4,429 research outputs found

    The Motion of Intellect On the Neoplatonic Reading of Sophist 248e-249d

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    This paper defends Plotinus’ reading of Sophist 248e-249d as an expression of the togetherness or unity-in-duality of intellect and intelligible being. Throughout the dialogues Plato consistently presents knowledge as a togetherness of knower and known, expressing this through the myth of recollection and through metaphors of grasping, eating, and sexual union. He indicates that an intelligible paradigm is in the thought that apprehends it, and regularly regards the forms not as extrinsic “objects” but as the contents of living intelligence. A meticulous reading of Sophist 248e-249d shows that the “motion” attributed to intelligible being is not temporal change but the activity of intellectual apprehension. Aristotle’s doctrines of knowledge as identity of intellect and the intelligible, and of divine intellect as thinking itself, are therefore in continuity with Plato, and Plotinus’ doctrine of intellect and being is continuous with both Plato and Aristotle

    Prédica con la cruz y la espada: la evangelización de los pueblos sajones en el Siglo VIII

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    Indexación: Revista UNABEl artículo aborda uno de los elementos de la expansión políticocultural de la Cristiandad Occidental en el norte de Europa. Se distinguen dos periodos; el primero, con la acción evangelizadora de los misioneros anglosajones en las fronteras del reino franco, caracterizada por la prédica y la persuasión. El segundo, determinado por la intervención del poderío militar franco para imponer el cristianismo. Abstract: The article approaches one of the elements of the political-cultural expansion of the Westem Christianity in the north of Europe. Two periods are distinguished: first, with the evangelist action of the Anglo-Saxon missionaries in the Frankish kingdom's borders, characterized by preach and persuasion. The second is determined by the intervention of the Frankish military power to impose Christianity upon them

    Search for Free Fractional Electric Charge Elementary Particles

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    We have carried out a direct search in bulk matter for free fractional electric charge elementary particles using the largest mass single sample ever studied - about 17.4 mg of silicone oil. The search used an improved and highly automated Millikan oil drop technique. No evidence for fractional charge particles was found. The concentration of particles with fractional charge more than 0.16e (e being the magnitude of the electron charge) from the nearest integer charge is less than 4.71×10224.71\times10^{-22} particles per nucleon with 95% confidence.Comment: 10 pages,LaTeX, 4 PS figures, submitted to PR

    To what extent is Gluon Confinement an empirical fact?

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    Experimental verifications of Confinement in hadron physics have established the absence of charges with a fraction of the electron's charge by studying the energy deposited in ionization tracks at high energies, and performing Millikan experiments with charged droplets at rest. These experiments test only the absence of particles with fractional charge in the asymptotic spectrum, and thus "Quark" Confinement. However what theory suggests is that Color is confined, that is, all asymptotic particles are color singlets. Since QCD is a non-Abelian theory, the gluon force carriers (indirectly revealed in hadron jets) are colored. We empirically examine what can be said about Gluon Confinement based on the lack of detection of appropriate events, aiming at an upper bound for high-energy free-gluon production.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, version accepted at Few Body Physic

    A New Method for Searching for Free Fractional Charge Particles in Bulk Matter

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    We present a new experimental method for searching for free fractional charge in bulk matter; this new method derives from the traditional Millikan liquid drop method, but allows the use of much larger drops, 20 to 100 mm in diameter, compared to the traditional method that uses drops less than 15 mm in diameter. These larger drops provide the substantial advantage that it is then much easier to consistently generate drops containing liquid suspensions of powdered meteorites and other special minerals. These materials are of great importance in bulk searches for fractional charge particles that may have been produced in the early universe.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures in a singl PDF file (created from WORD Doc.). Submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Multiple-access phased array antenna simulator for a digital beam forming system investigation

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    Future versions of data relay satellite systems are currently being planned by NASA. Being given consideration for implementation are on-board digital beamforming techniques which will allow multiple users to simultaneously access a single S-band phased array antenna system. To investigate the potential performance of such a system, a laboratory simulator has been developed at NASA's Lewis Research Center. This paper describes the system simulator, and in particular, the requirements, design, and performance of a key subsystem, the phased array antenna simulator, which provides realistic inputs to the digital processor including multiple signals, noise, and nonlinearities

    Distinct subsets of unmyelinated primary sensory fibers mediate behavioral responses to noxious thermal and mechanical stimuli

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    Behavioral responses to painful stimuli require peripheral sensory neurons called nociceptors. Electrophysiological studies show that most C-fiber nociceptors are polymodal (i.e., respond to multiple noxious stimulus modalities, such as mechanical and thermal); nevertheless, these stimuli are perceived as distinct. Therefore, it is believed that discrimination among these modalities only occurs at spinal or supraspinal levels of processing. Here, we provide evidence to the contrary. Genetic ablation in adulthood of unmyelinated sensory neurons expressing the G protein-coupled receptor Mrgprd reduces behavioral sensitivity to noxious mechanical stimuli but not to heat or cold stimuli. Conversely, pharmacological ablation of the central branches of TRPV1+ nociceptors, which constitute a nonoverlapping population, selectively abolishes noxious heat pain sensitivity. Combined elimination of both populations yielded an additive phenotype with no additional behavioral deficits, ruling out a redundant contribution of these populations to heat and mechanical pain sensitivity. This double-dissociation suggests that the brain can distinguish different noxious stimulus modalities from the earliest stages of sensory processing

    A 20 GeVs transparent neutrino astronomy from the North Pole?

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    Muon neutrino astronomy is drown within a polluted atmospheric neutrino noise. However at 24 GeV energy atmospheric muon neutrinos, while rising vertically along the terrestrial diameter, should disappear (or be severely depleted) while converting into tau flavor: any rarest vertical 12 GeV muon track at South Pole Deep Core volume, pointing back to North Pole, might be tracing mostly a noise-free astrophysical signal. The corresponding Deep Core 6-7-8-9 channels trigger maybe point in those directions and inside that energy range without much background. Deep Core detector at South Pole, may scan at 18-27GeV energy windows, into a narrow vertical cone for a novel neutrino astronomy almost noise-free, pointing back toward the North Pole.Unfortunately muon at 12 GeV trace their arrival direction mostly spread around an unique string in a zenith-cone solid angle. To achieve also an azimuth angular resolution a two string detection at once is needed. The doubling of the Deep Core string number, (two new arrays of six string each, achieving an average detection distance of 36.5 m), is desirable, leading to a larger Deep Core detection mass (more than double) and a sharper zenith and azimuth angular resolution by two-string vertical axis detection. Such an improvement may show a noise free (at least factor ten) muon neutrino astronomy. This enhancement may also be a crucial probe of a peculiar anisotropy foreseen for atmospheric anti-muon, in CPT violated physics versus conserved one, following a hint by recent Minos results.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figure