11 research outputs found

    Crescimento de pimentão em diferentes arranjos espaciais

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of green pepper cv. Atlantis under different spatial arrangements. Three spacing arrangements between double and simple planting rows (1.5x0.5 m, 1.6x0.4 m and 1.7x0.3 m) and four spacing distances between plants in the rows (0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 m) combined in factorial scheme were evaluated. A randomized block design in split-plots divided in time with three replicates was used. The growth assessment was done in nine occasions, 14 days apart, and the first one was performed 14 days after transplanting (DAT). Leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI), dry masses of leaves (LDM), stem (SDM), fruit (FrDM) and total shoot (TDM); absolute growth rate (AGR), rates of net assimilation (NAR) and relative growth (RGR); and leaf area (LAR) and leaf mass (LWR) ratios were evaluated until 126 DAT. The changes in LA, RGR, LWR and LAR did not depend on row spacing, but spacing influenced LDM, SDM, FrDM and TDM, LAI and AGR. The increase in spacing reduces LAI and LAR, and increases LA, LDM, SDM, FrDM, TDM, AGR and NAR, but does not influence RGR and LWR.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento do pimentão cv. Atlantis sob diferentes arranjos espaciais. Foram avaliados três arranjos de espaçamentos entre fileiras duplas e fileiras simples de plantio (1,5x0,5, 1,6x0,4 e 1,7x0,3 m), e quatro espaçamentos entre plantas nas fileiras (0,2, 0,3, 0,4 e 0,5 m), combinados em esquema fatorial. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições e parcelas subdivididas no tempo. A avaliação de crescimento foi realizada em nove épocas espaçadas em 14 dias, com a primeira avaliação realizada 14 dias após o transplantio (DAT). Até os 126 DAT, foram avaliados: área foliar (AF); índice de área foliar (IAF); massas secas de folhas (MSF), do caule (MSC), de frutos (MSFr) e do total da parte aérea (MST); taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA), assimilatória líquida (TAL) e de crescimento relativo (TCR); e as razões de área foliar (RAF) e de massa foliar (RMF). As alterações em AF, TCR, RMF e RAF foram independentes do espaçamento entre fileiras que, no entanto, influenciou MSF, MSC, MSFr e MST, IAF e TCA. O aumento do espaçamento entre plantas reduz o IAF e a RAF e aumenta a AF, MSF, MSC, MSFr, MST, TCA e TAL, mas não influencia a TCR e RMF

    Association Between Osteoporosis And Periodontal Disease [associação Entre Osteoporose E Doença Periodontal Em Mulheres Na Pós-menopausa]

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    PURPOSE: to verify the association of osteoporosis with periodontal disease. METHODS: the study has included 39 postmenopausal women divided in three groups according to bone mass categories, through evaluation of mineral bone density (MBD), measured by X-ray double emission absorbimetry in the lumbar area (L1-L4): ): normal bone; osteopenia and osteoporosis. In all the participants the Clinical Insertion Level (CIL) index has been determined at the research onset and after one year, by the same examiner. The periodontal situation data have been submitted to statistical analysis with the paired t-Student test. RESULTS: the periodontal exam has shown that postmenopausal women in the osteopenia presented lower CIL at the initial periodontal clinical exam (2.1±1.1 mm), while the ones in the normal bone showed less teeth support tissue loss after one year (3.1±1.6 mm). The statistical analysis has shown that there was no significant difference for the periodontal situation in the normal bone, but there was significant statistical difference for the osteopenia and osteoporosis patients, when CIL values from both evaluation periods were compared. CONCLUSIONS: it is concluded that postmenopausal osteoporosis may be a possible risk factor for periodontal disease.308379383Kanis, J.A., Melton 3rd, L.J., Christiansen, C., Johnston, C.C., Khaltaev, N., The diagnosis of osteoporosis (1994) J Bone Miner Res, 9 (8), pp. 1137-1141Pallos, D., Ceschin, A., Victor, G.A., Bulhões, R.C., Quirino, M.R.S., Menopausa: Fator de risco para doença periodontal? (2006) Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 28 (5), pp. 292-297Pardini, D., Terapêutica de reposição hormonal na osteoporose pós-menopausa. 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Position paper: Epidemiology of periodontal diseases (2005) J Periodontol, 76 (8), pp. 1406-1419Brennan, R.M., Genco, R.J., Hovey, K.M., Trevisan, M., Wactawski-Wende, J., Clinical attachment loss, systemic bone density, and subgingival calculus in postmenopausal women (2007) J Periodontol, 78 (11), pp. 2104-2111Peruzzo, D.C., Nogueira Filho, G.R., Nociti Junior, F.H., Casati, M.Z., Sallum, E.A., Marcadores, indicadores e fatores de risco da doença periodontal. (2004) Rev Periodontia, 14 (1), pp. 23-29Kuo, L.C., Polson, A.M., Kang, T., Associations between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases: A review of the inter-relationships and interactions with diabetes, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis (2008) Public Health, 122 (4), pp. 417-433Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis. Report of a WHO Study Group (1994) World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser, 843, pp. 1-129Glavind, L., Löe, H., Errors in the clinical assessment of periodontal destruction (1967) J Peridontal Res, 2 (3), pp. 180-184Wolff, L., Dahlén, G., Aeppli, D., Bacteria as risk markers for periodontitis (1994) J Periodontol, 65 (5 SUPPL.), pp. 498-510Krejci, C.B., Bissada, N.F., Women's health issues and their relationship to periodontitis (2002) J Am Dent Assoc, 133 (3), pp. 323-329Mohammad, A.R., Brunsvold, M., Bauer, R., The strength of association between systemic postmenopausal osteoporosis and periodontal disease (1996) Int J Prosthodont, 9 (5), pp. 479-483Ronderos, M., Jacobs, D.R., Himes, J.H., Pihlstrom, B.L., Associations of periodontal disease with femoral bone mineral density and estrogen replacement therapy: Cross-sectional evaluation of US adults from NHANES III (2000) J Clin Periodontol, 27 (10), pp. 778-786Mohammad, A.R., Hooper, D.A., Vermilyea, S.G., Mariotti, A., Preshaw, P.M., An investigation of the relationship between systemic bone density and clinical periodontal status in post-menopausal Asian-American women (2003) Int Dent J, 53 (3), pp. 121-12

