766 research outputs found

    Translating Baby Tuckoo: Portraits of the Artist as a Very Young Man

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    A comparative reading across several different languages of the opening sentences of Joyce’s text suggests the possible interpretive implications of a macrotextual Portrait.Keywords: translation effects; transtextual reading; texts and macrotexts

    Women Pioneers: Volume Two Canada's Lost Plays. Edited by Anton Wagner.

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    The Playwrights' Studio Group: An Interview with Two Women Playwrights of the 1930's.

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    Monte Carlo Simulation of Spacecraft Particle Detectors to Assess the True Human Risk

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    Particle detectors (DOSTEL, CPDS, and TEPC) measure the energy deposition spectrum inside earth orbiting - manned spacecraft (shuttle, space station). These instruments attempt to emulate the deposition of energy in human tissue to evaluate the health risk. However, the measurements are often difficult to relate to tissue equivalent because nuclear fragmentation (internuclear cascade/evaporation), energy-loss straggling, heavy ions, spacecraft shielding and detector geometry/orientation, and coincidence thresholds significantly affect the measured spectrum. 'A le have developed a high fidelity Monte Carlo model addressing each of these effects that significantly improves interpretation of these instruments and the resulting assessment of radiation risk to humans

    Radiation Environment Inside Spacecraft

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    Dr. Patrick O'Neill, NASA Johnson Space Center, will present a detailed description of the radiation environment inside spacecraft. The free space (outside) solar and galactic cosmic ray and trapped Van Allen belt proton spectra are significantly modified as these ions propagate through various thicknesses of spacecraft structure and shielding material. In addition to energy loss, secondary ions are created as the ions interact with the structure materials. Nuclear interaction codes (FLUKA, GEANT4, HZTRAN, MCNPX, CEM03, and PHITS) transport free space spectra through different thicknesses of various materials. These "inside" energy spectra are then converted to Linear Energy Transfer (LET) spectra and dose rate - that's what's needed by electronics systems designers. Model predictions are compared to radiation measurements made by instruments such as the Intra-Vehicular Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer (IV-CPDS) used inside the Space Station, Orion, and Space Shuttle

    Taking General Education Seriously: Expanding The Boundary Of A Principles Of Macroeconomics Course

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    Does teaching a course that “counts” for general education credit carry with it any responsibilities beyond discipline content? How might you entice students to view a discipline specific course in more general terms? What might be done to link a course in one discipline to courses in related disciplines so that students see connections? These are some of the questions that I have been attempting to answer within the context of a Principles of Macroeconomics course at the University of North Dakota. This paper describes two initiatives undertaken over the past two years. The first initiative occurred during the Spring 2003 semester within two sections of Principles of Macroeconomics. In one section students were given a traditional lecture-based course. In the other section, in addition to lectures, students were asked to read, think about, discuss, and write about how economics relates to other disciplines and how economic thinking might be applied when examining issues beyond economics. The main vehicle used for this latter aspect of the course was to have the students explore the book Dollars and Change: Economics In Context by Louis Putterman. The second initiative took place during the Spring 2004 semester. During this semester, within two sections of Principles of Macroeconomics, all students were asked to read, think about, discuss, and write about general education (liberal learning). The main vehicle used for this initiative was to have the students explore the book A Student’s Guide to Liberal Learning by James V. Schall and the description of general education in the University catalog. A detailed description of each of these two initiatives is provided, including copies of assignment sheets and grading rubrics. A discussion of the outcomes of each of these initiatives is presented, from the perspective of the students as well as of the faculty member. The analysis presented is primarily qualitative

