109 research outputs found

    Efecto de una plataforma virtual en comprensión de lectura y vocabulario: Una alternativa para mejorar las capacidades lectoras en primaria

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    Frente a los bajos resultados que los niños peruanos obtienen en las pruebas nacionales e internacionales de comprensión de lectura y tomando en consideración el aumento de inversión en tecnología en las instituciones educativas del país, el presente estudio buscó desarrollar y evaluar una herramienta virtual para mejorar la comprensión de lectura. Para ello, se adaptaron las estrategias de comprensión de lectura y ejercicios de vocabulario del entorno virtual ICON y se diseñó la plataforma LEO. Un total de 88 estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria, provenientes de colegios privados de nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo de Lima Metropolitana, participaron en este estudio cuasi-experimental, con un grupo control y un grupo que participó en la intervención digital a lo largo de 12 semanas. Todos los participantes fueron evaluados utilizando pruebas de entrada y salida de comprensión de lectura y vocabulario. Los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes que interactuaron con la plataforma LEO obtuvieron resultados significativamente más altos en la comprensión de textos narrativos y vocabulario luego de finalizada la intervención, respecto a sus puntajes al inicio de la misma y también en comparación con el grupo que no empleó la plataforma. "Effects of a virtual platform in reading comprehension and vocabulary: An alternative to improve reading abilities in Elementary school" Given, on the one hand, the poor results obtained by Peruvian children in the national and international reading assessments. And on the other hand, the increased investment in technology for schools in the country, this study aimed to develop and test an online tool to improve reading comprehension. In order to do this, the reading comprehension strategies and vocabulary activities from the research-based digital environment ICON were adapted to design the platform LEO. A total of 88 fifth graders from urban middle-to-low-income private schools from Lima participated in this quasi-experimental study, which involved a control group and a treatment group that participated in a 12-week teacher-mediated digital intervention. All participants were administered reading and vocabulary assessments pre and post intervention. Results revealed that students who participated in the intervention achieved higher comprehension scores for narrative texts and higher vocabulary scores than those of the control group

    Fifth-grade students’ digital retellings and the Common Core: Modal use and design intentionality

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    Multimodal composing is part of the Common Core vision of the twenty-first-century student. Two descriptive studies were conducted of fifth-grade students’ digital folktale retellings. Study 1 analyzed 83 retellings in relation to the types and frequencies of modal use, such as image, sound, movement, and written text, as well as their retelling accuracy. Students composed within a scaffolded digital composing environment which comprised the PowerPoint authoring/presentation tool and a researcher-developed story frame. All students’ retellings included writing and visual design, 80% included animation, and 70% included sound. Retelling accuracy scores averaged 54%. Study 2 was conducted with a new group of 14 fifth-grade students who had previous digital retelling experience. The retellings included the same types of modal use, but at a higher level of frequency. In their retrospective design interviews, students expressed design intentionality and a metamodal awareness of how modes work together to create an appealing story