50 research outputs found
Experience-dependent specialization of receptive field surround for selective coding of natural scenes
At eye opening, neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) are selective for stimulus features, but circuits continue to refine in an experience-dependent manner for some weeks thereafter. How these changes contribute to the coding of visual features embedded in complex natural scenes remains unknown. Here we show that normal visual experience after eye opening is required for V1 neurons to develop a sensitivity for the statistical structure of natural stimuli extending beyond the boundaries of their receptive fields (RFs), which leads to improvements in coding efficiency for full-field natural scenes (increased selectivity and information rate). These improvements are mediated by an experience-dependent increase in the effectiveness of natural surround stimuli to hyperpolarize the membrane potential specifically during RF-stimulus epochs triggering action potentials. We suggest that neural circuits underlying surround modulation are shaped by the statistical structure of visual input, which leads to more selective coding of features in natural scenes
Reasoning for phagoprophylaxis of food toxicosis of bacterial etiology
Пряма загроза здоров’ю та добробуту людей – бактерії та продукти їх життєдіяльності. Вони є причиною величезних економічних збитків спричинених зниженням працездатності людей та псуванням харчових продуктів. У епоху широкого та практично безконтрольного використання різноманітних (не завжди безпечних для людини) засобів для боротьби з бактеріальною забрудненістю, питання використання фагів з метою контролю бактеріального обсіменіння харчових продуктів стає особливо важливим. Бактерії мають безліч пристосувальних механізмів, здатні відносно швидко пристосовуватися до впливу бактеріоцидів та бактеріостатиків різного походження, але подолати природних суперників для них не є можливим. Бактеріофаги (фаги) або ‘bacteria eater’ – природні вбивці бактерій. Незважаючи на різні (ліричний та лізигенний) цикли розвитку, зустріч бактерії з фагом неминуче закінчується загибеллю бактеріальної клітини.
Безперечно, залишаються деякі проблеми пов’язані з розробкою та використанням фагових препаратів спрямованих на підвищення безпечності харчових продуктів. Але очевидним є факт, що бактеріофаговий біоконтроль залишається економічно, екологічно та біологічно дуже привабливим методом усунення хвороботворних бактерій з продуктів харчування.Прямая угроза здоровью и благополучию людей – бактерии и продукты их жизнедеятельности. Они являются причиной огромных экономических убытков вызванных снижением работоспособности людей и порчей пищевых продуктов. В эпоху широкого и практически бесконтрольного использования различных (не всегда безопасных для человека) средств для борьбы с бактериальной загрязненностью, вопросы использования фагов с целью контроля бактериальной обсемененности продуктов питания становится особенно важным. Бактерии имеют множество приспособительных механизмов, способны относительно быстро приспосабливаться к воздействию бактериоцидив и бактериостатиков различного происхождения, но преодолеть природных соперников для них не представляется возможным. Бактериофаги (фаги) или "bacteria eater '- естественные убийцы бактерий. Несмотря на различные (лирический и лизигенний) циклы развития, встреча бактерии с фагом неизбежно заканчивается гибелью бактериальной клетки.
Бесспорно, остаются некоторые проблемы, связанные с разработкой и использованием фаговых препаратов направленных на повышение безопасности пищевых продуктов. Но очевидным является факт, что бактериофаговий биоконтроль остается экономически, экологически и биологически очень привлекательным методом устранения болезнетворных бактерий из продуктов питания.A direct threat to human health and well-being — bacteria and products of their activity. They are the cause of the huge economic losses caused by the decline in human efficiency and spoilage of food products. In an era of widespread and practically uncontrolled use of the various (not always safe for humans) ways to fight bacterial contamination, the question of phages using to control bacterial contamination of food becomes especially important. Bacteria have many adaptive mechanisms, able to adapt relatively quickly to the effects of bacteriocides and bacteriostats of various origins, but it is still not possible to overcome natural rivals. Bacteriophages (phages) or ‘bacteria eater’ – natural bacteria killers. Despite different (lytic and lysogenic) cycles of development, encounter of the bacterium with the phage inevitably ends with the death of the bacterial cell.
There are, undoubtedly, some problems with the development and use of phage preparations aimed at improving food safety. But it is obvious that bacteriophage biocontrol remains an economically, environmentally and biologically very attractive method of eliminating pathogenic bacteria from food
Use of Probiotic Bacillus megaterium NCH 55 for Treatment of Subclinical Mastitis in Cows – preliminary study
The development and implementation of new and safe means of treating subclinical mastitis (SM) in the production process remains a pressing problem. Our study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of the Bacillus megaterium NCH 55 strain on cow SM. All animals with signs of SM were fed with a basic diet with probiotic’s addition of 15 g/per day.