    Crescimento e produção de taro 'Chinês' influenciados por tipos de mudas e camadas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar Plant growth and yield of 'Chinês' corms taro influenced by propagation methods and sugar-cane mulch

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    Foram conduzidos dois experimentos consecutivos, numa mesma área, em Viçosa (MG), de 19/11/1997 a 08/08/1998 (experimento I) e de 01/09/1998 a 06/06/1999 (experimento II), com o taro 'Chinês' (BGH 5928). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 7 (tipos de mudas x camadas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar), com três repetições. No experimento I avaliaram-se os efeitos de quatro tipos de mudas (rizoma-mãe e rizomas filhos grande, médio e pequeno, com 80; 55; 35 e 20 g de massa fresca média, respectivamente) e sete espessuras de camadas de bagaço em cobertura (0; 4; 8; 12; 16; 20 e 24 cm). No experimento II avaliou-se o efeito residual das camadas de bagaço utilizadas no experimento I, mantendo-se os mesmos tipos de mudas, com massas semelhantes. Avaliaram-se o estande e altura de plantas, índice de área foliar (IAF) e produção final de classes de rizomas. Menores estandes foram obtidos no experimento I e para o tipo de muda filho pequeno, principalmente na ausência de bagaço. Mudas com maior massa e camadas intermediárias de bagaço proporcionaram plantas mais vigorosas e com maiores valores de IAF. Não houve interação entre camadas de bagaço e tipos de mudas, para produção de rizomas, em ambos experimentos. No experimento I verificou-se efeito significativo para ambos os fatores, isoladamente, com maiores produções de rizomas totais e comerciáveis obtidas para o tipo de muda rizomas-mãe, seguido de filho grande, e camada de bagaço entre 16,4 a 17,4 cm de espessura. No experimento II houve efeito apenas de tipos de mudas com maiores produções de rizomas totais e comerciáveis para as mudas tipos rizoma-mãe e filho grande.<br>Two consecutive experiments were carried out, in the same area, from 11/19/1997 to 08/08/1998 (experiment I) and from 09/01/1998 to 06/06/1999 (experiment II), with taro 'Chinês' (BGH 5928). The experiments consisted of 28 treatments, in a randomized complete block design, arranged in a factorial 4 x 7 (types of seedlings x layers of sugar-cane mulch), with three repetitions. In experiment I the effect of four types of seedlings were evaluated (corm and comels large, medium and small, with 80; 55; 35 and 20 g of medium fresh mass, respectively) and seven thickness of mulch layers on covering (0; 4; 8; 12; 16; 20 and 24 cm). In experiment II the residual effect of the mulch layers used in experiment I was evaluated, the same types of seedlings staying with similar masses. The stand and height of plants, leaf area index (LAI) and final corm yield and classes of cormels were evaluated. Smaller stands were obtained in experiment I and for the type of seedling graded as small cormel, mainly in the absence of mulch. Seedlings with larger masses and intermediate layers of mulch provided more vigorous plants and with higher values of LAI. There was no interaction between mulch layers x types of seedlings, for yield of corm and cormels, in both experiments. In experiment I significant effect was verified for both factors, separately, with larger yield of total and commercial cormels obtained for the type seedling corm (head), followed by large cormel, and mulch layer from 16.4 to 17.4 cm of thickness. In experiment II, an evident effect of types of seedlings with larger yield of total and commercial cormels for the seedlings types corm and large cormel was observed

