486 research outputs found

    The role of TAU protein in the pathophysiology of frontotemporal dementia

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    CONTEXTO: Sob a denominação demĂȘncia frontotemporal (DFT) enquadram-se importantes sĂ­ndromes demenciais de natureza degenerativa progressiva que acometem os lobos frontais e temporais em ambos os hemisfĂ©rios. As DFTs podem ser agrupadas, segundo seus aspectos clĂ­nicos dominantes, em variante frontal, afasia progressiva nĂŁo fluente e demĂȘncia semĂąntica. A proteĂ­na Tau tem papel importante na patogenia desses transtornos, e anormalidades conformacionais estĂŁo presentes em atĂ© 50% dos casos de DFT esporĂĄdica. Do ponto de vista neuropatolĂłgico, as DFTs podem ser classificadas em Tau negativas e Tau positivas, estas Ășltimas tambĂ©m classificadas entre as tauopatias. OBJETIVO: Neste trabalho serĂĄ revisto o papel da proteĂ­na Tau na patogenia das DFTs. MÉTODOS: Busca simples no Scielo e na Pubmed por meio das palavras-chave: "tauopatias", "demĂȘncia frontotemporal" e "proteĂ­na Tau". Foram revisados os artigos publicados a partir de 2000, e artigos anteriores de maior relevĂąncia, identificados a partir das referĂȘncias estudadas. RESULTADOS: Dentre os trabalhos incluĂ­dos nesta anĂĄlise, 12 abordam as tauopatias, sendo dez originais e sete de revisĂŁo. Foram identificados 20 artigos sobre DFT, sendo 16 artigos originais e quatro de revisĂŁo. CONCLUSÃO: A proteĂ­na Tau tem papel fundamental na patogenia das DFTs e outras doenças neurodegenerativas. O conhecimento desses mecanismos fisiopatolĂłgicos Ă© o passo inicial para o desenvolvimento de estratĂ©gias terapĂȘuticas.BACKGROUND: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) represents an important group of neurodegenerative diseases, affecting temporal and frontal lobes of both hemispheres. FTD can be divided into three clinical subsyndromes: frontal variant, non-fluent progressive aphasia, and semantic dementia. Abnormalities of the metabolism of Tau protein are present in the physiopathology of FTD, and is found in approximately 50% of sporadic cases, supporting the classification of the FTDs into Tau-negative and Tau-positive subtypes, the latter also called "Tauopathies". OBJECTIVE: To review the role of Tau in the pathophysiology of FTD. METHODS: Review of the literature on FTD published in the Pubmed and Scielo databases since the year 2000, using the keywords: Tau, Tauopathies, frontotemporal dementia. Relevant references previously published, as indicated in the reference list of selected articles, were also included. RESULTS: Through electronic search we identified 12 articles addressing Tauopathies (ten containing original data and seven reviews), and 20 articles (16 with original data and four reviews) on FTDs. CONCLUSIONS: There is consistent evidence in the literature to support the notion that Tau protein plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of FTDs and other neurodegenerative dementias, and the knowledge on these mechanisms is necessary for the development of more specific therapies

