17 research outputs found

    Borboletas (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea e papilionoidea) de val de serra, região central do rio grande do sul, Brasil

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    The butterfly fauna of the Atlantic Forest Biome is reasonably well-known up to the southern limit of its distribution. However, there are knowledge gaps nearby the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State, whose forest areas are considered priorities for biological conservation. This study investigated the butterfly assemblage of a riparian fragment in an ecotone area between Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and Seasonal Decidous Forest, in Itaara municipality. From September 2005 to September 2006, after 105 net-hours through active search sampling, 877 butterflies were registered representing 104 species. Three more species were registered posteriorly, increasing total richness to 107. The most abundant species were the Nymphalidae Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775), Yphthimoides celmis (Godart, [1824]), Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel, [1908]), Tegosa claudina (Eschscholtz, 1821) and Vanessa braziliensis (Moore, 1883). One new record for the State and four new ones for the central region were registered besides the southern endemic Papilionidae Euryades corethrus (Boisduval, 1836) and the Lycaenidae Arcas ducalis (Westwood, 1852), considered indicator of Atlantic forest preserved areas. Due to the representativeness of the registered fauna, it is suggested the increase of conservation efforts in the area and stimulation of new ecological studies with the local biodiversity

    Substituição parcial de farelo de soja por ureia protegida na produção e composição do leite

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos da ureia protegida na produção e composição do leite, utilizando-se 34 vacas da raça Holandesa, com 128±60 dias em leite e produção de 41,6±6,7kg/dia no início do experimento, distribuídas em blocos por produção de leite, ordem de lactação e dias em lactação. As variáveis produção de leite, porcentagens e produções de gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais do leite, contagem de células somáticas e nitrogênio ureico no leite foram mensuradas aos 30 e 60 dias do experimento. Os dados foram analisados por procedimento de modelos mistos com o modelo contendo como covariável as observações obtidas antes da adoção das dietas experimentais e os efeitos fixos de período, de tratamento e a interação de período versus tratamento. Os tratamentos (T) foram compostos por dietas isoenergéticas e isonitrogenadas com 1,66 EL L e 18,35% de PB, definidas como: T1= 11,4% farelo de soja e T2= 0,4% ureia encapsulada + 9,0% farelo de soja. Não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) nas produções diárias de leite e de sólidos, de nitrogênio ureico no leite e da contagem de células somáticas. A dieta com ureia protegida reduziu (P<0,05) as porcentagens de gordura e de sólidos totais do leite. A substituição parcial do farelo de soja por ureia protegida não reduziu o desempenho produtivo das vacas em lactaçã

    Plant Accumulations Along The Itanhaém River Basin, Southern Coast Of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Examination of the mechanisms involved in the construction of present-day vegetative deposits along coastal waterways has made it possible to establish depositional patterns that can be compared with those found in similar environments in geologic time. These patterns include not only the composition and transport of the debris but also an estimation of the time involved in its deposition. Six sites with active deposits of plant macrodebris in the coastal basin of the Itanham River, São Paulo State, Brazil, were used in the study. In the central portion of the basin, the interior coastal plain is covered with restinga forest (dense, wet tropical forest of low altitudes), while the lower portion consists of mangrove swamps. The coast reflects anthropogenic intervention, and only a few scattered remnants of precolonization dune vegetation remain. The results after three years of study suggest that the accumulation of plant macrodebris in the middle and lower portions of the basin is parautochthonous, since only the leaves of genera typical of the restinga forest and mangrove swamp, respectively, were found. Along the coast the accumulations involved a mixture of parautochthonous and allochthonous elements. On the levee of the Branco River and within the mangrove swamp, deposition was slow, and many of the elements decayed quickly; such accumulations show little potential for preservation and eventual fossilization. A different site, however, reveals the rapid deposition of thick layers of plant debris, presumably associated with storms, and these accumulations are preserved for long periods, constituting good candidates for possible fossilization. © 2009 SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).247416424Alexander, J., Fielding, C.R., Jenkins, G., Plant-material deposition in the tropical burdekin river, Australia (1999) Implications for Ancient Fluvial Sediments: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 153, pp. 105-125Amaral, P.G.C., Ledru, M.P., Ricardi-Branco, F., Giannini, P.C.F., Late holocene development of a mangrove ecosystem in southeastern brazil (itanhaém, state of são paulo) (2006) Paleogeography, 241, pp. 608-820. , Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.paleo.2006.04.010Behrensmeyer, J.D., Hook, W., Paleoenvironmental contexts and taphonomic modes (1992) Terrestrial Ecosystems Through Time: Evolutionary Paleoecology of Terrestrial Plants and Animals, pp. 324-416. , in Behrensmeyer, A. 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    Balanço eletrolítico para suínos machos castrados em crescimento mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura Electrolyte balance of growing males castrated swines in a high temperature environment

