18 research outputs found

    Pedagogy of Alternation in basic and professional education: achievements and challenges in 25 years of operation of the Network of Semi-Arid Integrated Family Schools (REFAISA)

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    Este trabalho, que originalmente é fruto de uma pesquisa de mestrado profissional, pretende analisar e sistematizar as conquistas e desafios das Escolas Famílias Agrícolas (EFA’s) ligadas à Rede das Escolas Famílias Agrícolas Integradas do Semiárido (REFAISA). Essa rede desenvolve a pedagogia da alternância por meio da educação básica (ensino fundamental II) e profissional de nível médio, tendo vinte e cinco anos de atuação no Semiárido Brasileiro (SAB). A abordagem metodológica fundamentou-se na pesquisa qualitativa e na pesquisa-ação mediada pelas metodologias participativas como ferramentas de problematização e coleta de dados ao longo dos meses de junho de 2017 a junho de 2018, junto aos sujeitos e grupos sociais das EFA’s de Sobradinho, Correntina, Brotas de Macaúbas, Rio Real, Irará, Alagoinhas e Monte Santo, no estado da Bahia, e Ladeirinhas (Japoatã), estado de Sergipe. Evidenciam-se avanços na formação de adolescentes e jovens em conexão com os territórios e suas complexidades, e na promoção da Educação Contextualizada em Alternância com seus instrumentos pedagógicos que orientam a formação integral dos sujeitos. Além da importância da atuação em rede a partir da REFAISA, que tem possibilitado a assessoria pedagógica e política institucional das EFA’s filiadas. Como principal desafio, coloca-se a questão da garantia e manutenção do financiamento público das EFA’s e sua institucionalidade enquanto Política Pública de Estado e não de governo. Palavras-chave: Pedagogia da Alternância, Escola Família Agrícola, Rede Regional, Educação Contextualizada, Desenvolvimento Local.   Pedagogy of Alternation in basic and professional education: achievements and challenges in 25 years of operation of the Network of Semi-Arid Integrated Family Schools (REFAISA) ABSTRACT. This work, which is originally the result of a professional master's research, aims to analyze and systematize the achievements and challenges of the Family Farming Schools (EFA’s) linked to the Network of Integrated Farming Schools of the Semiarid (REFAISA). This network develops the pedagogy of alternation through basic education (elementary school II) and high school professional, having twenty-five years of experience in the Brazilian Semiarid (SAB). The methodological approach was based on qualitative research and action research mediated by participatory methodologies as tools for problematization and data collection from June 2017 to June 2018, with the subjects and social groups of Sobradinho's EFA's, Correntina, Macaúbas sprouts, Rio Real, Irará, Alagoinhas and Monte Santo, in the state of Bahia, and Ladeirinhas (Japoatã), state of Sergipe. Advances are evidenced in the formation of adolescents and young people in connection with the territories and their complexities, and in the promotion of Contextualized Education in Alternation with its pedagogical instruments that guide the integral formation of the subjects. In addition to the importance of networking through REFAISA, which has enabled the pedagogical advice and institutional policy of affiliated EFA's. The main challenge is the guarantee and maintenance of the public financing of the EFA's and their institutionality as public policy of the State and not of government. Keywords: Alternation Pedagogy, Agricultural Family School, Regional Network, Contextualized Education, Local Development.   Pedagogía de la alternancia en la educación básica y profesional: logros y desafíos en 25 años de funcionamiento de la Red de Escuelas de Familias Semiáridas Integradas (REFAISA) RESUMEN. Este trabajo, que originalmente es el resultado de una investigación de maestría profesional, tiene como objetivo analizar y sistematizar los logros y desafíos de las Escuelas de Agricultura Familiar (EPT’s) vinculadas a la Red de Escuelas de Agricultura Integrada de Semiarid (REFAISA). Esta red desarrolla la pedagogía de la alternancia a través de la educación básica (escuela primaria II) y la escuela secundaria profesional, con veinticinco años de experiencia en el semiárido brasileño (SAB). El enfoque metodológico se basó en la investigación cualitativa y la investigación de acción mediada por metodologías participativas como herramientas para la problematización y la recopilación de datos de junio de 2017 a junio de 2018, con los sujetos y grupos sociales de los EFA de Sobradinho, Brotes de Correntina, Macaúbas, Río Real, Irará, Alagoinhas y Monte Santo, en el estado de Bahía, y Ladeirinhas (Japoatã), estado de Sergipe. Se evidencian avances en la formación de adolescentes y jóvenes en relación con los territorios y sus complejidades, y en la promoción de la Educación Contextualizada en Alternancia con sus instrumentos pedagógicos que guían la formación integral de las asignaturas. Además de la importancia de la creación de redes a través de REFAISA, que ha permitido el asesoramiento pedagógico y la política institucional de las EPT afiliadas. El principal desafío es la garantía y el mantenimiento de la financiación pública de los EPT y su institucionalidad como política pública del Estado y no del gobierno.  