380 research outputs found
Density functional theory of spin-polarized disordered quantum dots
Using density functional theory, we investigate fluctuations of the ground
state energy of spin-polarized, disordered quantum dots in the metallic regime.
To compare to experiment, we evaluate the distribution of addition energies and
find a convolution of the Wigner-Dyson distribution, expected for noniteracting
electrons, with a narrower Gaussian distribution due to interactions. The tird
moment of the total distribution is independent of interactions, and so is
predicted to decrease by a factor of 0.405 upon application of a magnetic field
which transforms from the Gaussian orthogonal to the Gaussian unitary ensemble.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
Statistics of Coulomb blockade peak spacings for a partially open dot
We show that randomness of the electron wave functions in a quantum dot
contributes to the fluctuations of the positions of the conductance peaks. This
contribution grows with the conductance of the junctions connecting the dot to
the leads. It becomes comparable with the fluctuations coming from the
randomness of the single particle spectrum in the dot while the Coulomb
blockade peaks are still well-defined. In addition, the fluctuations of the
peak spacings are correlated with the fluctuations of the conductance peak
heights.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
Finite temperature effects in Coulomb blockade quantum dots and signatures of spectral scrambling
The conductance in Coulomb blockade quantum dots exhibits sharp peaks whose
spacings fluctuate with the number of electrons. We derive the
temperature-dependence of these fluctuations in the statistical regime and
compare with recent experimental results. The scrambling due to Coulomb
interactions of the single-particle spectrum with the addition of an electron
to the dot is shown to affect the temperature-dependence of the peak spacing
fluctuations. Spectral scrambling also leads to saturation in the temperature
dependence of the peak-to-peak correlator, in agreement with recent
experimental results. The signatures of scrambling are derived using discrete
Gaussian processes, which generalize the Gaussian ensembles of random matrices
to systems that depend on a discrete parameter -- in this case, the number of
electrons in the dot.Comment: 14 pages, 4 eps figures included, RevTe
Structure and collective dynamics of liquid sodium
The temperature variation of the longitudinal and transverse phonon frequencies of liquid sodium is investigated
using the approach by Hubbard Beeby. The molecular dynamics simulation is used to generate the pair
correlation function of liquid sodium at various temperatures viz. T = 378 K, 473 K, 573 K, and 723 K, with
672 particles. To describe the electron-ion interaction our own model potential is employed along with a recent
local field correction function due to Sarkar et al. To evaluate the parameter of the potential the zero pressure
condition has been applied. The present results of g(r) are in good agreement with available experimental
findings. The computed g(r) are used to investigate the temperature variation of the collective dynamics of
liquid sodium. The amplitudes of the peaks of the longitudinal and transverse frequencies are suppressed
while the width of the propagation gap for the transverse sound waves decreases with an increase in temperature.
The computed longitudinal and transverse sound velocities at these temperatures are found to be
encouraging.За допомогою методу Габбарда-Бiбi дослiджувалась температурна залежнiсть повздовжньої та поперечної фононних частот рiдкого натрiю. Парна кореляцiйна функцiя рiдкого натрiю була запропонована при рiзних температурах, а саме T = 378 K, 473 K, 573 K та 723 K, застосовуючи метод
молекулярної динамiки для 672 частинок. Опис електрон-iонної взаємодiї здiйснювався за допомогою запропонованого авторами модельного потенцiалу, доповненого функцiєю Серкара та iн., що
описує поправку на локальне поле. Щоб оцiнити параметр потенцiалу, була застосована умова нульового тиску. Отриманi результати для g(r) добре узгоджуються з експериментальними даними.
На основi обчисленої g(r) вивчалась температурна залежнiсть колективної динамiки рiдкого натрiю.
Показано, що з пiдвищенням температури амплiтуди максимумiв повздовжньої i поперечної частот
понижуються, а ширина пропагаторної щiлини для поперечних акустичних хвиль звужується
Clinical Relevance of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, Oman
Little is known about the clinical relevance of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in the Arabian Peninsula. We assessed the prevalence and studied a random sample of isolates at a reference laboratory in Muscat, Oman. NTM cause disease in this region, and their prevalence has increased
Spin and interaction effects in quantum dots: a Hartree-Fock-Koopmans approach
We use a Hartree-Fock-Koopmans approach to study spin and interaction effects
in a diffusive or chaotic quantum dot. In particular, we derive the statistics
of the spacings between successive Coulomb-blockade peaks. We include
fluctuations of the matrix elements of the two-body screened interaction,
surface-charge potential, and confining potential to leading order in the
inverse Thouless conductance. The calculated peak-spacing distribution is
compared with experimental results.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures, revise
District level baseline survey of family planning program in Uttar Pradesh: Jaunpur
Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the most populous state in India, with a population of 139 million, as of the 1991 census. The socioeconomic profile is characterized by relatively low levels of per capita income and literacy. Further, assessment of the family planning program and the demographic status as measured by Couple Protection Rate (CPR) and Mortality/Fertility rates mark UP as one of the country’s more demographically disadvantaged states. UP has a relatively higher Infant Mortality Rate, crude death rate, birth rate, and total fertility rate than the country as a whole, whereas CPR is much too low. The district of Jaunpur falls in the Eastern Region of the state, which on the whole is more disadvantaged than the Western Region. As noted in this report, no systematic surveys have ever been done to provide district-level estimates of fertility and mortality or CPR except in a few districts. The present survey is designed to provide valid estimates of vital rates and CPR at the district level and to fill gaps in the available information on several aspects related to the demographic situation and family planning program
District level baseline survey of family planning program in Uttar Pradesh: Jaunpur
Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the most populous state in India, with a population of 139 million, as of the 1991 census. The socioeconomic profile is characterized by relatively low levels of per capita income and literacy. Further, assessment of the family planning program and the demographic status as measured by Couple Protection Rate (CPR) and Mortality/Fertility rates mark UP as one of the country’s more demographically disadvantaged states. UP has a relatively higher Infant Mortality Rate, crude death rate, birth rate, and total fertility rate than the country as a whole, whereas CPR is much too low. The district of Jaunpur falls in the Eastern Region of the state, which on the whole is more disadvantaged than the Western Region. As noted in this report, no systematic surveys have ever been done to provide district-level estimates of fertility and mortality or CPR except in a few districts. The present survey is designed to provide valid estimates of vital rates and CPR at the district level and to fill gaps in the available information on several aspects related to the demographic situation and family planning program
District level baseline survey of family planning program in Uttar Pradesh: Gorakhpur
The state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) in India had a population of 139 million, as of the 1991 census. The socioeconomic profile is characterized by relatively low levels of per capita income and literacy. Further, assessment of the family planning program and the demographic status as measured by Couple Protection Rate (CPR) and Mortality/Fertility rates marks UP as one of the country’s more demographically disadvantaged states. UP has a relatively higher infant mortality rate, crude death rate, birth rate, and total fertility rate than the country as a whole, whereas CPR is much too low. The district of Gorakhpur falls in the Eastern Region of the state, which on the whole is more disadvantaged than the Western Region. As noted in this report, no systematic surveys have ever been done to provide district-level estimates of fertility and mortality or CPR except in a few districts. The present survey is designed to provide valid estimates of vital rates and CPR at the district level and to fill gaps in the available information on several aspects related to the demographic situation and family planning program
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