632 research outputs found

    Experiencing the technical-scientific production process with master's students

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    In the current context, much of the information that higher education students need for their academic work is searched on the internet, but they do not always use the proper filtering tools to select it. This aspect, together with the fact that they do not have reading habits of technical-scientific texts, especially when written in English, makes it pertinent in master's courses to challenge students to tasks that allow them to develop these skills. In this sense, within the scope of the Manufacturing Processes course unit of the Master in Industrial Engineering, it was proposed to carry out a group work, which, in addition to the laboratory component, involved the writing of a scientific article in English and peer review. In the practical component, students were asked to idealize (1st phase) and create (2nd phase) a piece in aluminum alloy, preferably with some innovative character. In the first phase, taking into account some restrictions that were imposed in terms of material and maximum dimensions, they had to think and decide with their group colleagues about the characteristics of the part, drawing and dimensioning it in SOLIDWORKS®. In the second phase, the students started by simulating the part's manufacturing process using the CAM (Computer Aiding Manufacturing) module, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) code generation and, finally, they started to manufacture it with numerical control machines. Alongside the practical component, students were encouraged to develop the theoretical component of the work, researching in scientific articles matters related to the design and manufacturing methods of the piece. Each group had to produce an article in English that focused on the work carried out, both at a technical and scientific level, and to review an article from another group, in addition to the reformulation of its own based on the suggestions of colleagues. In order to know the student’s opinion about the process, a questionnaire was applied, in which, among other aspects, their opinion was asked about this entire writing and revision process. From the students who responded, 94.7% agree or totally agree that the elaboration of the article allowed them to develop skills that may be useful to them in the future and 84.2% agree or totally agree that the work of reviewing the article has improved their critical skills. However, the teacher found that students had difficulty in mobilizing their knowledge and creativity to design an innovative piece, so it is important to continue to promote this type of approach so that students develop research and thinking skills associated with practical aspects. As would also be expected, the fact that the article was written in English made the process of writing (57.9% agree or totally agree) and review (63.2% agree or totally agree) difficult, but they were faced with the need to overcome this barrier can be an important contribution to increasing their English proficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promote learning in mechanical technology manufacturing work equipment

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    The study plan of the bachelor in Mechanical Engineering of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal) includes the course unit Mechanical Technology II, whose contents are related to different manufacturing processes, namely the machining and welding processes. In terms of organization, there is a theoretical component (theoretical classes) and a practical component (laboratory classes) and, traditionally, it is followed a teaching methodology with expositive characteristics. Although there is a more active participation of the students in the laboratory, it is still incipient because these classes are even very teacher-centered and are only used for demonstrative purposes. In order to change this paradigm, in the academic years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017, the teacher of the course unit decided that, although he maintained the format of the theoretical classes, for the advantage of addressing a great quantity of interest topics in the scope of the course, laboratory classes would focus on works with practical application, at least for a selected group of students. Thus, two practical works (one in each year) corresponding to the design and manufacture of two didactic machines were proposed: a hydraulic press and a manual rolling machine. In real works, at least for a selected group of students. The main objective was to get students to apply theoretical knowledge in solving real problems and to learn how to use the laboratory's machine tools. The design of the hydraulic press was implemented in the academic year 2015/2016 and the manual rolling machine in 2016/2017. The methodology was the same for both practical works where each one was elaborated by student groups with four elements and was performed during a semester. The practical work was divided into four stages: a) design (design and dimensioning), b) manufacturing and assembly, c) machine testing and d) writing a technical report. SolidWorks® software was used to design and dimensioning the machines. After completing the project, the students manufactured the non-standard components in the laboratory, using industrial machines (milling machine, lathe, welding, among others). These components were assembled to reach a complete machine that was tested in a real-world scenario. Finally, the students wrote a technical report and presented the work to other colleagues. The students who participated in the experience were motivated and committed throughout the process, although they had some difficulties, for example, in the use of software and in working with industrial machines. Those difficulties were overcome by consulting the existing bibliography (internet, books / manuals) and the support of the teacher and laboratory technicians. The work done, in addition to allowing students to better understand the theoretical concepts, because they had to apply them in practice, also made them more responsible and made them develop their communication skills and collaboration with peers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creation of videos by students as a way to promote learning in the area of mechanics: an experience in higher education