Palabras clave: Pedagogía de Alternación, Escuela Agrícola Familiar, Red Regional, Educación Contextualizada, Desarrollo Local.ABSTRACT. This work, which is originally the result of a professional master's research, aims to analyze and systematize the achievements and challenges of the Family Farming Schools (EFA’s) linked to the Network of Integrated Farming Schools of the Semiarid (REFAISA). This network develops the pedagogy of alternation through basic education (elementary school II) and high school professional, having twenty-five years of experience in the Brazilian Semiarid (SAB). The methodological approach was based on qualitative research and action research mediated by participatory methodologies as tools for problematization and data collection from June 2017 to June 2018, with the subjects and social groups of Sobradinho's EFA's, Correntina, Macaúbas sprouts, Rio Real, Irará, Alagoinhas and Monte Santo, in the state of Bahia, and Ladeirinhas (Japoatã), state of Sergipe. Advances are evidenced in the formation of adolescents and young people in connection with the territories and their complexities, and in the promotion of Contextualized Education in Alternation with its pedagogical instruments that guide the integral formation of the subjects. In addition to the importance of networking through REFAISA, which has enabled the pedagogical advice and institutional policy of affiliated EFA's. The main challenge is the guarantee and maintenance of the public financing of the EFA's and their institutionality as public policy of the State and not of government.ABSTRACT. This work, which is originally the result of a professional master's research, aims to analyze and systematize the achievements and challenges of the Family Farming Schools (EFA’s) linked to the Network of Integrated Farming Schools of the Semiarid (REFAISA). This network develops the pedagogy of alternation through basic education (elementary school II) and high school professional, having twenty-five years of experience in the Brazilian Semiarid (SAB). The methodological approach was based on qualitative research and action research mediated by participatory methodologies as tools for problematization and data collection from June 2017 to June 2018, with the subjects and social groups of Sobradinho's EFA's, Correntina, Macaúbas sprouts, Rio Real, Irará, Alagoinhas and Monte Santo, in the state of Bahia, and Ladeirinhas (Japoatã), state of Sergipe. Advances are evidenced in the formation of adolescents and young people in connection with the territories and their complexities, and in the promotion of Contextualized Education in Alternation with its pedagogical instruments that guide the integral formation of the subjects. In addition to the importance of networking through REFAISA, which has enabled the pedagogical advice and institutional policy of affiliated EFA's. The main challenge is the guarantee and maintenance of the public financing of the EFA's and their institutionality as public policy of the State and not of government.ABSTRACT. This work, which is originally the result of a professional master's research, aims to analyze and systematize the achievements and challenges of the Family Farming Schools (EFA’s) linked to the Network of Integrated Farming Schools of the Semiarid (REFAISA). This network develops the pedagogy of alternation through basic education (elementary school II) and high school professional, having twenty-five years of experience in the Brazilian Semiarid (SAB). The methodological approach was based on qualitative research and action research mediated by participatory methodologies as tools for problematization and data collection from June 2017 to June 2018, with the subjects and social groups of Sobradinho's EFA's, Correntina, Macaúbas sprouts, Rio Real, Irará, Alagoinhas and Monte Santo, in the state of Bahia, and Ladeirinhas (Japoatã), state of Sergipe. Advances are evidenced in the formation of adolescents and young people in connection with the territories and their complexities, and in the promotion of Contextualized Education in Alternation with its pedagogical instruments that guide the integral formation of the subjects. In addition to the importance of networking through REFAISA, which has enabled the pedagogical advice and institutional policy of affiliated EFA's. The main challenge is the guarantee and maintenance of the public financing of the EFA's and their institutionality as public policy of the State and not of government


