38 research outputs found

    Chelating properties of beer: Implications on calcium homeostasis in PE/CA-PJ15 cells

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    Abstract Beer contains a large variety of different molecules, of which some can chelate Ca 2+. Here, we show that in PE/CA-PJ15 cells, an experimental model previously employed to investigate Ca 2+ homeostasis, chemical entities with Ca 2+ -chelating properties can markedly impact intra- and extra-cellular levels of the metal ion. This was consistently shown by commercial beers, as well as aliquots of unfinished product taken during the last step (clarification) of the brewing process. Our data suggest that a large number of molecules with chelating properties, can cross the cell membrane and, thus, potentially lead to important biological effects associated with changes in Ca 2+ homeostasis. In this regard, when PE/CA-PJ15 cells were exposed to H 2 O 2 in order to experimentally prompt an oxidative stress, beer antagonized a non-capacitative Ca 2+ entry that was otherwise elicited by H 2 O 2 in its absence. Higher Ca 2+ -chelating activity of stout, as compared to lager beer, suggest that melanoidins, which are generally present in dark malts, are major chelating agents in dark beers. Further, based on dose-response determinations, we report, for the first time, that Ferulic Acid can bind both intra- and extra-cellular Ca 2+ and, as one of the most abundant hydroxycinnamic acids in malted barley, largely account for Ca 2+ chelation. These results support the notion that beer may be considered a natural source of chemical entities that, based on their binding activity to Ca 2+ and, possibly, other metal ions, might be considered as nutritional supplements, detoxification agents, or antibiotics

    High sensitive TROponin levels In Patients with Chest pain and kidney disease:a multicenter registry: The TROPIC study

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      Background: Accuracy of high sensitive troponin (hs-cTn) to detect coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with renal insufficiency is not established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic role of hs-cTn T and I in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods: All consecutive patients with chest pain, renal insufficiency (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) and high sensitive troponin level were included. The predictive value of baseline and interval troponin (hs-cTnT and hs-cTnI) for the presence of CAD was assessed. Results: One hundred and thirteen patients with troponin I and 534 with troponin T were included, with 95 (84%) and 463 (87%) diagnosis of CAD respectively. There were no differences in clinical, procedural and outcomes between the two assays. For both, baseline hs-cTn values did not differ be­tween patients with/without CAD showing low area under the curve (AUC). For interval levels, hs-cTnI was significantly higher for patients with CAD (0.2 ± 0.8 vs. 8.9 ± 4.6 ng/mL; p = 0.04) and AUC was more accurate for troponin I than hs-cTnT (AUC 0.85 vs. 0.69). Peak level was greater for hs-cTnI in patients with CAD or thrombus (0.4 ± 0.6 vs. 15 ± 20 ng/mL; p = 0.02; AUC 0.87: 0.79–0.93); no differences were found for troponin T assays (0.8 ± 1.5 vs. 2.2 ± 3.6 ng/mL; p = 1.7), with lower AUC (0.73: 0.69–0.77). Peak troponin levels (both T and I) independently predicted all cause death at 30 days. Conclusions: Patients with CKD presenting with altered troponin are at high risk of coronary disease. Peak level of both troponin assays predicts events at 30 days, with troponin I being more accurate than troponin T. (Cardiol J 2017; 24, 2: 139–150

    The risk of stroke recurrence in patients with atrial fibrillation and reduced ejection fraction

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    Abstract Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) and congestive heart failure often coexist due to their shared risk factors leading to potential worse outcome, particularly cerebrovascular events. The aims of this study were to calculate the rates of ischemic and severe bleeding events in ischemic stroke patients having both AF and reduced ejection fraction (rEF) (⩽40%), compared to ischemic stroke patients with AF but without rEF. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis that drew data from prospective studies. The primary outcome was the composite of either ischemic (stroke or systemic embolism), or hemorrhagic events (symptomatic intracranial bleeding and severe extracranial bleeding). Results: The cohort for this analysis comprised 3477 patients with ischemic stroke and AF, of which, 643 (18.3%) had also rEF. After a mean follow-up of 7.5 ± 9.1 months, 375 (10.8%) patients had 382 recorded outcome events, for an annual rate of 18.0%. While the number of primary outcome events in patients with rEF was 86 (13.4%), compared to 289 (10.2%) for the patients without rEF; on multivariable analysis rEF was not associated with the primary outcome (OR 1.25; 95% CI 0.84–1.88). At the end of follow-up, 321 (49.9%) patients with rEF were deceased or disabled (mRS ⩾3), compared with 1145 (40.4%) of those without rEF; on multivariable analysis, rEF was correlated with mortality or disability (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.03–1.77). Conclusions: In patients with ischemic stroke and AF, the presence of rEF was not associated with the composite outcome of ischemic or hemorrhagic events over short-term follow-up but was associated with increased mortality or disability