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    The degree courses in Mechanical Engineering and Technology and Industrial Management of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal) include in the 2nd semester of the 2nd year of their study plan, the course units of Mechanical Technology I and Manufacturing Processes I, respectively. The contents of these course units are mostly theoretical, so it is important to find approaches that motivate the students and involve them directly in their learning. The creation of videos for later presentation to colleagues can fulfil this role, as it requires students to search, interpret, select and organize information about the contents and reflect on the best way to transmit it to their peers. Within the mentioned course units, in one of the academic years in which classes were essentially online due to the pandemic, it was proposed to the students the creation, in group, two videos (each one at a different stage of the semester), with the themes assigned by the teacher so that, as a whole, they would cover all the contents that it was essential to explore. The following steps were followed: (i) research on the theme and production of the video by each group; (ii) sharing the videos with classmates; (iii) extra-class viewing of the videos produced by classmates; (iv) students answering general questions about the videos they watched; (v) brief oral presentation in a class by each group about the video produced; (vi) class discussion on the themes of the videos, based on questions posed by the students, and (vii) an evaluation test on the themes covered. Only when all the steps concerning the videos produced in the first phase were fulfilled did we proceed to the preparation of the videos for the second phase, following again the whole process described above. We consider that, with this methodology, the students were more motivated and started to have a more active role in the classes, becoming also (together with the teacher who had the role of an advisor) responsible for the learning of the class, as they contributed with their work and questions to the exploration of the contents. We underline that the described approach, besides promoting the acquisition and deepening of knowledge about the course unit contents, contributed to the development, by the students, of several transversal skills, which can be useful in their daily life or in their professional future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interaction between course units: an experience in higher education

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    Given the specificity of the Higher Professional Technical Courses (CTeSP) of Portuguese Polytechnic Institutes, it is important that in the course units related to these courses is promoted, whenever possible, a more contextualized learning environment, less theoretical and more connected to practice. In order to respond to this approach, in the Safety and Environment course unit, integrated in the CTeSP in Mechanical Technology and Vehicles, was followed a methodology that involved the interconnection of this course unit with the one of Automotive Materials Processing I of the same course. It should be noted that, in recent years, it is common for students to carry out a practical group work in the area of Safety and hygiene at work, where they analyse, in a real context, the hazards and risks associated with working with machine tools of the Mechanical Technology laboratory of the institution where they attend the course. As in the 2nd semester, students still attend the Automotive Materials Processing I course unit, where they produce a metal piece using industrial machines, also in the same laboratory, it was considered relevant to take advantage of the work they were developing in that course unit and make a connection with the Safety work. In this sense, in the 2020/2021 school year, it was proposed that students identify hazards and risks associated with the production of the metal piece they were developing, as well as establish preventive and control measures associated with its production (engineering, collective protection and safety signs measures; personal protective equipment; work organization and administrative control; training and information). From the analysis performed, the students created a PowerPoint® presentation to show their productions and present their conclusions to the class. In general, students easily adhered to the proposed task, having committed themselves to its implementation, which was visible in the final assessment, since all those who participated in the work were approved in the course unit. In the students opinion, the connection between the two course units, motivated them more to carry out the group work, facilitated their learning and helped them to better understand the application of Safety concepts to the practice of mechanics (79.2%, 75% and 83.3% agree or totally agree, respectively). Carrying out the group work, allowed them to know their difficulties, overcome some of them and improve their arguments (79.2%, 83.3% and 95.8% agree or totally agree, respectively). It is considered that the learning resulting from this contextualized work can be useful, in order to promote a greater exchange between course units, and a greater awareness for the application of the course contents in a real context. The experience carried out can be easily replicated to other CTeSP, and can significantly contribute as a learning factor for the internship that integrates the study plan of these courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Active methodology in mechanical technology

