67 research outputs found

    Zone di guerra, geografie di sangue. L'Atlante delle stragi naziste e fasciste in Italia (1943-1945)

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    Il volume presenta i risultati della ricerca "Atlante delle stragi naziste e fasciste in Italia", finanziato dalla Repubblica tedesca ( Fondo italo-tedesco per il futuro, anni 2013-2016) e promosso dall'Istituto per la Storia del Movimento di Liberazione in Italia (INSMLI) e dall'ANPI, che ha visto la partecipazione di ca. 130 studiosi in tutta Italia. Dopo un rapporto generale, elaborato dai due curatori (pp. 23-94), il libro presenta 17 saggi che presentano chiavi di lettura e ricostruzioni tematiche e territoriali delle stragi di civili e partigiani compiute dai soldati tedeschi e dagli uomini della RSI

    The effects of a Meso-Alpine collision event on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Peloritani mountain belt (eastern Sicily, southern Italy)

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    AbstractThe Peloritani Mountains, in the southern part of the Calabrian Terranes, southern Italy, have been classically interpreted as the product of the Paleogene brittle deformation of the European continental back-stop of the Neotethyan subduction complex. This reconstruction conflicts with the occurrence of an Alpine metamorphic overprint that affected portions of both the Variscan metamorphic units and part of the Mesozoic sedimentary covers of the mountain belt. New field data, integrated with petrographic, micro- and meso-structural analyses and stratigraphic investigation of the syn-tectonic terrigenous covers, well constrain a Paleogene collision event along the Africa–Nubia convergent margin that caused the exhumation of the Alpine metamorphic units of the Peloritani Mountains. The syn-collisional exhumation was associated with shearing along two major Africa-verging crustal thrusts arising from the positive tectonic inversion of the former European palaeomargin. Early tectonic motions occurred within the mountain belts and produced the exhumation of the external portions of the edifice. Later tectonic motions occurred along the sole-thrust of the entire edifice and caused the definitive exhumation of the entire mountain belt. The whole crustal thrusting lasted for a period ofc. 10 Ma, during the entire Oligocene. The definitive southwestward emplacement of the Peloritani Mountain Belt onto the Neotethyan accretionary wedge was followed by two Late Oligocene – Early Miocene NW–SE-oriented right lateral shear zones, replacing the previous crustal thrust. These two strike-slip belts are interpreted as the surface expression of the deep-seated suture zone between the colliding Africa and Europe continental crusts

    Study of alteration and degradation products of a Roman marble sarcophagus located in the medieval cloister of the old st Cosimato’s Convent, now the new "Regina Margherita Hospital” (Rome)

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    Optical and SEM-EDS microscopy, FT-IR and mFT-IR spectroscopy investigations have been applied to the study of alteration and degradation products of a Roman sarcophagus located in the medieval cloister of St Cosimato’s Convent, now the new “Regina Margherita Hospital” (Rome) before restoration work. This scientific analysis was performed in order to compare it with a diagnosis report based on the restorer’s expertise. The sarcophagus is small and consists of a single block of fine-grained marble covered by a thick pink patina. The results obtained from this diagnostic investigation, allow us to draw important conclusions about the state of conservation of this archaeological artefact. The main components found in the samples analyzed are: black crust, calcium oxalate, organic matter due to recent conservation treatment, calcite, iron-oxides and coloured earths. In particular, the combined used of petrographical and mFT-IR analysis provided useful insights into the polishing and consolidation processes of archaeological artefacts


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    This work presents the mineralogical, petrographic and chemical characterization of 52 pottery fragments found inside the Late Minoan IB kiln at Haghia Triada.An integrated program of analyses was executed using petrographic thin-section analyses, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) with quantitative elaborations by the Rietveld method, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and neutron activation analysis (NAA). Thin section analyses of the assemblage produced four fabric groups (according to the texture of the ceramics and their mineral and rock content) and evidenced a process of clay mixing for the production of the fine ceramics.Micromorphological analyses by SEM showed that vessels underwent high temperature fi-ring thus testifying the high technology reached in the building of the kiln.XRF analyses displayed the employment of a low calcium clay for cooking pots and a calcareous clay with various tempers for the other studied ceramics.The multivariate cluster analysis performed by using chemical data of trace elements al-lowed to individuate the «reference group» of the ceramic production at Haghia Triada in the Late Minoan IB period. It consists of all the analysed samples with the exception of the low calcium cooking pots.From the comparison between the two reference groups of Haghia Triada and Kommos, it emerged a compositional diversity in their products due to the employment of different raw materials in the pottery production