The experiment was conveyed in 30 consecutive days. Milk and blood were collected on the 7th, 15th, and 30th day of the experiment. Daily milk yield was increased by 32.2% and somatic cell count was decreased from 290.00±32.12 to 96.80±39.03 ths/cm3. A decrease in inflammation was indicated by a decrease in POM370 (by 2.2 times) and POM430 (by 2.8 times). No significant changes in the blood serum indices of cows were observed. A probiotic’s positive effect has been established on the treatment of SM. The probiotic B. megaterium NСH 55 can be considered as an alternative to antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic drugs for treating SM in cows
Asymmetric Excitatory Synaptic Dynamics Underlie Interaural Time Difference Processing in the Auditory System
In order to localize sounds in the environment, the auditory system detects and encodes differences in signals between each ear. The exquisite sensitivity of auditory brain stem neurons to the differences in rise time of the excitation signals from the two ears allows for neuronal encoding of microsecond interaural time differences
Mir-132/212 is required for maturation of binocular matching of orientation preference and depth perception
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to mediate post-transcriptional gene regulation, but their role in postnatal brain development is still poorly explored. We show that the expression of many miRNAs is dramatically regulated during functional maturation of the mouse visual cortex with miR-132/212 family being one of the top upregulated miRNAs. Age-downregulated transcripts are significantly enriched in miR-132/miR-212 putative targets and in genes upregulated in miR-132/212 null mice. At a functional level, miR-132/212 deletion affects development of receptive fields of cortical neurons determining a specific impairment of binocular matching of orientation preference, but leaving orientation and direction selectivity unaltered. This deficit is associated with reduced depth perception in the visual cliff test. Deletion of miR-132/212 from forebrain excitatory neurons replicates the binocular matching deficits. Thus, miR-132/212 family shapes the age-dependent transcriptome of the visual cortex during a specific developmental window resulting in maturation of binocular cortical cells and depth perception
Investigation on relationships of the FABP3 and SLC27A3 genes with milk production traits in sheep
The aim of this study was to determine whether genetic differences in genes FABP3 and
SLC27A3 may be related to the productivity and composition of sheep’s milk. A herd of 50 Slovak
sheep breed Zoslachtena Valaska (Zošľachtená Valaška, in Slovak) was studied. The frequencies
of the most common alleles were as follows: FABP3 SNP13 0.82, SLC27A3 C/T 0.64, SCL27A3
A/G 0.74. The results of the statistical analysis for polymorphism in the FABP3 (SNP13) gene
showed that animals with the homozygous AA genotype had the highest content of fat, protein
and solids in the milk of tested sheep. The analysis of the results for the SLC27A3 C/T polymorphism
allowed us to conclude that the milk of animals with the homozygous TT genotype was
characterized by the lowest content of fat, protein and solids and the highest content of lactose.
In the case of SLC27A3 A/G polymorphism, sheep with the heterozygous genotype were characterized
by the highest fat content in milk and the lowest content of protein and lactose.
The milk of sheep with the heterozygous genotype FABP3 was characterized by the highest
share of serum albumin, α+β – caseins and α-lactalbumin. In contrast, animals with the homozygous
AA genotype were characterized by the highest content of κ-casein. The relationships
between genotypes of the SLC27A3 C/T polymorphism showed that sheep with the heterozygous
genotype were characterized by the lowest content of serum albumin, and the highest content of
α+β – caseins in milk. The analysis conducted for the SLC27A3 A/G polymorphism demonstrated
that animals with the AA genotype were characterized by the lowest content of serum albumin
in milk. Because most of the results were not confirmed statistically, we should continue
research using different breeds of sheep and herds with a larger number of animals
Effects of non-<i>aureus</ i> staphylococci on colostrum composition, properties and fatty acid profile in cow – a preliminary study
By providing the body with essential nutrients, colostrum plays an immune and immunostimulating function. Colostrum quality depends on multiple factors, including microbial presence. This study aimed to explore the effect of non-aureus staphylococci on colostrum quality. Physical and chemical properties, fatty acid profile of cow colostrum were determined. In our study, we identified three non-aureus staphylococci species in the colostrum: S. sciuri, S. xylosus and S. warneri. The percentage of dry matter in staphylococci positive and negative colostrum samples did not differ significantly. Contents of fat, protein, and lactose in the colostrum were similar. The content of butyric (С4:0) and capric (С10:0) acids was significantly higher in the colostrum fat from samples positive for non- aureus staphylococci. Total bacterial count was lower in non- aureus staphylococci positive samples, while pH increased. The percentage of β-casein was lower in colostrum with a positive culture for non- aureus staphylococci