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    The course unit of Mechanical Technology II, which is taught in the 1st semester of the 3rd year, is integrated in the course structure of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. The course contents are organized in fifteen themes that cover different manufacturing processes and which can be classified into two main groups: machining processes and metal joint processes (welding and structural adhesives). The classes of the course unit are divided into theoretical and practical (2 hours each). Usually in the theoretical classes prevail the exposition of contents by the teacher, while the practical classes have an experimental component of design and experimental work that is implemented in laboratory where the students conceive and manufacture real metal components. Considering the analysis of students' performance based on the approval of the course unit, it can be observed that in the academic years prior to 2016/2017 the approval rate was relatively high, for example in the three previous years this rate varied between 78% and 90%. However, if the theoretical component is separated from the practical component is verified that the students in theoretical part have a much lower classification, the percentage of approved classifications ranged from 19% to 42% for the same period. Thus, it is the practical component that essentially contributes to the observed approval rate, and there is doubt if the difficulties of theoretical concepts are overcome at the end of the whole process. In this context, there was a need to rethink new ways of approaching the theoretical component of the course unit that contribute to a greater involvement of the students in the classes and, consequently, to a more meaningful learning of the contents. To reach this objective, in the academic years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, in the theoretical classes of the course unit the exposition of the themes was carried out by the students instead of traditional mode. In this way, the students were in charge of presenting the theoretical subjects. At the end of each presentation there was a large group discussion in the class, involved the discussion about the application of theoretical contents to practical cases. In order to encourage the student involvement in the debate and the previous study of content, at the end of each class, was proposed a "lesson question", which consisted of a written answer to one or two questions on the topic presented. The main goal of this work is to compare the results of this methodology for two different conditions. In academic year 2016/2017 the class has 15 students while the academic year 2017/2018 the class has 50 students. The analysis of the impact of the described methodology was carried out by the teacher, reflecting on the practice and confronting his experience of teaching the course unit in previous years, based on the students' performance. Was purposed a questionnaire to analyse the student’ opinion about the contribution of the applied methodology to their learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning scenarios in safety at work in the scope of Polytechnic Higher Education courses

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    The Higher Professional Technical Courses (CTeSPs) of the Portuguese Polytechnic Higher Institutes correspond to a cycle of higher education studies that does not confer an academic degree. They have a duration of 2 years and the successful conclusion leads to obtaining a higher professional technician diploma. Given the specificity of this type of courses, the course units of their study plan must promote, whenever possible, more student-centred learning with a greater connection to practice. This approach has been followed in the Safety and Environment course unit classes of the CTeSPs in Chemical and Biological Analysis and Mechanical Technology and Vehicles of a Higher Education Institution in the North of Portugal, between the academic years 2016/2017 and 2020/2021. In this sense, and in the Safety component, tasks were proposed that, depending on the academic year in which they were performed, involved different scenarios: (1) laboratory context and (2) business context (study visits). In both cases, it was proposed to the students to carry out a practical work in group that intended to analyse the hazards and risks associated with aspects of the context in question, applying in a specific situation the contents of the course unit. This type of work was oriented so that there was knowledge sharing (lectures and group interaction) among students attending: (i) the course unit; (ii) the course unit in another CTeSP and (iii) another course unit in degree courses. In some situations, connections were established with other course units, within the same course, or in different courses. In this paper we intend to explain the different approaches applied, reflecting on their advantages/disadvantages and possible perspectives of adaptation to the other component of the course unit (Environment) or other courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeitos de um programa de 12 semanas de Hidroginástica na postura corporal de mulheres de meia-idade

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    À medida que a população mundial envelhece, sérias preocupações são levantadas sobre o efeito do exercício físico e de aptidão física para a saúde pública, especialmente na meia e terceira idade (Cruz-Ferreira et al., 2011). Os programas de exercícios aquáticos ganharam popularidade devido à diminuição de hipotéticos pacientes (i.e. ajudam na prevenção de patologias), e até mesmo entre indivíduos saudáveis (Costa et al., 2011). Ambos os programas, terrestres e aquáticos, baseiam-se no objetivo de alcançar e manter um nível adequado de aptidão física (incluindo a postura corporal) e, portanto, melhorar a qualidade de vida. A postura corporal tem em consideração a oscilação e/ou o alinhamento do corpo. O alinhamento do corpo representa a posição do corpo e a relação espacial entre os seus segmentos anatómicos para manter o equilíbrio, em condições estáticas ou dinâmicas, de acordo com os requisitos do ambiente e da tarefa motora. Um alinhamento adequado do corpo envolve o menor esforço (i.e. gasto energético) e sobrecarga mecânica, para otimizar a eficiência do sistema biológico. Uma postura corporal incorreta pode estar relacionada com alguma desordem a nível ortopédico (Kristensen, Bandholm, Holm, Ekdahl, & Kehlet, 2009), músculo-esquelético (Oyarzo, Villagrán, Silvestre, Carpintero, & Berral, 2013) ou neurológico (Busse, Zimdars, Zalewski, & Steffen, 2005), mas também associada com uma maior probabilidade de quedas (Sakamoto et al., 2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Agora sou eu a expor o tema - abordagem alternativa em tecnologia mecânica

