5,363 research outputs found

    Damping and decoherence of a nanomechanical resonator due to a few two level systems

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    We consider a quantum model of a nanomechanical flexing beam resonator interacting with a bath comprising a few damped tunneling two level systems (TLS's). In contrast with a resonator interacting bilinearly with an ohmic free oscillator bath (modeling clamping loss, for example), the mechanical resonator damping is amplitude dependent, while the decoherence of quantum superpositions of mechanical position states depends only weakly on their spatial separation

    Giant enhancement of quantum decoherence by frustrated environments

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    This Letter studies the decoherence in a system of two antiferromagnetically coupled spins that interact with a spin bath environment. Systems are considered that range from the rotationally invariant to highly anisotropic spin models, have different topologies and values of parameters that are fixed or are allowed to fluctuate randomly. We explore the conditions under which the two-spin system clearly shows an evolution from the initial spin-up - spin-down state towards the maximally entangled singlet state. We demonstrate that frustration and, especially, glassiness of the spin environment strongly enhances the decoherence of the two-spin system

    Decoherence in an Interacting Quantum Field Theory: The Vacuum Case

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    We apply the decoherence formalism to an interacting scalar field theory. In the spirit of the decoherence literature, we consider a "system field" and an "environment field" that interact via a cubic coupling. We solve for the propagator of the system field, where we include the self-energy corrections due to the interaction with the environment field. In this paper, we consider an environment in the vacuum state (T=0). We show that neglecting inaccessible non-Gaussian correlators increases the entropy of the system as perceived by the observer. Moreover, we consider the effect of a changing mass of the system field in the adiabatic regime, and we find that at late times no additional entropy has been generated.Comment: 40 pages, published versio

    Quantum-classical correspondence on compact phase space

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    We propose to study the L2L^2-norm distance between classical and quantum phase space distributions, where for the latter we choose the Wigner function, as a global phase space indicator of quantum-classical correspondence. For example, this quantity should provide a key to understand the correspondence between quantum and classical Loschmidt echoes. We concentrate on fully chaotic systems with compact (finite) classical phase space. By means of numerical simulations and heuristic arguments we find that the quantum-classical fidelity stays at one up to Ehrenfest-type time scale, which is proportional to the logarithm of effective Planck constant, and decays exponentially with a maximal classical Lyapunov exponent, after that time.Comment: 26 pages. 9 figures (31 .epz files), submitted to Nonlinearit

    Non-Equilibrium Quantum Fields in the Large N Expansion

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    An effective action technique for the time evolution of a closed system consisting of one or more mean fields interacting with their quantum fluctuations is presented. By marrying large NN expansion methods to the Schwinger-Keldysh closed time path (CTP) formulation of the quantum effective action, causality of the resulting equations of motion is ensured and a systematic, energy conserving and gauge invariant expansion about the quasi-classical mean field(s) in powers of 1/N1/N developed. The general method is exposed in two specific examples, O(N)O(N) symmetric scalar \l\F^4 theory and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with NN fermion fields. The \l\F^4 case is well suited to the numerical study of the real time dynamics of phase transitions characterized by a scalar order parameter. In QED the technique may be used to study the quantum non-equilibrium effects of pair creation in strong electric fields and the scattering and transport processes in a relativistic e+ee^+e^- plasma. A simple renormalization scheme that makes practical the numerical solution of the equations of motion of these and other field theories is described.Comment: 43 pages, LA-UR-94-783 (PRD, in press), uuencoded PostScrip

    Generalized Uncertainty Relations and Long Time Limits for Quantum Brownian Motion Models

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    We study the time evolution of the reduced Wigner function for a class of quantum Brownian motion models. We derive two generalized uncertainty relations. The first consists of a sharp lower bound on the uncertainty function, U=(Δp)2(Δq)2U = (\Delta p)^2 (\Delta q)^2 , after evolution for time tt in the presence of an environment. The second, a stronger and simpler result, consists of a lower bound at time tt on a modified uncertainty function, essentially the area enclosed by the 1σ1-\sigma contour of the Wigner function. In both cases the minimizing initial state is a non-minimal Gaussian pure state. These generalized uncertainty relations supply a measure of the comparative size of quantum and thermal fluctuations. We prove two simple inequalites, relating uncertainty to von Neumann entropy, and the von Neumann entropy to linear entropy. We also prove some results on the long-time limit of the Wigner function for arbitrary initial states. For the harmonic oscillator the Wigner function for all initial states becomes a Gaussian at large times (often, but not always, a thermal state). We derive the explicit forms of the long-time limit for the free particle (which does not in general go to a Gaussian), and also for more general potentials in the approximation of high temperature.Comment: 35 pages (plain Tex, revised to avoid corruption during file transmission), Imperial College preprint 92-93/25 (1994

    Contractive Schroedinger cat states for a free mass

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    Contractive states for a free quantum particle were introduced by Yuen [Yuen H P 1983 Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 719] in an attempt to evade the standard quantum limit for repeated position measurements. We show how appropriate families of two- and three component ``Schroedinger cat states'' are able to support non-trivial correlations between the position and momentum observables leading to contractive behavior. The existence of contractive Schroedinger cat states is suggestive of potential novel roles of non-classical states for precision measurement schemes.Comment: 24 pages, 7 encapsulated eps color figures, REVTeX4 style. Published online in New Journal of Physics 5 (2003) 5.1-5.21. Higher-resolution figures available in published version. (accessible at http://www.njp.org/