25 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari usaha “Es Sesar (Smoothies Kates Anti Kulit Kasar)” adalah memberikan sumbangsih dalam mengatasi masalah produk kecantikan berbahaya yang sudah beredar luas di masyarakat terlebih dikalangan remaja, serta memberi pengalaman bagi mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha secara nyata. Dalam pemasaran “Es Sesar” dilakukan dengan berbicara dari mulut ke mulut, dan tidak langsung yaitu menggunakan media sosial. Kami menginformasikan keunggulan dari “Es Sesar” sebagai suatu yang menguntungkan bagi calon konsumen. Hal ini mempercepat pemasaran “Es Sesar” karena calon konsumen tidak merasa rugi tetapi diuntungkan. Kemanfaatan yang sangat baik bagi tubuh terutama kulit membuat rasa ingin mengkonsumsi setiap hari dengan harapan bisa memiliki tubuh yang sehat alami tanpa cream-cream yang membahayakan. Maka konsumen tersebut akan mengurangi penggunaan cream-cream berbahaya dan beralih untuk menjaga pola hidup sehat dan tentunya dengan mengkonsumsi “Es Sesar”. Kata Kunci : Es Sesar, Kates, Kulit Seha

    Groundwater Effect on Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining: a Case of West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The stability of open pit slopes in Biangan district, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province, is greatly influenced by groundwater conditions. The existence of groundwater reduces the shear strength of the materials which causes a decrease in the stability value of pit slopes. The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of groundwater on the stability of the low wall and high wall pit mining. Groundwater modeling is used to determine the prediction of groundwater level on the pit slope which determines the value of the slope stability. Slope stability analysis in this study was performed using the Finite Element Method, producing output in the form of strain zones, deformation and displacement values. Therefore, the Strength Reduction Factor (SRF) approach was used, which is a gradual reduction of shear strength until the values of cohesion and friction angles reach minimums and the slopes are at a critical state. Groundwater modeling results indicate that groundwater flows to the Biangan river with hydraulic heads between 76 and 108 meters above sea level. Based on the analysis using the Finite Element Method, the stability values of the pit slopes, which are influenced by groundwater, are 0.65 on the low wall and 1.40 on the high wall. The total displacements are 0.019 meters on the low wall and 0.002 meters on the high wall.  The impact of groundwater on the slope is an increase in the slope load. This increases the materials’ thrust and reduces the shear strength of the materials which reduces the rock mass that can function as a water seepage path. Thus, the recommendation for low wall pit construction is a safety factor of 7.79 with a total displacement of 0.020 meters


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     ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok terhadap pemahaman siswa mengenai relasi pertemanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik eksperimen deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 10 orang siswa kelas 8.A yang menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes sosiometri. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah adanya peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap relasi pertemanan pada siswa  setelah diberikan layanan bimbingan kelompok  dengan hasil sosiometri yang telah diolah menjadi sosiogram, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ”ada pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok terhadap relasi pertemanan pada siswa di SMP N 13 Kota Bengkulu.”. Kata Kunci : Bimbingan kelompok, relasi pertemana


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    DEPARTMENT OF NUTRITION SCIENCE FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT DINA PERMATASARI. J310110048 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGE OF WEANING AND FORMULA CONSUMPTION PATTERNS AND DENTAL CARIES AMONG CHILDREN IN MRANGGEN VILLAGESUKOHARJO. Introduction:Dental caries cavities are the most common tooth decays in children. Dental caries are due to loss of minerals from email , dentin , and cementum. Dental caries can be caused by several factors, such as early feeding and consumption patterns of infant formula, due to fermentation of carbohydrates. Objective:This study aimed to assess the relationship between age of weaning and formula consumption patterns and dental caries in children in the village of Sukoharjo Mranggen. Research method:This research was an observational with cross sectional design. Subjects were toddlers aged 24-59 monthsof Mranggen, Sukoharjo. Sampling technique usedsimple random sampling technique. Statistical tests used Chi - Square tests. Results:The study showed most children had dental caries (59,6%). Most children were weaned at the right age (88,5%). Most children consumed formula in a big amount (51,9%). There was 61,5% children consumed formula rarely. Most children consumedformula in morning, noon and night (57,7%). Most children consumed formula in short diration (86,5%). Conclusion:No relationship between weaning age and dental caries in under five children under five in the village of Mranggen,Sukoharjo.No relationship between formula consumption pattern and dental caries in under fivechildren in the village of Mranggen, Sukoharjo. Keywords:weaning age, formula consumption patterns, dental caries Bibliography:69:1993-201

