432 research outputs found

    Freiwillige Aufnahme von Kokain und Morphin im Tiermodell bei gemeinsamer und getrennter Darbietung sowie deren Beeinflussung durch eine vorangehende, erzwungene Aufnahme

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    Während der letzten Jahrzehnte finden Probleme des gleichzeitigen Mißbrauchs mehrerer psychoaktiver Drogen zunehmend Beachtung. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, ob Drogen wie Morphin und Kokain in gleichem Maß als Belohnung empfundene Reaktionen auslösen können. Die Frage wurde im Tierexperiment mit männlichen Sprague-Dawley-Ratten untersucht. Dazu wurde das Modell der „Zwei- oder Drei-Flaschenwahl“ benutzt, bei dem die Versuchstiere die Drogen Morphin und Kokain über das Trinkwasser aufnehmen. Drei Teilaspekte der obigen Frage standen im Mittelpunkt: 1. Beeinflusst eine zum freien Konsum angebotene psychoaktive Substanz die freiwillige Aufnahme einer anderen? 2. Welche Folgen hat ein temporärer Aufnahmezwang für den nachfolgenden freiwilligen Konsum? 3. Welche Bedeutung hat es, wenn die Drogen parallel nebeneinander oder kombiniert als Gemisch angeboten werden? Vier Versuche lieferten die nachfolgend genannten Ergebnisse, die zu einem besseren Verständnis der eingesetzten Methode und zu Antworten auf die zentrale Frage führten. Ergebnisse zum experimentellen Vorgehen: 1. Ratten konsumieren freiwillig Morphin und Kokain, wenn diese Stoffe parallel nebeneinander oder als Gemisch angeboten werden. 2. Der freiwillige Konsum von Morphin und Kokain wies bei männlichen Sprague-Dawley-Ratten große interindividuelle Schwankungen auf, ist jedoch intraindividuell recht konstant. 3. Die tägliche Flüssigkeitsaufnahme wurde durch Morphin und Kokain nicht beeinflusst, wenn die Drogen zum freiwilligen Gebrauch parallel oder als Gemisch oder unter Zwang aufgenommen wurden. 4. Die Zugabe von Saccharin zur Maskierung des Drogengeschmackes führte dauerhaft zu keiner statistisch relevanten Änderung der freiwilligen Aufnahme von Morphin oder Kokain. 5. Die Zugabe von Saccharin zur Trinklösung in Konkurrenz zu Morphin und Kokain veränderte nicht die Aufnahme von Morphin, führte jedoch zu einer größeren Aufnahme von Kokain. 6. Die Positionierung der Trinkflaschen im Käfig führte zu keiner nennenswerten Änderung der freiwilligen Aufnahme von Morphin oder Kokain. Diese Befunde belegen die Brauchbarkeit des eingeschlagenen experimentellen Vorgehens zur Untersuchung von Fragen der freiwilligen Aufnahme von Drogen. Resultate zu Wirkungen der Testsubstanzen: 1. Bei parallelem Angebot war der freiwillige Konsum von Kokain größer als der von Morphin. 2. Bei Angebot einer Morphin-Kokain-Lösung blieb der freiwillige Konsum von Morphin etwa gleich, der Konsum von Kokain nahm dagegen ab. 3. Bei alleinigem Angebot von Morphin oder Kokain im Sinne eines Aufnahmezwanges erhöhte sich die Aufnahme beider Drogen entsprechend der täglichen Gesamtflüssigkeitsaufnahme. 4. Ein temporärer Aufnahmezwang von Morphin erhöhte nachfolgend die freiwillige Aufnahme von Morphin. Die freiwillige Aufnahme von Kokain wurde dagegen vermindert. 5. Ein temporärer Aufnahmezwang von Kokain erhöhte nachfolgend den freiwilligen Konsum von Kokain und Morphin praktisch nicht. Damit wird deutlich, daß Kokain besser angenommen wird als Morphin. Die freiwillige Aufnahme von Kokain wird jedoch durch Morphin supprimiert. Offenbar sind belohnende Wirkungen, die Morphin stimulieren kann stärker ausgeprägt als diejenigen von Kokain. Diese Befunde können die Annahme stützen, daß verschiedene „Belohnungssysteme“ angesprochen werden, wobei das „Morphinzentrum“ das „Kokainzentrum“ dominiert