    Papel da proteĂ­na Tau na fisiopatologia da demĂȘncia frontotemporal

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    BACKGROUND: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) represents an important group of neurodegenerative diseases, affecting temporal and frontal lobes of both hemispheres. FTD can be divided into three clinical subsyndromes: frontal variant, non-fluent progressive aphasia, and semantic dementia. Abnormalities of the metabolism of Tau protein are present in the physiopathology of FTD, and is found in approximately 50% of sporadic cases, supporting the classification of the FTDs into Tau-negative and Tau-positive subtypes, the latter also called "Tauopathies". OBJECTIVE: To review the role of Tau in the pathophysiology of FTD. METHODS: Review of the literature on FTD published in the Pubmed and Scielo databases since the year 2000, using the keywords: Tau, Tauopathies, frontotemporal dementia. Relevant references previously published, as indicated in the reference list of selected articles, were also included. RESULTS: Through electronic search we identified 12 articles addressing Tauopathies (ten containing original data and seven reviews), and 20 articles (16 with original data and four reviews) on FTDs. CONCLUSIONS: There is consistent evidence in the literature to support the notion that Tau protein plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of FTDs and other neurodegenerative dementias, and the knowledge on these mechanisms is necessary for the development of more specific therapies.CONTEXTO: Sob a denominação demĂȘncia frontotemporal (DFT) enquadram-se importantes sĂ­ndromes demenciais de natureza degenerativa progressiva que acometem os lobos frontais e temporais em ambos os hemisfĂ©rios. As DFTs podem ser agrupadas, segundo seus aspectos clĂ­nicos dominantes, em variante frontal, afasia progressiva nĂŁo fluente e demĂȘncia semĂąntica. A proteĂ­na Tau tem papel importante na patogenia desses transtornos, e anormalidades conformacionais estĂŁo presentes em atĂ© 50% dos casos de DFT esporĂĄdica. Do ponto de vista neuropatolĂłgico, as DFTs podem ser classificadas em Tau negativas e Tau positivas, estas Ășltimas tambĂ©m classificadas entre as tauopatias. OBJETIVO: Neste trabalho serĂĄ revisto o papel da proteĂ­na Tau na patogenia das DFTs. MÉTODOS: Busca simples no Scielo e na Pubmed por meio das palavras-chave: "tauopatias", "demĂȘncia frontotemporal" e "proteĂ­na Tau". Foram revisados os artigos publicados a partir de 2000, e artigos anteriores de maior relevĂąncia, identificados a partir das referĂȘncias estudadas. RESULTADOS: Dentre os trabalhos incluĂ­dos nesta anĂĄlise, 12 abordam as tauopatias, sendo dez originais e sete de revisĂŁo. Foram identificados 20 artigos sobre DFT, sendo 16 artigos originais e quatro de revisĂŁo. CONCLUSÃO: A proteĂ­na Tau tem papel fundamental na patogenia das DFTs e outras doenças neurodegenerativas. O conhecimento desses mecanismos fisiopatolĂłgicos Ă© o passo inicial para o desenvolvimento de estratĂ©gias terapĂȘuticas

    Novel spectrophotometric method for the determination of azithromycin in pharmaceutical formulations based on its charge transfer reaction with quinalizarin

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    This paper proposes a new method for simple and fast spectrophotometric determination of azithromycin in pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based on the charge transfer reaction between the azithromycin and quinalizarin in methanol medium. In order to achieve maximum sensitivity the effect of some chemical variables such as the type of solvent, reagent concentration and reaction time were evaluated. The reaction was characterized in terms of stability of the product formed and its stoichiometry, and the apparent molar absorptivity and association constant were derived. Best conditions for the analytical determination of azithromycin were observed in methanol medium with a quinalizarin concentration of 50 mg L-1. At these conditions, the radical anion (absorbing specie) was formed in the medium immediately after mixing of the reagents and showed maximum absorption at 564 nm. The method presented a limit of detection of 0.35 mg L-1 and a limit of quantification of 1.2 mg L-1. It was successfully applied in the determination of azithromycin in three commercial pharmaceutical formulations of azithromycin and no matrix interferences were observed

