82 research outputs found

    Bernard, an energy intelligent system for raising residential users awareness

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    Energy efficiency is still a hot topic today. Coming roughly the 25% of the energy consumption in EU from the residential sector, very few cheap and simple tools to promote energy efficiency in home users have been developed. The purpose of this paper is to present Bernard, a concept proof designed for filling this gap. This aims that householders become aware of their energy habits and have useful information that help them to redirect their consumption pattern. To achieve these goals, Bernard offers, through a mobile application, the home energy consumption monitoring in real time, the energy price forecast for the next hour and the appliances which are switched on, among others. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the system has been designed with the premises of being cheap, non-intrusive, reliable and easily scalable, in order that utilities can gradually deploy and provide it to their customers, gaining at the same time valuable information for decision making and improving its corporate social image. Therefore, the adopted solution is based on a real time streaming data architecture suitable for handling huge volumes of data and applying predictive techniques on a cloud-computing environment. The paper provides a detailed description of the system and experimental results evaluating the performance of the predictive modules built. As case study, REFIT and REDD datasets were used.The research leading to these results has received partial funding from Spanish Government under grant TIN2017-86520-C3-3-R B

    A service oriented architecture to provide data mining services for non-expert data miners

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    In today's competitive market, companies need to use discovery knowledge techniques to make better, more informed decisions. But these techniques are out of the reach of most users as the knowledge discovery process requires an incredible amount of expertise. Additionally, business intelligence vendors are moving their systems to the cloud in order to provide services which offer companies cost-savings, better performance and faster access to new applications. This work joins both facets. It describes a data mining service addressed to non-expert data miners which can be delivered as Software-as-a-Service. Its main advantage is that by simply indicating where the data file is, the service itself is able to perform all the process. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Variación anual de la concentración de aeropolen de Compositae en la atmósfera de Córdoba

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    La familia Composirae corwi tU)'C un grupo CU)'OS representantes son cntomófilas, por ello las concentraciones deted adas en la atmósfera han sido bajas. El muestreo se llevó a cabo en Córdoba durante los años 1982. 1983 y 1984 mediante un mucstrcador BURKARD sporc-trap colccado a unos 15m de altura. Se han reconocido un total de 7 tí pos morfológico!> de granos de polen pertenecientes a esta ramilia: tipo Aruflemis,Artemisia, Clutaurea, tipo fleliam! tuJ, Iipo Taraxawm, Srneáo yXa11lhium. Las mayorcscantidadm. tic granos de polen de· teClados pertenecen al tipo l!t !illntlzus, considerados como alergcnos por algunos autores. Sus altas conccnt.radoncs en el aire, en la época de. rccolc.cción del girasol, hace que posiblemente tenga alguna importanci<~ e~~ las polinosis cslivalu. Se han detectado granos de polen. de procedencia lejana, deArtemi.fia, planta con polen ahamenlc alcrgógcno, por tanto pueda ser causa de polioosis de verano en aquellas zonils de !a pro\'incia donde es abundanlcThc Composírae bclong 10 a broad systcmatic group allhough, duc to rhe cntomophylous charactcr of thc spccics, the pollcn conccnltations of lhc samplcs in thc atmosphcrc in thc city of Córdob3 were not beco vcry high. Sampling of poli en grains was e<1rricd out for thrcc ycars (1982, 1983 and 1984) by n1eans ola Burkard sporc- trap samplcr locatcd about t5 m abovc ground leve!. Scvcn morphologica1 typcs of rollen grain~ wcrc recognizcd: AnOzemir, Artemisia, Ccntaurcu typc, Helianrhus typ::, Toraxocum, Su:r:cio and Xanrhium rypc~. Thc largeSI annual amounts of poUeo glilins U::tcclcd wcrc of Hefiamlms typ:, considcrcd allcrgcnic by many authors. Thc higl1er lc-.·els in thc a.ir (ounU duriog tbc. harvcsling scason of sunflowcrs may be rc.spansible for summcr pollinoscs. Arlt misia pollcn g.rains dcvcloping far from thc sampling point wcrc dctcctc:d. Thcsc !.pccics are probably responsible for parl of summcr polli noses duc lo their higb aJlergenic polcntial, at lcast in thc arcas whcrc this plant is abundan!

