diabetes, gut inflammation, sleep, depression, and cilia beat function. The biological function of MCH is mediated by two G-protein coupled receptors, MCH receptor 1 and 2 (MCHR1 and MCHR2). Since only the MCHR1 is functional in rodents, the physiological importance of MCHR2 remains unknown due to the lack of appropriate animal models. The involvement of the MCHergic system in a variety of pathologies, especially endocrinological diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, makes it interesting as a new target to treat human disorders. Many pharmaceutical companies have pursued the development of MCHR1 antagonists for the treatment of obesity. Moreover, positron emission tomography (PET) tracers targeting the MCHR1 have been developed in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role and distribution of the MCHR1. As a high-end technique, PET allows noninvasive in vivo visualization and quantification of receptor systems, as well as monitoring and following hormone receptor status and related pathologies. Therefore, a MCHR1 PET tracer could help to guide pharmacological intervention via the MCHR1

    La paroisse dans le "De ecclesiis et capellis" d'Hincmar de Reims. L'énonciation d'une norme à partir de la pratique ?

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    [en ligne] : http://medievales.revues.org/1064The Parish in the De ecclesiis et capellis of Hincmar of Rheims. The Definition of a Norm arising from Current Practice? Hincmar of Rheims wrote his " Collection concerning churches and chapels " in reply to a consultation of King Charles the Bald concerning the " divisions " of parishes that had been instituted by certain bishops towards the middle of the 9th century. The denunciation of this practice by the Archbishop of Rheims was based on the scriptural, patristic and canonical authorities, to which he joined a sort of Episcopal ordinance. The translation of this treatise, which is currently under way, provides an occasion for a new analysis. This article presents only a few main points which demonstrate that the main concern of Hincmar - to preserve the integrity of the ecclesiastical community and the pastoral environment - is also expressed in his correspondence and by his actions as a landlord, bishop and metropolitain.Hincmar de Reims composa sa " collection relative aux églises et aux chapelles " en réponse à une consultation du roi Charles le Chauve sur les " divisions " de paroisses réalisées par certains évêques vers le milieu du ixe siècle. Pour dénoncer cette pratique, l'archevêque de Reims s'appuie sur les autorités scripturaires, patristiques et canoniques, auxquelles il joint une sorte de capitulaire épiscopal. La traduction de ce traité, actuellement en cours, fournit l'occasion d'en proposer une nouvelle analyse : seules quelques grandes lignes en sont exposées dans cet article qui montre que le souci principal d'Hincmar, préserver l'intégrité de la communauté ecclésiale et la qualité de l'encadrement pastoral, s'exprime aussi dans ses lettres et par son action en tant que seigneur foncier, évêque et métropolitain