    Intelligenza artificiale e sicurezza: opportunità, rischi e raccomandazioni

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    L'IA (o intelligenza artificiale) è una disciplina in forte espansione negli ultimi anni e lo sarà sempre più nel prossimo futuro: tuttavia è dal 1956 che l’IA studia l’emulazione dell’intelligenza da parte delle macchine, intese come software e in certi casi hardware. L’IA è nata dall’idea di costruire macchine che - ispirandosi ai processi legati all’intelligenza umana - siano in grado di risolvere problemi complessi, per i quali solitamente si ritiene che sia necessario un qualche tipo di ragionamento intelligente. La principale area di ricerca e applicazione attuale dell’IA è il machine learning (algoritmi che imparano e si adattano in base ai dati che ricevono), che negli ultimi anni ha trovato ampie applicazioni grazie alle reti neurali (modelli matematici composti da neuroni artificiali) che a loro volta hanno consentito la nascita del deep learning (reti neurali di maggiore complessità). Appartengono al mondo dell’IA anche i sistemi esperti, la visione artificiale, il riconoscimento vocale, l’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale, la robotica avanzata e alcune soluzioni di cybersecurity. Quando si parla di IA c'è chi ne è entusiasta pensando alle opportunità, altri sono preoccupati poiché temono tecnologie futuristiche di un mondo in cui i robot sostituiranno l'uomo, gli toglieranno il lavoro e decideranno al suo posto. In realtà l'IA è ampiamente utilizzata già oggi in molti campi, ad esempio nei cellulari, negli oggetti smart (IoT), nelle industry 4.0, per le smart city, nei sistemi di sicurezza informatica, nei sistemi di guida autonoma (drive o parking assistant), nei chat bot di vari siti web; questi sono solo alcuni esempi basati tutti su algoritmi tipici dell’intelligenza artificiale. Grazie all'IA le aziende possono avere svariati vantaggi nel fornire servizi avanzati, personalizzati, prevedere trend, anticipare le scelte degli utenti, ecc. Ma non è tutto oro quel che luccica: ci sono talvolta problemi tecnici, interrogativi etici, rischi di sicurezza, norme e legislazioni non del tutto chiare. Le organizzazioni che già adottano soluzioni basate sull’IA, o quelle che intendono farlo, potrebbero beneficiare di questa pubblicazione per approfondirne le opportunità, i rischi e le relative contromisure. La Community for Security del Clusit si augura che questa pubblicazione possa fornire ai lettori un utile quadro d’insieme di una realtà, come l’intelligenza artificiale, che ci accompagnerà sempre più nella vita personale, sociale e lavorativa.AI (or artificial intelligence) is a booming discipline in recent years and will be increasingly so in the near future.However, it is since 1956 that AI has been studying the emulation of intelligence by machines, understood as software and in some cases hardware. AI arose from the idea of building machines that-inspired by processes related to human intelligence-are able to solve complex problems, for which it is usually believed that some kind of intelligent reasoning is required. The main current area of AI research and application is machine learning (algorithms that learn and adapt based on the data they receive), which has found wide applications in recent years thanks to neural networks (mathematical models composed of artificial neurons), which in turn have enabled the emergence of deep learning (neural networks of greater complexity). Also belonging to the AI world are expert systems, computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, advanced robotics and some cybersecurity solutions. When it comes to AI there are those who are enthusiastic about it thinking of the opportunities, others are concerned as they fear futuristic technologies of a world where robots will replace humans, take away their jobs and make decisions for them. In reality, AI is already widely used in many fields, for example, in cell phones, smart objects (IoT), industries 4.0, for smart cities, cybersecurity systems, autonomous driving systems (drive or parking assistant), chat bots on various websites; these are just a few examples all based on typical artificial intelligence algorithms. Thanks to AI, companies can have a variety of advantages in providing advanced, personalized services, predicting trends, anticipating user choices, etc. But not all that glitters is gold: there are sometimes technical problems, ethical questions, security risks, and standards and legislation that are not entirely clear. Organizations already adopting AI-based solutions, or those planning to do so, could benefit from this publication to learn more about the opportunities, risks, and related countermeasures. Clusit's Community for Security hopes that this publication will provide readers with a useful overview of a reality, such as artificial intelligence, that will increasingly accompany us in our personal, social and working lives

