339 research outputs found

    One health concept applied to calls for research tender in Île-de-France province

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    Le DIM1HEALTH se fonde sur le concept « un monde, une seule santĂ© » qui a en effet rĂ©-Ă©mergĂ© dans un contexte de changement climatique, de croissance dĂ©mographique Ă  l’échelle mondiale, de rarĂ©faction des ressources naturelles, de pression sanitaire mouvante, dans la population humaine comme dans les populations animales. Quelques exemples illustrent combien ce concept fut fructueux dans le passĂ©. À travers la triade santĂ© environnementale, santĂ© humaine et santĂ© animale, le DIM1HEALTH cible les actions impliquĂ©es dans la chaĂźne « dĂ©pistage-surveillance-traitement-prĂ©vention-prĂ©diction », tout en prenant en compte la demande sociĂ©tale. Il dispose de trois appels d’offre annuels pour soutenir la recherche en infectiologie en Île-de-France (projets collaboratifs, colloque et investissement).DIM1HEALTH is based on the concept «one world, one health» that has re-emerged in a context of climate change, global population growth, depletion of natural resources, changing health pressure, in the human and animal populations. Some examples illustrate how successful this concept was in the past. Through the environmental health, human health and animal health triad, DIM1HEALTH targets the actions involved in the «screening-surveillance-treatment-prevention-prediction» chain, while taking into account the societal demand. It has three annual calls for tender to support infectious disease research in Île-de-France (collaborative projects, symposium and investment)

    Unexpected progression of two arboviral diseases : West Nile fever and bluetongue

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    This paper describes the spread of two arboviral diseases in Europe, and the control measures implemented by health authorities. Bluetongue, which affects only animals, occurred for the first time in Europe in 1998, and West Nile Fever, which affects horses and humans, re-emerged in 1996. Up until 1998, bluetongue was considered as an exotic disease. In 2006 and 2007, its unexpected explosion in Northern Europe highlighted the emergence and expansion capacities of vector-borne diseases. Surprisingly, the disease became perennial in Europe, rapidly spreading to eight European countries and crossing the English Channel and contaminating several herds in England. Its expansion resulted from vector movements carried over long distances by the wind (100 km), and followed a centrifugal pattern in 2006/2007. By 2008, the bluetongue virus (BTV) was occupying a wider European territory. The only control measure available is vaccination, which has been largely implemented in 2008. West Nile fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, whose amplifying hosts are birds, whereas horses and humans are incidental but particularly sensitive hosts. West Nile fever appeared in Europe in the 60’s and 70’s, especially in the Camargue region of France, with sporadic foci. At the end of the 90’s, besides the introduction and expansion of the virus on the American continent, major epidemics affected several hundreds of people in Europe (Romania in 1996 and Russia in 1999). Since then, four distinct episodes of West Nile virus (WNV) circulation, associated with clinical cases in horses, were reported in France: in the Camargue region in 2000 and 2004, in the Var department in 2003 and in the Eastern Pyrenees in 2006. An increase in WNV activity was observed in Europe in 2008, with cases of infection reported in Italy, Romania, Hungary and Austria. An inactivated vaccine (Fort Dodge) has recently received a marketing agreement from the European commission. However, until now, control measures rely exclusively on a reinforced surveillance of neurological conditions in humans and animals (horses and birds generally), and on information of exposed people.Cet article dĂ©crit l'extension de deux arboviroses en Europe ainsi que les mesures de lutte mises en oeuvre par les autoritĂ©s sanitaires. La fiĂšvre catarrhale ovine (FCO), strictement animale, est apparue pour la premiĂšre fois en Europe en 1998, tandis que la fiĂšvre du Nil occidental, transmissible Ă  l'homme, a rĂ©-Ă©mergĂ© en 1996. Jusqu'en 1998, la FCO Ă©tait considĂ©rĂ©e comme une maladie exotique. En 2006 et 2007, son explosion inattendue dans le nord de l'Europe a fourni un Ă©clairage nouveau sur les capacitĂ©s d'Ă©mergence et d'extension des maladies vectorielles. De façon surprenante, la maladie s'est installĂ©e de façon pĂ©renne en Europe gagnant rapidement huit pays europĂ©ens et traversant la Manche pour contaminer plusieurs Ă©levages en Angleterre. Son extension rĂ©sulte du dĂ©placement du vecteur portĂ© par le vent sur de grandes distances (100 km), et a donc Ă©tĂ© centrifuge en 2006/7. L'annĂ©e 2008 confirme cette extension et l'installation du virus sur un territoire europĂ©en Ă©largi. La seule mĂ©thode de lutte est la vaccination mise en oeuvre de façon massive en 2008. La fiĂšvre du Nil occidental, ou West Nile Fever, est une virose transmise par les moustiques dont les hĂŽtes amplificateurs sont les oiseaux, tandis que le cheval et l'homme sont des hĂŽtes accidentels particuliĂšrement sensibles. Elle Ă©tait apparue en Europe dans les annĂ©es 1960-1970 et, en particulier, en France mĂ©tropolitaine dans la rĂ©gion de la Camargue, en des foyers sporadiques. À la fin des annĂ©es 1990, outre l'introduction et la progression du virus sur le continent amĂ©ricain, des Ă©pidĂ©mies importantes ont touchĂ© plusieurs centaines de personnes en Europe (Roumanie en 1996, Russie en 1999). Puis, quatre Ă©pisodes distincts de circulation du virus West Nile (VWN), associĂ©s Ă  des cas cliniques chez le cheval, ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crits en France: en Camargue, en 2000 et 2004, dans le Var en 2003 et dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales en 2006. Un regain de l'activitĂ© du virus a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© en 2008 en Europe, l'Italie, la Roumanie, la Hongrie et l'Autriche ayant rapportĂ© des cas d'infection par le VWN. Un vaccin inactivĂ© (Fort Dodge) a rĂ©cemment obtenu une AMM europĂ©enne. Cependant, jusqu'ici, les mĂ©thodes de lutte s'appuient jusqu'ci sur la surveillance renforcĂ©e des affections nerveuses chez l'homme et l'animal (chevaux et oiseaux gĂ©nĂ©ralement) et sur l'information des personnes exposĂ©es