    Literature Review: Hubungan Asupan Protein Terhadap Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri

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    This study was conducted to examine the results of various articles on the relationship between protein intake and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls. Research method Literature review using 10 research articles that have the theme of the relationship between protein intake and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls. Articles were searched using the Google Scholar database with inclusion criteria published in the last 10 years (2011-2021), with national reputation for Sinta 1-4, full text in Indonesian or English, research subjects were adolescents aged 12-20 years who were anemic and non-anemic. and healthy. The results of this study found that the average protein intake in adolescent girls was 56.48% which was classified as good, but there were still some studies with insufficient protein intake. There are 7 articles out of 10 that have a significant relationship between protein and the incidence of anemia, 3 articles are not related due to lack of consumption of animal protein


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    Masa nifas dianggap  masa sensitif, ibu  rentan terhadap tekanan psikologis. Pada ibu yang melahirkan anak dengan  berat badan lahir rendah, proses penyesuaian psikologis ibu mempengaruhi perawatan anak dengan berat badan lahir rendah. Berat badan lahir rendah dan bayi baru lahir yang sakit mungkin memerlukan pemantauan tambahan untuk menilai pemulihan, pemberian makan dan berat badan, pemeliharaan suhu, pemberian ASI yang baik, dan kepercayaan diri ibu dalam merawat anak Anda. Perawatan bersalin yang Family Centered Maternity Care (FCMC) adalah perawatan yang berpusat pada keluarga yang memberikan perawatan bagi perempuan dan keluarganya, termasuk kehamilan, kelahiran dan perawatan bayi baru lahir sepanjang kehidupan keluarga. FCMC dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan ibu dalam merawat dirinya dan bayinya. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat untuk membantu para ibu menjadi lebih percaya diri  dalam merawat bayi  dengan berat badan lahir rendah dengan menggunakan pendekatan perawatan ibu yang berpusat pada keluarga. Metode yang digunakan dalam seri ini meliputi pemberdayaan. Memberikan dokumen berupa pemahaman FCMC masa nifas dalam proses perawatan bayi berat lahir rendah di rumah. Melalui hasil yang dicapai setelah berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan peningkatan kesadaran dan diskusi, masyarakat Kelurahan Tanjung Gusta menyadari pentingnya pelayanan ibu yang berpusat pada keluarga

    Validity Test of Moodle-Based Digital Assessment to Measure Science Literacy Skills in Environmental Pollution Material

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    This study aims to test the level of validity of Digital Assessment based Moodle as an assessment instrument to measure scientific literacy skills possessed by SMP/MTs students, especially on environmental pollution material. This method of research was development research with a 4D model consisting of a defining stage (Define), planning level (Design), development stage (Develop), and spread level Disseminate. At the development stage or development validation was carried out Digital Assessment based Moodle by expert validators consisting of 2 Lecturers in Science Education Master’s Degree at the University of Jember and 3 Science Teachers from SMPN 1 Jember, SMPN 2 Jember and SMPN 1 Probolinggo. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis and percentage calculation of validation results. The validation results in Digital Assessment-based Moodle obtained an average of 94.1% with a very valid category so that Digital Assessment-based Moodle met the quality and could be applied to students of class VII SMP SMP/MTs to measure students' scientific literacy skills, especially on environmental pollution material


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    The Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) of Watugajah sub-village has obstacles in its implementation, including the lack of efficient administrative management, the absence of an effective work program system, and the lack of PKK contributions that have a direct impact on family welfare. This problem is the background of restructuring and capacity bulding program for PKK. This research includes qualitative research and descriptive approach, the object of research to be studied is PKK cadres in Watugajah, Girijati, Purwosari, Gunungkidul. Observation and documentation methods is used for data collectiom. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis. The results of this study are; first, the implementation of mentoring activities, especially related to the preparation of administrative data related to PKK inventory. Second, the direction of PKK cadres in implementing work programs. Third, the increasing contribution of PKK in activities that support family welfare. The findings of this study have significance for the development of PKK performance which has a positive and sustainable impact in Watugajah starting from the formation of the PKK Organization, increasing the quality of human resources, and the impact of contributions in family welfare, especially in maintaining the economy and family health