    Effect of floor type on the performance, physiological and behavioural responses of finishing beef steers

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    peer-reviewedBackground:The study objective was to investigate the effect of bare concrete slats (Control), two types of mats [(Easyfix mats (mat 1) and Irish Custom Extruder mats (mat 2)] fitted on top of concrete slats, and wood-chip to simulate deep bedding (wood-chip placed on top of a plastic membrane overlying the concrete slats) on performance, physiological and behavioral responses of finishing beef steers. One-hundred and forty-four finishing steers (503 kg; standard deviation 51.8 kg) were randomly assigned according to their breed (124 Continental cross and 20 Holstein–Friesian) and body weight to one of four treatments for 148 days. All steers were subjected to the same weighing, blood sampling (jugular venipuncture), dirt and hoof scoring pre study (day 0) and on days 23, 45, 65, 86, 107, 128 and 148 of the study. Cameras were fitted over each pen for 72 h recording over five periods and subsequent 10 min sampling scans were analysed. Results: Live weight gain and carcass characteristics were similar among treatments. The number of lesions on the hooves of the animals was greater (P < 0.05) on mats 1 and 2 and wood-chip treatments compared with the animals on the slats. Dirt scores were similar for the mat and slat treatments while the wood-chip treatment had greater dirt scores. Animals housed on either slats or wood-chip had similar lying times. The percent of animals lying was greater for animals housed on mat 1 and mat 2 compared with those housed on concrete slats and wood chips. Physiological variables showed no significant difference among treatments. Conclusions: In this exploratory study, the performance or welfare of steers was not adversely affected by slats, differing mat types or wood-chip as underfoot material

    Ureteral Stent Retrieval Using the Crochet Hook Technique in Females

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    INTRODUCTION: We developed a method for ureteral stent removal in female patients that requires no cystoscopy or fluoroscopic guidance using a crochet hook. In addition, we also investigated the success rate, complications and pain associated with this procedure. METHODS: A total of 40 female patients (56 stents) underwent the removal of ureteral stents. All procedures were carried out with the patients either under anesthesia, conscious sedation, or analgesic suppositories as deemed appropriate for each procedure including Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL), Ureteroscopy (URS), Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL), and ureteral stent removal. At the time of these procedures, fluoroscopy and/or cystoscopy were prepared, but they were not used unless we failed to successfully remove the ureteral stent using the crochet hook. In addition, matched controls (comprising 50 stents) which were removed by standard ureteral stent removal using cystoscopy were used for comparison purposes. RESULTS: A total of 47 of the 56 stents (83.9%) were successfully removed. In addition, 47 of 52 (90.4%) were successfully removed except for two migrated stents and two heavily encrusted stents which could not be removed using cystoscopy. Ureteral stent removal using the crochet hook technique was unsuccessful in nine patients, including two encrustations and two migrations. Concerning pain, ureteral stent removal using the crochet hook technique showed a lower visual analogue pain scale (VAPS) score than for the standard technique using cystoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Ureteral stent removal using a crochet hook is considered to be easy, safe, and cost effective. This technique is also easy to learn and is therefore considered to be suitable for use on an outpatient basis