    Antibody response against Trichinella spiralis in experimentally infected rats is dose dependent

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    Domestic pigs are the main representatives of the domestic cycle of Trichinella spiralis that play a role in transmission to humans. In Europe, backyard pigs of small household farms are the most important risks for humans to obtain trichinellosis. Rats might play a role in the transmission of Trichinella spiralis from domestic to sylvatic animals and vice versa. In order to be able to investigate the role of wild rats in the epidemiology of T. spiralis in The Netherlands, we studied the dynamics of antibody response after T. spiralis infections in experimental rats, using infection doses ranging from very low (10 muscle larvae, ML, per rat) to very high (16 000 ML per rat). To evaluate the feasibility of rats surviving high infection doses with T. spiralis, clinical and pathological parameters were quantified. Serological tools for detecting T. spiralis in rats were developed to quantitatively study the correlation between parasite load and immunological response. The results show that an infection dose-dependent antibody response was developed in rats after infection with as low as 10 ML up to a level of 10 000 ML. A positive correlation was found between the number of recovered ML and serum antibody levels, although specific measured antibody levels correspond to a wide range of LPG values. Serum antibodies of rats that were infected even with 10 or 25 ML could readily be detected by use of the T. spiralis western blot 2 weeks post infection. We conclude that based on these low infection doses, serologic tests are a useful tool to survey T. spiralis in wild rats

    Toxoplasma gondii in beef consumed in France: Regional variation in seroprevalence and parasite isolation