    Effects of a multidisciplinar cognitive rehabilitation program for patients with mild Alzheimer's disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program on cognition, quality of life, and neuropsychiatry symptoms in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. METHOD: The present study was a single-blind, controlled study that was conducted at a university-based day-hospital memory facility. The study included 25 Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers and involved a 12-week stimulation and psychoeducational program. The comparison group consisted of 16 Alzheimer's patients in waiting lists for future intervention. INTERVENTION: Group sessions were provided by a multiprofessional team and included memory training, computer-assisted cognitive stimulation, expressive activities (painting, verbal expression, writing), physiotherapy, and physical training. Treatment was administered twice a week during 6.5-h gatherings. MEASUREMENTS: The assessment battery comprised the following tests: Mini-Mental State Examination, Short Cognitive Test, Quality of Life in Alzheimer's disease, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Geriatric Depression Scale. Test scores were evaluated at baseline and the end of the study by raters who were blinded to the group assignments. RESULTS: Measurements of global cognitive function and performance on attention tasks indicated that patients in the experimental group remained stable, whereas controls displayed mild but significant worsening. The intervention was associated with reduced depression symptoms for patients and caregivers and decreased neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's subjects. The treatment was also beneficial for the patients' quality of life. CONCLUSION: This multimodal rehabilitation program was associated with cognitive stability and significant improvements in the quality of life for Alzheimer's patients. We also observed a significant decrease in depressive symptoms and caregiver burden. These results support the notion that structured nonpharmacological interventions can yield adjunct and clinically relevant benefits in dementia treatment

    Goal-directed fluid management based on pulse pressure variation monitoring during high-risk surgery: a pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Introduction\ud \ud Several studies have shown that maximizing stroke volume (or increasing it until a plateau is reached) by volume loading during high-risk surgery may improve post-operative outcome. This goal could be achieved simply by minimizing the variation in arterial pulse pressure (ΔPP) induced by mechanical ventilation. We tested this hypothesis in a prospective, randomized, single-centre study. The primary endpoint was the length of postoperative stay in hospital.\ud \ud \ud \ud Methods\ud \ud Thirty-three patients undergoing high-risk surgery were randomized either to a control group (group C, n = 16) or to an intervention group (group I, n = 17). In group I, ΔPP was continuously monitored during surgery by a multiparameter bedside monitor and minimized to 10% or less by volume loading.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud Both groups were comparable in terms of demographic data, American Society of Anesthesiology score, type, and duration of surgery. During surgery, group I received more fluid than group C (4,618 ± 1,557 versus 1,694 ± 705 ml (mean ± SD), P < 0.0001), and ΔPP decreased from 22 ± 75 to 9 ± 1% (P < 0.05) in group I. The median duration of postoperative stay in hospital (7 versus 17 days, P < 0.01) was lower in group I than in group C. The number of postoperative complications per patient (1.4 ± 2.1 versus 3.9 ± 2.8, P < 0.05), as well as the median duration of mechanical ventilation (1 versus 5 days, P < 0.05) and stay in the intensive care unit (3 versus 9 days, P < 0.01) was also lower in group I.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud \ud Monitoring and minimizing ΔPP by volume loading during high-risk surgery improves postoperative outcome and decreases the length of stay in hospital.\ud \ud \ud \ud Trial registration\ud \ud NCT00479011The authors thank Maria De Amorim (Paris, France) and Julia Fukushima (SĂŁo Paulo, SP, Brazil) for help in data analysis, Dr Julia Wendon (London, UK) for reviewing the manuscript, and Dixtal (Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil) for providing the software for the automatic calculation of ?PP.The authors thank Maria De Amorim (Paris, France) and Julia Fukushima (SĂŁo Paulo, SP, Brazil) for help in data analysis, Dr Julia Wendon (London, UK) for reviewing the manuscript, and Dixtal (Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil) for providing the software for the automatic calculation of ?PP

    Para que servem os inventĂĄrios de fauna?