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    Com o objetivo de pesquisar a presença de aglutininas antileptospiras em soros sanguíneos de asininos utilizados em veículos de tração animal e nos condutores das carroças no município de São Luís, MA, e identificar os sorovares de maior frequência, sessenta soros de asininos e sessenta de condutores foram testados com trinta sorovares de Leptospira interrogans pela prova de soroaglutinação micróscopica. Dos sessenta soros de asininos, obteve-se 85% de soropositividade, com reação dos soros a 21 sorovares dos trinta testados, sendo os mais frequentes, em ordem decrescente, copenhageni, pyrogenes, autumnalis e icterohaemorrhagiae. Com relação ao soro dos condutores, houve 38,34% de soropositividade, com reação a doze sorovares. Os sorovares mais frequentes foram Copenhageni, Pyrogenes, Icterohaemorrhagiae e Autumnalis. Estes resultados apontam uma alta incidência de aglutininas antileptospira nos asininos e condutores e os sorovares copenhageni e pyrogenes são os mais prevalentes. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Asinino, humano, leptospira, tração


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    The in vitro production (IVP) of embryos is a biotechnology that helps the production of genetically superior animals. However, the excessive production of oxygen-reactive species by this technique results in cellular damage to oocytes and embryos. The use of antioxidants during IVP can reduce oxidative stress. The fruit of Morinda citrifolia (noni) may cause positive impacts on the maturation rate of the IVP technique due to its antioxidant properties. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the effects of noni on cellular and molecular aspects in the stage of in vitro maturation (IVM) of bovine oocytes. A total of 817 viable immature oocytes were obtained, which were distributed according to the following treatments with noni: control, 1mg/mL, mg/mL, and 10mg/mL. The rate of matured oocytes was determined by the Hoescht 33342 technique. Some oocytes were used to measure the expression of genes related to apoptosis, antioxidant action, and oxidative stress through the qRT-PCR technique. Few oocytes in germinal vesicle and germinal vesicle rupture stage were obtained; however, a large number of oocytes without identifiable nuclear stage and degenerated were obtained. There was no difference for in nuclear findings between the groups treated with noni. The molecular analysis revealed differences between the experimental groups for the Bcl-2 and BAX genes, indicating that the treatment with noni played an important role in anti-apoptotic protection during IVM, mainly evidenced by the expression of mRNA from the 1 mg/mL noni group. Therefore, research data indicate that Morinda citrifolia had an anti-apoptotic effect during in vitro maturation.A produção in vitro (PIV) de embriões é uma biotecnologia que auxilia a produção de animais geneticamente superiores. Contudo, a produção excessiva das espécies reativas de oxigênio por esta técnica resulta em danos celulares aos oócitos e embriões. O uso de antioxidantes durante a PIV pode reduzir o estresse oxidativo. O fruto da Morinda citrifolia (noni) pode causar impactos positivos nas taxas de maturação da técnica da PIV devido suas propriedades antioxidantes. Desta forma, este estudo visa avaliar os efeitos do noni sobre os aspectos celulares e moleculares da etapa de maturação in vitro (MIV) de oócitos bovinos. Obteve-se um total de 817 complexos cumulus oophorus (CCOs) viáveis para a maturação, os quais foram distribuídos de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos com noni: controle, 1mg/mL, 5mg/mL and 10mg/mL. Determinou-se a taxa de oócitos maturados pela técnica Hoescht 33342. Alguns oócitos foram utilizados para mensurar a expressão de genes relacionados a apoptose, ação antioxidante e estresse oxidativo através de qRT-PCR. Foram obtidos poucos oócitos em estágio de vesícula germinativa e rompimento de vesícula germinativa, contudo, obteve-se um grande número de oócitos sem estágio nuclear identificável e degenerados. Não houve diferença para os achados nucleares entre os grupos tratados com noni. A análise molecular revelou diferença entre os grupos experimentais para os genes Bcl-2 e BAX, indicando que o tratamento com noni desempenhou papel importante de proteção antiapoptótica durante a MIV, evidenciado principalmente pela expressão de mRNA do grupo noni 1 mg/mL. Desta forma, os dados da pesquisa indicam que a M. citrifolia apresentou efeito antiapoptótico durante maturação in vitro

    Democracia, Estado de Direito e separação dos poderes

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    Para a adequada compreensão do signicado de judicialização da política, faz-se necessário um aprofundamento sobre a teoria da separação dos poderes. Isso porque o fenômeno da judicialização constitui exatamente uma expansão das funções de um dos poderes do Estado, o judiciário, sobre as atribuições dos demais poderes, o Legislativo e o Executivo

    Judicialização da política e o estado de coisas inconstitucional no sistema penal brasileiro

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    Uma análise do fenômeno da judicialização da política, partindo-se da premissa de que há atualmente uma constante expansão nas funções do Poder Judiciário. Tal ampliação de um dos três poderes do Estado pode significar um desequilíbrio sistêmico nas relações estruturais do Estado de Direito, ameaçando a democracia


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    Forty male and female animals, aged between 2.5 and 1 6years were clinically and radiographically examined inorder to study the occurrence of lesions of the distalphalanx of forelimbs in cart horses. The clinicalexamination showed that 20% of the animals had grade 2lameness, due, mainly, to hoof irregularity, sole damage and frog destruction. Radiographic exam showed 100% of pedal osteitis, 22.5% of phalanx fracture and 17.5% of phalanx rotation. Despite the severe level of injury in the third phalanx, animals did not show clinical signs consistent with the radiographic findings, concluding that donkeys are very resistant and that the lesions observed in the distal phalanx affect to a lesser extent the carrying out of these animal's activities