    In Vitro Oxidative Stress Threatening Maize Pollen Germination and Cytosolic Ca2+ Can Be Mitigated by Extracts of Emmer Wheatgrass Biofortified with Selenium

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    In this work, we studied the effects of in vitro oxidative stress applied by H2O2 to maize pollen germination and cytosolic Ca2+, taken as an experimental model to test the biological activity of extracts of emmer (Triticum turgidum L. spp. dicoccum (Schrank ex Shubler) Thell.) wheatgrass obtained from grains sprouted with distilled water, or salinity (50 mM) or selenium (45 mg L−1 of Na2SeO3). Wheatgrass extracts were obtained in two ways: by direct extraction in methanol, which represented the free phenolic fraction of extracts (Ef), and by residual content after alkaline digestion, which made it possible to obtain extracts with the bound fraction (Eb). Comparative tests on maize pollen were carried out by differently combining H2O2 and either wheatgrass extracts or pure phenolic acids (4-HO benzoic, caffeic, p-coumaric and salicylic). The cytosolic Ca2+ of maize pollen was influenced by either H2O2 or pure phenolic acids or Ef, but not by Eb. The negative effect of H2O2 on maize pollen germination and cytosolic Ca2+ was mitigated by Ef and, slightly, by Eb. The extent of the biological response of Ef depended on the sprouting conditions (i.e., distilled water, salinity or selenium). The extracts of Se-biofortified wheatgrass were the most effective in counteracting the oxidative stress

    Extracts of Emmer Wheatgrass Grown with Distilled Water, Salinity or Selenium Differently Affect Germination and Cytosolic Ca2+ of Maize Pollen

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    In this work, the biological activity of emmer (Triticum turgidum L. spp. dicoccum (Schrank ex Shubler) Thell.) wheatgrass extracts obtained from grains sprouted with distilled water, or salinity (50 mM) or selenium (45 mg L−1 of Na2SeO3), was tested through an experimental biological model based on the germination and cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis of maize pollen grains. The effects of thapsigargin (TG) and of four phenolic acids (PAs: ferulic, coumaric, salicylic and 3-HO benzoic) on maize pollen were also tested as controls. Wheatgrass extracts influenced both pollen cytosolic Ca2+ and germination. The Ca2+ agonist activity of emmer wheatgrass was transient, different from that of TG, which caused a depletion of the stored Ca2+ and a permanent alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis. The results obtained with extracts compared to those obtained with pure PAs suggest that PAs in unconjugated forms, which are known to be well represent in emmer wheatgrass, contribute to the biological activity of extracts. The extent of the biological response of emmer wheatgrass extracts was influenced by emmer sprouting conditions (i.e., distilled water, or salinity or selenium). Maize pollen treated with Se-enriched wheatgrass extracts showed a less perturbed cytosolic Ca2+ and a higher germination rate

    Persistence of the Effects of Se-Fertilization in Olive Trees over Time, Monitored with the Cytosolic Ca<sup>2+</sup> and with the Germination of Pollen