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    InventĂĄrios de fauna acessam diretamente a diversidade de uma localidade, em um determinado espaço e tempo. Os dados primĂĄrios gerados pelos inventĂĄrios compĂ”em uma das ferramentas mais importantes na tomada de decisĂ”es a respeito do manejo de ĂĄreas naturais. Entretanto, vĂĄrios problemas tĂȘm sido observados em diversos nĂ­veis relacionados aos inventĂĄrios de fauna no Brasil e vĂŁo desde a formação de recursos humanos atĂ© a ausĂȘncia de padronização, de desenho experimental e de seleção de mĂ©todos inadequados. SĂŁo apresentados estudos de caso com mamĂ­feros, rĂ©pteis, anfĂ­bios e peixes, nos quais sĂŁo discutidos problemas como variabilidade temporal e mĂ©todos para detecção de fauna terrestre, sugerindo que tanto os inventĂĄrios quanto os programas de monitoramento devam se estender por prazos maiores e que os inventĂĄrios devem incluir diferentes metodologias para que os seus objetivos sejam plenamente alcançados.Inventories of fauna directly access the diversity of a locality in a certain period of time. The primary data generated by these inventories comprise one of the most important steps in decisions making regarding the management of natural areas. However, several problems have been observed at different levels related to inventories of fauna in Brazil, and range from the training of humans to the lack of standardization of experimental design and selection of inappropriate methods. We present case studies of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, where they discussed issues such temporal variability and methods for detection of terrestrial fauna, suggesting that both inventories and monitoring programs should be extended for longer terms and that inventories should include different methodologies to ensure that their goals are fully achieved

    Prevention of methamphetamine-induced microglial cell death by TNF-α and IL-6 through activation of the JAK-STAT pathway

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    <p><b>Abstract</b></p> <p><b>Background</b></p> <p>It is well known that methamphetamine (METH) is neurotoxic and recent studies have suggested the involvement of neuroinflammatory processes in brain dysfunction induced by misuse of this drug. Indeed, glial cells seem to be activated in response to METH, but its effects on microglial cells are not fully understood. Moreover, it has been shown that cytokines, which are normally released by activated microglia, may have a dual role in response to brain injury. This led us to study the toxic effect of METH on microglial cells by looking to cell death and alterations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukine-6 (IL-6) systems, as well as the role played by these cytokines.</p> <p><b>Methods</b></p> <p>We used the N9 microglial cell line, and cell death and proliferation were evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay and incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine, respectively. The TNF-α and IL-6 content was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and changes in TNF receptor 1, IL-6 receptor-alpha, Bax and Bcl-2 protein levels by western blotting. Immunocytochemistry analysis was also performed to evaluate alterations in microglial morphology and in the protein expression of phospho-signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (pSTAT3).</p> <p><b>Results</b></p> <p>METH induced microglial cell death in a concentration-dependent manner (EC<sub>50</sub> = 1 mM), and also led to significant morphological changes and decreased cell proliferation. Additionally, this drug increased TNF-α extracellular and intracellular levels, as well as its receptor protein levels at 1 h, whereas IL-6 and its receptor levels were increased at 24 h post-exposure. However, the endogenous proinflammatory cytokines did not contribute to METH-induced microglial cell death. On the other hand, exogenous low concentrations of TNF-α or IL-6 had a protective effect. Interestingly, we also verified that the anti-apoptotic role of TNF-α was mediated by activation of IL-6 signaling, specifically the janus kinase (JAK)-STAT3 pathway, which in turn induced down-regulation of the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio.</p> <p><b>Conclusions</b></p> <p>These findings show that TNF-α and IL-6 have a protective role against METH-induced microglial cell death via the IL-6 receptor, specifically through activation of the JAK-STAT3 pathway, with consequent changes in pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins.</p

    Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    A measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum for energies exceeding 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV is presented, which is based on the analysis of showers with zenith angles greater than 60∘60^{\circ} detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2013. The measured spectrum confirms a flux suppression at the highest energies. Above 5.3×10185.3{\times}10^{18} eV, the "ankle", the flux can be described by a power law E−γE^{-\gamma} with index Îł=2.70±0.02 (stat)±0.1 (sys)\gamma=2.70 \pm 0.02 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.1\,\text{(sys)} followed by a smooth suppression region. For the energy (EsE_\text{s}) at which the spectral flux has fallen to one-half of its extrapolated value in the absence of suppression, we find Es=(5.12±0.25 (stat)−1.2+1.0 (sys))×1019E_\text{s}=(5.12\pm0.25\,\text{(stat)}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}\,\text{(sys)}){\times}10^{19} eV.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO
