114 research outputs found

    High mesothelin correlates with chemoresistance and poor survival in epithelial ovarian carcinoma

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the mesothelin expression level to the clinicopathological features, chemoresponse, and to the outcome of patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC). Mesothelin mRNA was detected by real-time quantitative reverse-transcription PCR in 139 EOC patients. Clinical characteristics, histopathological items, responses to chemotherapy, progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS) were recorded. Tumours with advanced stages had higher mesothelin than those with early stages. The chemoresistant patients showed significantly higher mesothelin than did chemosensitive patients (2.81 vs 0.43, P<0.001), irrespective of optimal or suboptimal surgery in those with advanced stages. Highly expressed levels of mesothelin were an independent but poor prognostic factor in the PFS (2.03 (1.23–3.37) P=0.006) and OS (3.72 (1.64–8.45), P=0.002) of the 139 EOC patients in multivariate analysis. In addition, patients in advanced stages with highly expressed mesothelin also had significantly worse OS, regardless of whether they had undergone optimal (13.85 (1.76–125.60), P=0.013) or suboptimal (4.47 (1.83–10.88), P=0.001) debulking surgery in multivariate analysis. Out results provide new evidence that mesothelin expression is associated with chemoresistance and with shorter disease-free survival and worse OS of patients with EOC

    A DNA Sequence Directed Mutual Transcription Regulation of HSF1 and NFIX Involves Novel Heat Sensitive Protein Interactions

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    BACKGROUND: Though the Nuclear factor 1 family member NFIX has been strongly implicated in PDGFB-induced glioblastoma, its molecular mechanisms of action remain unknown. HSF1, a heat shock-related transcription factor is also a powerful modifier of carcinogenesis by several factors, including PDGFB. How HSF1 transcription is controlled has remained largely elusive. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By combining microarray expression profiling and a yeast-two-hybrid screen, we identified that NFIX and its interactions with CGGBP1 and HMGN1 regulate expression of HSF1. We found that CGGBP1 organizes a bifunctional transcriptional complex at small CGG repeats in the HSF1 promoter. Under chronic heat shock, NFIX uses CGGBP1 and HMGN1 to get recruited to this promoter and in turn affects their binding to DNA. Results show that the interactions of NFIX with CGGBP1 and HMGN1 in the soluble fraction are heat shock sensitive due to preferential localization of CGGBP1 to heterochromatin after heat shock. HSF1 in turn was found to bind to the NFIX promoter and repress its expression in a heat shock sensitive manner. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: NFIX and HSF1 exert a mutual transcriptional repressive effect on each other which requires CGG repeat in HSF1 promoter and HSF1 binding site in NFIX promoter. We unravel a unique mechanism of heat shock sensitive DNA sequence-directed reciprocal transcriptional regulation between NFIX and HSF1. Our findings provide new insights into mechanisms of transcription regulation under stress

    Russian Point of View on German Rossievedenie

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    This review deals with the chapter about modern Russian Studies in Germany in the collective monograph “Izuchenie Rossii sovremennymi istorikami Zapada i Vostoka”, recently published under the editorship of N. V. Trubnikova. Its authors, the Tomsk historians V. V. Ageeva and M. A. Shtanko, have set a promising goal for their research: to approach the German rossievedenie in their overview covering the period from 1975 until 2014 with theoretical-methodological criteria instead of the more common in such cases political ones. In order to realize this project, they proposed to divide modern German historiography into three periods, with the latter one which covers the years 2005–2014 being a no less important innovation. However, it fell short of the reader’s expectations. Unfortunately, the chapter “Sovremennoe nemetskoe rossievedenie: spetsifika diskursa, tematicheskie polia i protsess institucionalizacii” is a mere compilation of superficially adapted facts, conclusions and ideas mostly taken from other works. V. V. Ageeva and M. A. Shtanko do not seem to have paid attention to the fact that some of the data they draw on have already lost its actuality. Statistical material serves largely to confirm their own postulates, and most references to German historians and their studies are inaccurate and misspelled, which does not enhance comprehension. Overall, the reader gets the impression that the authors were due to finish their work under some time pressure. This probably would explain why they chose “to take the easy way out” — in the end, the welcoming innovative theses expressed at the beginning of the chapter are abandoned, whereas outdated clichés — confirmed.This article was prepared within the framework of the state project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Regional Identity of Russia: Comparative Historical and Philological Studies” (Laboratory for the Study of Primary Sources, Ural Federal University) No. FEUZ- 2020-0056

