368 research outputs found

    Soberania individual e propriedade na pessoa: democratização e um conto de dois conceitos

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    Garantir a cidadania das mulheres: A indiferença e outros obstáculos

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    Este artigo discute as estruturas sexuais e raciais de poder que continuam a obstruir de forma sistemática a cidadania das mulheres. As reformas jurídicas e políticas concretizadas em muitos países não foram acompanhadas por mudanças correspondentes nas práticas sociais de dominação e subordinação e nas concepções de masculinidade e feminilidade. A este obstáculo junta‑se a pobreza, que afecta maioritariamente as mulheres a nível global, e o crescimento da desigualdade induzido pela redução, privatização e eliminação de serviços públicos, que têm levado ao acréscimo do fardo quotidiano das mulheres, especialmente nos países pobres. O empobrecimento das mulheres e as guerras das duas últimas décadas têm fomentado o tráfico sexual global e a violência contra as mulheres. A indiferença relativamente a estes fenómenos tem por base (e reforça) o contrato sexual‑racial global. De forma a eliminar a interacção entre o contrato de indiferença mútua e o contrato sexual‑racial global, propõe‑se que a atribuição de um rendimento básico a todos os cidadãos constituiria um passo em direcção a uma cidadania plena.This article discusses the structures of sexual and racial power that continue to systematically undercut women’s formal citizenship. The legal and political reforms achieved in many countries have not been accompanied by corresponding changes in social practices, beliefs and attitudes and in conceptions of masculinity and femininity. This obstacle to women’s citizenship has been compounded by poverty, affecting primarily women at worldwide level, and the growing inequality caused by the reduction, privatization or elimination of public services. This has increased the burdens upon women’s daily lives, especially in poor countries. Women’s impoverishment and the wars of the last two decades have fuelled the global sex trade and violence against women. Indifference to these phenomena is based on (and reinforces) the global sexual-racial contract. The author suggests that a basic income for all citizens would contribute towards making a break in the interaction of the contract of mutual indifference with the global sexual-racial contract, and constitute a step towards full citizenship.Cet article se penche sur les structures sexuelles et raciales de pouvoir qui continuent à obstruer de façon systématique la citoyenneté des femmes. Les reformes juridiques et politiques ayant vu le jour dans de nombreux pays n’ont pas été suivies par des changements correspondants dans les pratiques sociales de domination et de subordination, non plus que dans les conceptions de masculinité et de féminité. Il faut ajouter à cet obstacle la pauvreté, qui affecte majoritairement les femmes au niveau mondial, et la croissance de l’inégalité induite par la réduction, la privatisation et l’élimination de services publics, qui ont conduit à l’aggravation du fardeau quotidien des femmes, en particulier dans les pays pauvres. L’appauvrissement des femmes et les guerres de ces deux dernières décennies ont favorisé le trafic sexuel et la violence envers les femmes. L’indifférence existant à l’égard de ces phénomènes a pour base (et renforce) le contrat sexuel- -racial global. Afin d’éliminer l’interaction entre le contrat d’indifférence mutuelle et le contrat sexuel-racial, nous proposons l’attribution d’un revenu minimum à tous les citoyens qui constituerait un pas en avant vers une pleine citoyenneté

    The Sexual Contract 30 Years on: A Conversation with Carole Pateman

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    This reflection is based on a conversation with Professor Carole Pateman on 4th December 2017 as we prepared for a conference at Cardiff University to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of her seminal work, The Sexual Contract (1988). As socio-legal scholars, The Sexual Contract has been formative in, and transformative of, our understandings of law and gender. We explore Professor Pateman’s academic journey and consider how she came to write a ground-breaking book that has made major impacts on socio-legal and feminist legal studies. The paper is structured around the main themes arising in conversation with Pateman, with each section centred on her own account taken from our conversation in late 2017

    with contributions by

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    Redesigning Distribution: basic income and stakeholder grants a

    The Novelty of Latin America: Globalizations, Futures and Nations, Part I

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    This essay argues that Latin America created a modern cutting edge design of the nation and national identity long before Europe. In many aspects, it was more modern than the United States. The region is seen as a modernizer and globalizer rather than a mere recipient of influences. In light of these findings, the essay revisits theories of the Nation, National Identity, Modernization and Globalization. Most literature on the construction of national identity and nationalism focuses on communal past experiences and history to explain the nation. Rather, I claim that a different dimension and intellectual construct, 'the future of the nation', provides one of the most fundamental building blocks of national identity in the modern world

    Participatory politics, environmental journalism and newspaper campaigns

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Journalism Studies, 13(2), 210 - 225, 2012, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1461670X.2011.646398.This article explores the extent to which approaches to participatory politics might offer a more useful alternative to understanding the role of environmental journalism in a society where the old certainties have collapsed, only to be replaced by acute uncertainty. This uncertainty not only generates acute public anxiety about risks, it has also undermined confidence in the validity of long-standing premises about the ideal role of the media in society and journalistic professionalism. The consequence, this article argues, is that aspirations of objective reportage are outdated and ill-equipped to deal with many of the new risk stories environmental journalism covers. It is not a redrawing of boundaries that is needed but a wholesale relocation of our frameworks into approaches better suited to the socio-political conditions and uncertainties of late modernity. The exploration of participatory approaches is an attempt to suggest one way this might be done

    Codes of Commitment to Crime and Resistance: Determining Social and Cultural Factors over the Behaviors of Italian Mafia Women

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    This article categorizes thirty-three women in four main Italian Mafia groups and explores social and cultural behaviors of these women. This study introduces the feminist theory of belief and action. The theoretical inquiry investigates the sometimes conflicting behaviors of women when they are subject to systematic oppression. I argue that there is a cultural polarization among the categorized sub-groups. Conservative radicals give their support to the Mafia while defectors and rebels resist the Mafia. After testing the theory, I assert that emancipation of women depends on the strength of their beliefs to perform actions against the Mafiosi culture

    Imagining Gendered Adulthood

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    In this article, the authors draw on two qualitative, longitudinal studies of young people’s transitions to adulthood and how they construct these transitions over time in social, cultural and material terms. The authors focus on the hopes, anxieties and imagined futures of young women. They discuss the individualization thesis, and the contradiction for female individualization between expectations of equality and the reality of inequality between the genders. The debate is moved beyond ‘pitiful girls’ and ‘can-do girls’ by exploring how young women in the UK and Finland anticipate and try to avoid being locked into the lives of adult women