118 research outputs found

    TNG Near-IR Photometry of five Galactic Globular Clusters

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    We present near--infrared J and K observations of giant stars in five metal-poor Galactic Globular Clusters (namely M3, M5, M10, M13 and M92) obtained at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). This database has been used to determine the main photometric properties of the red giant branch (RGB) from the (K,J-K) and, once combined with the optical data, in the (K,V-K) Color Magnitude Diagrams. A set of photometric indices (the RGB colors at fixed magnitudes) and the major RGB evolutionary features (slope, bump, tip) have been measured. The results have been compared with the relations obtained by Ferraro et al. 2000 and with the theoretical expectations, showing a very good agreement.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Ekstraksi Pektin dari Berbagai Macam Kulit Jeruk

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    Tanaman jeruk merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia dan hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia dapat ditanami jeruk. Buah jeruk dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk buah segar ataupun hasil olahan. Limbah dari buah jeruk yang berupa kulit jeruk selain dapat dibuat manisan, juga dapat diekstrak pektinnya. Jeruk mempunyai kandungan pektin yang cukup tinggi, sekitar 30%. Pektin juga terdapat pada buah–buah lainnya seperti pisang, apel dan papaya. Pektin merupakan bahan aditif yang memiliki aplikasi luas pada industri makanan karena kemampuannya membentuk gel seperti untuk membuat jelly, se lai, desert dan sebagai penghalus tekstur. Selain itu, pektin juga dapat digunakan dalam bidang bakery fillings, yaitu pada penyiapan buah. Dalam bidang produksi susu, digunakan pada pengasaman susu dan minuman berprotein serta yogurt. Pektin dapat juga digunakan dalam bidang produk kesehatan dan farmasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pelarut dan zat terlarut yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan yield pektin dengan jumlah yang maksimum. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa yield pektin meningkat seiring dengan kenaik an kecepatan pengadukan dan besarnya perbandingan berat kulit jeruk:volume pelarut. Semua kulit jeruk termasuk kedalam golongan high metoksil pektin. Kadar metoksil dan kekuatan pembentukan gel Jeruk manis> Jeruk Lokam> Jeruk Shantang> Jeruk Nipis. Kadar abu pektin dari berbagai macam kulit jeruk memenuhi standar mutu kering pektin

    Citronella essential oil in the control and activation of coffee plants defense response against rust and brown eye spot.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o óleo essencial de citronela no controle da ferrugem e cercosporiose e na ativação de respostas de defesa em cafeeiro

    The surprising external upturn of the Blue Straggler radial distribution in M55

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    By combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground based observations, in ultraviolet and optical bands, we study the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population of the low density galactic globular cluster M55 (NGC 6809) over its entire radial extent. The BSS projected radial distribution is found to be bimodal, with a central peak, a broad minimum at intermediate radii, and an upturn at large radii. Similar bimodal distributions have been found in other globular clusters (M3, 47 Tucanae, NGC 6752, M5), but the external upturn in M55 is the largest found to date. This might indicate a large fraction of primordial binaries in the outer regions of M55, which seems somehow in contrast with the relatively low (\sim 10%) binary fraction recently measured in the core of this cluster.Comment: in press on Ap

    Estabilidade de cultivares e linhagens de feijoeiro em diferentes ambientes no Estado de São Paulo.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivos realizar a avaliação genotípica de linhagens de feijoeiro no Estado de São Paulo pela estimativa dos valores genotípicos das linhagens para cada local e também para o ambiente médio de todos os locais. Estudos da adaptabilidade e estabilidade dos valores genotípicos preditos foram realizados pelo procedimento BLUP. A cultivar Graúna e a linhagem GEN 96A31 apresentaram superioridade média de 10% sobre a média geral dos 15 ambientes. Os valores foram computados já penalizando as linhagens pela instabilidade através dos locais e ao mesmo tempo capitalizando a capacidade de resposta (adaptabilidade) à melhoria do ambiente, usando propriedades intrínsecas ao método MHPRVG (Média Harmônica da Performance Relativa dos Valores Genéticos). Os métodos MHPRVG, Lin & Binns e Annicchiarico selecionaram, praticamente, as mesmas linhagens. Contudo, o método MHPRVG forneceu os resultados na própria escala de medição do caráter avaliado, os quais foram interpretados diretamente como valores genéticos para produtividade, estabilidade e adaptabilidade simultaneamente

    Generation of squeezed light in a nonlinear asymmetric directional coupler

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    We show that a nonlinear asymmetric directional coupler composed of a linear waveguide and a nonlinear waveguide operating by nondegenerate parametric amplification is an effective source of single-mode squeezed light. This is has been demonstrated, under certain conditions and for specific modes, for incident coherent beams in terms of the quasiprobability functions, photon-number distribution and phase distribution.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Controle Químico da Mancha de Ramulária (Ramularia areola) do Algodoeiro no Norte de Mato Grosso.