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    In France, the consumption of cattle and sheep meat appears to be a risk factor for infection of pregnant women with Toxoplasma gondii. Several nation-wide surveys in France have investigated the prevalence of T. gondii in sheep and pig meat, but little is known at present about the prevalence of the parasite in beef. The main objective of the present cross-sectional survey was to estimate the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in beef consumed in France. A secondary objective was to attempt to isolate T. gondii from cattle tissues and to study the geographical and age variations of this seroprevalence. The overall estimate of seroprevalence of T. gondii in bovine carcasses (n = 2912), for a threshold of 1:6 was 17.38%. A strong age effect was observed (p lt 0.0001) with a seroprevalence of 5.34% for calves ( lt 8 months) and 23.12% for adults ( gt 8 months). Seroprevalence estimates given by area of birth and area of slaughtering for adults showed that the areas with the highest seroprevalence were not the same between these two variables. Only two strains, corresponding to genotype II, were isolated from heart samples, indicating that there is a limited risk of human infection with T. gondii, which needs to be correlated with the food habit of consuming raw or undercook (bleu or saignant) beef. However, new questions have emerged, especially concerning the isolation of parasites from beef and the precise role of bovines, generally described as poor hosts for T. gondii, in human infection

    The lateral flow card test: an alternative method for the detection of Trichinella infection in swine

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    A novel lateral flow card (TS-Card pork) test was developed for the serological detection of Trichinella infected pigs. Based on extensive studies performed in Romania during 1 999-2000 this test proved to be highly specific, sensitive, rapid (3-12 minutes) and easy to use (no need for laboratory facilities). It can be used both for the detection of Trichinella infection in carcasses and for epizootiological studies using a variety of samples including whole or dried blood, serum, or tissue fluids. The TS-Card pork test, used as a screening test, can be the foundation of an on-farm or field based inspection system to significantly improve food safety in countries with a high prevalence of Trichinella in pigs or other food animal species. The results presented are also promising for application of the test in an on-line laboratory based inspection system since the speed of the test allows sufficient time to rail out suspected hog carcasses during the slaughter process

    Des virus entéritiques au nématode parasite Trichinella; aller et retour entre recherche et expertises

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    This document prepared for the French Habilitation to manage PhD is presented in two parts. The first part describes the results obtained in virology and paraitology field, the main research developed over 15 years during which this activity is carried out either in Animal Health Laboratory and INRA. If the key of my missions was initially a research practice, I gradually move to initiate and facilitate strategic research plan and then I initiated a join research unit between AFSSA, ENVA and INRA. The second part resume in a synthetic way the scientific production. The first paragraph refers to publications ordered in the second part according to conventional rules (Publications International (Pn), technical publications (national broadcast), participation in conferences (Cn) ....) As Chief Inspector of Veterinary Public Health (formerly Veterinary Inspector), I provided a number of tasks of administrative nature. First, I was lecturer for the committee for veterinary vaccines and serums, I gradually involved in expert missions seeking to potentiate my research axes in parallel with scientific research missions. I also belonged to commissions apparently very different, but all have in common expertise of biotechnology products.Ce mémoire préparé en vue d'obtenir une habilitation à diriger des recherches est présenté en deux grandes parties. La premiÚre partie décrit les résultats acquis, les principaux axes de recherche développés au cours de 15 années durant lesquelles cette activité s'est effectuée de façon alternative au LCRV et à l'INRA. Si l'essentielle de mes missions fut d'abord une pratique de la recherche, j'ai progressivement été amené à partir de 1993 à initier des axes stratégiques et à animer la recherche de l'unité. La seconde partie présente mon curriculum vitae de façon synthétique avec un bilan des productions scientifiques. La premiÚre partie fait référence aux publications ordonnées dans la seconde partie selon des rÚgles classiques (Publications internationales (Pn), publications techniques (diffusion nationale), participation à des congrÚs (Cn)....) Etant Inspecteur en Chef de la Santé Publique Vétérinaire (anc. Vétérinaire Inspecteur), j'ai du assurer un certain nombre de missions à caractÚre administratif. D'abord rapporteur à la commission d'AMM vétérinaire pour les sérums et vaccins, je me suis progressivement impliqué dans des missions d'expertises en cherchant à potentialiser mes axes de recherche avec ces missions parallÚles. Aussi ai-je appartenu à des commissions apparemment trÚs différentes, mais qui avaient cependant toutes en commun l'expertise de produits biologiques et plus précisément des produits issus des biotechnologies

    Le domaine d’intĂ©rĂȘt majeur en recherche de la rĂ©gion Île de France : “Un monde, une santĂ©â€ (DIM1HEALTH)