    Numerical Study on the Influence of Tip Clearance

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    Due to a constant rise in costs and a continuous demand for travel from customers, airlines look to new technologies as a way of potentially reducing operational costs, such as fuel costs. With such objectives in mind, NASA and other organizations are studying and experimenting new configurations of gas turbines to determine if this could be a viable solution for the near future. Several simulations are run for an axial compressor blade in order to verify the influence in total pressure ratio and flow velocity between the No-Tip Gap model and the Tip Gap model. This will determine the impact of tip clearance on the aforementioned parameters. The CFD simulations will be carried out using FLUENT where it is possible to determine the inlet and outlet conditions of the experiment as well as other boundary conditions to properly present the problem and a realistic solution. In this study two distinct models will be simulated, No-Tip Gap and Tip Gap, each at three different rotational speeds to simulate the impact for different velocities of blade rotation and determine which model would be more beneficial for future turbines. It was concluded that the pressure along the blade using the No-Tip Gap model was higher when compared to the Tip Gap model. This could be explained by simply analysing the surface area of the blade. Being that the blade occupies the area up to the engine casing it will have a greater surface area, hence, transferring more work and having higher pressure at the compressor exit. As for the velocity, the results were reversed, meaning that a higher velocity of flow was found when using the Tip Gap model. The explanation for this higher speed could be the existence of a tip clearance, allowing the flow to pass through this area with no contact with the blade and therefore not reducing the speed of the airflow resulting in a higher outlet velocity.Devido a um aumento constante dos custos e ao continuado aumento na procura por parte de clientes, as companhias aéreas investigam novas tecnologias como forma de reduzir custos operacionais, como os custos de combustível. Com tais objectivos em mente, a NASA e outras organizações estão a estudar e a testar novas configurações de turbinas a gás para determinar se poderá ser uma solução viável num futuro próximo. São realizadas várias simulações numéricas para uma pá de um compressor axial, de forma a verificar a influência da razão de pressão total e velocidade de escoamento na diferença entre a folga na ponta e a ausência de folga no topo da pá. As simulações de CFD foram realizadas utilizando o FLUENT onde é possível determinar as condições de entrada e de saída da experiência bem como as condições de fronteira que permitem colocar o problema corretamente para que seja obtida uma solução realista. Nesta tese foram estudados dois modelos diferentes, No-Tip Gap (sem espaçamento) e Tip Gap (com espaçamento). Cada um destes modelos foi depois simulado com três diferentes velocidades de rotação da pá para que seja possível determinar qual o seu impacto e perceber qual seria mais benéfica em projectos futuros. Após a realização das simulações foi possível determinar que existe uma pressão maior no modelo No-Tip Gap. Esta pressão superior pode ser explicada analisando a área de superfície da pá em ambos os modelos. No modelo No-Tip Gap a pá do compressor ocupa toda a área desde a raiz até à nacele do motor, logo a sua área será superior, transferindo mais trabalho e consequentemente criando uma maior pressão à saída do que o modelo Tip Gap. No que toca à velocidade, os resultados foram o inverso. Uma maior velocidade foi obtida quando simulado o modelo Tip Gap. Esta maior velocidade pode ser explicada devido à existência do espaçamento na ponta da pá. O escoamento passando por este espaço não entra em contacto com a pá, não reduzindo a sua velocidade, resultando numa velocidade de saída mais elevada

    Functional aspects of neuronal nicotinic receptor diversity

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    The agonist sensitivity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurones was compared, under voltage-clamp, with that of cloned nicotinic receptor subunit combinations expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Agonist responses in SCG neurones indicated that cytisine was the most potent agonist and lobeline the least potent (Cytisine > DMPP > Nicotine > ACh > Carbachol > Lobeline). The α3β2 combination had a relatively high sensitivity to DMPP and low sensitivity to cytisine (DMPP > ACh > Lobeline > Carbachol > Nicotine > Cytisine). The α3β4 combination had a high sensitivity to cytisine and low sensitivity to DMPP (Cytisine > Nicotine ≈ ACh > DMPP > Carbachol > Lobeline). The results suggest that the nAChRs in the SCG have characteristics of both α3β4 and α3β2 subunit combinations. Complete agonist concentration-response plots were determined for α3β2, α3β4, α4-1β2, α4-1β4 and α7 nAChR subunit combinations. In general, the relationships were poorly fitted by a single component Hill-Langmuir relationship. Improved fits were obtained with the sum of two components, suggesting that pairwise expression of neuronal nicotinic subunits in oocytes may produce more than one functionally distinct receptor. This study also examined the effects of acute ethanol (EtOH) exposure on agonist responses of neuronal nAChRs expressed in oocytes. In some cells, α3β4 responses could be either potentiated or inhibited (25% to 237% of control response) by low EtOH concentrations (1-30mM). At high EtOH concentrations (100-300mM) robust potentiations were observed, (135% to 305%). The α3β2, α4-1β2 and α4-1β4 combinations were less sensitive to low EtOH concentrations, but respectively showed potentiations of up to 178%, 226% and 154% at high concentrations, α7 receptors were also relatively insensitive to low EtOH concentrations, but potentiation or inhibition could be seen at high concentrations (88% to 141%). This modulation may underlie some of the behavioural effects of ethanol. The α3β4 subunit combination may be especially sensitive to modulation by low EtOH concentrations. This remarkable sensitivity and plasticity may contribute to a process of mutual reinforcement in nicotine and alcohol addiction

    Editors' introduction to special theme issue [of International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning]: Meanings emerging in practice (Part 3)

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    This issue publishes the third and final set of refereed papers from the first wave proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning, held at the Springfield Campus of the University of Southern Queensland in Australia on 27 and 28 September 2007. This third conference in the series focused on “Meanings Emerging in Practice” as a lens for examining and evaluating multiple enactments of pedagogies and learning

    Front converter lenses for smart phones

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    Front converters for the iPhone 6, from six different vendors, are examined in detail. Telephoto, wide angle, and fisheye converters are examined. System performance is measured, and the measured lens designs are presented. Great variety is found in both design type and performance; little correlation is found between performance and design type