88 research outputs found

    NÀtverka för nÀtlÀrande inom medicin, vÄrd och omsorg

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    Anisotropic Vapor HF etching of silicon dioxide for Si microstructure release

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    Damages are created in a sacrificial layer of silicon dioxide by ion implantation to enhance the etch rate of silicon-dioxide in liquid and vapor phase hydrofluoric acid. The etch rate ratio between implanted and unimplanted silicon dioxide is more than 150 in vapor hydrofluoric acid (VHF). This feature is of interest to greatly reduce the underetch of microelectromechanical systems anchors. Based on the experimentally extracted etch rate of unimplanted and implanted silicon dioxide, the patterning of the sacrificial layer can be predicted by simulation

    Two modes of acupuncture as a treatment for hot flushes in men with prostate cancer – a prospective multicenter study with long-term follow-up. Eur Urol

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    Ö stergö tland, Norrkö ping and Linkö ping, Sweden e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1 5 6 -1 6 3 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m 3) at baseline in the EA group to 4.1 (IQR, 2.0-6.5) ( p = 0.012) after 12 wk, and from 5.7 (IQR, 5.1-9.5) in the TA group to 3.4 (IQR1.8-6.3) ( p = 0.001). Distress by flushes decreased from 8.2 (IQR, 6.5-10.7) in the EA group to 3.3 (IQR, 0.3-8.1) ( p = 0.003), and from 7.6 (IQR, 4.7-8.3) to 3.4 (IQR, 2.0-5.6) ( p = 0.001) in the TA group after 12 wk, (78% and 73% reduction in ''hot flush score,'' respectively). The effect lasted up to 9 mo after treatment ended. CGRP did not change significantly. Few, minor side effects were reported. Article info Limitations: small number of patients; no placebo control, instead a small group controlled for 6 wk pretreatment. Conclusions: EA and TA lowered number of and distress from hot flushes. The hot flush score decreased 78% and 73%, respectively, in line with or better than medical regimens for these symptoms. Acupuncture should be considered an alternative treatment for these symptoms, but further evaluation is needed, preferably with a non-or placebo-treated control group

    D7.3 Report on simulator test results and driver acceptance of PROSPECT functions

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    The process of developing new automotive systems includes various testing cycles to assure a save operation in traffic. Physical system testing on test tracks is very important for this purpose, but rather expensive and might only become possible in later stages of the development process. Using a virtual simulation environment offers a safe possibility of testing new systems in early stages of development. Aditionally, driver-in-the-loop tests at test track and in a virtual simulator make it possible to evaluate driver reaction and potential acceptance by the future users of those systems. Within PROSPECT the new functions are investigated under various aspects in several simulator studies and test track studies. This deliverable D7.3 gives detailed information of conduction and results of the each study. Three studies focus exclusively on the for Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) specifically dangerous urban intersection scenarios. The first of those studies examines the driver behaviour in a turning situation when a byciclist might be crossing. The described phenomena are looked-but-failed-to-see and failed-to-look. The second study, which provides an initial step in this line of research, analyzed the acceptance of issued forward collision warning times. The positioning of the potential accident opponent and the subjective feeling towards the criticality of the situation by the driver were key parameters taken into account. Last, but not least the acceptance of an intersection assist autonomous emergency braking systems was tested regarding the acceptance of potential buyers. The study was run for five days in a row for each participant to be able to judge the behaviour in a comuting situation. Two studies focused on longitudinal scenarios. Both studies followed the same design, but one was conducted on a test track and the other one in a simulator. The main objective was to investigate drivers reactions to FCW warnings and Active Steering interventions in critical VRU scenarios in case of a distraction of the driver. Additionally, the test track study was used to validate the results from the simulator study. The results of those studies are the basis for a wide acceptance evaluation of the systems. No system is an asset in increasing road safety if it is not accepted by the user and therefore turned off, if it is not required the system to be default on in consumer tests. Complemented by an additional acceptance study where the participants had to give their opinion of those systems after they watched videos of dangerous situations, the acceptance was analyzed based on questionnaires developed in PROSPECT and reported in Deliverable 7.2. This wholistic approach allows an expert discussion on the potentials of the PROSPECT functions in the future

    Assessment of the PROSPECT safety systems including socio-economic evaluation

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    This report provides a new methodology for safety benefit assessment of real-world benefit of the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in terms of saved lives and prevented injuries as well as the resulting monetary benefit for society. This methodology is demonstrated and applied to PROSPECT systems that address potential crashes of passenger cars with vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and cyclists

    GrÀnser i öppna landskap : en studie i samverkanspotential mellan Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheter vid svÄra pÄfrestningar i fred