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    DIM1HEALTH is based on the concept «one world, one health» that has re-emerged in a context of climate change, global population growth, depletion of natural resources, changing health pressure, in the human and animal populations. Some examples illustrate how successful this concept was in the past. Through the environmental health, human health and animal health triad, DIM1HEALTH targets the actions involved in the «screening-surveillance-treatment-prevention-prediction » chain, while taking into account the societal demand. It has three annual calls for tender to support infectious disease research in Île-de-France (collaborative projects, symposium and investment).Le DIM1HEALTH se fonde sur le concept «un monde, une seule santé» qui a en effet rĂ©-Ă©mergĂ© dans un contexte de changement climatique, de croissance dĂ©mographique Ă  l’échelle mondiale, de rarĂ©faction des ressources naturelles, de pression sanitaire mouvante, dans la population humaine comme dans les populations animales. Quelques exemples illustrent combien ce concept fut fructueux dans le passĂ©. À travers la triade santĂ© environnementale, santĂ© humaine et santĂ© animale, le DIM1HEALTH cible les actions impliquĂ©es dans la chaĂźne «dĂ©pistage-surveillance-traitement-prĂ©vention-prĂ©diction», tout en prenant en compte la demande sociĂ©tale. Il dispose de trois appels d’offre annuels pour soutenir la recherche en infectiologie en Île-de-France (projets collaboratifs, colloque et investissement).Boireau Pascal. Le domaine d’intĂ©rĂȘt majeur en recherche de la rĂ©gion Île de France : “Un monde, une santĂ©â€ (DIM1HEALTH). In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 171 n°2, 2018. pp. 92-99

    Des virus entéritiques au nématode parasite Trichinella; aller et retour entre recherche et expertises

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    This document prepared for the French Habilitation to manage PhD is presented in two parts. The first part describes the results obtained in virology and paraitology field, the main research developed over 15 years during which this activity is carried out either in Animal Health Laboratory and INRA. If the key of my missions was initially a research practice, I gradually move to initiate and facilitate strategic research plan and then I initiated a join research unit between AFSSA, ENVA and INRA. The second part resume in a synthetic way the scientific production. The first paragraph refers to publications ordered in the second part according to conventional rules (Publications International (Pn), technical publications (national broadcast), participation in conferences (Cn) ....) As Chief Inspector of Veterinary Public Health (formerly Veterinary Inspector), I provided a number of tasks of administrative nature. First, I was lecturer for the committee for veterinary vaccines and serums, I gradually involved in expert missions seeking to potentiate my research axes in parallel with scientific research missions. I also belonged to commissions apparently very different, but all have in common expertise of biotechnology products.Ce mémoire préparé en vue d'obtenir une habilitation à diriger des recherches est présenté en deux grandes parties. La premiÚre partie décrit les résultats acquis, les principaux axes de recherche développés au cours de 15 années durant lesquelles cette activité s'est effectuée de façon alternative au LCRV et à l'INRA. Si l'essentielle de mes missions fut d'abord une pratique de la recherche, j'ai progressivement été amené à partir de 1993 à initier des axes stratégiques et à animer la recherche de l'unité. La seconde partie présente mon curriculum vitae de façon synthétique avec un bilan des productions scientifiques. La premiÚre partie fait référence aux publications ordonnées dans la seconde partie selon des rÚgles classiques (Publications internationales (Pn), publications techniques (diffusion nationale), participation à des congrÚs (Cn)....) Etant Inspecteur en Chef de la Santé Publique Vétérinaire (anc. Vétérinaire Inspecteur), j'ai du assurer un certain nombre de missions à caractÚre administratif. D'abord rapporteur à la commission d'AMM vétérinaire pour les sérums et vaccins, je me suis progressivement impliqué dans des missions d'expertises en cherchant à potentialiser mes axes de recherche avec ces missions parallÚles. Aussi ai-je appartenu à des commissions apparemment trÚs différentes, mais qui avaient cependant toutes en commun l'expertise de produits biologiques et plus précisément des produits issus des biotechnologies

    Reconstruction osseuse post traumatique du membre inférieur (à propos de 50 cas traités en 15 ans)

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    BORDEAUX2-BU Santé (330632101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les protéases chez les helminthes

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