    Fleet management systems in logistics 4.0 era: a real time distributed and scalable architectural proposal

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    In an era marked by the big data paradigm and ubiquitous computing systems, it is increasingly common to see devices embedded in any type of object with the aim of collecting and sharing owned or read data from its environment. This type of interconnection between devices is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). In particular in the logistics sector, vehicles are equipped with control units that are capable of monitoring a large number of parameters to ensure the correct operation of the vehicle. In addition, they are now able to share this data in near real time so that this information can be accessed and analysed at any time. However, due to the large amount of shared data, the frequency of data generation and delivery, and the high potential for growth in the number of devices, traditional technologies and architectures are not able to meet the performance demands of these real time decision making systems. In this article we describe and evaluate the benefits and potential trade-offs of implementing services based on a distributed and scalable architecture, called RAI4.0, in a truck fleet management company, which currently has 20,000 on-board devices and expects to grow to 80,000 devices in the next 2 years. With the change of architecture, the company expects to be able to implement near real-time services to monitor and notify its drivers of driving tips and diagnose possible vehicle failures in advance, among others.This work was supported in part by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa" under grant PID2021-124502OB-C42 (PRESECREL), RUT-IA project and the predoctoral program ”Concepción Arenal” funded by Universidad de Cantabria and Cantabria's Government (BOC 18-10-2021)

    Influencia del método de muestreo en aeromicología: comparación de dos muestreadores volumétricos

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    Hemos realizado un análisis comparativo de dos upt ador~~ ' 'olumétrieos par3 el estudio de la ae romicoOora. Se han utilizado simultáneamente un BIOLOGICAL AIR SAM· PLER y un DURKARD SPORE-TRAP. Se tomaron muestras diarias dd aire deIo th.is work, a oomparative stacistical studyo( lwo !)'pes ofvolumctricspore·trap samplers wa¡ carríed out: a B!OLOG!CAL AIR SAMPLER and a BURKARD SPORETRAP. The advanlagcs and dL'-ad\·aotagcs of ca eh one tlf thc sampler is point out, rceommending thc simultancou.s use of thc l'l'-'0 in tbe acrobiological surveys. The rcsults from a wholc year were also processed by means of a comput•; r, u:sinf a variancc analysis of two vuriation sources without rt:pctition with the aim of dcte.rmining i some taxa of fuogi ¡¡re inOueuccd by the Lime of the day in which tbe sampling are ta.ken. A correla.tion bctween fangi sporc conccntrat ions and hour of sampling v.-as fcund ~'ith both apparatus

    Variación estacional y diaria del polen de Olea Europaea L. en la atmósfera de Córdoba en relación con los parámetros meteorológicos

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    Se hu realizado un estudio de la variación estacional de los granos de polen de Olea europaea L en la atmósfera de la ciudad de Córdoba durante los años 1982 y 1983. Para la recogida de las muestras se ha utilizado el Burkard spore·trap. El polen de esta especie puede ser uno de los agc11tes más impo1tantes en CJ.11.mto <~ la producción de polinosis primaveral en nuestra ciudad, alcanzándose las máximas concentraciones durante el mes de mayo y primera quincena de junio. Se han analizado los diferentes parámetros meteorológicos (precipitación, humedad temperatura y dirección del \'icnto}. Aparentemente la precipitación y la temperatura son los que ejercen una mayor influencia en la concentración de estos pólenes en la atmósfera de Córdoba. Se ha estudiado también la variación a lo larga del dfa de la conccotraci6n de polen, en ambos años las grá~cas son casi coincide ntes, detectándose la m<.~)'Or incide nci:.~ de granos hucia las Uos o trt!S de la tan..! t.We carricd oul a study on rhc annual variarion or pollcn from Olea r.umpaea L. in ibc atmosphcrc of the city ol Córdoba along 1932 and 1983. The samplcs were collccted with t.be aid o( a Burkard sporc-trap. Pcllcn rrom this spccics, ene of thc major agcnlS causlng pollinosis, occurs in lo'Cry bight conccntration in thc atmosphcre ur Cón.Joba1 appcaring the greatest conccntratiou during may and in the first half o! junt . We havc a1so a n<~lysed the different meteorological parameters namely rainfaU, humidity, tem¡>erature, as wcll as thc wind direction. Apparentl)' the rai.nfaU and temperature exert l1le ~reates! influence on thc c.oncenlratian of "oliYe tree• palien in Córdoba. Wc ha~·e also stud1ed tlle varia tion a long a day of Olea europaea L. pollen, the graphs oblained for both ycars are vinually coincideut, with the greatesl incidencc about two or three hour pm