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    No Norte do Estado de Mato Grosso, os níveis de incidência e severidade da mancha de ramulária, causada pelo fungo Ramularia areola Atk, tem aumentado significativamente devido às práticas de manejo adotadas pelos produtores nas áreas cultivadas com o algodoeiro. O controle químico continua sendo a tática mais eficaz para o controle da doença, pois as cultivares disponíveis no mercado não apresentam níveis de resistência satisfatório ao patógeno. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram determinar a eficácia dos fungicidas Score, Eminent Gold, Caramba 90, Priori Top, Authority, Orkestra, OXI0091, Fezan Gold, IKF - 5411 400SC, Basf 750 02 F, ADA FF 0086/16, BAS 753 02F, DPX ? U7F30, A20259E, A16976A, Mertin, UPL 2000 e a testemunha (sem fungicida) no controle da mancha de ramulária, bem como determinar o efeito desses tratamentos com fungicidas na produção de algodão a campo. Os tratamentos foram realizados em intervalos de 12-15 dias, sendo a primeira aplicação aos 32 dias após a emergência das plântulas. Foram realizados um total de oito aplicações de cada tratamento. Os fungicidas utilizados neste experimento foram eficazes no controle da severidade da mancha de ramulária do algodoeiro quando comparados com o tratamento testemunha.bitstream/item/225527/1/Controle-quimico-mancha-2020.pd

    Elastic scattering losses in the four-wave mixing of Bose Einstein Condensates

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    We introduce a classical stochastic field method that accounts for the quantum fluctuations responsible for spontaneous initiation of various atom optics processes. We assume a delta-correlated Gaussian noise in all initially empty modes of atomic field. Its strength is determined by comparison with the analytical results for two colliding condensates in the low loss limit. Our method is applied to the atomic four wave mixing experiment performed at MIT [Vogels {\it et. al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 89}, 020401, (2002)], for the first time reproducing experimental data

    On the evolution of superposition of squeezed displaced number states with the multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model

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    In this paper we discuss the quantum properties for superposition of squeezed displaced number states against multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM). In particular, we investigate atomic inversion, photon-number distribution, purity, quadrature squeezing, Mandel QQ parameter and Wigner function. We show that the quadrature squeezing for three-photon absorption case can exhibit revivals and collapses typical to those occurring in the atomic inversion for one-photon absorption case. Also we prove that for odd number absorption parameter there is a connection between the evolution of the atomic inversion and the evolution of the Wigner function at the origin in phase space. Furthermore, we show that the nonclassical states whose the Wigner functions values at the origins are negative will be always nonclassical when they are evolving through the JCM with even absorption parameter. Also we demonstrate that various types of cat states can be generated via this system.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    The Contribution of National Spontaneous Reporting Systems to Detect Signals of Torsadogenicity: Issues Emerging from the ARITMO Project

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    Introduction: Spontaneous reporting systems (SRSs) are pivotal for signal detection, especially for rare events with a high drug-attributable component, such as torsade de pointes (TdP). Use of different national SRSs is rarely attempted because of inherent difficulties, but should be considered on the assumption that rare events are diluted in international databases. Objective: The aim was to describe TdP-related events associated with antipsychotics, H1-antihistamines and anti-infectives in three national SRSs (in Italy, Germany and France) and highlight potential signals of torsadogenicity through a combined literature evaluation. Methods: A common search strategy was applied to extract TdP-related events: (1) TdP, (2) QT interval abnormalities, (3) ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia, and (4) sudden cardiac death. Signals of disproportionate reporting (SDRs) were calculated for TdP + QT interval abnormalities and defined by a lower limit of the 95 % confidence interval of the reporting odds ratio (ROR) >1. Among SDRs with at least three cases without concomitant pro-arrhythmic drugs, we defined potential new signal of torsadogenicity as drugs with no published evidence from (a) the crediblemeds® website (http://www.crediblemeds.com, as of November 1st, 2014); (b) studies on the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS); and (c) safety trials or pharmaco-epidemiological studies (as of December 16th, 2014). Results: Overall, 3505 cases were retrieved (1372, 1468, and 801 for France, Germany and Italy, respectively). Antipsychotics were mainly recorded in Germany (792 cases), whereas antibiotics peaked at 515 and 491 (France and Italy, respectively). Forty-one drugs met criteria for SDRs in at least one single source, of which 31 were detected only from one single SRS: 18, ten and three (French, German and Italian SRS, respectively). By contrast, only five SDRs were detected in all national data sources (amisulpride, aripiprazole, haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone). Overall, five potential new signals of torsadogenicity were identified: flupentixol, ganciclovir, levocetirizine, oxatomide and tiapride. Conclusions: We found differences across and within national SRSs in the reporting of drug-induced TdP, which finally resulted in five potential new signals of torsadogenicity. These findings warrant targeted pharmacovigilance studies to formally assess the existence of actual drug–event associations