5 research outputs found


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    Sectio Caesarea (SC) merupakan proses persalinan dengan membuat insisi pada bagian uterus melalui dinding abdomen. Akibatnya banyak ibu post SC yang mengeluh nyeri pada bagian abdomen. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan terputusnya jaringan yang mengakibatkan jaringan terbuka dan terjadi robekan pada abdomen. Penelitian studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi asuhan keperawatan pada klien dengan masalah nyeri akut pada klien post SC. Desain dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus, subyek yang digunakan adalah 2 klien post SC dengan masalah yang sama yaitu nyeri akut. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan fisik, studi dokumentasi dan pengumpulan hasil dari pemeriksaan diagnostik. Hasil studi kasus ini menunjukkan setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan kepada dua klien selama 3 hari di Rumah Sakit, dengan mengajarkan tekhnik relaksasi dan distraksi nafas dalam yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri. didapatkan hasil nyeri yang dirasakan oleh kedua klien dapat berkurang dan ibu mampu menerapkan latihan tersebut secara mandiri jika nyeri timbul kembali. Disimpulkan bahwa dari hasil penelitian studi kasus ini selama 3-4 kali kunjungan adalah masalah dapat teratasi dengan cara mengajarkan klien untuk melakukan tekhnik relaksasi dan distraksi nafas dalam yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri. Saran untuk klien diharapkan klien dapat tetap menjaga kondisi fisiknya dan mampu mengatasi rasa nyeri jika timbul kembali


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    ABSTRACTBackground: Alveolar bone resorption can occur after tooth extraction. One source of bone scaffold material is hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate (HA-TCP). The shell of Anadara granosa can be synthesized to be HA-TCP. Hyaluronic acid, which is widely contained in Stichopus hermanni, can stimulate endothelial progenitor cells for the healing process. Purpose: This research aims to prove the Effectivity of scaffold from Anadara granosa shell-Stichopus hermanni on blood vessel counts after tooth extraction. Methods: The sample in this study was male Wistar rats divided into four study groups randomly. Each group consists of 6 rats. Extraction was carried out on the mandibular first incisor, then was given gelatin as a placebo in the control group, treatment groups given scaffold from Anadara granosa shells (AG), and scaffold combination from Anadara granosa shells-Stichopus hermanni with concentrations of 0.4%-0.8%. (AGSH1-AGSH2). Development of HA-TCP synthesized from Anadara granosa combined with Stichopus hermanni extract for biomedical scaffolds using the freeze-dried method. Observations were made three days after tooth extraction. Data analysis has used one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD (p<0.05). Results: The results of the ANOVA test followed by the HSD-Tukey test showed a significant difference between C (7.33±1.51) and AGSH1 (11.50±1.38), AGSH2 (21.17±1.94), AG (9.33±1.63) and AGSH1 with AGSH2, but between AG and, AGSH1 no significant differences.Conclusions: Combination scaffold from Anadara granosa shell and Stichopus hermanni 0.8% effectively increased blood vessel counts after tooth extraction

    Effectiveness of gold sea cucumber (Stichopus hermanii) extracts in accelerating the healing process of oral traumatic ulcer in rats

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    Introduction: Gold sea cucumber (Stichopus hermanii) is a marine organism that contains omega-3 and glycosaminoglycan for enhancing collagen needed in the healing process. This study was aimed to determine the effectiveness of gold sea cucumber extracts in accelerating the healing process of oral traumatic ulcer in Wistar rats, in terms of the correlation between collagen type I expression, ulcer diameter, and body weight loss. Methods: Twenty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) was divided into four groups and treated with gold sea cucumber extracts with the concentration of 80%, 40%, and 20% in the form of 0.1 ml gel daily. The negative control group received no treatment. Ulceration of the lower lip of labial mucosa was induced by a burnisher. The animals were observed for 7 days, during which they were weighed and the ulcers diameter was measured. The rats were then sacrificed after 7 days of treatment. Histometric analysis of collagen type I expression was also performed. Data obtained were analysed for differences between the group with one-way ANOVA test and the correlation was analysed with the Pearson test. Results: The significant differences (p < 0.05) between treatment groups was found in the ulcer diameters and the collagen type I expression. The most decreased ulcer diameter and the highest collagen type I expression detected in the group of treatment with a concentration of 80% — no significant differences found in the weight loss between-groups (p > 0.05). Strong correlation was also found between the expression of collagen type I and diameter of ulcer (Pearson correlation = 0.599, p = 0.05), however, no correlation found between weight loss with the expression of collagen type I (Pearson correlation = -0.102, p = 0.66), and the ulcer diameter (Pearson correlation = 0.022, p = 0.92). Conclusion: Gold sea cucumber had a potential benefit to be used as a traumatic ulcer healing medicament. Water extract of gold sea cucumber able to accelerate traumatic ulcer healing by enhancing the production of collagen type I and reduce the diameter of ulcer. There is a strong correlation between collagen type 1 expression and diameter of ulcer, and a weak correlation found between body weight loss and collagen type I expression, also with reducing ulcer diameter