    Número de anos para a estimação da média decendial de duração diária do brilho solar no Rio Grande do Sul Number of years to estimate the ten-day average of daily sunshine duration in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tamanho de amostra (número de anos) para a estimação da média decendial de duração diária de brilho solar em 30 locais do Rio Grande do Sul. Com os dados de duração de brilho solar do período de 1960 a 2007, formaram-se 1.080 séries temporais (30 locais x 36 decêndios) de média decendial de duração diária de brilho solar. Testou-se a aleatoriedade e a normalidade dos dados, de cada série temporal, por meio dos testes de sequência (run test) e de Lilliefors, respectivamente. Para cada decêndio e local, foi determinado o tamanho de amostra por meio de reamostragem bootstrap, com reposição de 3.000 amostras. Vinte e cinco anos de observações são suficientes para a estimação da média decendial de duração diária de brilho solar, com amplitude do intervalo de confiança de bootstrap de 95% igual a 2,00 horas dia-1.<br>The objective of this research was to determine the sample size (number of years) to estimate the ten-day average of daily sunshine duration in 30 locations of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. With sunshine data duration of the period from 1960 to 2007, 1,080 time series (30 locations x 36 ten-days) of ten-day of daily sunshine duration average were formed. The aleatory and normality, in each time series, was verified through the run test and Lilliefors test, respectively. For each ten-day and locality, it was determined the sample size using bootstrap resampling with replacement of 3,000 samples. Twenty-five years of data are enough to predict the ten-day average of daily sunshine duration, with amplitude of bootstrap confidence interval of 95%, equal to 2.00 hour day-1

    Produção do maxixe-do-reino em função do sistema de tutoramento e do espaçamento Yield of achocha as a result of the staking system and spacing

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    Foram avaliadas as características produtivas do maxixe-do-reino [Cyclanthera pedata L. Schrad.)], em função de sistemas de tutoramento e do espaçamento. O experimento foi conduzido na UFMG em Montes Claros. Empregou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e arranjo em faixas 3 x 2, sendo três sistemas de tutoramento (cerca vertical, cerca cruzada com varas e cerca cruzada com fitilho de polietileno) e dois espaçamentos entre plantas (1,0 x 0,5 m e 1,0 x 1,0 m), totalizando 24 parcelas. Cada faixa correspondeu a um sistema de condução. As características produtivas dos frutos em número e em peso foram significativamente maiores nas plantas cultivadas no sistema de cerca vertical, onde cada planta produziu, em média, 56 frutos, equivalendo ao peso de 2,68 kg. Nesse sistema houve melhor fixação dos ramos no tutor e menor incidência de frutos danificados por contato com o solo. No espaçamento 1,0 x 1,0 m houve maior rendimento de frutos por planta em número e em peso, resultante do menor efeito competição entre plantas por água, nutrientes e luz. Já, a produtividade por área foi menor devido ao menor número de plantas por ha.<br>A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the yield of achocha [Cyclanthera pedata L. Schrad.) ] in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, as a result of the staking system and within-row spacing. The experimental design was of randomized blocks with four replications, arranged in a scheme 3 x 2, being three staking systems (vertical fence, pole-trellised fence and polyethylene ribbon-trellised fence) and two within-row spacings (1,0 x 1,0 m and 1,0 x 0,5 m), totalizing 24 plots. The fruit number and weight were significantly higher from plants cultivated in the system of vertical fence, where each plant produced 56 fruits on average, corresponding to 2,68 kg. In this system plants presented better fixation to the tutor, besides having minor incidence of damaged fruits caused by the contact with the soil. Highest number, weight of fruits and yield were observed when within-row spacing of 1,0 x 1,0 m was adopted, due to lesser effect of competition between plants for water, nutrients and light. However the yield per area was less due to lower number of plants per ha