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    A Licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica, do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, integra no seu plano de estudos a unidade curricular Tecnologia Mecânica II, que funciona no 1.º semestre do 3.º ano. Os conteúdos programáticos estão organizados em quinze temas que abarcam diferentes processos de fabrico. Esses temas podem ser classificados em dois grandes grupos: processos de fabrico por arranque de apara e processos de ligação de metais (soldadura e adesivos estruturais). As aulas da unidade curricular são divididas em teóricas (2 horas) e práticas (2 horas). Habitualmente nas aulas teóricas prevalece a exposição de conteúdos por parte do professor, já as aulas práticas têm uma componente experimental de cálculo e outra laboratorial, em que os alunos concebem e fabricam peças metálicas reais. Considerando a análise do desempenho dos alunos com base na aprovação à unidade curricular, pode-se verificar que nos anos letivos anteriores a 2016/2017 a taxa de aprovação foi relativamente elevada, por exemplo nos três anos anteriores essa taxa variou entre 78% e 90%. Porém, se se separar a componentes teórica da prática verifica-se que os alunos na parte teórica têm uma classificação bastante mais baixa, a percentagem de classificações positivas variou de 19% a 42% nos três anos letivos anteriores a 2016/2017. Assim, é a componente prática que essencialmente contribui para a taxa de aprovação referida, subsistindo a dúvida se as dificuldades inerentes aos conceitos teóricos são ultrapassadas no fim de todo o processo. Neste contexto, surgiu a necessidade de repensar novas formas de abordagem da componente teórica da unidade curricular que contribuam para um maior envolvimento dos alunos nas aulas e, consequentemente, para uma aprendizagem mais significativa dos conteúdos. Tendo em vista este objetivo, no ano letivo 2016/2017, as aulas teóricas da unidade curricular a exposição dos temas foi efetuada pelos alunos em vez de ser realizada pelo professor. Deste modo, cada aluno ficou encarregado de apresentar um dos temas teóricos. No fim de cada apresentação havia um debate em grande grupo na turma que, para além de pedidos de esclarecimento ao colega que apresentou o tema, envolvia a discussão sobre a aplicação dos conteúdos teóricos a casos práticos. Como todos os alunos tinham também como tarefa a leitura prévia do tema a ser apresentado a sua participação nessa discussão podia ser mais ativa. Visando igualmente incentivar o envolvimento dos alunos no debate e o estudo prévio dos conteúdos, no final de cada aula era, ainda, proposta a "questão de aula", que consistia na resposta escrita a uma ou duas questões sobre o tema apresentado. A análise do impacto da metodologia de abordagem descrita foi realizada pelo professor, refletindo sobre a prática e confrontando com a sua experiência de lecionação da unidade curricular em anos anteriores, com base no desempenho dos alunos nas questões de aula e num questionário que foi proposto aos alunos depois do semestre ter terminado. Este teve como intuito analisar a opinião dos estudantes sobre o contributo da metodologia aplicada para a sua aprendizagem, assim como recolher opiniões sobre alterações a implementar em anos futuros. Quanto à opinião dos alunos, a maioria concorda ou concorda plenamente que a apresentação dos temas pelos colegas aumentou a sua motivação para a unidade curricular e considera que o facto de haver uma avaliação escrita relativa a cada tema aumentou o seu nível de atenção nas aulas e permitiu que o conhecimento sobre os temas ficasse mais sedimentado. Corroborando esta ideia, verifica-se que a classificação global dos alunos na parte teórica foi superior aos anos anteriores já que 78% obteve uma classificação positiva nessa componente. Pelo seu caráter geral, esta metodologia pode facilmente ser aplicada a outras unidades curriculares, seja qual for a área em questão, no entanto poderá ser mais complicada de gerir em turmas de grande dimensão.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aerodynamics of a wheelchair sprinter racing at the 100m world record pace by CFD

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    The aim of this study was to analyze aerodynamics in a racing position of a wheelchair-racing sprinter, at the world record speed. The athlete and wheelchair were scanned at the beginning of the propulsive phase position (hands near the handrims at 12h) for the 3D model acquisition. Numerical simulation was run on Fluent, having as output the pressure, viscosity and total drag force, and respective coefficients of drag at the world record speed in T-52 category. Total drag was 7.56N and coefficient of drag was 1.65. This work helped on getting a deeper insight about the aerodynamic profile of a wheelchair-racing athlete, at a 100m world record speed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    General and age-specific fertility rates in non-affective psychosis : population-based analysis of Scottish women

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    The study was funded by Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate (Grant CZH/4/951), NHS Research Scotland (NHS Research Scotland Career Research Fellowship).Peer reviewedPublisher PD