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    Selenium (Se) is an important micronutrient for living organisms, since it is involved in several physiological and metabolic processes. Biofortification with Se increases the nutritional and qualitative values of foods in Se-deficient regions and increases tolerance to oxidative stress in olive trees. Many studies have shown that Se, in addition to improving the qualitative and nutritional properties of EVO oil, also improves the plant’s response to abiotic stress. This study addressed this issue by monitoring the effects of Se on cytosolic Ca2+ and on the germination of olive pollen grains in oxidative stress. The olive trees subjected to treatment with Na-selenate in the field produced pollen with a Se content 6–8 times higher than the controls, even after 20 months from the treatment. Moreover, part of the micronutrient was organic in selenium methionine. The higher selenium content did not produce toxic effects in the pollen, rather it antagonized the undesirable effects of oxidative stress in the parameters under study. The persistence of the beneficial effects of selenium observed over time in pollens, in addition to bringing out an undisputed adaptability of olive trees to the micronutrient, suggested the opportunity to reduce the number of treatments in the field

    Effects of Selenium-Methionine against Heat Stress in Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Cytosolic and Germination of Olive Pollen Performance

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    Climate change (CC), which causes temperatures to rise steadily, is causing global warming. Rising temperatures can reduce plant yield and affect pollen characteristics. In particular, heat stress strongly influences pollen viability for its sensitivity to this extreme environmental condition. This work evaluated the effect of heat stress on olive pollen after in vitro incubation at different temperatures (20, 30, and 40 °C). Furthermore, the potential of selenium-methionine (Se-met) in mitigating the detrimental effects of heat stress on olive pollen was investigated. In particular, how thermal stress can affect pollen was evaluated by testing the effect of temperature on pollen germinability and morphology and cytosolic Ca2+ content. The results suggest that the heat stress at 40 °C caused a marked reduction in the germination rate, changes in the morphology of the external pollen wall, and a decreased response to Ca2+-agonist agents. On the contrary, in vitro treatment of pollen with Se-met improved the germination rate and Ca2+-cytosolic homeostasis under heat stress conditions and confirmed the protective role of this compound in containing the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) toxicity. Therefore, this study revealed that organic selenium could play a crucial role in promoting heat tolerance in olive tree pollen

    Recovery of sexual function after nerve-sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy: is cavernous nitric oxide level a prognostic index?

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    The preservation of NANC nerve fibers (producing nitric oxide, NO) is necessary for erection recovery after retropubic radical prostatectomy (RRP). Yet, it is impossible to establish when and if a patient will recover erections; therefore, we investigate the prognostic value of cavernous blood NO levels on this parameter. Nerve-sparing RRP was performed on 14 patients for localized prostate cancer. We evaluated all patients 3 months after surgery by IIEF score: no patients had erections. A cavernous blood sample was also taken to determine NO levels (as nitrite). Patients were evaluated again 18 months after surgery. In six cases, erectile function was compromised, whereas in seven cases, potency was restored. Statistical analysis showed a relationship between nitrite levels in cavernous blood 3 months after surgery and the recovery or erectile function at 18 months. We propose that cavernous NO blood levels are a prognostic index of erection recovery

    Cytosolic calcium levels in spermatozoa are modulated differently in healthy subjects and patients with varicocele

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    OBJECTIVE: To study parameters connected to fertility in the semen of patients with varicocele. DESIGN: We examine the ability of spermatozoa obtained from patients with varicocele to respond with an increase of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) to some stimuli that are connected with spermatozoa activation. SETTING: An academic research environment. PATIENT(S): Ten healthy volunteer donors and 10 patients affected by II or III grade left varicocele. INTERVENTION(S): Spermatozoa and prostasomes (vesicles of prostatic origin obtained from semen) were prepared according to standard procedures. Spermatozoa were stimulated with 1 microM P. The [Ca2+]i was evaluated with the FURA II method. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The level of [Ca2+]i. RESULT(S): In resting cells, the level of [Ca2+]i was 120 +/-15 nmol/L (10 determinations). This value increases by > or =100 nmol/L upon stimulation with P. No difference was observed between spermatozoa obtained from healthy donors or from patients with varicocele. S-nitrosocysteine, a nitric oxide donor, and the fusion between spermatozoa and prostasomes increased the effect of P on [Ca2+]i in control spermatozoa but not in spermatozoa obtained from patients with varicocele. CONCLUSION(S): Different responsiveness of varicocele patients' spermatozoa to S-nitrosocysteine and/or to fusion with prostasomes may be among the possible causes of reduced fertility