13 research outputs found

    Ab Initio Identification of Novel Regulatory Elements in the Genome of Trypanosoma brucei by Bayesian Inference on Sequence Segmentation

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    Background: The rapid increase in the availability of genome information has created considerable demand for both comparative and ab initio predictive bioinformatic analyses. The biology laid bare in the genomes of many organisms is often novel, presenting new challenges for bioinformatic interrogation. A paradigm for this is the collected genomes of the kinetoplastid parasites, a group which includes Trypanosoma brucei the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis. These genomes, though outwardly simple in organisation and gene content, have historically challenged many theories for gene expression regulation in eukaryotes. Methodology/Principle Findings: Here we utilise a Bayesian approach to identify local changes in nucleotide composition in the genome of T. brucei. We show that there are several elements which are found at the starts and ends of multicopy gene arrays and that there are compositional elements that are common to all intergenic regions. We also show that there is a composition-inversion element that occurs at the position of the trans-splice site. Conclusions/Significance: The nature of the elements discovered reinforces the hypothesis that context dependant RN

    Regulation of Trypanosoma brucei Total and Polysomal mRNA during Development within Its Mammalian Host

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    This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Programme grant to KM and by a Wellcome Trust Strategic award to the Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution at the University of Edinburgh. SM was supported by a studentship from the Medical Research Council, UK.The gene expression of Trypanosoma brucei has been examined extensively in the blood of mammalian hosts and in forms found in the midgut of its arthropod vector, the tsetse fly. However, trypanosomes also undergo development within the mammalian bloodstream as they progress from morphologically 'slender forms' to transmissible 'stumpy forms' through morphological intermediates. This transition is temporally progressive within the first wave of parasitaemia such that gene expression can be monitored in relatively pure slender and stumpy populations as well as during the progression between these extremes. The development also represents the progression of cells from translationally active forms adapted for proliferation in the host to translationally quiescent forms, adapted for transmission. We have used metabolic labelling to quantitate translational activity in slender forms, stumpy forms and in forms undergoing early differentiation to procyclic forms in vitro. Thereafter we have examined the cohort of total mRNAs that are enriched throughout development in the mammalian bloodstream (slender, intermediate and stumpy forms), irrespective of strain, revealing those that exhibit consistent developmental regulation rather than sample specific changes. Transcripts that cosediment with polysomes in stumpy forms and slender forms have also been enriched to identify transcripts that escape translational repression prior to transmission. Combined, the expression and polysomal association of transcripts as trypanosomes undergo development in the mammalian bloodstream have been defined, providing a resource for trypanosome researchers. This facilitates the identification of those that undergo developmental regulation in the bloodstream and therefore those likely to have a role in the survival and capacity for transmission of stumpy forms.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Nuclear pore complex evolution:a trypanosome Mlp analogue functions in chromosomal segregation but lacks transcriptional barrier activity

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) has dual roles in nucleocytoplasmic transport and chromatin organization. In many eukaryotes the coiled-coil Mlp/Tpr proteins of the NPC nuclear basket have specific functions in interactions with chromatin and defining specialized regions of active transcription, whereas Mlp2 associates with the mitotic spindle/NPC in a cell cycle–dependent manner. We previously identified two putative Mlp-related proteins in African trypanosomes, TbNup110 and TbNup92, the latter of which associates with the spindle. We now provide evidence for independent ancestry for TbNup92/TbNup110 and Mlp/Tpr proteins. However, TbNup92 is required for correct chromosome segregation, with knockout cells exhibiting microaneuploidy and lowered fidelity of telomere segregation. Further, TbNup92 is intimately associated with the mitotic spindle and spindle anchor site but apparently has minimal roles in control of gene transcription, indicating that TbNup92 lacks major barrier activity. TbNup92 therefore acts as a functional analogue of Mlp/Tpr proteins, and, together with the lamina analogue NUP-1, represents a cohort of novel proteins operating at the nuclear periphery of trypanosomes, uncovering complex evolutionary trajectories for the NPC and nuclear lamina

    Posttranscriptional control and the role of RNA-binding proteins in gene regulation in trypanosomatid protozoan parasites

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    13 pĂĄginas, 3 figuras.Trypanosomatids are unicellular eukaryotes responsible for severe diseases in humans. They exhibit a number of remarkable biological phenomena, especially at the RNA level. During their life cycles, they alternate between a mammalian host and an insect vector and undergo profound biochemical and morphological transformations in order to adapt to the different environments they find within one or the other host species. These changes are orchestrated by specific gene expression programs. In contrast to other organisms, trypanosomatids do not regulate RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription initiation. Evidence so far indicates that the main control points in gene expression are mRNA degradation and translation. Recent studies have shown that RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play a critical role in the developmental regulation of mRNA and protein abundance. RBPs seem to bind to specific subsets of mRNAs encoding functionally related proteins. These ribonucleoprotein complexes may represent posttranscriptional operons or regulons that are able to control the fate of multiple mRNAs simultaneously. We suggest that trypanosomatids transduce environmental signals into mRNA and protein abundance through posttranslational modification of RBPs.Peer reviewe