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    Denna uppsats har varit inriktad pĂ„ att studera Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheters samverkanvid svĂ„ra pĂ„frestningar i fred. Problembakgrunden Ă„terfinns i sĂ„rbarhets - och sĂ€kerhetsutredningen.Utredningen gör bl a gĂ€llande att samverkanspotentialen ej Ă€r fullt utnyttjad mellan militĂ€ra och civilamyndigheter. Tyngdpunkten i uppsatsens problemformulering omfattas av hur dennasamverkanspotential i positiv riktning kan förĂ€ndras.Studien har strukturerats med hjĂ€lp av fem funktioner för ledningsförmĂ„ga; personal, organisation,doktrin, styrmedel samt teknik. UtifrĂ„n dessa funktioner har samverkanspotentialen analyserats.Analysen visar att det finns ett antal faktorer som Ă€r avgörande för en god samverkanspotential. Dessafaktorer kan summeras med; öka förstĂ„elsen för varandras verksamheter, tydliggöraansvarsfördelningen, skapa positiv vilja och attityd till samverkan, fördjupa personell ochorganisatorisk kunskap i gĂ€llande lagrum, förstĂ€rka möjligheterna till samverkan genom gemensamtledningssystem.During the last years, the question of the national ability to handle a seriouscrisis situation has arisen. In the governmental official reports, the need of anoverall view is emphasised because catastrophes can affect many publicfunctions. Central authorities play an important role in this case. During 1999,the government initiated an official report to analyse how a better overall viewcould be reached. Vulnerability and security aspects were examined. The reportshows that the military force could contribute with important efforts and thatthe co-operation ability between military and civilian authorities could begreatly improved.The purpose of this paper is to describe how the co-operation abilitybetween military and civilian authorities could be developed. The paper isintended to respond to the following questions:- What prerequisites and abilities are desirable in order to co-operatebetween military and central authorities from a national crisis point ofview?- What can change the co-operation ability between military and civilianactivities in a national crisis situation in a positive way?This paper uses the qualitative method because the authorities’ teamworkshould be reflected from an overall point of view and the co-operation ability ishard to measure.The overall point of view is central.The source material for the empirical studies is collected from interviews ofpersons in authority.The theoretical model concerns the ability to command and control. Themodel consists of the following elements; personnel, organization, doctrine,instruments of control and finally technique. To achieve co-operation interplayis required between these elements.In support of these empirical studies, the following conclusions of how tochange the co-operation ability between military and civilian authorities couldbe presented:- PersonnelJoint practice and instruction to produce a common understanding for thedifferent kinds of activity- OrganizationElucidate the authorities’ responsibility in a crisis situation- DoctrineStimulate the authorities’ will and attitude to co-operation- Instrument of controlDeeper personnel and organizational knowledge of existing legislation- TechniquesDevelopment of joint command and control systemsThe information above could be used to further develop co-operation abilitybetween military and civilian authorities in crisis situations.Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-0

    GrÀnser i öppna landskap : en studie i samverkanspotential mellan Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheter vid svÄra pÄfrestningar i fred

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    Denna uppsats har varit inriktad pĂ„ att studera Försvarsmakten och centrala myndigheters samverkanvid svĂ„ra pĂ„frestningar i fred. Problembakgrunden Ă„terfinns i sĂ„rbarhets - och sĂ€kerhetsutredningen.Utredningen gör bl a gĂ€llande att samverkanspotentialen ej Ă€r fullt utnyttjad mellan militĂ€ra och civilamyndigheter. Tyngdpunkten i uppsatsens problemformulering omfattas av hur dennasamverkanspotential i positiv riktning kan förĂ€ndras.Studien har strukturerats med hjĂ€lp av fem funktioner för ledningsförmĂ„ga; personal, organisation,doktrin, styrmedel samt teknik. UtifrĂ„n dessa funktioner har samverkanspotentialen analyserats.Analysen visar att det finns ett antal faktorer som Ă€r avgörande för en god samverkanspotential. Dessafaktorer kan summeras med; öka förstĂ„elsen för varandras verksamheter, tydliggöraansvarsfördelningen, skapa positiv vilja och attityd till samverkan, fördjupa personell ochorganisatorisk kunskap i gĂ€llande lagrum, förstĂ€rka möjligheterna till samverkan genom gemensamtledningssystem.During the last years, the question of the national ability to handle a seriouscrisis situation has arisen. In the governmental official reports, the need of anoverall view is emphasised because catastrophes can affect many publicfunctions. Central authorities play an important role in this case. During 1999,the government initiated an official report to analyse how a better overall viewcould be reached. Vulnerability and security aspects were examined. The reportshows that the military force could contribute with important efforts and thatthe co-operation ability between military and civilian authorities could begreatly improved.The purpose of this paper is to describe how the co-operation abilitybetween military and civilian authorities could be developed. The paper isintended to respond to the following questions:- What prerequisites and abilities are desirable in order to co-operatebetween military and central authorities from a national crisis point ofview?- What can change the co-operation ability between military and civilianactivities in a national crisis situation in a positive way?This paper uses the qualitative method because the authorities’ teamworkshould be reflected from an overall point of view and the co-operation ability ishard to measure.The overall point of view is central.The source material for the empirical studies is collected from interviews ofpersons in authority.The theoretical model concerns the ability to command and control. Themodel consists of the following elements; personnel, organization, doctrine,instruments of control and finally technique. To achieve co-operation interplayis required between these elements.In support of these empirical studies, the following conclusions of how tochange the co-operation ability between military and civilian authorities couldbe presented:- PersonnelJoint practice and instruction to produce a common understanding for thedifferent kinds of activity- OrganizationElucidate the authorities’ responsibility in a crisis situation- DoctrineStimulate the authorities’ will and attitude to co-operation- Instrument of controlDeeper personnel and organizational knowledge of existing legislation- TechniquesDevelopment of joint command and control systemsThe information above could be used to further develop co-operation abilitybetween military and civilian authorities in crisis situations.Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-0

    Yrkesförares förvÀntningar och erfarenheter av frÀsta rÀfflor med omkörningsfÀlt pÄ rv 33

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    In order to increase the traffic safety on narrow roads the Swedish Road Administration has decided to use milled rumble strips at centre line in combination with overtaking sections. One of the road sections were this will be used is parts of road 33 between Eksjö and MÄlilla. The road is 8 meters wide, with an annual flow of 2,600 to 3,700 vehicles per day. This report is based on a qualitative study aiming to capture the professional drivers' opinions and expectations about a road design using milled rumble strips at centre line in combination with solid line and overtaking sections. The expectations were aimed to focus on both traffic safety and accessibility