    Similarities and differences in the autonomic control of airway and urinary bladder smooth muscle

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    The airways and the urinary bladder are both hollow organs serving very different functions, i.e. air flow and urine storage, respectively. While the autonomic nervous system seems to play only a minor if any role in the physiological regulation of airway tone during normal breathing, it is important in the physiological regulation of bladder smooth muscle contraction and relaxation. While both tissues share a greater expression of M2 than of M3 muscarinic receptors, smooth muscle contraction in both is largely mediated by the smaller M3 population apparently involving phospholipase C activation to only a minor if any extent. While smooth muscle in both tissues can be relaxed by β-adrenoceptor stimulation, this primarily involves β2-adrenoceptors in human airways and β3-adrenoceptors in human bladder. Despite activation of adenylyl cyclase by either subtype, cyclic adenosine monophosphate plays only a minor role in bladder relaxation by β-agonists; an important but not exclusive function is known in airway relaxation. While airway β2-adrenoceptors are sensitive to agonist-induced desensitization, β3-adrenoceptors are generally considered to exhibit much less if any sensitivity to desensitization. Gene polymorphisms exist in the genes of both β2- and β3-adrenoceptors. Despite being not fully conclusive, the available data suggest some role of β2-adrenoceptor polymorphisms in airway function and its treatment by receptor agonists, whereas the available data on β3-adrenoceptor polymorphisms and bladder function are too limited to allow robust interpretation. We conclude that the distinct functions of airways and urinary bladder are reflected in a differential regulation by the autonomic nervous system. Studying these differences may be informative for a better understanding of each tissue

    Promises of stem cell therapy for retinal degenerative diseases

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    With the development of stem cell technology, stem cell-based therapy for retinal degeneration has been proposed to restore the visual function. Many animal studies and some clinical trials have shown encouraging results of stem cell-based therapy in retinal degenerative diseases. While stem cell-based therapy is a promising strategy to replace damaged retinal cells and ultimately cure retinal degeneration, there are several important challenges which need to be overcome before stem cell technology can be applied widely in clinical settings. In this review, different types of donor cell origins used in retinal treatments, potential target cell types for therapy, methods of stem cell delivery to the eye, assessments of potential risks in stem cell therapy, as well as future developments of retinal stem cells therapy, will be discussed

    Genome Sequence of Fusobacterium nucleatum Subspecies Polymorphum — a Genetically Tractable Fusobacterium

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    Fusobacterium nucleatum is a prominent member of the oral microbiota and is a common cause of human infection. F. nucleatum includes five subspecies: polymorphum, nucleatum, vincentii, fusiforme, and animalis. F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum ATCC 10953 has been well characterized phenotypically and, in contrast to previously sequenced strains, is amenable to gene transfer. We sequenced and annotated the 2,429,698 bp genome of F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum ATCC 10953. Plasmid pFN3 from the strain was also sequenced and analyzed. When compared to the other two available fusobacterial genomes (F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum, and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii) 627 open reading frames unique to F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum ATCC 10953 were identified. A large percentage of these mapped within one of 28 regions or islands containing five or more genes. Seventeen percent of the clustered proteins that demonstrated similarity were most similar to proteins from the clostridia, with others being most similar to proteins from other gram-positive organisms such as Bacillus and Streptococcus. A ten kilobase region homologous to the Salmonella typhimurium propanediol utilization locus was identified, as was a prophage and integrated conjugal plasmid. The genome contains five composite ribozyme/transposons, similar to the CdISt IStrons described in Clostridium difficile. IStrons are not present in the other fusobacterial genomes. These findings indicate that F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum is proficient at horizontal gene transfer and that exchange with the Firmicutes, particularly the Clostridia, is common

    The regulation of IL-10 expression

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    Interleukin (IL)-10 is an important immunoregulatory cytokine and an understanding of how IL-10 expression is controlled is critical in the design of immune intervention strategies. IL-10 is produced by almost all cell types within the innate (including macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells (DCs), mast cells, neutrophils, eosinophils and natural killer cells) and adaptive (including CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells and B cells) immune systems. The mechanisms of IL-10 regulation operate at several stages including chromatin remodelling at the Il10 locus, transcriptional regulation of Il10 expression and post-transcriptional regulation of Il10 mRNA. In addition, whereas some aspects of Il10 gene regulation are conserved between different immune cell types, several are cell type- or stimulus-specific. Here, we outline the complexity of IL-10 production by discussing what is known about its regulation in macrophages, monocytes, DCs and CD4(+) T helper cells