    Estudio comparativo de Alternaria nees ex fries. en el aire de exterior e interior en la ciudad de Córdoba

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    Se estudia la incidencia de un género con i nterés alérgico , Alternaria, en el aire de interior y exterior de 14 hogares de Córdoba . El muestreo se ha realizado quincenalmente durante un año en 14 vivie ndas uti lizando el mét odo de sedimentación sobre medio de cultiva . Se han contabilizado 3953 colonias de Alternarla pertenecientes a las siguie ntes especies : A. consortiale , A. crassa , A. dendritica, A. japonica , A. tenuis y A. tenuissima. A. tenuis ha sido la más abundante tanto en e l interior como en e l exterior ; dos de las espec i es identificadas , A. consorti ale y A. crassa son más abundan tes en el interior ; las restantes l o son más en el exteriorWe have studi ed the occur rcnce of a genus of a llergic interest, Alternarla , in t he outdoor and indoor atmosphere of 14 homes in Córdoba . Sampling \oJas carried out by sedimentation on a bread spectrum mycologi cal medi um. Samples were collected fortnight ly over one year i n fo urteen homes . We detected a total of 3953 colonies of Al ternaria belongi ng to six different spec i es of t his genus : A. consortial e , A. crassa , A~ dendrítica, A. japonica, A. tenuis and A. tenuissima. A. t enui s v1as by f ar· t he most f r equent of the above mentioned species , both indoors a nd ou tdoor s . Two of the speci es idcntified, A. consortiale and A. crassa occurred in greater concentrations indoors ; the remaining four were fou nd to occur p r e ferentially outdoors

    S3Mining: A model-driven engineering approach for supporting novice data miners in selecting suitable classifiers

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    Data mining has proven to be very useful in order to extract information from data in many different contexts. However, due to the complexity of data mining techniques, it is required the know-how of an expert in this field to select and use them. Actually, adequately applying data mining is out of the reach of novice users which have expertise in their area of work, but lack skills to employ these techniques. In this paper, we use both model-driven engineering and scientific workflow standards and tools in order to develop named S3Mining framework, which supports novice users in the process of selecting the data mining classification algorithm that better fits with their data and goal. To this aim, this selection process uses the past experiences of expert data miners with the application of classification techniques over their own datasets. The contributions of our S3Mining framework are as follows: (i) an approach to create a knowledge base which stores the past experiences of experts users, (ii) a process that provides the expert users with utilities for the construction of classifiers? recommenders based on the existing knowledge base, (iii) a system that allows novice data miners to use these recommenders for discovering the classifiers that better fit for solving their problem at hand, and (iv) a public implementation of the framework?s workflows. Finally, an experimental evaluation has been conducted to shown the feasibility of our framework

    Laredo: democratización de análisis de flujos de datos para el mantenimiento predictivo

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    La llegada del IoT y la IA a las fábricas permitirá optimizar sus procesos productivos. Pero la complejidad del proceso de minería de datos, la escasez de profesionales cualificados y la falta de herramientas dirigidas a no expertos, frena su despliegue en el sector industrial. Por ello, en este trabajo se analiza la literatura científica relacionada con herramientas para el análisis de flujos de datos y se plantea una propuesta de servicio, dirigido a usuarios no expertos (no científicos de datos), que permita acercar la construcción de workflows científicos escalables y distribuidos enfocados al mantenimiento predictivo y prescriptivo para su despliegue sobre la arquitectura industrial RAI4.0.Financiado por MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER bajo la subvención PID2021-124502OB-C42 (PRESECREL) y por la Ayuda Concepción Arenal (BOC 18-10-2021

    A comparative study of the incidence of Cladosporium conidia in the atmosphere of five spanish cities

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