    Conserved phosphoryl transfer mechanisms within kinase families and the role of the C8 proton of ATP in the activation of phosphoryl transfer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The kinome is made up of a large number of functionally diverse enzymes, with the classification indicating very little about the extent of the conserved kinetic mechanisms associated with phosphoryl transfer. It has been demonstrated that C8-H of ATP plays a critical role in the activity of a range of kinase and synthetase enzymes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A number of conserved mechanisms within the prescribed kinase fold families have been identified directly utilizing the C8-H of ATP in the initiation of phosphoryl transfer. These mechanisms are based on structurally conserved amino acid residues that are within hydrogen bonding distance of a co-crystallized nucleotide. On the basis of these conserved mechanisms, the role of the nucleotide C8-H in initiating the formation of a pentavalent intermediate between the γ-phosphate of the ATP and the substrate nucleophile is defined. All reactions can be clustered into two mechanisms by which the C8-H is induced to be labile via the coordination of a backbone carbonyl to C6-NH<sub>2 </sub>of the adenyl moiety, namely a "push" mechanism, and a "pull" mechanism, based on the protonation of N7. Associated with the "push" mechanism and "pull" mechanisms are a series of proton transfer cascades, initiated from C8-H, via the tri-phosphate backbone, culminating in the formation of the pentavalent transition state between the γ-phosphate of the ATP and the substrate nucleophile.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The "push" mechanism and a "pull" mechanism are responsible for inducing the C8-H of adenyl moiety to become more labile. These mechanisms and the associated proton transfer cascades achieve the proton transfer via different family-specific conserved sets of amino acids. Each of these mechanisms would allow for the regulation of the rate of formation of the pentavalent intermediate between the ATP and the substrate nucleophile. Phosphoryl transfer within kinases is therefore a specific event mediated and regulated via the coordination of the adenyl moiety of ATP and the C8-H of the adenyl moiety.</p

    Comprehensive Dissection of PDGF-PDGFR Signaling Pathways in PDGFR Genetically Defined Cells

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    Despite the growing understanding of PDGF signaling, studies of PDGF function have encountered two major obstacles: the functional redundancy of PDGFRα and PDGFRβ in vitro and their distinct roles in vivo. Here we used wild-type mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), MEF null for either PDGFRα, β, or both to dissect PDGF-PDGFR signaling pathways. These four PDGFR genetically defined cells provided us a platform to study the relative contributions of the pathways triggered by the two PDGF receptors. They were treated with PDGF-BB and analyzed for differential gene expression, in vitro proliferation and differential response to pharmacological effects. No genes were differentially expressed in the double null cells, suggesting minimal receptor-independent signaling. Protean differentiation and proliferation pathways are commonly regulated by PDGFRα, PDGFRβ and PDGFRα/β while each receptor is also responsible for regulating unique signaling pathways. Furthermore, some signaling is solely modulated through heterodimeric PDGFRα/β

    Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rye products have been demonstrated to lower the acute insulin demand, induce a low and prolonged blood glucose response (high Glycemic Profile, GP) and reduce subclinical inflammation. These products may therefore contribute to a lowered risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardio vascular disease. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the mechanism for a reduced postprandial insulin demand with rye products, and to explore possible appetite regulating properties.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>10 healthy subjects were served breakfast meals (50 g of available starch) with endosperm- or whole grain rye breads, with and without lactic acid, boiled whole grain rye- (RK) or wheat (WK) kernels, or white wheat bread reference (WWB) in random order in a cross-over design. Plasma concentrations of glucose, ghrelin, serum insulin, free fatty acids, adiponectin, breath hydrogen excretion (H<sub>2</sub>), and subjective satiety was evaluated during the postprandial phase. 270 min after the breakfast, an ad lib lunch buffet was served and the voluntary energy intake (EI) was registered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All rye products and WK induced lower insulinemic indices (II) than WWB. A lower incremental insulin peak following breakfast correlated with a lower EI at lunch (r = 0.38). A low II was related to improved satiety in the early postprandial phase (fullness AUC 0-60 min, r = -0.36). RK induced a higher GP compared to WWB and WK. A higher GP was related to a lowered <it>desire to eat </it>before lunch (AUC 210-270) and to a lower concentration of ghrelin in the late postprandial phase after breakfast (270 min), r = -0.29 and -0.29), which in turn was related to a lower voluntary EI (r = 0.43 and 0.33). The RK breakfast improved satiety in the early postprandial phase (0-60 min) compared to WWB, and induced a lower EI at lunch (-16%). A high content of indigestible carbohydrates in the breakfast products was related to improved satiety (0-60 min, r = 0.68 for fullness), and a higher breath H<sub>2 </sub>in the late postprandial phase (120-270 and 270-390 min, r = 0.46 and 0.70). High H<sub>2 </sub>(AUC 120-270 min) also correlated with lower EI (r = -0.34).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Rye products, rich in indigestible carbohydrates, induce colonic fermentation already post the breakfast meal, and lowers acute insulin responses. A high excretion of breath H2 also correlated with a higher GP. Especially, rye kernels induced a high GP which was associated with a 16% lowering of energy intake at a subsequent lunch meal. The bulking effect of rye fiber, colonically derived fermentation metabolites, a high GP and a low insulin response possibly all contributes to the benefits on glucose- and appetite regulation seen in an acute and semi-acute perspective.</p