    Susceptibility of Human Melanoma Cells to Autologous Natural Killer (NK) Cell Killing: HLA-Related Effector Mechanisms and Role of Unlicensed NK Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Despite Natural Killer (NK) cells were originally defined as effectors of spontaneous cytotoxicity against tumors, extremely limited information is so far available in humans on their capability of killing cancer cells in an autologous setting. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have established a series of primary melanoma cell lines from surgically resected specimens and here showed that human melanoma cells were highly susceptible to lysis by activated autologous NK cells. A variety of NK cell activating receptors were involved in killing: particularly, DNAM-1 and NKp46 were the most frequently involved. Since self HLA class I molecules normally play a protective role from NK cell-mediated attack, we analyzed HLA class I expression on melanomas in comparison to autologous lymphocytes. We found that melanoma cells presented specific allelic losses in 50% of the patients analyzed. In addition, CD107a degranulation assays applied to NK cells expressing a single inhibitory receptor, revealed that, even when expressed, specific HLA class I molecules are present on melanoma cell surface in amount often insufficient to inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity. Remarkably, upon activation, also the so called "unlicensed" NK cells, i.e. NK cells not expressing inhibitory receptor specific for self HLA class I molecules, acquired the capability of efficiently killing autologous melanoma cells, thus additionally contributing to the lysis by a mechanism independent of HLA class I expression on melanoma cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We have investigated in details the mechanisms controlling the recognition and lysis of melanoma cells by autologous NK cells. In these autologous settings, we demonstrated an efficient in vitro killing upon NK cell activation by mechanisms that may be related or not to abnormalities of HLA class I expression on melanoma cells. These findings should be taken into account in the design of novel immunotherapy approaches against melanoma

    Codes of Commitment to Crime and Resistance: Determining Social and Cultural Factors over the Behaviors of Italian Mafia Women

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    This article categorizes thirty-three women in four main Italian Mafia groups and explores social and cultural behaviors of these women. This study introduces the feminist theory of belief and action. The theoretical inquiry investigates the sometimes conflicting behaviors of women when they are subject to systematic oppression. I argue that there is a cultural polarization among the categorized sub-groups. Conservative radicals give their support to the Mafia while defectors and rebels resist the Mafia. After testing the theory, I assert that emancipation of women depends on the strength of their beliefs to perform actions against the Mafiosi culture

    Le mafie

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    Una descrizione sintetica e divulgativa delle caratteristiche delle mafie

    Memorie divise e riconciliazione nazionale. Il ruolo dello storico

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    Il ruolo dello storico nella ricostruzione delle memorie divise dell'Italia repubblican

    La modernisation violente en Italie : perspective historique du crime organisé

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    Dieser Artikel versucht, die gegenwĂ€rtigen Eigenschaften der Mafia zu erfassen, indem er diese in einer historischen Perspektive und inmitten der Geschichte der organisierten Gewalt wiederansiedelt. Anstatt das Bild der Mafia als einer unbezwingbaren und mysteriosen Kraft zu akzeptieren, zeigt der Autor, der sich auf gerichtliche und polizeiliche Quellen stĂŒtzt, dass sir zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts geboren ist, nach der Abschaffung des Feudalwesens und dem Versuch der Bourbonen, einen zentralisierten Staat zu verwirklichen. Sie habe sich auch in engem Kontakt mit der Wirklichkeit der GefĂ€gnisse gebildet.The aim of this article is to understand the main features of the mafia by setting it in a historical perspective — the rise of organized violence. The author does not accept the idea that the mafia is an invisible and mysterious force. On the grounds of judiciary and police records, he explains that the mafia is born at the beginning of the XlXth century, after the drop out of the feodality and the Bourbon's attempt to raise a centralized state. Mafia would also have been developped by close links with prisons.Cet article tente de comprendre les caractĂ©ristiques actuelles de la mafia en la resituant dans une perspective historique et au sein de l'histoire de la montĂ©e de la violence organisĂ©e. PlutĂŽt que d'accepter l'image de la mafia comme force invincible et mystĂ©rieuse, l'auteur, se basant sur les sources judiciaires et policiĂšres, montre qu'elle est nĂ©e au dĂ©but du XIXe siĂšcle, aprĂšs l'Ă©viction de la fĂ©odalitĂ© et la tentative des Bourbons de rĂ©aliser un Etat centralisĂ©. Elle se serait Ă©galement formĂ©e en contact Ă©troit avec la rĂ©alitĂ© des prisons.Dit artikel tracht de huidige kenmerken van de maffia te begrijpen door ze terug te plaatsen in een historisch perspektief, in het kader van het opkomen van het georganiseerd geweld. Eerder dan het beeld van de mafia als een onover- winnelijke en geheimzinnige macht te aanvaarden, toont de auteur aan dat zij ontstaan is in het begin van de XIXe eeuw, na de val van de feodaliteit en de pogingen van de Bourbons om een staat met sterk gecentraliseerde bestuursvorm tot stand te bregen. Daarbij steunt zich op bronnen uit de kringen van gerecht en politie. De organisatie zou ook ontstaan zijn in nauw kontakt met de alledaagse realiteit van de gevangenis.Pezzino Paolo. La modernisation violente en Italie : perspective historique du crime organisĂ©. In: DĂ©viance et sociĂ©tĂ©. 1991 - Vol. 15 - N°4. pp. 419-437