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    Avaliou-se o efeito do balanço eletrolítico (BE) em rações com diferentes níveis de eletrólitos para suínos na fase de crescimento criados em alta temperatura. Foram utilizados 200 suínos machos castrados, com peso inicial de 25,3±1,3 kg e final de 68,8±3,4 kg, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições com dez animais por unidade experimental, para a fase de crescimento T1(testemunha) ração sem suplementação de eletrólitos 191 mEq/kg; T2 (NaHCO3) ração suplementada bicarbonato de sódio (NaHCO3) 250 mEq/kg; T3 (NaHCO3+KCl) ração suplementada NaHCO3 e cloreto de potássio (KCl) 250 mEq/kg; T4 (NaHCO3) ração suplementada NaHCO3 300 mEq/kg; e T5 (NaHCO3+KCl) ração suplementada com NaHCO3 e KCl 300 mEq/kg. As variáveis avaliadas foram consumo de ração, ganho de peso, consumo de nitrogênio, consumo de lisina, eficiência de utilização de nitrogênio para ganho, eficiência de utilização de lisina para ganho, conversão alimentar e os parâmetros fisiológicos, frequência respiratória e temperatura retal. Foi coletado sangue para mensurar as concentrações sorológicas de Na, Cl e K. A temperatura média foi 29,65±3,80º C com UR do ar 69,6±10,4%, Temperatura do Globo Negro de 31,95±1,98º C e Índice de Temperatura do Globo Úmido em 80,51±2,44. Os níveis de BE reduziram (P<0,05) consumo de ração e melhoram o consumo de nitrogênio. Os demais parâmetros de desempenho avaliados não foram afetados pelos diferentes balanços eletrolíticos (P>0,05). A correção do BE não influenciou o desempenho dos suínos.<br>The effect of electrolyte balance (EB) in diets with different levels of electrolytes for growing swine under high environmental temperature was evaluated. Two hundred castrated pigs with initial weight of 25.3±1.3 kg and final weight of 68.8±3.4 kg were allotted in a completely randomized experimental design with five treatments and four replicates with 10 pigs per experimental unit, for the growing phase T1 (control) diet without electrolyte 191 mEq/kg; T2 (NaHCO3) diet supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 250 mEq/kg; T3 (NaHCO3+KCl) diet supplemented with (NaHCO3) and potassium chloride (KCl) 250 mEq/kg; T4 (NaHCO3) diet supplemented with (NaHCO3) 300 mEq/kg; T5 (NaHCO3+KCl) diet supplemented with NaHCO3 and (KCl) 300 mEq/kg. The performance parameters evaluated were: feed intake, daily gain, nitrogen intake, lysine intake, efficiency of nitrogen use for weight gain, efficiency of lysine use for weight gain and the gain-to-feed ratio and the physiological parameters, respiratory frequency and rectal temperature. Blood was colleted to measure serum concentration of Na, Cl and K. The average temperature was 29.65±3.80º C with relative humidity of 69.6±10.4%, Black Globe Temperature of 31.95±1.98º C and temperature index calculated of 80.51±2.44. The levels of EB decreased (P<0.05) the feed intake and improved nitrogen intake. The other performance parameters evaluated were not influenced by the treatment (P>0.05). The correction of EB did not influence the growth of the swine