6 research outputs found


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    The fundamental vision of the WOOD-UP project was to develop existing wood gasification plants in South Tyrol towards a polygenerative use in order to be able to produce not only energy but also high-quality charcoal (biochar) for the improvement of soil fertility and for climate protection. The project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF 2014–2020, was implemented by the Free University of Bolzano together with the Laimburg Research Centre. Based on the life cycle analysis (LCA) or scenario analysis of the entire production chain of wood gasification, strengths and weaknesses of the existing systems were identified with regard to their impact on the environment. Thanks to the results obtained, a number of suggestions for improvement could be formulated.; Il miglioramento verso un assetto poligenerativo degli attuali impianti altoatesini di gassificazione della biomassa legnosa, dove oltre all’energia si possa produrre biochar di qualità da impiegare in agricoltura come ammendante con effetti positivi sulla fertilità dei suoli e sulla mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici è la visione che ha sostenuto il progetto WOOD-UP. Il progetto, finanziato con fondi FESR 2014-2020, ha visto la collaborazione tra la Libera Università di Bolzano e il Centro di Sperimentazione Laimburg. L’analisi del ciclo di vita e di scenario dell’intera filiera di gassificazione ha evidenziato elementi di forza e di debolezza dell’attuale filiera in termini di impatti ambientali e ha permesso di avanzare proposte di miglioramento sulla base dei risultati ottenuti dalla sperimentazione. ; Grundlegende Vision des Projektes WOOD-UP war die Entwicklung der bestehenden Holzvergasungsanlagen in Südtirol hin zu einer polygenerativen Nutzung, um neben Energie auch hochwertige Holzkohle (Biochar) zur Verbesserung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und zum Klimaschutz erzeugen zu können. Das mit Mitteln aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung EFRE 2014–2020 finanzierte Projekt wurde von der Freien Universität Bozen gemeinsam mit dem Versuchszentrum Laimburg umgesetzt. Anhand der Lebenszyklusanalyse (LCA) bzw. der Szenarioanalyse der gesamten Produktionskette der Holzvergasung wurden Stärken und Schwächen der bestehenden Systeme hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt aufgezeigt. Dank der erzielten Versuchsergebnisse konnte eine Reihe von Verbesserungsvorschlägen formuliert werden

    Lecithin and Chitosan as Building Blocks in Anti-<i>Candida</i> Clotrimazole Nanoparticles

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    The main focus when considering treatment of non-healing and infected wounds is tied to the microbial, particularly bacterial, burden within the wound bed. However, as fungal contributions in these microbial communities become more recognized, the focus needs to be broadened, and the remaining participants in the complex wound microbiome need to be addressed in the development of new treatment strategies. In this study, lecithin/chitosan nanoparticles loaded with clotrimazole were tailored to eradicate one of the most abundant fungi in the wound environment, namely C. albicans. Moreover, this investigation was extended to the building blocks and their organization within the delivery system. In the evaluation of the novel nanoparticles, their compatibility with keratinocytes was confirmed. Furthermore, these biocompatible, biodegradable, and non-toxic carriers comprising clotrimazole (~189 nm, 24 mV) were evaluated for their antifungal activity through both disk diffusion and microdilution methods. It was found that the activity of clotrimazole was fully preserved upon its incorporation into this smart delivery system. These results indicate both that the novel carriers for clotrimazole could serve as a therapeutic alternative in the treatment of fungi-infected wounds and that the building blocks and their organization affect the performance of nanoparticles

    Stability of Woodchips Biochar and Impact on Soil Carbon Stocks: Results from a Two-Year Field Experiment

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    Biochar has been shown to improve soil quality and crop yields. Furthermore, thanks to its high carbon content (C) and stable chemical structure, biochar can sequester C in the soil for a long time, mitigating climate change. However, the variability in published biochar stability in the soil makes verifying this trait under different environmental and agricultural conditions necessary. Moreover, most of the published literature refers to short-term incubation experiments, which are considered to not adequately represent long-term dynamics under field conditions. This article reports the results of a field experiment carried out in a vineyard near Merano, northern Italy, where the stability of woodchips biochar in soil, its impact on the total soil C stocks as well as on the original soil organic C (priming effect) were studied over two years. Vineyard soil (Dystric Eutrochrept) was amended with biochar (25 and 50 t ha−1) alone or together with compost (45 t ha−1) and compared with unamended control soil. Two methods assessed the stability of biochar in soil: the isotopic mass balance approach and the quantification of Benzene PolyCarboxylic Acids (BPCAs), molecular markers of biochar. The amount of C in the soil organic matter (SOM-C) was determined in the amended plots by subtracting the amount of biochar-C from the total soil organic C stock, and the occurrence of priming effect was verified by comparing SOM-C values at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Results did not show any significant biochar degradation for both application rates, but results were characterized by a high variation. The application of 50 t ha−1 of biochar significantly increased soil C stock while no effect of biochar on the degradation of SOM-C was observed. Results were confirmed in the case of biochar application together with compost. It can be concluded that the use of woodchips biochar as a soil amendment can increase soil C content in the medium term. However, further analyses are recommended to evaluate the impact of biochar on climate change mitigation in the long term


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    Vi sono professori che per spessore scientifico, capacit\ue0 divulgativa e carisma personale si distinguono da tutti gli altri e divengono \u201cmaestri\u201d, proprio come l\u2019etimo della parola richiederebbe. Per questi \u2013 e solo per questi \u2013 \ue8 consuetudine che nell\u2019ultimo anno accademico di ruolo venga curato un libro collettaneo, per celebrare i contributi scientifici e la figura accademica del maestro. La forma pi\uf9 diffusa e istituzionale \ue8 quella degli Scritti in onore di. Chi conosce Antonio Matacena, tuttavia, sa bene che le soluzioni istituzionali e pi\uf9 rassicuranti mal si adattano alla sua personalit\ue0 e al suo impegno intellettuale, sempre attento alla \u201calterit\ue0\u201d e spesso anticonvenzionale. Abbiamo quindi ritenuto che un liber amicorum \u2013 in grado di ospitare contributi eterogenei e non solo accademici \u2013 fosse la soluzione pi\uf9 efficacie per rappresentare la passione per l\u2019insegnamento e la gioia della condivisione che, insieme all\u2019innovazione scientifica, hanno caratterizzato la vita del nostro Maestro Antonio Matacena. In particolare, questo volume pi\uf9 che essere un liber amicorum, vuole essere un liber ab amicis, ossia una testimonianza dagli amici per il prof. Matacena, per ringraziarlo del ruolo che ha saputo svolgere nella vita di ciascuno, come studioso e come docente