    Identifying allosteric fluctuation transitions between different protein conformational states as applied to Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanisms underlying protein function and associated conformational change are dominated by a series of local entropy fluctuations affecting the global structure yet are mediated by only a few key residues. Transitional Dynamic Analysis (TDA) is a new method to detect these changes in local protein flexibility between different conformations arising from, for example, ligand binding. Additionally, Positional Impact Vertex for Entropy Transfer (PIVET) uses TDA to identify important residue contact changes that have a large impact on global fluctuation. We demonstrate the utility of these methods for Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), a system with crystal structures of this protein in multiple functionally relevant conformations and experimental data revealing the importance of local fluctuation changes for protein function. RESULTS: TDA and PIVET successfully identified select residues that are responsible for conformation specific regional fluctuation in the activation cycle of Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2 (CDK2). The detected local changes in protein flexibility have been experimentally confirmed to be essential for the regulation and function of the kinase. The methodologies also highlighted possible errors in previous molecular dynamic simulations that need to be resolved in order to understand this key player in cell cycle regulation. Finally, the use of entropy compensation as a possible allosteric mechanism for protein function is reported for CDK2. CONCLUSION: The methodologies embodied in TDA and PIVET provide a quick approach to identify local fluctuation change important for protein function and residue contacts that contributes to these changes. Further, these approaches can be used to check for possible errors in protein dynamic simulations and have the potential to facilitate a better understanding of the contribution of entropy to protein allostery and function

    Intestinal Microbiota Composition of Interleukin-10 Deficient C57BL/6J Mice and Susceptibility to Helicobacter hepaticus-Induced Colitis

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    The mouse pathobiont Helicobacter hepaticus can induce typhlocolitis in interleukin-10-deficient mice, and H. hepaticus infection of immunodeficient mice is widely used as a model to study the role of pathogens and commensal bacteria in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. C57BL/6J Il10[superscript −/−] mice kept under specific pathogen-free conditions in two different facilities (MHH and MIT), displayed strong differences with respect to their susceptibilities to H. hepaticus-induced intestinal pathology. Mice at MIT developed robust typhlocolitis after infection with H. hepaticus, while mice at MHH developed no significant pathology after infection with the same H. hepaticus strain. We hypothesized that the intestinal microbiota might be responsible for these differences and therefore performed high resolution analysis of the intestinal microbiota composition in uninfected mice from the two facilities by deep sequencing of partial 16S rRNA amplicons. The microbiota composition differed markedly between mice from both facilities. Significant differences were also detected between two groups of MHH mice born in different years. Of the 119 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that occurred in at least half the cecum or colon samples of at least one mouse group, 24 were only found in MIT mice, and another 13 OTUs could only be found in MHH samples. While most of the MHH-specific OTUs could only be identified to class or family level, the MIT-specific set contained OTUs identified to genus or species level, including the opportunistic pathogen, Bilophila wadsworthia. The susceptibility to H. hepaticus-induced colitis differed considerably between Il10[superscript −/−] mice originating from the two institutions. This was associated with significant differences in microbiota composition, highlighting the importance of characterizing the intestinal microbiome when studying murine models of IBD.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH P01-CA26731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH P30ES0026731)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NIH R01-OD011141