2,007 research outputs found

    Impact of different farming systems on epigeic beneficial arthropods and earthworm fauna in arable crops. Dissertation

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher traditioneller (konventionell, integriert) und biologischer (organisch-biologisch, bio-dynamisch) Anbausysteme auf die epigäischen Nutzarthropoden und die Regenwurmfauna untersucht. Alle vergleichenden Erhebungen wurden in geregelten Ackerfruchtfolgen durchgeführt. Einerseits waren dies Untersuchungen im DOK-Langzeit-Exaktparzellenversuch in Therwil (Teil A), und andererseits stand danach die Analyse der Praxissituation im Rahmen von Paarbetriebsvergleichen unter Berücksichtigung des Umfeldes der Produktionsflächen (Teil B) im Vordergrund. Es wurden stets der Versuchsanlage angepasste Standardmethoden angewandt. Die Nutzarthropoden wurden mit Trichterbodenfallen (Lebendfang im DOK-Versuch; mit abtötender Fangflüssigkeit in Betriebsvergleichen) oder mit ungestörten Bodenproben (Überwinterungsstudie) erfasst. Die Regenwürmer wurden mit der Handauslese-Methode mit oder ohne vorgängiger Austreibung untersucht. -> Ergebnisse und weitere Informationen siehe Zusammenfassung ‚full text’

    Impact of different farming systems on epigeic beneficial arthropods and earthworm fauna in arable crops

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher traditioneller (konventionell, integriert) und biologischer (organisch-biologisch, bio-dynamisch) Anbausysteme auf die epigäischen Nutzarthropoden und die Regenwurmfauna untersucht. Alle vergleichenden Erhebungen wurden in geregelten Ackerfruchtfolgen durchgeführt. Einerseits waren dies Untersuchungen im DOK-Langzeit-Exaktparzellenversuch in Therwil (Teil A), und andererseits stand danach die Analyse der Praxissituation im Rahmen von Paarbetriebsvergleichen unter Berücksichtigung des Umfeldes der Produktionsflächen (Teil B) im Vordergrund. Es wurden stets der Versuchsanlage angepasste Standardmethoden angewandt. Die Nutzarthropoden wurden mit Trichterbodenfallen (Lebendfang im DOK-Versuch; mit abtötender Fangflüssigkeit in Betriebsvergleichen) oder mit ungestörten Bodenproben (Überwinterungsstudie) erfasst. Die Regenwürmer wurden mit der Handauslese-Methode mit oder ohne vorgängiger Austreibung untersucht

    Bootstrap Unloader-Patent

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    Bootstrap unloading circuits for sampling transducer voltage sources without drawing curren

    Bootstrap unloader

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    Circuit can sample a number of transducers in sequence without drawing from them. This bootstrap unloader uses a differential amplifier with one input connected to a circuit which is the equivalent of the circuit to be unloaded, and the other input delivering the proper unloading currents

    Processing circuit with asymmetry corrector and convolutional encoder for digital data

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    A processing circuit is provided for correcting for input parameter variations, such as data and clock signal symmetry, phase offset and jitter, noise and signal amplitude, in incoming data signals. An asymmetry corrector circuit performs the correcting function and furnishes the corrected data signals to a convolutional encoder circuit. The corrector circuit further forms a regenerated clock signal from clock pulses in the incoming data signals and another clock signal at a multiple of the incoming clock signal. These clock signals are furnished to the encoder circuit so that encoded data may be furnished to a modulator at a high data rate for transmission

    Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity

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    Organic farming produces clear benefits for biodiversity in comparison to conventional farming. Depending on altitude, organic farms have between 46 and 72 percent more semi-natural habitats and host 30 percent more species and 50 percent more individuals than non-organic farms. The lower farming intensities and higher proportion of semi-natural areas enable site-typical plant and animal species to survive on organic farms and allow farmers to benefit from an intact and therefore sustainably functioning ecosystem

    Functional biodiversity to improve pest control in organic cropping systems

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    A sustainable use of functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) providing habitats with suitable floral resources is needed to conserve and improve pest control by natural enemies in organic cropping and other low-input systems. We present an overview on our activities identifying appropriate flowering plants in relation to the antagonists-pest complex and quantifying benefits and limits in lab- and field tests. We have focussed on the control of apple-aphids and cabbage lepidopterean pests in two organic cropping systems. We can show that tailoring the flowering strips to the needs of specific natural enemies within a cropping system is a key issue for successful application of FAB. We found plants as Fagopyrum esculentum, Centaurea cyanus and Vicia sativa enhancing target parasitoids in cabbage, and we found Daucus carota, Carvum carvi, Pastinca sativa, Vicia sepium as promising plants in apple orchards. A successful on-farm application of FAB using flowering strips and companion plants is challenging and needs further analyses of its impact on pest control, considering different scales as plot, farm and landscape

    Wildflower strips to reduce lepidopteran pests in cabbage crops

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    Vegetable production systems are highly intensive and the periodic cultivations lead to un-favourable conditions for natural enemies. Using non-crops it is possible to create ecological infra-structure offering suitable food for natural enemies, and shelter from adverse conditions. On four organic farms in Western-Switzerland, we have tested in cabbage crops if wildflower strips are an appropriate tool to reduce lepidopteran pests. Analyses of wildflower strips on parasitism of caterpillars of Pieris rapae and Mamestra brassicae indicated a pest control potential. Grid trial using reared egg batches revealed no significant effect on parasitism of exposed M. brassicae and Plutella xylostella eggs in relation to the distance of the strip

    Impact of low-input meadows on arthropod diversity at habitat and landscape level

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    In Switzerland, in order to preserve and enhance arthopod diversity in grassland ecosystems (among others), farmers had to convert at least 7 % of their land to ecological compensation areas – ECA. Major ECA are low input grassland, traditional orchards, hedges and wild flower strips. In this paper the difference in species assemblages of 3 arthropod groups, namely spiders, carabid beetles and butterflies between intensively managed and low input meadows is stressed by means of multivariate statistics. On one hand, the consequences of these differences are analysed at the habitat level to promote good practices for the arthropod diversity in grassland ecosystems. On the other hand, the contribution of each meadow type to the regional diversity is investigated to widen the analysis at the landscape level
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